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Enlighten me, please...

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MemberOvomorphJun-19-2012 5:06 AM
I was disappointed with Prometheus on many levels, and I am quite sure that I won´t remember this movie as anything but a grand scale missed opportunity. It seems to me though, that a lot of the people, who liked this movie try to categorize the opposite opinion as lack of insight or abillity to make sense of the plot. So can someone please explain the plotholes to me, and more importantly; tell me how the understanding of these plotholes, makes this movie a masterpiece...
34 Replies


MemberOvomorphJun-19-2012 5:39 AM
Ask more precisely, i'll try to help with all i've read


MemberOvomorphJun-19-2012 5:48 AM
What plot holes are you referring to specifically? I'm not sure I would refer to this movie as a "masterpiece", but I did enjoy it quite a bit. I didn't see or wasn't aware of any plot holes at all. I think if you pay attention to what is said by the characters throughout the movie and understand the timeline, you shouldn't have any problem following the movie at all.


MemberOvomorphJun-19-2012 6:07 AM
Not aware of any plotholes? LoL who are you kidding?


MemberOvomorphJun-19-2012 6:16 AM
Please tell me what plot holes you speak of. Keep in mind a plot hole to me is not "they were dumb" or "they wouldn't have done this or that". A plot hole to me is a gap or inconsistency in the story line. Please jdog impress me with your acumen.


MemberOvomorphJun-19-2012 7:08 AM
I think I´ll let [url=]this guy[/url] pose the questions, because he actually gets around most of my questions about the plot, creative choices etc.

Hadley's Hope

MemberOvomorphJun-19-2012 7:21 AM
I would say that a few situations were thrown in that look odd, and that while some seem a bit unlikely, others seem downright crazy. The crazy ones are there to puzzle you, and I would say that there are then teasers for you to make up your mind as to what happened. It helps if you watch it more than once. I have written threads about how it's [url=]deliberately diverging[/url] in it's possible explanations, and also how [url=]the 'plot' grabs you[/url].


MemberOvomorphJun-19-2012 7:27 AM
maybe the OP means stuff that wasn't explained? 1. why did the engineers create us? 2. why did they leave a map to a weapons facility? 3. why did the engineer kill everyone when he woke up? 4. why did they want to destroy us with the black goo? 5. why haven't they been to earth in 2000 years? 6. why did no engineer come and check what was happening on this planet or to see if they carried out their mission?


MemberOvomorphJun-19-2012 7:38 AM
@fluke Yes, that´s what the OP (me) meant, thank you for clearing that up. @Hadley´s Hope I´ve seen movies that leave things unexplained and get away with it, and I have certainly seen movies that didn´t. In what way does deliberately diverging in possible explanations make Prometheus a good movie?

Hadley's Hope

MemberOvomorphJun-19-2012 8:33 AM
1. why did the engineers create us? Who says they did? 2. why did they leave a map to a weapons facility? They didn't. Holloway made a bad job of picking his destination. 3. why did the engineer kill everyone when he woke up? Multiple theories on that one. 4. why did they want to destroy us with the black goo? Again, an assumption. 5. why haven't they been to earth in 2000 years? There's a 7th century cave drawing from Hawaii shown in the briefing. 6. why did no engineer come and check what was happening on this planet or to see if they carried out their mission? See answers to 4 and 5.

Hadley's Hope

MemberOvomorphJun-19-2012 8:34 AM
[u]In what way does deliberately diverging in possible explanations make Prometheus a good movie?[/u] It's a mystery not a horror. Not everyone will like that. I disliked it on first viewing. Loved it 2nd time around, after the penny dropped.

David 1

MemberOvomorphJun-19-2012 8:43 AM
visualizer: Those aren't exactly plotholes per se. Actually there are very few [at least one that I remember of] plotholes in the movie. There are, however, a ton of oddities in the screenwriting that the acting transpired, but those are not plotholes, they are just odd character behaviours [and I can point some out]: - Janek leaves his station to hump Miss Vickers [never minding the well being of Fifield and Milburn] - No one was informed of the mission prior to accepting it [makes little sense] - No one knew each other [wich can only be explained if they were already in cryo when they were put aboard the ship, a la 2001] - Milburn, being a biologist didn't care for the dead aliens but wanted to befriend an alien snake the list goes on and on. But again I have to admit that these are not plotholes, but rather bad screenwriting.
[b]Ask nothing from no one. Demand nothing from no one. Expect nothing from no one.[/b]


MemberOvomorphJun-19-2012 9:15 AM
@hadleys 1.Who says they did? shaw does in the movie. Also the scene at the start alludes to this as this is what they do to create life. unless the movie lies to us and doesnt reveal that in the end 2.They didn't. Holloway made a bad job of picking his destination there is no evidence of this in the film. they state clearly only 1 system matches the map (lol) 4. again an assumption this was stated in the movie by david "to create you must first destroy" 5. There's a 7th century cave drawing from Hawaii shown in the briefing. ok why havnt they been to earth in 1200 years : p ? 6. see answers 4 & 5 doesnt answer the question . if they did go to the planet they left the engineer in hyper sleep buit for what reason? if they didnt visit why not?


MemberOvomorphJun-19-2012 9:41 AM
@David 1 You are absolutely right, I meant missing explanations and not plotholes, which I acknowledged in my reply to fluke : - )


MemberOvomorphJun-19-2012 9:52 AM
'' It helps if you watch it more than once''... watch it the second time on a sit n' spin and it may help !


MemberOvomorphJun-19-2012 9:54 AM
@Hadley´s Hope [quote]"It's a mystery not a horror. Not everyone will like that. I disliked it on first viewing. Loved it 2nd time around, after the penny dropped."[/quote] Hmm, the movie has tons of gore and horror, and its pace fits an action movie or adventure flick rather than a mystery. With all due respect, categorizing Prometheus as a mystery movie to justify missing explanations doesn´t make sense to me. Dont´t get me wrong, I am seriously trying to understand, how the multiple loose ends make you thinks its a good movie. To me, the number of missing explanations in itself, is what makes me feel like the writers choose to leave them open, simply because they didn´t have the answers themselves.


MemberOvomorphJun-19-2012 10:08 AM
hi visualizer - one of the writers stated that it was ridley scott who decided what to hold back from revealing in the story so they definitley do have the answers. he just chose not to give them in this movie. seems like a cheap ploy to make more movies about it but there you go.


MemberOvomorphJun-19-2012 10:12 AM
[i]Moving to "Prometheus Reviews (Disliked)"[/i] If the movie isn't mysterious and deep then why is it that I discovered more answers on my 2nd, 3rd, 4th & 5th viewing? Each viewing revealing more answers. If the movie wasn't mysterious and deep thenwhy do we have a movie fan-site trying to figure things out. How many movies have a fan-site such as this to try to help new-comers and veterans alike try to figure out what is going on in this 5-7 layer "onion". We're only scratching the surface here. Everything in this movie, like a short story, was put it there (or removed) for a purpose. This is a movie that makes you think. Alien had us thinking for 33 years. Why should Prometheus give it all up in 2 hours? I want to be discussing this movie and debating about stuff till the sequel hits. If I wanted something different, I would have seen The Avengers....Oh, I did....I forgot all about it.

David 1

MemberOvomorphJun-19-2012 10:14 AM
Visualizer: Glad I could help.
[b]Ask nothing from no one. Demand nothing from no one. Expect nothing from no one.[/b]


MemberOvomorphJun-19-2012 10:35 AM
@ rumoir control -If the movie isn't mysterious and deep then why is it that I discovered more answers on my 2nd, 3rd, 4th & 5th viewing? Each viewing revealing more answers. maybe your just not very good at watching movies?


MemberOvomorphJun-19-2012 11:07 AM
@Rumour Control People conversate in here for a number of reasons, one of them being their fascination of Ridley Scott and the Alien-universe. A lot of theories and thoughts have been posted in here prior to the release of the movie, so logically, we now discuss what the movie was like, if it lived up to our expectations etc. Concluding that Prometheus is a deep and mysterious movie, because people debate it, is probably a little far fetched. I am still here, because I am interested in hearing peoples opinions on this movie, and also because I still can´t wrap my head around the fact, that I found Prometheus so disappointing. @fluke Seems like a very cheap ploy to me, like saying: We don´t have to explain anything, we´ll just do a sequel.

Inquisitor Tremayne

MemberOvomorphJun-19-2012 11:16 AM
@visualizer - you're confused why everyone thinks this is amazing too; welcome to the party pal! be prepared though for a bevy of "what plot holes", "this script is intentionally stupid, because they're testing our intelligence", and so on! any movie that requires multiple viewing to get "what might be implied" is not a good movie! it isn't even leaving it open ended like say, "inception", which is a good movie. there are continuity errors with inception, but it is well done, well acted, has an understandable premise that doesn't require prescience to "get", etc... now - the reality! the characters are dumb. regardless of what you're being fed here from a story perspective - its depth - the speculation of the engineers and their purpose - black/green good, nothing can be done to overlook the stupidity of the characters and inconsistencies. yes, they are going to rail against you. those questions you have - cannot be answered - everything is inferred. they're all scientist - they do dumb things in 2093 - geologist mapping gets lost, biologist turns snake charmer, people smoking up in their space suits, people taking off their helmets in a new alien world, shaws heroic run with staples, there is no surgeon on this ship that can perform her abortion (yes people - that's what it is), no reason why Weyland is hiding - he's funding the mission "why hide", what purpose do shaw and holloway have after discovering the planet (zero), captain leaves people out to die while he knocks of a Vickers piece, immaculate conception not explained, and the list goes on! why didn't the engineer just take another ship? because then we couldn't have that tie-in with Jason and his hockey mask meeting cuddles??? stupid! don't try to understand the why's of the movie? try to understand why they didn't make it right and spread the word?


MemberOvomorphJun-19-2012 12:57 PM
@visualizer "It seems to me though, that a lot of the people, who liked this movie try to categorize the opposite opinion as lack of insight or abillity to make sense of the plot". I just laugh at them...

Hadley's Hope

MemberOvomorphJun-19-2012 3:12 PM
[u]1.Who says they did? shaw does in the movie. [/u] So? Shaw's not the most reliable source of anything. When she said that, she had ZERO evidence to base it on, and when she found a DNA match, does anybody say 'hmmm I wonder if THEY came from US rather than vice versa.' Y'know scientific scrutiny. Look at her fact checking. David says some vage stuff to her, and without asking him a second question like "what does that mean?" she goes off all chicken little to persuade Janek to kamikaze the juggernaut. [u]Also the scene at the start alludes to this as this is what they do to create life. unless the movie lies to us and doesnt reveal that in the end [/u] And that was Earth was it? Why? Because the bible starts with Genesis? Because there is a subtle psychological trick in Scene 2/3 to inluence us to link the previous scene? [u]2.They didn't. Holloway made a bad job of picking his destination there is no evidence of this in the film. they state clearly only 1 system matches the map (lol) [/u] What lol ... ? Do you even understand what happened in that scene? I fail to see what you're laughing about. One grouping of six stars matches. Yes, he got that bit right, then he went off the deep end. He eliminates all but the BEST match star before he looks for planets, and then looks for atmosphere. Whatever happened to checking anything where conditions were ADEQUATE, rather than ideal. Unless of course, you assume you're meeting god and his crib isn't around some crappy dwarf star. [u]4. again an assumption this was stated in the movie by david "to create you must first destroy" [/u] That's why I said "assumption" she assumed that means Armageddon. And what does that mean exactly? And do you notice that anytime David says something vague, or with double meaning, he is misleading someone? If he wanted to say 'they're going to kill everyone' he could have said it, provided it was true. He seems unable to tell a straight lie though. But these vague cryptic comments seem to be his loophole. [u]5. There's a 7th century cave drawing from Hawaii shown in the briefing. ok why havnt they been to earth in 1200 years : p ? [/u] Look at the spacing between cave drawings, it's not like the pop in every Friday on the way back from buying weed. [u]6. see answers 4 & 5 doesnt answer the question . if they did go to the planet they left the engineer in hyper sleep buit for what reason? if they didnt visit why not? [/u] Dude, you are seriously pulling out things that aren't there. What part of a visit in 680 CE means that the ship on LV 223 came here to do it, and not another one. Did you forget that there are other ships? And why is there a question. We don't know why they have such long intervals between visits. Why do you assume they must visit within 1200 years?

Hadley's Hope

MemberOvomorphJun-19-2012 3:15 PM
[u]Hmm, the movie has tons of gore and horror, and its pace fits an action movie or adventure flick rather than a mystery. [/u] I don't think the pacing fits an action movie at all. They keep stopping to have philosophical debates, and much of the horror is not very atmospheric. The c-section had a tense atmosphere, but most other parts not all that scary. [u]With all due respect, categorizing Prometheus as a mystery movie to justify missing explanations doesn´t make sense to me.[/u] I said it was a mystery, I didn't say it justifies all missing explanations. If there are answers to be found, then that's fine. If they just leave stuff hanging just to dick us around, then that's not fine.


MemberOvomorphJun-19-2012 3:52 PM
Of course they're leaving stuff hanging, just do dick us around. They're not going to nail down every possible interpretation/association to eliminate all but one possibility. We're not going to see some wizened Engineer go off on a five minute soliloquy of comprehensive historical exposition, either. You just can't get too specific with a sci-fi intersection of ETs and "creation." Ambiguity and mystery are actually a requirement, unless you want to end up making cheese.

Inquisitor Tremayne

MemberOvomorphJun-19-2012 3:56 PM
it is getting muddled here!!!


MemberOvomorphJun-20-2012 1:32 AM
@Hadley´s Hope "I don't think the pacing fits an action movie at all. They keep stopping to have philosophical debates, and much of the horror is not very atmospheric. The c-section had a tense atmosphere, but most other parts not all that scary." Making breaks to converse about creation doesn´t make this movie less action paced. Lots of action movies occasionally break up the action events with conversation. Furthermore, describing the characters random dialogues on creation as philosophical debates is probably pushing it. I don´t really recall any long and profound, philosophic dialogue. And just because you don´t find the horror scenes atmospheric or scary, doesn´t make them qualify less as horror.


MemberOvomorphJun-20-2012 1:35 AM
@Hadley´s Hope "I said it was a mystery, I didn't say it justifies all missing explanations. If there are answers to be found, then that's fine. If they just leave stuff hanging just to dick us around, then that's not fine." Let´s refresh our dialogue: I asked: In what way does deliberately diverging in possible explanations make Prometheus a good movie? You answered: It's a mystery not a horror. Not everyone will like that. I disliked it on first viewing. Loved it 2nd time around, after the penny dropped. So, you must think that categorizing it as mystery justifies diverging in possible explanations, right? Otherwise your answer to my question doesn´t make much sense. And isn´t diverging in possible explanations and not explaining things basically the same?


MemberOvomorphJun-20-2012 2:13 AM
hadleys, sorry but if the plot of the movie is they got the wrong star system i will have no choice but to give it 0/10. Come on you think shaw will meet some engineers and they will say " ahhh you took a left past alpha centauri should have been right ! your not the first to make that mistake darn i told george to make that map clearer" that would be the worst plot ever.

Hadley's Hope

MemberOvomorphJun-20-2012 2:33 AM
There are quite a few movies based on taking wrong turns. And no the Engineers will not shrug and say "get a better SatNav" they'll say "WTF are you doing here? When we want to see you we'll visit or send big grey Igor to fetch you". Visualizer... when I write the word "all" in a sentence, it is there deliberately. It's fine leaving some things up to our imagination, if the point of the film is to have the audience think about the possible meanings in terms of solving the mystery. It's not fine just to dick us about by leaving important things unexplained just because they couldn't be bothered coming up with anything.
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