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MemberOvomorphJul-08-2012 11:38 PMSo i got a problem whit this thing i dont know wt it is
its the thing green infront of xenomorph mural like a ancient clock or wtf!
32 Replies

MemberDeaconSep-04-2012 7:29 AMWith regards to the point about the Orb being the same as the ampule in the vial.
Well that urn was Frozen dont forget, if we freeze water in a glass and remove it then it would look like a crystal well block of ice and not water.
My point being that if the Seed is held within a solid crystal like glass ampule then how does it get mixed and react with the Black Substance or created it via Atmospheric changes?
Maybe the Ampule is kind of like a Jelly like Material like Jello (Jelly) that if Frozen becomes more solid like Glass/Ice but when not Frozen and effected by the crew taking their helmets off the Jelly like ampule breaks down and then mixes with the other stuff in the Urns?
R.I.P Sox 01/01/2006 - 11/10/2017

MemberOvomorphSep-04-2012 10:27 AM@BigDave
As someone else said in another thread, the green crystal might be the Xeno embryo held in cryo-stasis in the temple. When the Prometheus crew broke in and the temperature start rising, it started to grew up, maybe got fed by the animals the black goo created like the snake for example and ate the body of the dead engineer at the end. Maybe giant huger+engineer is not equal to Xeno!
"... and the sea will grant each man new hope, as sleep brings dreams of home." Christopher Columbus.
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