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The Green thing in Xenomorph

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MemberOvomorphJul-08-2012 11:38 PM
So i got a problem whit this thing i dont know wt it is its the thing green infront of xenomorph mural like a ancient clock or wtf! [img][/img]
32 Replies


MemberOvomorphJul-08-2012 11:52 PM
i thought it might have been like a tomb/vessel for the xenomorph on the mural... mainly because holloway says "it's just another tomb" plus i kinda got that vibe. the room was like a temple soooo...


AdminPraetorianJul-09-2012 1:24 AM
Yeah, it is so random and weird I know. Also, have you noticed they changed what it originally was in the trailer? In the trailers Holloway shines his flashlight onto the same type ceremonial bowl we see at the opening of the movie which the engineer drinks from, but in the movie it's replaced with a green crystal. I posted about it here: [url=]Strange post-production edits; SJ Sacrificial cups changed to giant green crystals.[/url] Here are the images: [IMG][/IMG] [IMG][/IMG]


MemberOvomorphJul-09-2012 4:07 AM
I was wondering the same thing. Maybe it contains the same liquid as the vials. But they made it transparent as a way to display their creation. If they would call it that.


MemberOvomorphJul-09-2012 5:01 AM
i wonder, if the bluray has the longer version of the movie, they would also reuse the bowl instead of gem. seemed more relevant


MemberOvomorphJul-09-2012 5:22 AM
Do any of you's know exactly what charlie says during this scene??? All I could make out was "This isn't the only tomb..." Am I correct??? or was it something else???


MemberOvomorphJul-09-2012 5:29 AM
Made from the same stuff as the vials perhaps? [img][/img] Maybe it has something trapped in it? For a reason?


MemberOvomorphJul-09-2012 6:23 AM
Yes I remember that old post - another mystery :P could even be a projection type thingy...or control panel to get in past the door.

David 1

MemberOvomorphJul-09-2012 8:15 AM
it could be a huge Engineer snot booger... and I'm inclined to believe it actually is [with compliments from Lindelof]
[b]Ask nothing from no one. Demand nothing from no one. Expect nothing from no one.[/b]


MemberOvomorphJul-09-2012 8:23 AM
@Paddy101: Almost. What he said was something like "It's just another tomb" or "this is just another tomb".
The most terrifying fact about the universe is not that it is hostile but that it is indifferent


MemberOvomorphJul-09-2012 10:36 AM
I think there could be another tomb or room behind it. I can tell you that in the new book The Art of Prometheus, there are a few pages dedicated to the mural/design and they mention that in preproduction the design was stuck in there to pay homage to Giger and his Alien contributions and work over the years with the Alien franchise. That is not to say there could be another meaning for this and its location happening to be in a room of vials full of some really bad shit.
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MemberOvomorphJul-09-2012 1:41 PM
I read on Wikipedia that this is an altar showing a crucifixion. I thought that lent credence to the Jesses being an Engineer and it was an altar to him. Or his tomb. "this is just another tomb". Perhaps the green container is a alien urn with the remains of the last Engineer emissary to Humans. Since we crucified him the Engineers decided to destroy mankind with the weapon in the same area as that engineers tomb which was the reason.


MemberTrilobiteJul-09-2012 1:52 PM
yeah Davy boy I agree, I read on wiki it was solidified Engineer snot that held the secrets to the universe inside its magnificent green structure, just like what David found earlier on.

Indy John

MemberOvomorphJul-09-2012 1:55 PM
My bet is that the liquid is a sort of poison be used/drank absorbed by the Engineers.when this home/shrine is violated.. Unleash a destruction so vast that the moon could be a sign for others to see and be warned,,
Be choicelessly aware as you move through life

Nuck Chorris

MemberOvomorphJul-09-2012 2:06 PM
Maybe in the green cristal is just some little alien fossiliezed.. like in jurassic park, maybe in prometheus2 weyland will do some "alien park for the whole family"? I could imagine, if disney sells rights on prometheus.. haha. and michael bay as director... then some transformers appear and transform the whole epic movie to a big hamburger with mayonnaise as blood, and in the last scene, there you have the first 4D-movie - all the audience is jizzed by mayonnaise - the end.

Indy John

MemberOvomorphJul-10-2012 8:15 AM
It is Chrystal for reason.. Light is meant to show/attract attention..something special... As if there has not been enough 'special' events already..
Be choicelessly aware as you move through life


MemberOvomorphJul-10-2012 8:59 AM
Sir! Read this, called "WHAT ARE THE MURALS?" Good explanation: [url=]HERE[/url]


MemberOvomorphJul-10-2012 9:14 AM
What about the GREEN thing/sac, laying next to "The Deacon" when it "BIrthed?", That's what i thought you meant when I read the title of your post. I don't know about any of you maybe some of you can let me know how you felt but I imagine a lot of the HATERS of the film felt the same why I did about that ending, "What the heck was that green thing?". I mean I was happy Ridley did that, and the whole time SHAW was saying goodbye at the end I was PRAYING we would actually see a XENOMORPH {I kept telling myself "don't let it end this way, please don't let it end this way"} and then the birth happened and I was overjoyed but could not help feeling that Ridley added that in after the film was finished after thinking about things. It seemed out of place physically and set wise a bit like it was edited in at the last second and a bit out of place from maybe being filmed at a different location and framed differently and that it did not really match any of the art or background from the rest of the film although it seemed to try, was it just me, am I the only person that noticed this?


MemberOvomorphSep-01-2012 3:53 AM
Maybe it is a Xeno embryo taken from its mother womb and got preserved due to the temperature of the temple, until the intruders opened the Pandora's box of course.
"... and the sea will grant each man new hope, as sleep brings dreams of home." Christopher Columbus.


MemberXenomorphSep-01-2012 5:46 AM
I always thought (after hearing about sacrifiacial cup in place of stone from trailler) that the ampule room is a place where the engineers sacrificed themselves after drinking the stuff that turns them into a virus (as at the start of the movie) . Where is the resulting brokendown engineer DNA fluid collected ? I don't know . I speculated that the head had a chair on the inside where the engineer sat as the engineer was broken down to liquid engineer DNA virus. It runs from there to be collected in a reservoir. The ampules are then brought to the head where it is filled to form the black slimy substance we find in/around the sachets surrounding the vials. Before this the vials are filled with the xenomorph DNA from the green tap infront of the Xenomorph mural. The xenomorph being bound by the hands are an image of the xenomorph being tamed/controlled as now being available in xenomorph dna rather than eggs (as to prevent sj accident in alien from eggs). As the ampule room is rigged for preservation and not triggering the ampules due to a lack of (or changes in) oxygen/air pressure/humidity it is safe to expose the different substances without becoming active and can therefore be safely handled. Once the ampules are triggered the vials break down chemically (or by force is broken) and the engineer DNA mutating virus substance mixes with xenomorh DNA and anything ingesting /absorbing this will become super agressive strong fast instinctive version of itself plus the addition of engineer DNA. Maybe the xenomorph DNA is just something that makes humans become a xenomorph. So what is the point of saying all this ? To the OP: I believe the green stone is a tap containing the clear fluid and xonomorph DNA found by David in the ampule. This is why I believe the engineers ran to the ampule room to get an atmosphere where the virus would stop working and/or spreading. Once the ampules are filled they are sealed and taken to the cargo hold of the juggernaut and this is where the infection occured. Why go to hypersleep knowing infection ? If not how were they infected without knowing ? Water feed system in the pipes feeding the engineers got some goo into it ? Then why was remaining engineer not also infected (the one found by David) ? Then were they infected by xonomorph or engineer ? See where I am going with this? I will go insane if. I continue like this .


MemberOvomorphSep-01-2012 8:55 AM
@oduodu [quote]This is why I believe the engineers ran to the ampule room to get an atmospere where the virus would stop working and/or spreading. Once the ampules are filled they are sealed and taken to the cargo hold of the juggernaut.[/quote] I think that the playback was enlightening, the alien space crew was running from the last one who was decapitated. They were unlucky and his contaminated head made it to the temple room. In the playback scene one of them is shown looking back to see if the last one (who was decapitated) was still behind them. Or maybe they were haunted by a Xeno, who tackled the last one an made it to the temple room and killed all the others. Who knows?
"... and the sea will grant each man new hope, as sleep brings dreams of home." Christopher Columbus.


MemberXenomorphSep-01-2012 9:54 AM
Geopap I have decided to be very careful of responding to posts that themselves are responses to my posts. I do not respond anymore out of respect rather than trying to continue to argue a point. I respect your point. I am trying to wrap my head around what happened to the engineers. In doing so I sometimes come up with theories that unknowingly. Has lready been expressed an then people probably think I have stolen them from somebody else. So what I have decided to do is just read everything and adapt my theories as best I can. Much of what I said I got from other people's posts. AH oduodu you thievin little bastard !!! Stealin other people's theories. I have just realised nobody will believe you anyway if you say you came up with a theory by yourself. So I mix my own theories with what other people suggested until I have a theory seems to fit the most based on what I know or see. I then wait for other people to test my hypothesis. I am afraid to get into fights anymore. So geopap this is the best I can come up with for now. I like theorising and reading other peoples theories. It helps you see holes in your own theories. So I guess it swings both ways. What just makes me angry is that nobody seems to address the issue regarding the fact that the substance the sacrificial engineer drinks breaks you down and this becomes a virus. If the decapitated engineer got this on his head why didn't he break down like sacrificial engineer did ? Why would 2 drops on his forehead cause him to explode and not break down as with the sacrificial engineer that drank a whole cup ? That is what irritates me.


MemberXenomorphSep-01-2012 12:34 PM
Geopap SoRry for changing my post as you quoted from it. Not trying to be nasty !!!!


MemberDeaconSep-02-2012 7:18 AM
Whats interesting is that they originally had it as the same type of ceremonial sacrificial bowl the Sacrificial Engineer had drank from. With a Xeno Mural in a Sacrificial pose behind it, akin to Christs Sacrifice on the Cross. I do find it very interesting in the things they cut out and changed, as opposed to what they kept, it seems whats been changed or cut holds more clues. Also yes they state that there is another tomb at the back, that they never go to. Maybe just maybe this could tie in with my theory, that behind that Mural is another area where they actually Sacrifice Xenos to make the Goo that goes inside the Urn and thus the Tomb behind the Mural is like part of the factory process in re weaponizing the Xeno Organism.

R.I.P Sox  01/01/2006 - 11/10/2017


MemberOvomorphSep-02-2012 4:41 AM
face hugger dna if the mural has face huggers on it. so what if it got facehugger dna in side of it
1 and 2 had a race 1 1 1 and 2 11 2. gigity


MemberDeaconSep-02-2012 7:32 AM
@oduodu Yes your theory is kinda similar to mine.... in that this temple is where DNA from the Xeno is extracted into the Urns. I am not sure that the engineers are Sacrificed though. As you said in another reply if the Engineers on LV 223 was infected with the same substance that the Sacrificial Engineer had taken then why did he not disintegrate and break down? Also if they are the same substance then if it is hinted that the Sacrificial Engineers broken down DNA/Substance is what mutated/evolved or kicked started life on Earth and Mankind which is why our DNA matches theirs. Then why does mankind have no Xeno traits or DNA? I think the Sacrificial Bowl that was originally in front of the Mural and the Xeno Pose like Sacrificial Christ and the connection of the Bowl to the Engineer and his Sacrifice seems to hint to me that the Bowl is linked to the Engineers Sacrifice in which his DNA evolved and mutated into life on Earth and mankind and that the image of the Xeno with the Bowl links to a similar process that breaks down the Xeno DNA and contains it in the Urns.

R.I.P Sox  01/01/2006 - 11/10/2017


MemberXenomorphSep-02-2012 2:02 PM
Bigdave I like your theory better than mine. In fact I love it. I am not really sure why I thought that there necessarily had to be engineer DNA in the whole thing. Agreed: broken down xenomorph DNA virus and no need for engineers to sacrifice. Would the xenomorph DNA virus be in the vials or outside the vials ? I suspect it is on the inside and that the substance on the outside is an amplification substance that makes copies of the virus as it is being released. I just want to be careful at discounting snorkelbottoms theory that xenomorph DNA was on the outside of the vials. Furthermore I am glad you agree that the breaking down and forming of virus happens prior to being placed in the ampules. I hope you are right about the place(just behind the Xenomorph mural or further inside that room) where Xenomorphs are broken down into the virus. That something I'd love to see. I suspect that the resultant virus mixed with the amplification substance makes it extremely reactive. One ampule could probably infect thousands of cubic meters of water and as everthing(all living organisms) needs water to survive eventually everything will become infected or die of thirst or drought. I belive the virus can also be absorbed through the skin. I can only speculate but getting that very concentrated virus on your skin could probably speed up the mutation process to very high levels. I guess the ampage that Shaw had ford applied was simply much to high and over stimulated the mutation process. Had the engineer not been decapitated he would probably have continued mutating but at a much faster rate than someone drinking It diluted from water. But the main point for me is this as you noted: he was mutating - not breaking down. But I want to state again I am not discounting snorkelbottoms theory. He knows very much about all of this and I respect his opinion . But you got something nice going here bigdave in that thread you started just now about the egg and the xenomorph !!


MemberDeaconSep-03-2012 7:13 AM
Well my theory is just that, its not fact and no ones is, there are very few facts about whats going on. And Ridley Scott and co come out with comments that contradict each other. So we really dont have any clear answers to anything really and its all up for debate. Snorkies theory is not impossible it does seem a very difficult method of obtaining something, i mean if they need to our DNA then surely there is a easier way of getting that than use and create a hostile and uncontrollable organism to harvest out DNA... they would then have to separate our DNA from the Xenos. And if its to create a Bio Weapon, then surely the Goo is a evolution as opposed to a creation that creates Xenos, to use the Goo to change Humans to Eggs to then Harvest the Xeno as a Bio Weapon again is very long winded... But if you discount the other Alien movies and so NO QUEEN, and that the Xeno can only effect Humanoids like Mankind and Engineers. Then Snorkies idea starts to fit in more. Mine seems less plausible if we throw out all movies after Alien. If i go for snorkies idea then it may make no sense as far as the process to get Human DNA for the Engineers but when i look at the Mural and look at his idea... Maybe just maybe the Engineers are Harvesters and Gardeners and that the Xeno is not a Weapon, and maybe its a tool that is needed so as to Harvest something for the benefit not of the Engineers but maybe some other Race/Organism that we have yet to see. Maybe the Engineers are servants to another race, and is that why the Xeno Mural looks like Christ in that it resembles something the Engineers worship and they need the Humans to create the Xenos to appease or sustain something they worship or work for?

R.I.P Sox  01/01/2006 - 11/10/2017


MemberXenomorphSep-03-2012 4:31 PM
OP I am not so sure the green thing is a tap anymore. Its a crystal containing the base xenomorph DNA set in amber. So where is it preserved / stored then ? Bigdave At this stage I am just happy with the fact that we now understand whatever is in the ampules causes mutation and not breakdown. What is important to me does the above mentioned help us in any way to understand what happened to the engineers on lv 223 ? Was the infected engineers turning into Xenomorphs ? if the xenomorph DNA causes mutation why do we have chestbursted engineers as was evident by the hypersleep chambers being damaged at chestheight ? Is there maybe a possibillity that the virus is in fact broken down facehuggers embrios that turn the insides of the engineers into chestbusters ? I am just wondering why infected engineers were chestbursted and not turning into xenos ? Then the engineers were facehugged while in hypersleep just before takeoff and the engineers running towards the ampule must have been from other ships. Wiat forget this point .....going insane again. I stick with the xenomorph DNA being broken down and placed inside the ampules. Secondly if you discount everything after alien then the aliens short lifespan Indicates that its main function is only to cocoon and inject egg forming goo . As such Xenomorphs will probably live only a very short time and the remaining eggs will allow hugging of any previously missed humanoids. Which is why the ampules make so much sense to me. It rapidly increases the rate of xenomorph production through mutation probably leading to tens of thousands of Xenomorphs in a few hours allowing the Xenomorphs short lifespan not to hamper cocooning and egg morphing. How many eggs does a single jugg carry ? Two thousand - three thousand eggs? If the eggs are deposited and triggered then you will probably have on average a single Xenomorph cocooning only 6 -7 people and only three of them injected to egg morphd(in a 24 hour period) leaving the remaining thrEe to be facehugged. Within 24 hours you woulld probably have at most have 18000 people cocooned(from 3000 eggs) having 9000 of them hugged to become Xenomorphs and so on. With the ampules dropped straight into all water supplies the xenomorph DNA virus substance will be turning the humanoids into Xenomorphs directly and you would see vastly increased numbers of Xenomorphs per time unit shortening the timespan needed for eggmorphing all humanoid life. Therefore taking xenomorph DNA and putting it into the earns are much more efficient, effective and less time consuming way of getting the eggs as apposed to dropping eggs. That's why breaking down xenos DNA and putting is at the core of this and I like your take on it. As for snorks theory (and method on the obtainment of human DNA to increase genetic diversity) I am only saying that I am not discounting it but it is a long winded way of getting the DNA. It is still a theory at this point but a respected one. The scariest thing I have seen in prometheus is the ugly bloke in the xenomorph mural standing behind the hand bounded xenomorph. Who the hell is he ? Maybe proof of another race to the engineers ? He is really ugly.


MemberDeaconSep-04-2012 7:19 AM
Yes you make some good points. We seem to see the following changes caused by the Urns. Hammerpede, it appears that they started out as worms that then came into contact with the leaked black substance on the floors. This means they was near enough swimming in the stuff. These worms are turned into much larger organisms that resemble serpents and their heads do have some characteristics of a Face Hugger. They also retain some aspects of the Worm, because Fifield cuts ones head off and it[b] Sprays Acid[/b] a Xeno Trait and then its head grows back instantly like a Worms head does only at far greater speed. This is evidence that the new organism carries Xeno DNA but also heightens and improves/evolves traits of the original Organism. Fifield comes into contact wth the substance when he falls into the Black Fluid and while his transformation to Toxic Avenger is lame.... looking at the other concepts such as these ones. [img][/img] Shows that he was changing into something that took on Xeno DNA. Now when we look at the Hammerpede and Fifield Xeno Hybrids they do not look very close to a Xeno or act like one. Holloway we do not see what he would have ended up as, only that it is logical that Xeno DNA was passed on from his infection (orally) to Shaw that then led to Shaws Baby Squid. So again no proof that Holloways contact with the goo changed him into a Xeno either. Its only a collection of events that lead to anything even close to a Xeno and that was the DNA passed on most likely via Sex to Shaw to impregnate her and transform a Human Embryo into one that very closely resembles the Face Hugger. Shaws Baby acts similar to a Face Hugger (and the infant stage Baby Squid is how the original Face Hugger was described in Star Beast the Original Alien Draft Script). We see Shaws Baby grow and it then basically Face Hugs the Engineer and then dies just like a Face Hugger, the Engineer then gives birth to a Deacon Chest Buster in the same process as the Xeno Chest Buster. While the Deacon is bigger than the Xeno Chest Buster so was the Trilobite compared to the Face Hugger. I can only assume that one of the substances used to make the goo has acted as a accelerant and makes Organisms that grow larger than a Xeno. I dont buy the Deacon being larger because the Engineer was larger than a Human, but because the Trilobite Squid was also larger than the Face Hugger. I think this is proven by how the Space Jockeys Chest Bust hole in Alien was not large like the Deacons. Now had Shaws Baby got to Shaw instead we do not know if the Deacon would look exactly the same. The point of all the above to me points to this.... I think the creation of the Deacon was via a freak set of events and that simply dropping the Urns Goo on Humans will not make Trilobites/Face Huggers or Xenos/Deacons.

R.I.P Sox  01/01/2006 - 11/10/2017


MemberDeaconSep-04-2012 7:23 AM
Anyway sorry to go off Topic.... But connecting what i just said, and looking at the Xeno and Urns as different ways to deploy a Weapon. Can Eggs sustain a impact from height? Can Eggs be dropped into a place and the Face Huggers set free or are they only set off when a life form is within more close proximity. Then the dangers of one getting lose and controlling it. where as the Urns can be dropped they would smash mix the substances that can contaminate water or vegetation and thus a more potent way to deploy a Bio Weapon to then effect more targets.

R.I.P Sox  01/01/2006 - 11/10/2017

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