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Black Goo and Green Vials Explained

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N Diezl

MemberOvomorphJun-15-2012 2:13 PM
It is important to distinguish between the two substances as they have very different roles in the film. BLACK GOO: The black goo that was leaking out of the canisters and that surrounds the green vials is a reacting agent. It changes whatever it comes into contact with. Presumably, when a life form comes into contact with the black goo, the black goo accentuates whatever characteristics the life form already has. Kind of like a hallucinogenic drug experience, whatever you bring in with you is what you take out. Example 1: when the meal worms come into contact with the black goo, they change into super worms. Worms are simple creatures. They have no emotion, no intellect, they only perform simple life functions, ie, survive and reproduce. When the biologist and the geologist encounter the black goo super worms in the ampule room, the scene shows us how the worms' basic functions are still there, but they have evolved. Notice, the worm only gets dangerous after they start to struggle with it, ie, the worm is trying to protect itself. The black goo does not turn the worm into a proto xeno or anything in the evolutionary chain or cycle of the xeno morph, it just twists the worm into something beyond a mere, normal worm. Example 2: Fifield. Humans are much more complex than worms, but the theory holds true. When Fifield comes into contact with the black goo, the goo accentuates his human characteristics, ie, strength and aggressiveness. Again, the black goo doesn't turn Fifield into a xeno, or anything in the xeno chain or cycle, it just boosts his capacities. I will note that the black goo appears to accentuate the characteristics that we already know and love about the xenos. The black goo inspired worms show us that the worms developed acid blood, they have grown larger and are drawn to seek out the back of a human’s throat. Black goo inspired Fifield show us that the black goo turns him into a freakishly strong, mindless killing machine. The black goo pushes whatever life form it touches in this direction. SUBSTANCE IN GREEN VIALS: When David sneaks the canister back onboard the Prometheus, he removes the vials out of the canister (also note, black goo pours out all over the table, but David doesn’t give it a second glance). It’s the stuff in the vials that is of value. The vials are seemingly fragile and designed to break. I will contend that the substance in the green vials is the basic DNA of the xeno morph. We see this chain of effects play out when Holloway ingests the substance from the green vials (xeno DNA). It takes root in him, where he translates it to Shaw who gives birth to squid, yada yada. The substance in the green vials is dangerous, no doubt, but the complete bio weapon is the full canister, the green vials and the black goo surrounding it. It seems as if it were designed to be dropped on a planet, the green vials break open, mixing and releasing the xeno DNA. The xeno DNA then combines with the black goo surrounding it, accentuating the natural characteristics of the xeno DNA and creating a suoer xeno. It’s a similar concept to a nuclear bomb. You have the uranium core that by itself isn’t that dangerous. But when you surround the core with an explosive charge that detonates sequentially, it kicks the whole process up a few notches.
13 Replies


MemberOvomorphJun-15-2012 2:42 PM
Most people's ideas on this website are very farfetched and don't sit well with me. However, with that said, I think you are really on to something here. I don't know if this is just your idea or something you've stumbled upon from RS but I love it. Part of the greatness of this movie is the amount of thinking it makes you do, even if it turns out to be wrong, it strikes a different cord with everyone. Yours are the first thoughts shared that I have read that I really felt could be legit and I just wanted to actually post and share, because most posts I just read and go on without another thought. Bravo N Diezl

Inquisitor Tremayne

MemberOvomorphJun-15-2012 2:46 PM
i was hoping there would be a joke here!!! ;^)


MemberFacehuggerJun-15-2012 2:54 PM
I briefly asked myself when they changed the atmosphere and saw the black stuff running out of the urns - "how did it get out of the vials?" Your idea would answer that question... it didn't, they are two parts to a final mixture and the outer stuff is what is leaking. Much like epoxies where there is an A side and a B side and when they mix, the desired reaction takes place to produce the final intended result.

Alien DNA

MemberOvomorphJun-15-2012 3:03 PM
[IMG][/IMG] Jokes you say, hmmmm. Here you go.

Inquisitor Tremayne

MemberOvomorphJun-15-2012 3:05 PM
hahahahahahahahaha!!! thank you!!!


MemberOvomorphJun-15-2012 3:08 PM
You have come up with a BRILLIANT explanation that none of the writers considered. If they did, there would be no reason for the multi-stage evolutionary process (drop>squid>engineer>proto).. Seriously.. Nicely done. If what you said is true (and I think its an ACE concept) then the final scene would be a vial breaking into a puddle of black goo and the writhing creature growing painfully out of that mixture.

Alien DNA

MemberOvomorphJun-15-2012 3:13 PM
I was under the impression it was two different substances anyways, isn't that what was implied. If I'm remembering correctly didn't the tops to the urns start to melt into the black goo, so the ampules inside would be separate from that substance. Interesting question as to what would happen if the two were to be mixed as we only saw the effects of each separately.

N Diezl

MemberOvomorphJun-15-2012 3:35 PM
@ Flacnvinyl I don't think it's a matter of the final scene being the vial breaking into a puddle of black goo and the writhing creature growing painfully out of that mixture... It seems like the Engineer's intent of the bio-weapon canister was to use them as designed, as a self-contained unit. Who knows what was designed to grow out of that mixture. Where the Prometheus crew threw a monket wrench into the operation is when David poisoned Holloway with the green vial substance, who impregnated Shaw who gave birth to the squid that impregnated the Engineer who gave birth to the deacon. I contend that the Engineers designed the weapon to use on their terms. The Prometheus crews took the genie out of the box, so to speak. Thus, the deacon was a creation that the Engineers were aware of (note the mural) but they did not necessarily want to create. I wager the deacon is a proto-queen who is able to generate life on her own while the xenos in the canister were more than likely drones, unable to reproduce.


MemberOvomorphJun-20-2012 7:14 PM
I just have some problems with your theory... First, even though it makes perfect sense at first that the black goo enhances anything it comes into contact with and it mutates the worms it doesn't explain why the worms developed cobra like arms and mouth resembling a facehugger if they just came in contact with the black goo, which as you said doesn't have xenomorph DNA. Then you say that Holloway ingests the green liquid part of the phial but the drop on David's finger in clearly black, it could be the mix of green and black or black only but definitely not green. Third, not one of the combinations of the liquids results in DNA disintegrating as it shows with the engineer in the beginning. I am still trying to put things together put I just wanted to point out some things of your theory that I don't understand.


MemberOvomorphJul-27-2012 2:11 PM
Hi Sorry for my English . Look at this people: This is Fifield,in more mutated form,he looks like he is turned into alien maybe,Holloway was turning into the same creature and he have inside ''worm'' which gave Shaw,and Shaw was born trilobite,what if Holloway didn't give her a ''worm''?,in more mutated form(when he would look like more alien) maybe he was born this trilobite in egg? like true alien queen?.Again sorry for my English.


MemberOvomorphOct-15-2012 7:52 PM
You neglected the fact that worms dont have acidic blood, the black goo is a biogenetic parasitic virus. I explain how it works in a different conversation. The hallucinations and euphoric effects are not important. The virus is an adaptive lifing thing that adds to it's gene pool eliminating other species and creating multiple species as it works it's way through a given ecosystem. It is an evolutionary virus used to violently replace a planets inhabitants with a new seed species. Look up my other comments to see my thesis. The article can be found under the : what the heck was. That engineer hauling In the cargo hold. Thread.

Visionary Alpha

MemberOvomorphNov-03-2012 5:03 AM
They're both the same liquids, and I think the vases were set to react as they did as a security measure, to make sure it couldn't be used.

Indy John

MemberOvomorphNov-03-2012 10:24 AM
"..They're both the same liquids, and I think the vases were set to react as they did as a security measure, to make sure it couldn't be used.,," THis explains that the Engineers took precautions within the pyramid,,,with oozing liquid.the result. I still have a problem with no external security measures, The Engineers would seem pretty assume that nothing was needed on the moon's surface. I would be an intereting storyline for all of the moon to be lure..and/trap..for any civilization 'seeded' by the show that the civilizations had develop far enough to retrace the distances traveled in the movie openning scenes. Humans maybe the first of this of this era of seeded families.. to reach the moon.and with events of the movie..have signalled '(Elders.perhaps).... deal with it. David and Shaw..will now deal with the 'Elder/Engineers..
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