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MemberOvomorphJun-21-2012 12:22 AMNot sure if anyone else is starting to amass a Prometheus collection yet but I figured I'd throw up a few pics to see what you guys think. Some of the stuff is still in the mail on it's way to me and I haven't included pics of my 2 copies of the Art of the Film book and the numerous magazines containing Prometheus articles.
First up is a wall that is still a work in progress. From left to right is the "Special Order 937" Alien print from New Flesh Prints, the 12:01 poster and finally the Prometheus 4x6 foot IMAX&Bus Shelter poster version 2. I really like the way the "937" print and the 12:01 poster compliment each other. The "937" print having a close up of Ripley in the upper left hand corner and the 12:01 poster with the Engineer monument in the same place as Ripley. The reason I say the wall is a work in progress is because I have the UK quad poster in the pic below on it's way to me. Already have a frame for it so when it gets here I'll rearange the 3 posters on the left side.
This is one of my favorites at the moment. My 27x40 original 3D Lenticular Theatrical Poster which is very rare. With it in one of the pics is the much smaller WonderCon 3D Lenticular Poster. The big, 27x40 one needs a lightbox in order to view it correctly and it looks AMAZING in one. I'll be buying one soon. The smaller version needs no lightbox. Both look pretty good with the flash on them.
Here's a pic of the big one in a lightbox. You really can't see how awesome it is in pics.
These are pretty cool. It's an official promotional shirt along with 2 postcards that were sent out by Fox to media people in Tiawan. They're still in the mail on their way to me.
One of my 2 Prometheus 12:01 shirts. My cat actually clawed holes in one so I'm very glad I have 2!
The rest of my stuff I'll just show. I'll throw in some pics of non-Alien/Prometheus stuff as well.
Just some of my stuff. Anyone else have a geeky collection?
31 Replies

MemberOvomorphJun-21-2012 12:29 AMI also have the original advance ds Prometheus one sheet that has the Engineer monument more hidden in shadow.

Co-AdminMemberOvomorphJun-21-2012 12:47 AMwow Eng, that's an impressive collection! thanks for sharing! I love the Alien Art (lythograph?) in the frame and the 27x40 original 3D Lenticular Theatrical Poster, nice!
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MemberOvomorphJun-21-2012 1:00 AM@Freeze!...Thanks! It'll get me. I've already pre-ordered the first 2 NECA figures that've been shown. I'll get the rest as well. I'll probably buy pretty much anything to do with the film. Well, maybe not [i]anything[/i]. Definitely getting whatever Hot Toys puts out. That;s a must.
The "Special Order 937" print looks a lot better in person as well. It's a silver metallic & green tinted gray screenprint by NE. Limited to 75. Sold out pretty quickly. They had a variant that was a different color and limited to 25 that I wanted but I couldn't score one. Oh well.

MemberOvomorphJun-21-2012 2:04 AMWOW, amazing T-shirt of PROMETHEUS, and also the space jockey looks awesome.......^^

MemberOvomorphJun-21-2012 2:49 AMGreat looking collection! Can you post the link where you pre-ordered the 2 NECA figures?

MemberOvomorphJun-21-2012 4:04 AMGreat collection, I love the Alien in the landing gear figure. I've got all the Alien books, graphic novels and all the so far released figures from McFarlane Toys, Neca and Hot Toys but they're all in a cupboard as my wife hates them and thinks that they're horrible looking things haha.
By the way, where did you get the fantastic Blade Runner figures?

MemberOvomorphJun-21-2012 5:18 AMI love your Space Jockey and Rick Deckard is amazing, thank you for showing us your collection :)

MemberOvomorphJun-21-2012 9:10 AMThanks everyone.
@Antony...Ordred mine on ebay. There was a seller who was selling a case of them and I actually thought about buying it just in case there are any variants or anything but I decided to wait to find out if there will be any. There are a bunch of reputable NECA dealers on ebay that you can pre-order the figures through. You just have to beware as a lot of them are charging totally stupid prices because there are people who don't pay attention and will pay 4 times what a figure is going to cost because they get excited when they see it.
@GI_2012...I bought them on ebay as well. The 2 1/6 figures are from 2 different companys and are actually pretty old. Imports from Japan I believe. As they didn't have the rights to make the figures they actually aren't called "Blade Runner" figures. The Deckard figure is actually called "Android Hunter" and the Batty is called "Android 001."
The small 3 3/4 figure is a custom made by Geek Summit. It's made from a few different figures. An Indy body and a trench from some other figure. The gun is pretty sweet on it. The backer card is also obviously custom and the "bubble" is actually removable so you can take the figure out if you want. Pretty sweet.
The rest of the Blade Runner stuff is from the Ultimate Collection.

MemberOvomorphJun-21-2012 11:19 AMKeep an eye on NECA toys for some Prometheus releases later this year. I have seen some images of the Enginner (like one in stasis) and a pilot in full xo gear. Awsome looking and dead on perfect. Plan on having each once released.
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MemberOvomorphJun-21-2012 4:14 PM@dopelganger...Like Antony and I talked about above I've already pre-orderd the 2 NECA figures that have been revealed and my eyes are peeled for any Sideshow or Hot Toys announcment of when the Hot Toys figures come up for pre-order. Those will be the really beautiful figures and will be pretty hard to get if you don't get them early.

MemberOvomorphJun-22-2012 1:14 PMGot the UK quad in and framed, hung it today.
The composition is bugging me though. Not of the quad but the way I have them hung. Gotta figure out something else to do with them. It would be nice if there were some kind of horizontal banner or something I could put below the alien print and 12:01 poster to kind of even things out.

MemberOvomorphJun-23-2012 10:49 AMOrdered a couple new items.
This is a poster/print I bought on ebay for a very reasonable price. It's supposed to be printed on proper thick stock. I odered the Prometheus as well as one from Aliens and THX 1138 so I hope they are real nice.
Also got this really cool Prometheus 6 sheet from India. It's HUGE. Almost 4x10 feet! Not sure where I'm going to display it if I display it at all. I REALLY wish it wasn't shipped folded.

MemberOvomorphJun-23-2012 11:02 AMI absoloutely adore your collection! all i have at the moment is a standard film poster- but i can't wait to buy the NECA figures in the future! fingers crossed they make a david.....

MemberOvomorphJun-23-2012 12:08 PMThanks! I adore it too lol.
I'm sure we'll get a David figure. If not from NECA then from Hot Toys or Sideshow. I hope anyway.
What I really, reaLLY, REALLY want is a 1/6 Pressure Suit Engineer with a 1/6 Pilot seat. That would be my holy grail of collectables. I think it may very well be a possability. Hot Toys made a 1/6th Batmobile to go along with the Dark Knight Bale figure. The thing is like 24 inches long or something like that. It costs like $450 or something. I'm really not sure if Hot Toys would do this for the pilot seat as they wouldn't sell nearly as many as a batmobile but I can still hope.
The Alien Space Jockey statue I have from Palisades is almost 1/6th scale. It's not quite that big. It's probably on scale with NECA figures though. It;s one of my favorite pieces.

MemberOvomorphJun-23-2012 2:21 PMThis is an awesome collection! I can't wait for the figures to be released. I know I'll be spending loads of $$$ on Prometheus merch. I'm currently trying to get the 6 sheet Indian poster. It's going to be pretty expensive since shipping alone is $20. But totally worth it.

MemberOvomorphJun-23-2012 3:15 PMThanks!
Yeah can't wait 'til my 6 sheet gets here. Now if I could just get the damn Malaysian poster!!!

MemberOvomorphJun-23-2012 3:16 PM@Engineering
Nice collection!
I don't recognize the Xeno in chains diorama. Is that your own creation? If not, who produced that?

MemberOvomorphJun-24-2012 12:39 AMIs the Malaysian poster the one that has Shaw, Vickers, and I think David climbing up something, with the ship exploding in the background? If that's the one I'm thinking of then I really want to get it too! If you happen to find it on eBay, or anywhere else that's selling more than one, feel free to share the link, haha.

MemberOvomorphJun-24-2012 6:08 AM@RSAND...I wish I could make dioramas like that! No, it's from Sideshow. Limited to like 1500 but you can find them on ebay for like $180 as long as you're patient and don't buy one of the expensive ones. Most people ask like $300 for them but if you see one with a low starting bid you can get them a lot cheaper. Of course, this was before Prometheus brought a lot of attention to Alien collectables.
@laurenisdem...YES! That's EXACTLY the poster I'm looking for and trust me my eyes are peeled open like Alex in A Clockwork Orange for the damn thing. I will definitely share any info of the sort with anyone who is interested.

MemberOvomorphJun-26-2012 1:58 PMDouble post

MemberOvomorphJun-26-2012 2:07 PMOMG!!! I had not seen before the spider head of The Thing...thankyou for updating the images :)

MemberOvomorphJun-26-2012 2:28 PM@Shambhala...You like that? I'll post some pics of my other stuff from The Thing. I have all the Mcfarlane figures as well as the diorama of the huskey cage with Mac the Thing and a few huskies in various states of distress. It's pretty cool. I have quite a lot of stuff some displayed and some not. My collection was MUCH larger but I had some medical issues a while back and had to sell a lot of stuff.

MemberOvomorphJun-26-2012 2:36 PM@Engineering wow!!! That's awesome man, and it would nice to see the rest of your collection...btw, I hope your health is better best wishes to you my friend ;)
PD: Yeah, I love everything about The Thing :p

MemberOvomorphJun-26-2012 1:58 PMMy photobucket hit the skids and I'm not paying for an upgrade. Here's my pics again with a few extras...
Top left=Prometheus Advanced UK Quad Version2
Bottom Left=Alien "Special Order 937" Print by Artist NE from New Flesh Prints
Bottom Right=IMAX 12:01 poster
Right=Vinyl 4x6 foot Prometheus IMAX/Bus Shelter Poster[/b]
[b]Prometheus 27x40" 3D Lenticular Theatrical One Sheet with smaller WonderCon Exclusive 3D Lenticular Poster...[/b]
[b]Wondercon Exclusive Weyland Business Card & Chestburster...[/b]
[b]Lenticular one sheet in lightbox...[/b]
[b]Prometheus banner from India aproximately 4x10 feet...[/b]
[b]11x17" Fan Art print...[/b]
Promo shirt and postcards given to members of the Tiawan media...[/b]
[b]12:01 giveaway shirt...[/b]
[b]Now just varios collection stuff...[/b]

MemberOvomorphJun-27-2012 6:45 AMThe soon to be crown jewel of my Prometheus collection! A LIFESIZE 1:1 replica Engineer Helmet!
The one I'm getting will be the weathered version like the one of the decapitated Engineer. It will be professionally painted and all!
Can't waaaaaaiiiiiiit!

MemberOvomorphJun-28-2012 6:36 PMNew addition to the Alien collection and while it is pretty bada$$ it still doesn't compare to the Engineer helmet I posted above.
This is a theatre promotional statue for AvP obviously. Very, very big piece...
(Not me in the pic by the way as you can tell if you've seen my profile page)

MemberOvomorphJun-29-2012 4:00 AMWhoo. This is a very impressive collection. Congratulations. The Alien "Special Order 937" print is my favourite. Oh, and the Engineer head, that is awsome.

MemberOvomorphJul-02-2012 4:04 PMThanks, metalos!
The shirt arrived today and had a surprise double sided handbill with it. The postcards are neat as well.

MemberOvomorphJul-02-2012 5:33 PMCorrection...the shirt, postcards and handbill are from Thailand not Tiawan.

MemberOvomorphJul-08-2012 9:02 PMAnoter addition to the collection...
An awesome print called "Parasite" by Tristan Jones. May just be my favorite Alien poster ever!
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