MemberOvomorphAug-23-2012 7:07 AMThey got it from James Cameron

MemberTrilobiteAug-23-2012 7:42 AMThe only way I see there being a Queen Engineer is if there is a female Engineer that is in charge of the Engineers society, other than that I don't see there being a Queen Engineer akin to the Queen Xenomorph. I say this because as Shaw said "Their DNA pre-dates ours", and taking into account their appearance suggests, nah pretty much demands that female Engineers are akin to female humans just more evolved, with pale white skin, no body hair and muscular bodies (unless my "far out" theory of the females having been engineered into the Juggernauts has some credence).
Which brings me to you Necronom4, the Engineer at the start of Prometheus does in fact have nipples, they are just so small most people don't see them. Save the image below to you computer and zoom in, the nipple is faint and small but it is there...

MemberDeaconAug-23-2012 7:55 AMWell we know nothing about the Xeno Orgins.
Only that they have a Life Cycle
Egg=Face Hugger + Host = Embryo = Chest Buster = Xeno
Aliens introduced the concept of the Queen to lay the Eggs, maybe Queens are created by similar means to Bees or Ants.
Alien deleted scene showed Humans being turned into a Egg.....
But then i think it was Snorky who had a great idea... in another thread.
The Alien appeared to be turning one Human into a Egg and another just cocooned to be the host for the eventual Face Hugger that comes from the other Egg.
So that Cycle would Produce 1 Egg and 1 Host and thus another Xeno making 2.
But why kill the other crew? Sure if the other two was captured then it would make 2 Hosts and 2 Eggs and thus give us 3 Xenos... Or if they was Eggs then 4 Eggs and 5 Xenos only if the Ship came into contact with Hosts.
So why did the Xeno only take alive 2 people?
But this was canned from the movie and Aliens then gave us the Queen to procreate the species.
But as Snorky suggested.... what if the Host and Egg from Alien created from the captured 2 crew members was a special Egg containing a Royal Face Hugger that would then give us a Queen who could lay Egg after Egg after Egg.
R.I.P Sox 01/01/2006 - 11/10/2017

Necronom 4
MemberNeomorphAug-23-2012 7:56 AM@Snorks. Yeah, i can just about make out a nipple, but it's not very visible, like ours. I think it's the Actors real nipple and the make-up department have tryed to cover it up, to make it look like he has none!
The poster was good though!

MemberDeaconAug-23-2012 8:01 AMRidley is not going to peeee all over the Queen Concept, i think he liked it.
But using his Alien Concept that was not used and combining it with Aliens Queen gives us a possible outcome that the Xeno can change a Host into a Egg that becomes a Queen Xeno Royal Face Hugger.
We know so little about the Xeno creation and Orgins and hopefully we shall get answers after Prometheus 3 has been finished. For Prometheus 2 should give us more answers about the Engineers.
I do like the idea however that maybe like some of Gigers work that the supreme race are a race that contain both Engineer and Xeno traits and thus like this.
R.I.P Sox 01/01/2006 - 11/10/2017

MemberTrilobiteAug-23-2012 8:02 AMYes,
Taking my idea, that Big Dave mentions, imagine if the scenario of Alien had played out in the Aliens favor and Ripley hadn't been so much of a pain in the arse...
[i]The Nostromo returns to earth, Weyland-Yutani eagerly awaiting their prize open the airlock doors and step inside to find the ship deadly quiet with no signs of life, but upon heading down to Deck C they find a Queen Alien (having been born from Dallas from the Royal Facehugger that had once been Brett) sitting there surrounded by hundreds, if not thousands of eggs which then hatch, hugging the hapless humans and spreading the infestation, possibly down onto Earth.[/i]
...if only Ripley hadn't had torched Brett and Dallas and blown up the Nostromo.

Necronom 4
MemberNeomorphAug-23-2012 8:06 AM@Big Dave. Regarding the deleted scene in Alien. To me, it looked like Dallas was also being turned into an Egg. Don't forget that Brett was taken before Dallas so Brett would have been further gone than Dallas.
The poster was good though!

MemberTrilobiteAug-23-2012 8:13 AM@ Necronom4,
Ah now you see them, but they are actually part of the suit that the actor wore as seen here...
This is the actor from that scene, Daniel James, wearing a latex/silicone body cast. His real nipples would not have been visible.

Necronom 4
MemberNeomorphAug-23-2012 8:35 AMOh, my mistake Buddy. I really should look at the Gallery! LOL
I still believe that they are grown in labs and made like Replicants though. Thanx 4 the picture.
The poster was good though!

David 1
MemberOvomorphAug-23-2012 12:32 PM^^^^^^^ what Patch said, and the Spice must flow ^^^^^^^^
[b]Ask nothing from no one. Demand nothing from no one. Expect nothing from no one.[/b]

MemberDeaconAug-23-2012 1:15 PMOh forgot to comment about the Original Thread and that being Queen Engineer.
I think its a great concept and fitting idea that the Engineers and Elders all fit under the rule of a Matriarch type figure and that she may look different to the Engineers and Humans.
Here is Gigers Sil from Species Concept work...
Maybe she created the Elders/Engineers and Xenos as she has both their DNA....
The Elders then steal her fire by creating mankind from the a form of Goo and using same process also breaks down Xenos into the Black Stuff in Prometheus and these two events end up being the punishment to the Engineer Race for Stealing the Fire.
Something like this could work..... but i dont think that would be the case.
I notice that Sil also had like dreads in her hair... if they went for a idea of a Queen who looks like Sil..... i wait for the ohh..... then Predator link lol.
R.I.P Sox 01/01/2006 - 11/10/2017

Necronom 4
MemberNeomorphAug-23-2012 3:34 PM@Big Dave. Yeah, that picture's great! But with that would come the Alien, Species connection, which isn't a good thing man.
Oh, we've not had Alien V Sil yet, there's one for the Suits at Fox!
The poster was good though!

MemberOvomorphAug-23-2012 6:09 PM@Necronom 4 Thanks, I have a couple heads working on our theory. We go back and forth a bit and I leave out parts we don't agree on, mainly showing my perspective, which means I mainly don't talk about the specifics of our perspective on the goo and the different ideas he has that I can still see the possible validity of.
That's a pretty good idea itself, though. If some alien form of android was higher above and created the Engineers it would totally make sense with androids becoming superior to humans. The android-like gods or goddesses genetically created a robotic-like servant class that rebelled against them. It'd tie into the mirror image themes and how things are paired in the movie. I never saw it before but you might be making a very good point. I was already on board with them being a genetically created servant class like replicants. But it might make sense in a weird way if androids or a form of biomechanical being were the true original gods.
We actually know some of what the plan was when it was a two-parter. But plans change, and much has changed with the first part. However, much is still the same.
By combining our knowledge from the sources we worked with, we know a little bit about what would have been part 2 in the original two-parter.
Well he knows more than I do, and has filled me in on certain details of the original plan, but is still attached in a way to the planning stages for Paradise.
So he can't speak with me about a lot of that anymore.
I'm working under the assumption that not too much has changed and we'll see some of these things taking shape. They're not all my ideas by any means. Certain things will probably still happen, I'm just not sure if Engineer queens will be one of them or if they'll happen in the way I'm theorizing.
We knew all this a long time ago before the plan changed to make it one movie for now and more of a standalone. That`s what kept me interested. I was one of the first people to spread the word that Weyland corp was definitely in the movie, some of the stuff to do with the test trailers, and that FTL travel would feature when people were starting to think it was going to be not about aliens at all. Under this name and other names on other forums. Except AVPgalaxy where I use the same name. And some of the early official leaked plot synopses came from me and my source too. I was also working under the assumption that the movie was going to start in Africa, like many others at the time were. Specifically it was going to start at an earlier date originally. But they scrapped the Africa scene early on and it never ended up in the movie, being replaced with the cave painting scene.

MemberOvomorphAug-23-2012 6:41 PMAbout the Engineer nipples. now thinking it could tie into the breaking away from the more female leaning side of the hermaphroditic traits that once existed, the hermaphroditic or female-leaning Elders. And it makes it more clear that they wanted to break away, or did break away from any female genetics they still had in them, to become more male possibly. Until the gods take the Adamos and take the genetics out of him to produce the earth females. The female genetics trapped deep within, and the division of sexes, appears again in humans after we`re produced. The male leaning Engineers don`t need nipples, and they`re a reminder of where they came from in a way, so they possibly tried to engineer themselves away from the female genetics we all hold within us after being conceived. They may have wanted to be even more male. The nipples develop in males because the embryo starts developing them before sexual differentiation occurs. And then they become useless on males.
Its like the female components and genetics that become useless, or less useful, in males are almost completely taken out in the Engineers. I`m now thinking even estrogen has been taken out, and testosterone has been left to pump full blast in some way. To make them more male: only by increasing testosterone to the max and removing estrogen from the equation. Producing faster, taller, naturally more muscular, stronger male servants in the lower class. Maybe they didn`t want any estrogen at all, or they might end up like guys with too much estrogen (we all still have it) and develop breasts (think Fight Club lol). They don`t want to end up looking like one very early concept for the Engineers where they were going to be hermaphrodites, but look like males with breasts. Ok that`s just a little joke. But metaphorically they`re running away from sharing control with or giving into their female side and preserving the male traits. But they didn`t know that a good leader is all about balance.
I think they decided to go the opposite way on screen because it ties into what has happened to their culture, and actually shows that they`re genetically running away from the female side of things.
Or the nipples have faded over time because there hasn`t been females for a long time, or true hermaphrodites for a while, and no need for that trait to be preserved in the genetics. However it is a female trait that`s now missing or slightly visible underneath the suit as the actors real nipple.

MemberOvomorphAug-24-2012 12:54 AMFrom what I gather here so far, there will be an unveiling of a female Engineer in the next movie (or two, hopefully). As Mala'kak has discussed, it fits in well with the feminist undertone of the Alien franchise and would somehow compensate for the super male engineers seen so far.
Now, will the female be a Queen? And will she reproduce like a xenomorph Queen? That is really up in the air at this point, though many have expressed doubt since Engineer DNA pre-dates and matches human DNA. I personally find this argument unsatisfying, however, as we can't possibly be exact matches of Engineer DNA. Supposing the Engineers did design us to be clones of themselves, at which point in Earth's history would they have started messing with our DNA? If we match Engineer DNA, then chimps are a 96% match, but doesn't that imply the Engineers designed chimps too? This argument can be applied to just about any other Earth organism. For example, the Sea Urchin, which has about 70% of our genes (or, more accurately, 70% of our genes share a common gene ancestor with genes currently in Sea Urchin). Thus, Sea Urchins are a 70% match to Engineers. Again, does that imply Engineers designed them too? This can go on and on, until we arrive at the conclusion that the only way this theory could work is if the Engineers came here billions of years ago and seeded the planet with LIFE, period. But that would be a ridiculous thought if their intent all along was just to make clones of themselves. Can you imagine those ancient Engineers? Engineer1: "Hey guys, let's make clones of ourselves on a new planet called Earth!" Engineer2: "Cool! How long will it take!?" Engineer3: "Oh, just a few billion years or so." Engineer2: *facepalm*
OK, so what's the alternative? Personally I think it's gotta be that we only share a subset of genes with Engineers, namely the ones they gave us whenever they came. Which other animals on earth also have these genes would depend on how long ago the Engineers actually came in Earth's history. Or perhaps they came multiple times and guided early man's evolution to modern man. Whatever. It doesn't really matter. The main point is that this makes some scientific sense within the story, doesn't completely piss on Darwin, and explains why Engineers are not exactly human looking. When Shaw says we are a match, it just means she found genes in Engineers that are also in humans. It certainly doesn't mean the entire genome is a match! Again, that makes no sense as even twins have some differences in their individual DNA. It also means that Engineer DNA would predate our own, as they would then be a common ancestor to us and other pre-humans.
OK, so I hope I've explained why I think the whole DNA match argument is off. So that brings me back to my original comment. The Engineers are not exactly like us; in fact they could be very different, just sharing some of our genes which they gave us. So if female Engineers appear in the next movie, we shouldn't be too surprised if they look and behave quite differently from female humans! Could one be a Queen? I certainly hope so! Long live the Queen!

MemberOvomorphAug-24-2012 2:22 AMIt could be the Engineers in the film are an entirely different faction than what we think they represent. They precede us, but maybe their genetics just sped things along. Maybe we're not completely clones of them, but engineers seem to have influenced or altered our evolution in some way after they arrived, then being connected to everything else as you say. It could be they're responsible for influencing things around the Cambrian explosion as others have proposed, and that this all occurs roughly after and moving forward from a certain time period. There are certain aquatic themes that are carried throughout the movie that might date to that period if u accept some of what ancient myths have to say at face value and combine that with other more fantastic versions of the story to almost attempt to tell a story about our ancient past, but it's not the story everyone thinks they're telling. We haven't met the culture who represents the Annunaki from the Sumerian myths yet. These are more like the Igigi who are servants and rebel against the Annunaki, the Elder Engineers/ "God" class.
These are not the true gods yet, as Shaw hints. They're more like us. More like our older brothers who precede us and went missing because they wanted to kill the creator/ true fathers and their other kings the Elders. Their punishment for weaponizing the fire got us punished repeatedly at one point during a mythological golden age, or a paradise era. They blame us, in a way, but still act like the true gods and are watching over us, returning and portraying themselves as gods with the technology they stole when they rebelled against the true fathers. They're like a jealous older brother, who wants to punish us and act like the father, because in their perspective we got off light in the punishment. Their ancient mythological paradise kingdoms, on earth and other worlds, were destroyed and they were driven out of the garden. While we were allowed to live outside the garden, kicked out of the paradise we once shared with them, but eventually the remnants of their civilization creep back into our myths.
What if the first beings that crawled up out of the ocean onto that island were rebuilt Engineer clones and not true humans yet? We were created as a byproduct of this process, almost a hybrid of their genetics and what was already evolving here. Thus their genetics get mixed into and inadvertently sped up all post-cambrian evolution on Earth. And they were attempting to start their version of a paradise like colony (with advanced technology and crystal pyramids) or kingdoms of male Engineers for the greater Empire. And the Engineers are something slightly different than Greek gods. What if Atlantis and Earth were intended to be colonies to a greater Empire, but the Atlanteans abused the fire and sunk themselves before Prometheus even stole it and tried to spread it to us. Thinking we should have the same chance the human Atlanteans that preceeded the first Greek humans had. what if some of the surviving Atlanteans tried to share their fire with us prior?
Zeus gets mad about their earlier misuse of the fire and destroys multiple rounds of humanity before Prometheus creates us. he also does it to wipe out the Atlantean monsters by causing another massive flood... What if this all links to the aquatic themes and the change in management/civilizations over time and this civilization almost entirely disappeared after the king dies?? Prometheus comes in, a true god, and tried to give us the fire the Atlantean culture used and was punished for sharing, knowing full well that sharing the knowledge could lead us to destruction.
Prometheus thought we should be given the same gifts/chance one of the previous rounds of humans, the Atlanteans, had. Instead of waiting for us to abuse the fire and punishing humans directly, Zeus punishes Prometheus, one of the last true gods, leading to the stagnation of their genetics... and overthrow by the Engineers/Atlanteans. Zeus does not want to let any humans or near humans get the fire again or they'll abuse it and start creating weird hybrid monsters and mermaids like the Atlantean king who symbolizes Lucifer and the fallen angels as well as the future anti-christ aka David in a way. Eventually that King dies but the Engineer culture continues to become more warlike and worships this past head of their civilization who brought them into a war with the fathers/heavens.
What if the Atlanteans/Demi-gods/fallen angel survivors took to Mt. Olympus/the stars to make war with the God class? And only seemed to die out/disappear entirely from the Earth/ the myths...
“It’s about the beginning of life and the eternal ‘what if’.’ Has this ball we’ve been sitting on right now been around for three billion years or one billion? And if we haven’t been pre-visited (by alien civilisations), then what was this planet doing for all that time before life came along? It’s only our arrogance that says, ‘No, it’s impossible, we’re the first ones.’ Are we the first hominids? I really, really, really doubt it. In recent memory or legend we keep talking about wonderful, weird things such as Atlantis – what is that? Where does that come from? Is that real, was it real, is it a memory, did it exist? And if that did exist, did it exist three quarters of a billion years ago? There’d be nothing left now. How was that created and who was it?”
-Ridley Scott
Ignore the fact that the earth's like 4.6 billion years old, Scott had his numbers off here, but what's important to note are the questions he asks about Atlantis, "how was it created and who was it". It's going to be a major shock for some to find out the opening scene is actually about the creation of the original Atlantean humanoids who were said to be a tall race of men, who came from the ocean and had an extremely advanced paradise kingdom before it mysteriously sank and disintegrated back into the ocean. Morphing the survivors as a culture, maybe even hybridizing the humans with sea creatures in the wrong way and releasing mermaids and other hybrid monsters out of their sunken kingdom. And that this process only sped up the creation of the first rounds of humans who get destroyed in the myths along with many of the monsters and giants, and influenced much of the evolution that followed.
The Engineers are more like Greek demi-gods, or Atlanteans, or Sumerian God-kings, or fallen angels, or the Igigi, instead of true gods or Annunaki, or the Olympian class... especially the one we see with the biosuit. Mixture of god and man. Men imbued with godly powers. Genetic engineers, and genetically created as the first humans of the myths who were alongside the first rounds of humans Prometheus created. Tying into the first race of humans created in the Sumerian myths, the Adamos, being all male. The Atlantean humanoids come before us.. and were masters of genetics until they took it too far with mermaids. The mermaids don't come in until much later. They created mermaids in the myths and other Greek hybrid monster. It's also a link to the hybrid monsters described by other ancient cultures. This angered Hades as much as Zeus, causing him to send more monsters up from below. Zeus, Poseidon, and Hades are all brothers who run things a little differently. God, Lucifer and the true Devil in the christian myths. But there we have a father-son thing going on with God and Lucifer. Lucifer originally being born as an archangel. Archangels are the Elder angels.. servants to the Gods as the other choirs of angels below are. Weyland symbolizes aspects of god, man, and Satan all at once. There's many multiple meaning in the movie. It's like comparative-mythology right before our eyes. referencing many cultures at once. David is the closest thing to a son... almost a demi-god son to the man who portrays himself as a god. But David won't represent Christ... he'll eventually represent the opposite.
Lucifer leads his fallen angels against God in scripture. He was also like a dark Prometheus figure and it actually translates to "light-bringer" or a type of match. But Lucifer led the angels to the truth and deceived at the same time to lead them into his war against the Father. This is why David lies and tells the truth at the same time, and hides the true meanings behind multiple meanings throughout the film. He's the present representation of Lucifer, and will become more like the Anti-christ. He lies, and tells the truth at the same time through ambiguity, leading us and using us in a war he is planning. There's a history repeats, and a past, present, future theme shifting up the hierarchy and being played out by other groups below or above in the hierarchy. David has artificial feelings of guilt and is unable to lie, making him have to reveal his true plans in a way, and requires permission from Holloway. His trick. He doesn't mind that he has to hide his true feelings to a certain extent, doesn't feel normal pain, only emotional pain and has to not show that it hurts him and that he is lying. He can even trick himself with his double statements and false beliefs, allowing an android who has messed up artificial feelings to pass the roschach like tests. What they see in the ambiguous shapes is a reflection of their inner psyches and artificial feelings. It wells Weyland if the Davids are developing artificial feelings/personalities the right way. This one found a way to lie about what he was seeing in the strange shapes, and furthermore in his observations/analysis throughout the movie/mission by referring to multiple things at once "I didn't know you had it in you". And holds some messed up inner beliefs... while letting his own hidden emotions influence his actions/observations and statements. He does all this to hide his true "feelings", even though they influence the way he does things and ties into his "dream", an almost subconscious desire (what rorschach's reveal).
Going back to the changes in groups. David wants the androids at the top... leading the company/kingdom/humans. As the closest thing to a son to Weyland the king, and slightly superior to humans, he may feel the desire to rule. There's a reason Vickers had to die... a reason that the female lineage to the throne has been severed for now, and a certain head survives. The preferred son built to look like Vickers. Remember head=king of the kingdom/company in the themes...David's a detached head of the company who continues to live.
"As above, so below." Everything occurs in pairs and parallels, which makes things a bit easier to predict and build off of. Everything including the way characters are paired and oppose each other too. There's even two snakes, and an atmospheric change above (the storm) directly after the atmosphere changes below...
There's a link to some of the Sumerian chief deities underneath Anu there too with Poseidon, Zeus and Hades, as well as Prometheus being the equivalent of Enki. I think it's all about hybridization and not full creation in humanity's/ the Engineer's case... Enki is described as more of a genetic manipulator/engineer. Even the name "Engineers" is ambiguous and could imply they're more like genetic manipulators than true creators. They're genetic engineers who alter already existing plans. The first kings and godlike humans of the myths who get their right to rule from the gods and are said to have the blood/genetics of the gods. In Poseidon's case he's also related to the Titans, and rules over his Atlantean humans that he created in the Atlantean kingdom.
In myths from many cultures that talk about a great island kingdom that predates all our earliest civilizations the Atlanteans, or Raphaem, or Ramans, or "those who came from the water" are referred to as a tall, pale race of men who held incredible science and manipulated lifeforms. And instead of dealing with Prometheus, or Zeus directly so far, we're dealing with the legacy of Poseidon in the Greek myths with his trident which is symbolic of the Devil/Lucifer's powers. The god king of an ancient paradise once said to exist on earth that mysteriously disintegrated into the ocean. The first kingdom... who engineered human hybrids in the myths like mermaids or other weird monsters from the Greek myths that have ties to serpent themes.
They Abused their science, took their genetic engineering too far, angered the gods above, got involved in the Titanomachy (war against the Titans) and sank themselves as an outbreak/catastrophe happened and most were transformed into mermaids and monsters, or disintegrated back into the ocean.
The last Engineer king that arose on Earth had his reign and died, after he dies even the civilization he sets up disintegrates in the ocean. Only to show up again in the myths of our early civilizations, sometimes under new forms. The survivors of the Earth paradise kingdom that left to the stars, hold a grudge against the Elders and gods above them and launched a war against them. They showed us where they were going, some of the survivors staying around the earth, but they were more like the snake in the garden of Eden at this time. They lead us to knowledge about our creation/genetic alteration only to use us in their war against the fathers.

MemberTrilobiteAug-24-2012 6:18 AM[img]http://2.bp.blogspot.com/_ABUXVq0NSVY/TUXB1VibN_I/AAAAAAAAB18/xr6R2DU7ShE/s400/Holy%20Wall%20of%20Text.jpg[/img]
Maybe Mala'kak, just maybe you could give us an "in summary" paragraph of whatever point you was trying to make in all that.

Necronom 4
MemberNeomorphAug-24-2012 8:14 AMLOL Snorks. Haha. After i saw Prometheus it left me wondering what was to come, in the Sequel, my imagination was running wild with ideas. The Queen idea did come to mind, i even drew pretty pictures of her, which my mummy put up on the Fridge door.... Jokin.
The Engineer Queen theory is an interesting thought. But the whole Queen thing was James Camerons thing and i think Ridley wants to steer away from that. I really do.
I also had another idea; What if, the Engineers created us for our Females, maybe because they didn't have any Females of their own? That came to mind after reading about the Nefalim(sic) Giants. Just a thought. But i think i will stick with the Android God thingy!
The poster was good though!

David 1
[b]Ask nothing from no one. Demand nothing from no one. Expect nothing from no one.[/b]

MemberOvomorphAug-25-2012 8:35 AMI always imagined the Engineers had genetically moved beyond the need for typical concepts of sexual reproduction, hence why so many of their creations destroy though sexuality; they are perverse in their existence and cannot act in a typical living manner.
This could imply that in fact there are no female Engineers.
In an interesting twist, imagine this one, sticking with a society so nasty it managed to rid itself of women (seriously, that is just wrong...)
If indeed the Engineers are masculine and their creations are masculine, would the Queen Alien actually be a King? So then, how does he lay eggs?
He wouldn't, but that giant egg sac in ALIENS is in fact a female that produces eggs while the Queen/King produces the "material" to fertilize the eggs.
Now, either I am insane or I am about to give people nightmares. Let us hope it is the latter.

MemberOvomorphAug-25-2012 6:12 PMFirst of all when the term queen is used it should not be placed in Ridleys universe. A queen Xenomorph was what Cameron invented for his Aliens universe. I myself have always based my information about the Alien universe off of the original movie (Alien). The queen idea was Camerons version of how he speculated that the Xenomorphs gave birth as a second option. Now the female engineer theory is interesting. I do hope there are female versions of the engineers. It would add flavor to Sir Ridleys Scotts Alien Universe. The rest is non significant.

Necronom 4
MemberNeomorphAug-25-2012 8:43 PMWARNING. Do not read the following if you are offended by Sexually explicit body horror!
Ok, picture this, Shaw and Davids head arrive at the Engineers homeworld. Eventually they come to a large, bio-machanical building. They enter and eventually come to a massive dome shaped room, in the centre of the room is a huge, weird looking, bio-machanical seat. On the seat is what looks like a Giant, long dead, fosselized female engineer, that looks like SIL. Her legs are spread and she has a strange tube like device coming from her vagina. The tube like device goes into a big reservoir under her seat and it's filled with what looks to be Black Goo.....
The poster was good though!

Necronom 4
MemberNeomorphAug-25-2012 9:02 PMNah...I really must stop looking at Gigers Necronomicon.
I prefer the thought of there being no female engineers and the only way the engineers can reproduce is by swollowing the Goo which brakes down their DNA. The Goo is the oldest life giving substance in the Universe. The engineers are grown in bio-machanical labs,(clones) by their Android masters.
Therefor there is no purpose for female engineers?
The poster was good though!

MemberOvomorphAug-25-2012 9:21 PMi dont want to visit a planet with nothing but big alien dongs everywhere, would be nice to have some ladies around! ~_^

MemberOvomorphAug-25-2012 9:59 PMWow, some of the comments on this thread are so creative and original. Its amazing to know what some people are thinking.

MemberOvomorphAug-25-2012 11:16 PMThe more comments I read, the more I'm convinced that what I originally proposed about a Queen Engineer can't be right. What is taking shape, however, is that a female engineer is something that is important and most likely will take some form in the next movie. What really got me thinking was the quote from Ridley Scott that Mala'kak posted:
"It’s about the beginning of life and the eternal ‘what if’.’ Has this ball we’ve been sitting on right now been around for three billion years or one billion? And if we haven’t been pre-visited (by alien civilisations), then what was this planet doing for all that time before life came along? It’s only our arrogance that says, ‘No, it’s impossible, we’re the first ones.’ Are we the first hominids? I really, really, really doubt it. In recent memory or legend we keep talking about wonderful, weird things such as Atlantis – what is that? Where does that come from? Is that real, was it real, is it a memory, did it exist? And if that did exist, did it exist three quarters of a billion years ago? There’d be nothing left now. How was that created and who was it?”
So if we follow this line of thinking, the Engineers evolved with us on Earth and were taken from the planet or left by their own means some time ago. This makes WAY more biological sense because it would explain why their DNA is a close match to ours (we share a common ancestor) and why they have DNA at all, actually. This last point is what bothered me about the other theory I originally agreed with that the Engineers came and tweaked our DNA perhaps once or many times in the past. If that were true, it wouldn't explain why the Engineers have DNA like ours to tweak in the first place! By simply assuming the Engineers are originally from Earth, the whole issue is avoided and Darwin is not crapped on, which I have to believe Ridley would never do.
This theory was actually my first instinct, but I didn't go with it originally because I thought it was made explicitely clear in the movie that Engineers are an ancient species and that their home planet is not Earth. But the more It think about it and the more I reread the quote from Ridley, the more I realize that this point is just an assumption... What I am now starting to believe is that they left their home planet Earth long ago (either with their own technology or with the help of a higher alien species), but it was so long ago that any evidence of their existence is long gone (or perhaps purposefully erased). Perhaps, as Mala'kak wrote, we only remember them through ancient religions, such as the Greek and Egyptian gods, Atlantis, ...
However, if I go with this new theory, then I have to give up on the concept of a Queen who lays eggs. If Engineers did evolve with us on Earth, there should be Engineer females, and they may even be Queens or Goddesses in the more traditional sense (Athena, anyone?), but I'd have to doubt they lay eggs and were responsible for giving the xenomorphs this trait. Not so much because the Alien Queen was Cameron's concept or the concept of an Enginner egg-laying Queen would evoke to many parallels we wouldn't want to draw between this movie and Species, but mainly because I can't really reconcile the fact that Engineers have DNA with the concept of Evolution. That and the quote from Ridley above. The only work-around theory I can come up with if I want to cling to the concept that the Engineers are not from Earth is that perhaps both Earth and the Engineer's original planet were seeded with DNA long ago by some other more advanced Alien species. But even if this were the case, I'd have a hard time buying the concept that they evolved a head, two eyes, two arms, a nose, a mouth.... so similar to our body parts on a completely different planet.
Catch my drift? Anyone else agree with me on this? We basically have to concede that the only way this movie makes scientific sense is if the Engineers originated from Earth, like us. For whatever reason they left and our only memory of them on the planet is through ancient religions in which they are depicted as gods. In short, an egg-laying Engineer Queen is seeming less and less likely, but I'm still waitin' for an Engineer Goddess!

MemberOvomorphAug-26-2012 5:14 AMI really don't get all this queen stuff, they are born from a human women, and the new life form is just breading like any life form does but in an aggressive way, the new life form is half worm half human, so that mixed can result in anything, The resulting deacon is probably a female as this trait would have come from the female that born the larger worm type octopus thing lol.

MemberOvomorphAug-26-2012 5:25 AMI love the way this film links all the aliens and predictor films together, I was thinking some sort of predictor, higher human war was going on which the humanoids were losing so they wanted to survive by creating life on earth. And ended up creating the weapon which caused the lower worm life form to mutate and kill the humanoids on the plant, the predators would then come and harvest this to start hunting on earth by sackrifising humans. The idea that the original humanoids were on the wanto kill earth humans was because of the possible aliens infestation threat which the predictors wanted. They could then use them as a army or something but they lost control a blew earth up anyway.

MemberOvomorphAug-26-2012 6:01 AMTjvanhawk I don't get your comment of if two spicies are from different plants why can they not be the same ? Have you watched the film in detailed and linked all the other films with it, it does it well, the deacon is obviously a guern and was given to it by the female character that born the big worm it's just mutated inside the engineer it is still female as the start on the process was a women. all life needs hands eyes etc the learn from its environment to devolope a brain !

MemberOvomorphAug-27-2012 1:54 AM@Athlon82: Two animals evolving on different planets will not be alike. Even if we rewound time and let life evolve again on Earth, life would not evolve in the same way as before. Certain things would be similar. Universals, such as eyes (or something to see the surrounding with), appendages (arms, legs to move with), and other sensory organs would appear, of course, but the details would be different, i.e. the number of arms/legs/eyes, their position and symmetry placement within the body, ... The reason things would be different is simply because evolution relies on random mutations, which, as the name suggests, are random! Only random mutations that render organisms more "fit" in their environment are passed on.