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Nuck Chorris
MemberOvomorphJun-22-2012 3:46 PMTo me its
As that is what its all about - nobody knows it all, or even enough to KNOW what is really going on, so we have to CHOOSE what we want to believe...
hopefully we choose depending on plausibilty - but as human beeings are so damn to emotions and fear, mostly emotions dictate what to choose...
The funny thing about that is - most people CONFOUND what they choose to belive with truth.
Thats a big and interesting message, but prometheus could make this much more clearer, i think they did not want to annoy religious people - hopefully they are more unfearful in the sequel!
42 Replies

MemberOvomorphJun-22-2012 3:58 PM"Can you imagine how disappointing it would be for you to hear the same thing from your creator?"

MemberTrilobiteJun-22-2012 4:00 PM"Because we could"
...Something tells me Shaw will get the same answer in Paradise

MemberOvomorphJun-22-2012 4:07 PMWhatever David said to the engineer.
That was the only scene where I held my breath, even though I knew what was coming because of a thread posted here, I think we all know the one I'm talking about, and I shouldn't have looked into it...
oh well
You don\\\'t see them fucking each other over for a goddamn percentage!

AdminEngineerJun-22-2012 4:13 PMI think the sentence David repeats 3 or 4 times in the beginning, where he says:
"The trick mr. Potter, is not minding it hurts"
I dunno - going by film, when they repeat a line like that multiple times and focus on it - generally means it's important.
Hyped for: Alien: Romulus | Badlands (Predator 6) | Cloverfield 4

Hadley's Hope
MemberOvomorphJun-22-2012 4:15 PMYes, I think a central theme is about whether people question things, or simply choose to believe what is most pleasing or comforting.
The whole film turns on it. Right from scene 1.
Is that primordial Earth, or just some other planet.. there's no evidence one way or another. But it can change your entire perspective on the film.

MemberOvomorphJun-22-2012 4:33 PM@ Chris
MF was great, he really nailed the android-thingy in practically every scene.
When the head explodes he doesn't even flinch.
But why wasn't the whole 'the trick is not minding it hurts' explained or at least touched upon in the movie?
My best line is pretty lame as well, I couldn't think of anything better.
You don\\\'t see them fucking each other over for a goddamn percentage!

MemberOvomorphJun-22-2012 4:44 PMThere's nothing in the desert, and no man needs nothing.
You don\\\'t see them fucking each other over for a goddamn percentage!

David 1
MemberOvomorphJun-22-2012 4:55 PM"Can you imagine how disappointing it would be for you to hear the same thing from your creator?"
that reply sums up the entire movie [as for their hopes on finding a reason for humanity's creation, or [i]raison d'étre[/i]]
[b]Ask nothing from no one. Demand nothing from no one. Expect nothing from no one.[/b]

AdminPraetorianJun-22-2012 5:26 PM"The trick Mr.Potter, is not minding it hurts."
That to me that line is the essence of the movie, i.e; You have to keep pushing no matter how hard things get. This is especially true for Shaw and the trials she undergoes.

MemberOvomorphJun-22-2012 5:29 PM"no f**king way are we taking our space helmets off, you can die on your own"
Oh damn no that was a dream I had were all the film made sense not just parts : ( ...

MemberOvomorphJun-22-2012 6:02 PM"Can you imagine how disappointing it would be for you to hear the same thing from your creator?"
just perfection.
oh wait, that wasn't an actual line from the film?
it should've been.

MemberOvomorphJun-22-2012 6:16 PM
These two little words cost lives AND jeopardized the mission

MemberOvomorphJun-22-2012 6:24 PMOne of the key spoken scene in PROMETHEUS was Shaw talking to David of visiting to the Engineer's home world.
"I don't want to go back where I came from, I want to go where they came from!"
It's kind of make you think that Shaw still want to find out the explanation of wiping out the entire human race from the "creator" or mankind. even tough the things that didn't went well in PROMETHEUS

MemberOvomorphJun-22-2012 6:31 PMone line is just too tricky, the most important one would be
"doesn´t every child want their parents dead" it just gave me shivers when david said it , since i reckon its in everything that is created to want to break free from where it was created.
otherwise most def " the trick is not minding it hurts"
"because we could" and what david said to the engineer......
not too forget all stupid lines milburn said to mr hammerpede

MemberOvomorphJun-22-2012 6:47 PMI think I agree with: "I don't - that is what I choose to believe".
I think it central and, by far, the most important: but for all the wrong reasons.

MemberOvomorphJun-22-2012 7:01 PMThe best line. Its Christmas and I want to open my presents. I always need to friggen open my presents the minute I wake up on Christmas. That or "Take us home!" Because I don't like to go shopping with my parents. And they need to realize its a matter of life and death.

MemberOvomorphJun-22-2012 7:10 PMI wasn't going to say "The trick mr. Potter, is not minding it hurts", 1 because it's from another movie, and two because i wasn't sure it was the most important...
I think it's kinda the morrow of the story
I think it's a commentary on how to deal with your creator.
For Both David, and Us our relationship with our creator is a painful thing, the Existential angst of knowing there is nothing can be crippling.
The trick to carrying on with life isn't to ignore that truth, but just to not mind the pain it brings you.
There's also a weird implication in the fact that david doesn't want to be free, but wants weyland to die. He's disregarded the pain of his current situation to an extreme, yet still feels for the solution to that situation... if it can be called feeling

MemberOvomorphJun-22-2012 7:16 PMthe writers would have us say: "It's what I choose to believe", which could be Mankind's most inspirational or dangerous words. A lot of good happens out of faith, but not so good things happen in this movie because of blind faith.
I like the TE Lawrence fire quote as well, and the way Pierce repeats it in the TED speech, and "try harder"..they both encapsulate the Weyland character and ethos. Without them, man would never achieve greatness. With greatness, comes responsibility and respecting the power this knowledge gives you. Without it, you end up like Weyland, bludgeoned by your own android's head ;)

MemberOvomorphJun-22-2012 8:54 PM@ Jelbright While cheesy and catchphrasy, I think you are correct.

MemberOvomorphJun-22-2012 9:25 PMSSSSLSLLLLLLLLLEEEEEEEEEWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWW. Baby Deacon made the movie... hands down people... the humans... they just got in the way.

MemberOvomorphJun-22-2012 9:51 PMTrying to think of a good one that hasn't been said.....
"A king has his reign, and then he dies. It's inevitable."
For those thinking: [url=][/url]
I also love:
[b]Peter Weyland:[/b] There's nothing to learn.
[b]David:[/b] I understand, Mr. Weyland. Have a safe journey.
I had no clue what it was Weyland said before dying. Now I do.

MemberOvomorphJun-22-2012 10:54 PMThe film makes reference to living forever at least nine times. At some point this theme will merge with the religious tones. I haven't yet figured out how.
I believe the makers of Prometheus thought "A king has his reign..." was the most impactful line. They opened the very first trailer with that quote.
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