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MemberOvomorphJun-14-2012 5:33 PMAllright. Before i start. I want everyone to understand that it might be a bit hard for some (maybe a lot...) of you to exactly understand and interpret what i'm saying. I tend to ripple outwards with my theories/speculation/ideas.
Allright. here it goes;
So, thanks to Svanya's excellent observation ( or memory, depends on how you look at it ) , we've established that the Progenitor Xenomorph,Proto/Deacon, what have you... has been around already.
Well, we know that the black goo affects people differently, and that it may, or may not necessarily have one set purpose in terms of usage.
Which leads me to the final Engineer, and how the Progenitor was born through him.
I believe that the Engineers have a direct, exclusive relation with the Xenomorph.
Shaw<3Holloway = Trilobite
Trilobite+Engineer=Xenomorph? ...No.
Now you're thinking; "What? But that's ACTUALLY what happened"
Yes, and i'm saying that CLEARLY isn't the only route to the Xenomorph. It was merely a workaround. The Engineers are exclusive to the goo when it comes to the creation of the Xenomorph. Also, another thing you have to take note. The Xenomorph takes on characteristics of the body it was born from. Take the Dog Xenomorph from Alien 3.
Couple that, with the fact that the Xenomorph born from the Engineer looks just like the Deacon of the mural.
It’s clear that they have an exclusive connection. The eggs/facehuggers are more than likely a by-product of a series of events. They weren’t premeditated by the Engineers.
You gotta keep in mind, without the Engineer, there's no Xenomorph, in that equation.
Also, just a thing I’d like to add. The green gems, as we like to call them. Seem like some sort of fetal-stage Xenomorph in a suspended state. When I saw Shaw’s surgery scene, and watched as the Trilobite got extracted out of her, I thought “wait, this looks similar”. It had the same glowing hue as a fetus. Except a different colour, of course.
Plus, it was right by the mural, which supports this. That’s how I interpreted it. A handy Xenomorph fetus/egg for use. Right by the Xenomorph mural.
As soon as i saw the Engineer's suit, i noticed that it was more than a coincidence. And more than just a suit for Cryostasis.
Take a look at the chest area of the suit.
Now compare it to the outer chest structure of the Xenomorph (or center of mass, whatever you want to call it)
Sorry, couldn’t find a better shot, or closeup of the Xenomorph's body.
It has the same pattern, and overall structure as the Engineer’s suit.
Let the discussion begin.
35 Replies

MemberOvomorphSep-28-2012 1:48 PMCould be, as the xeno design is efficient. (not perfect...not by far, but very efficient)
But reverse engineered from what?
Were the xeno a weapon designed by others and they stole the tech then?
I like the implications...
(Space Jockeys, where are you...the Real You???)

MemberOvomorphSep-28-2012 1:54 PMI mean they reverse engineered the suits from the Giger designed alien and Space Jockey - pretty simple

MemberOvomorphSep-28-2012 2:03 PMAh, thought you were talking about plot possibilities.
That is clear, they are using a lot of Giger's original work (I saw many things inspired or plainly copyed from the Alien Artbook from Giger I bought over 15 years ago )
No mistery there...I am more intrigued by plot possibilities

MemberOvomorphOct-14-2012 1:16 AMPrenihility, though I find your hypothesis is clever I think you are missing one, extremely crucial, detail. Humans and Engineers have a one hundred percent genetic match. Inheritance is not some vague thing that affects only certain aspects of the organisms, it literally dictates how every cell in the body behaves. It simply is not possible for a body belonging to an Engineer to react differently than a body belonging to a human.

MemberOvomorphOct-15-2012 9:11 AMThe mural makes it seem that engineers too were using face huggers to achieve the xeno and/or deacon. Or is that supposed to depict sacrificial humans in the mural? If they're humans, then a hypothesis can be drawn that humans were seeded by engineers for the sole purpose of farming us to create xeno's. If this is the case, then they would have known that by first doing it with their own kind first. And since we are 100% genetic match with the Engineers, then they know exactly what they'll get by using us guinea pigs to create their weapons.
With that said, why would they create humans and not use their own race? Too technologically advanced to sacrifice their progress as a race? Are they a dying race? Unethical to use their own kind? And if humans are guinea pigs, why are they creating these xeno weapons? Who are they using them against?
If xeno's are being used to clean up their mess (destroy humans), what are they going to do with all the xenos? How are they going to control them?
I also believe there are different types of goo and the goo that is the xeno DNA, has been reverse engineered from the root parasite species that has not been seen in any of the films so far. The xeno and its life cycle, is just that, a parasite.
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