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I don't know why some people hate this movie so much sometimes

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MemberOvomorphAug-19-2012 4:10 PM
I honestly think 80% of the hate comes from the fact damon lindelof's name is attached to the movie. You know because its a popular thing to hate damon lindelof these days. If the studio didn't reveal damon lindelof as the scriptwriter, i bet there would be lot less criticism for the writing. I never watched Lost so I had no idea who this damon lindelof guy was before Prometheus. I thought the writing was fantastic, and the way he left things ambiguous and mysterious was great. It's a perfect way to setup a sequel. Then theres plotholes, what exactly are the plotholes they're complaining about? They say "this movie has lots of plotholes", and don't even bother to list them... and the complaints about every characters' idiotic behaviours. I feel like this complaint is incredibly exaggerated by everybody who hates this movie. The only scene that shows slightly odd behaviour was the pipfield/milburn death scene. And even then, their behaviors can be explained because they were getting high before the cobralien popped up so they were more curious than frightened by it. That was it, the rest of the movie doesn't show any characters doing things out of context. and then theres the stupid criticism "It didn't answer any of the questions raised in the movie" These are the same people who praised Alien even though it didn't even explain what or who were the space jockey were. It took 30 years for Ridely Scott to answer that, and between that period, I don't see anyone criticizing Ridely Scott for not explaining the space jockey origin.
47 Replies


AdminPraetorianAug-19-2012 4:21 PM
It has nothing to do with Lindelof being the writer. I agree with you, I find it hard to understand why some people think Ridley had no control over his own movie and blame everything on Lindelof. You have to understand many people thought Prometheus would be the 2001 of our time because it was Ridley Scott directing. That he would give us all a break from the gauntlet of terrible sci-fi movies we have been subjected to in the past 10 years. They had high expectations from Ridley because he is a first class director, not some newbie. There are as many people that will swear black and blue the movie is a flawless masterpiece as there are that are saying it is the worst movie ever made and pick apart every scene. The reality is, those people are the extreme and don't represent the majority of viewers.

Major Noob

MemberOvomorphAug-19-2012 4:25 PM
Many people were genuinely disappointed by Prometheus, and that's gotta suck. To have been so excited for so long and then feel duped, I get it. I personally loved the film, and it has a couple of faults, but for me nothing to get worked up about. Alien had faults. BR had faults. When I saw the first trailer I too got a very different feel to what I actually got in the theatre, Between those two events I got a huge sinking feeling due to the negativity here and elsewhere. Imagine my delight when I saw it for myself. But it could have gone the other way. I have to say though that it seems fashionable to dismiss things, the cynicism our filmgoers being accused of actually being indulged in by their critics. It's hard to say his much of this derision is genuine, but I do think the detractors left here are genuinely let down.

Major Noob

MemberOvomorphAug-19-2012 4:29 PM
Oops filmMAKERS not film goers! Lastly, I had no problem with DL either. I think he did a stellar job,


MemberOvomorphAug-19-2012 4:39 PM
... we are becoming numb, or maybe saturated with so much media that it does not allow for the special moments to come through...

David 1

MemberOvomorphAug-19-2012 5:17 PM
The point in case is that there are too many oddities in the movie. Too many tiny things that seem way out of place and others that could and should be explored but were not. Had lots of potential, but couldn't find it's own pace.
[b]Ask nothing from no one. Demand nothing from no one. Expect nothing from no one.[/b]


MemberOvomorphAug-19-2012 5:30 PM
list out the oddities and things that seem out of place.

David 1

MemberOvomorphAug-19-2012 5:36 PM
Keep it real: here, read my review; [url=]Cliky Cliky[/url]
[b]Ask nothing from no one. Demand nothing from no one. Expect nothing from no one.[/b]

Major Noob

MemberOvomorphAug-19-2012 5:41 PM
1/ the Hammerpede in Millburns helmet. Too digital. 2/ Holloways final moments. I would have loved to see him fall apart inside his suit, fill his helmet with black vomit, SOMETHING before Vickers torched him. 3/ the warm smile that passes between Chance and Ravel as the fly to their deaths. That's it for me.

Patient Leech

MemberFacehuggerAug-19-2012 6:20 PM
[b]If the studio didn't reveal damon lindelof as the scriptwriter, i bet there would be lot less criticism for the writing. I never watched Lost so I had no idea who this damon lindelof guy was before Prometheus. I thought the writing was fantastic...[/b] I agree. I didn't know who he was either until it became a big deal amongst fans. I think the writing was great (and whether it was Lidelof or not, RIDLEY APPROVED EVERYTHING! People seem to forget that). I didn't watch a single trailer for Prometheus, so when I saw it in the theater in its entirety most everything was completely new to me (I wasn't jaded by the trailers). I was blown away. I think people are forgetting what Ridley does so well with this genre: He creates an incredible mood. The creepy environment and situation was brilliant (something that I don't think ANY of the Alien sequels accomplished as well as the original. And that is due to the designs approved by and the direction implemented by Ridley Scott. And the themes brought up with the movie (such as a desire for eternal life being a destructive and noxious pursuit...) are relatively original (at least told in an original way). [b]1/ the Hammerpede in Millburns helmet. Too digital.[/b] I disagree. While you MIGHT have been able to tell that some things were done digitally, I don't think it was overdone at all. Ridley struck a good balance between what was done practically and what was done digitally (unlike many current directors). He's not Michael Bay. Sometimes I do scratch my head at what Ridley cuts from the films (like this Shaw/Engineer fight at the end, for example. I really think that would have added a lot to the film, so I'm anxious to see it. I know Ridley said something about not wanting to diminish the power of the Engineer in that scene, cuz I think Shaw fights him off with the ax. But oh well, I'm sure he could have made it work, dammit! To all the people who complain about this movie: RARELY IS SCIENCE FICTION (my favorite genre) DONE THIS WELL! The direction is simply superb. So I try not to complain too much.

Major Noob

MemberOvomorphAug-19-2012 8:20 PM
Patient Leech. Spot on. I on the other hand watched and read every available bit of information available with guilty relish. Consequently, I saw the Millburn scene, among many others, reduced to a GIF. Over and over. Still loved it, but I can only imagine the impact of going in cold.


MemberOvomorphAug-19-2012 8:24 PM
I understand what your saying, but at the same time the main reason why people were dissapointed is because they expected to be like alien and just as good if not better, in their minds. So they went in with extrememly high and set expectations but what they got was different. So they turned something that was different to them, into something they hated. I could understand why people didnt like because it left too many questions, and some people cant stand that, but i can.:)

Major Noob

MemberOvomorphAug-19-2012 8:29 PM
Sorry wrote that while walking the dog. One more thing: I haven't followed a movie this closely in a very long time. I'm very new to the phenomena of trailers being broken down and analyzed frame by HD frame. I was able to take in quite a bit prior to seeing Prometheus.

Major Noob

MemberOvomorphAug-19-2012 8:33 PM
And I am not a fan of Michael Bay, thank you.

Patient Leech

MemberFacehuggerAug-19-2012 9:12 PM
[b]Still loved it, but I can only imagine the impact of going in cold.[/b] Yeah. Probably THE best theater experience of my life... it was IMAX 3D, too. ;) [b]...they expected to be like alien and just as good if not better...[/b] I think it IS better than Alien and Alien was one of my all-time favorite sci-fi films. But it's different. And I think that's why Ridley kept trying to steer people away from thinking it's a prequel to Alien because it requires being interpreted in a much different way. It obviously IS a prequel to Alien, but he just wanted people to not expect it to lead DIRECTLY into the beginning of Alien (cuz that would boring in my opinion, anyway). Updated special effects aside, the ideas are much bigger. Alien was great because it was a sort of a very realistic horror/thriller (the dialogue felt very natural, almost cinema verite), while Prometheus is a bit more contrived because, well, that's the nature of it... it's setting up a much larger mythology. And i LOVE that. Needless to say, I have a massive boner for the next installment... :)

Necronom 4

MemberNeomorphAug-19-2012 9:23 PM
Same as Patient Leech, for me. I didn't see Lost and didn't hear all the Bad things that was said about him. But after i saw Prometheus and read all the terrible reviews and negative comments about Lindelof, with comments like, 'he makes everything TOO ambiguous'. I must say, i have to agree with those people! A bit of Ambiguity is a good thing, but not to the extent where it makes your hair fall out, due to anger and frustration! The Film was also lacking that certain "Nightmarish" quality that Alien and Bladerunner had, in abundance! I don't hate Prometheus in the slightest! It's just so damn frustrating!

The poster was good though!



MemberOvomorphAug-19-2012 9:45 PM
Why do people think that because someone mentioned the defects of a movie, it means that he hates that movie? Seriously people, I think some of you are still very susceptible to this issue. Also, do you think that if I hated Prometheus I would be frequenting this site? I think not. Regarding Lindelof, I don't hate him, but I can see that this guy repeated the same formula from LOST, is like his personal signature. Ok, I can accept the whole wave of mystery present in this film, but I expect a better writer for the sequel...and you do not get me wrong because I'm more in favor of seeing a spin-off...but with a better script, more depth in the characters and a better soundtrack too...After all the critical thinking doesn't make you a hater.


MemberOvomorphAug-19-2012 9:55 PM
BTW, the most of the real haters stopped coming to this place long time ago...just saying.

constantinos lv233

MemberOvomorphAug-20-2012 1:16 AM


MemberOvomorphAug-20-2012 3:57 AM
no, its the other way round..mliions of people are dissappointed of the movie BECAUSE of the plot holes and poor actor development and NOT BECAUSE JUST of the name Lindelof. Many people dont even know his name and just only saw the movie with its flaws. Its a shame that Scott didnt see that AT LEAST in the post production phase.


MemberOvomorphAug-20-2012 4:12 AM
Mapusoul I didn't mean it that way. I'm talking the people who just blatantly hate Prometheus, nitpicking every little detail to criticize it. I understand that you noticed some flaws in the movie and thats fine with me. My point wasn't meant for the members here. I surf around IMBD and some other websites and people just bashing the hell out of the movie, saying riduclous things like "AVP movies are better than Prometheus" That's why I felt like making this thread. So yeah, just to be clear on that. @ Kane77 what are the plotholes? List them out and I'll try to explain it. Which character had poor development? The only important characters needed to be developed imo was Shaw and David, which is exactly what the movie did so I don't know about poor development. The rest are supporting characters. Not much background is needed for them


MemberOvomorphAug-20-2012 5:14 AM
I loved it and I still have a folder full of trailers and tv spots and every interview of Ridley, Lindelof, Rapace, Fassbender and several with Theron and also a couple of featurettes...animated gifs and tuns of movie stills....I collected every ounch of info i could find and i watched and read everybit over and over.....still in the end I came out of the theater with a big fat smile on my face....and i am currently counting down the dvd release with as much anticipation as I did for it's theatrical release and everytime their is the slightest mention of the upcoming sequel my little hearth skips a absolute zero complaints here!


MemberOvomorphAug-20-2012 5:28 AM
@keep it real I dont believe that you didnt see all the respective threads about it. use the search function. must be one hundred at least. cheers


MemberFacehuggerAug-20-2012 5:37 AM
Yer I too think it was Damon AND Ridley in the driving seat and mainly Ridley - my reasons - look at ridleys other movies recently and damon did also say Ridley was feeding him everything for the script before the movie came out! I think allot of the people have listed the problems with prometheus so many times now that they are tired of it - this is why they don't always post a half mile long piece of text every time! Sorry keeping it real but this has been covered a million times over! Also try google. Ill add my vote to prometheus being great but awful - strangest film ever - utterly amateur scenes mixed in with grand master scenes the haters picking up on the amateur ones of course! Allot of people were actually like me too - they knew it wasnt going to have much of a link to aliens - we just wanted it all to make sense. And I am not talking about answering what the black goo is or what the engis are doing etc. I am talking about the characters doing totally bonkers out of character things etc...anyway I got work to do AVP is awful!

 "It's almost as if they are making it up as they go along" :D


MemberOvomorphAug-20-2012 6:00 AM
@djamelameziane right, people are tired of writing about it all over again and its not necessary. The were reviews about it, right after the first evening screening ( in france )


MemberOvomorphAug-20-2012 7:43 AM
Things will look very different when it's seen in the grander context of its sequel(s). Me? I'm [i]really[/i] glad it left the door wide open.
The most terrifying fact about the universe is not that it is hostile but that it is indifferent


MemberFacehuggerAug-20-2012 9:27 AM
Yes heres hoping...but it may actually be worse - pleassse no!

 "It's almost as if they are making it up as they go along" :D


MemberOvomorphAug-21-2012 3:13 AM
Plenty of things were out of place. 1) Pace, they were in some sort of rush with this movie. It was way too fast. Look at old alien it moves very slow upto the point where crew members are going to explore the broken space ship. Prometheus has very fast pace as if there is taxman chasing every person in it. 2) Crappy acting, I mean it. I can't believe except fassbender, rest of the others had too little airtime and punchlines in this movie. It looks good in trailer and bad in movie. 3) Lacks dark feel. Hell, AVP despite non canon, has that dark feel. You get the feeling that they are being chased by aliens and predators at the same time. What do you have in prometheus ? nothing. what fear factor you have in prometheus? nothing. 4) black liquid. concept of black liquid was so wrong that they failed to even put some mystery around that one. 5) prologue takes the mystery off the movie. Panspermia revealed at the start of the movie, so you get 90 percent of answer in the movie, remaining 10 percent answer is when there was DNA match with engineer head. 6) David knows everything. I mean seriously, robots can be talents but knowing everything? doesn't even fit with weyland yutani coverup stuff. It sounds like CIA or FBI ops in android mode. Clicking everything turned me off. 7) What answer have we got? nothing. Other than the fact that space jockeys are human ancestors doing some biological games in galaxies. Space jockey in Alien was mystical inside the suit. It was supposed to be some dark concept but it turned out to be some Rael concept of aliens on earth. 8) Engineers planet? the thrill for engineers planet was so off putting, it doesn't even attract me towards paradise. What are we going to see in paradise? Trust me it will not be dark, but more visual treat with nothing to chew. 9) With all due respect to RS films in past. This movie other than few visual beats doesn't even beats any other blockbuster this year. Hell, some of the other movies lime - the troll hunter were more dark than prometheus. Personally I got turned off with the franchise, I don't even think anything will ever come out in darker feel from them anymore. I am gonna enjoy AVP and Micheal bay from here on. No offense to those who enjoyed. Thanks to chris, this is now Scifi network and not just prometheus site anymore, I can safely rant :D [img][/img]
Uncertainty is the only certainty there is, and knowing how to live with insecurity is the only security.

David 1

MemberOvomorphAug-21-2012 8:11 AM
^^^^^^ what Shambs, Kane and Sky said ^^^^^^^
[b]Ask nothing from no one. Demand nothing from no one. Expect nothing from no one.[/b]


MemberOvomorphAug-21-2012 8:56 AM
[i]I honestly think 80% of the hate comes from the fact damon lindelof's name is attached to the movie.[/i] I guess I'm of the 20%. I've never seen an episode of "Lost" and if I had seen anything written by Lindelof (besides [i]Prometheus[/i], of course), I'm not aware of it.


MemberOvomorphAug-23-2012 9:26 PM
I think the film was meant to be frustrating, like all the gaps and left open spots in the film. I think they will be explained in the sequel.
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