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The adventure of Shaw the Wonderwoman and David's head

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MemberOvomorphAug-22-2012 7:46 PM
Yes I also thought Prometheus sucked, and considering how it ended, I can't even imagine a sequel that is nothing but absolutely ridiculous! Just like the flutes! Here we go; Shaw, the "believer" decides to find the homeplanet of the pale giants along with the severed head of David, and the rest of his body.... This is stupid already. Anyway, let's say they land on this new planet, what the ...... is Shaw and a head in a bag going to do? *insert goofy music* Seriously, Prometheus is bad as it is, why a sequel? A sign that Ridley was aware of the disappointment among fans and tries to justify the failure? Honestly hope so... but as Ridley is well aware of; cash is king
43 Replies

Patient Leech

MemberFacehuggerAug-22-2012 7:56 PM
Haters gonna hate... [img][/img]


MemberOvomorphAug-22-2012 8:03 PM the dislike forum yes indeed, thanks for clarifying that with a huge poster. I think I got your message.

Necronom 4

MemberNeomorphAug-22-2012 8:15 PM
The Flute and weird Teenage mutant Ninja Chair Bugged me also. The Ending seemed very rushed, and not very well thought out. I mean, how is Shaw gunna pilot the Juggenaut? Her proportions are too small for a start. Her head would be somewhere around the Abdominal area of the SJ suit? BUT i wouldn't say it "sucked". It was ok. I'm hoping the Sequel will be better! Obviously.

The poster was good though!



MemberOvomorphAug-22-2012 8:38 PM
Yes the ending; what's the proto alien going to do? Take off in another ship? Will we ever find out? And the sight of Shaw or David's headless body piloting the ship in the humongous space jockey chair would be hilarious. They're tiny in comparison!


AdminPraetorianAug-22-2012 10:16 PM
I didn't love Prometheus but I'd still like to see a sequel. Before the movie came out Ridley told people there would most likely be a sequel or two so I dunno why people are so baffled. [IMG][/IMG]


Co-AdminMemberOvomorphAug-22-2012 11:45 PM
yay! Hi Magellan9, welcome to our site! : P
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MemberOvomorphAug-22-2012 11:48 PM
welcome, indeed.


MemberOvomorphAug-23-2012 4:25 AM
Yes, welcome. I thought the flute was a terrific addition. Mixing the very oldest of technologies with the newest. The Engineers are big on symbolism and stuff that looks sort of religious. Maybe they're big on rituals, too, and they've been doing that flutey stuff for millions of years. Also, don't forget that it's a magic alien flute that is much more than a flute. Also there's a different spot in the movie where the notes played on the flute are echoed in the score. Listen out for it.
The most terrifying fact about the universe is not that it is hostile but that it is indifferent

Major Noob

MemberOvomorphAug-23-2012 5:35 AM
@Svanya LOL that's what I love about the ending !

Major Noob

MemberOvomorphAug-23-2012 5:48 AM
Welcome Magellan9! I think a lot depends on personal taste, here. I found the flute to be cool and creepy and suggestive of a *Juggernaut as living organism*. The end, with Shaw flying off at the very least with David's head ( remember, she took his body too) to be one of the most original endings AND setups I can remember. And, remember too that they were on LV223 for another 5 or 6 days before they took off. Plenty of time to get your game on with an assist from a diabolical AI! As for the Deacon, I think it's first purpose in the script was to graphically complete the life cycle for the new fans, and be a little exclamation point at the end for the old (:/) fans.

Major Noob

MemberOvomorphAug-23-2012 5:58 AM
One more thing: Ridley stated long before release the intention of at least one sequel. $$? Of course! But it's not as cynical as that. Film is art as commerce no matter how you slice it. It's clear to me he poured his heart into this film, as an artist and storyteller. One simply cannot pull off a feat like Prometheus without creative integrity. I think he tried his hand at the single-most bizarre blockbuster/ franchise ever, and Fox must think it a success or there'd be no sequel, period.

Patient Leech

MemberFacehuggerAug-23-2012 6:22 AM
[b]It's clear to me he poured his heart into this film, as an artist and storyteller. One simply cannot pull off a feat like Prometheus without creative integrity. I think he tried his hand at the single-most bizarre blockbuster/ franchise ever, and Fox must think it a success or there'd be no sequel, period.[/b] Well put, Noobie. :)


MemberOvomorphAug-23-2012 6:45 AM
Svanya you nailed it, haven't laughed so much in a long time :D


MemberOvomorphAug-23-2012 8:09 AM
Interesting how you all see things differently, on the bright side obviously. Wish I could as well... However there's more to it that makes this film a disappointment IMO, like the dialogue; "I love rocks!!!", "I don't know but It's what I choose to believe" (religious undertone anyone?) "a king has his reign, and then he dies" and "yes, father" list goes on... It's not just the lines themselves but how they pronounce them with either exaggerated dialogue or complete lack of emotion (so, was Vickers an android after all?) These scientists were acting like a bunch of kids who couldn't get along in the sandbox. As adult scientists, they shouldn't act like this considering the magnitude of this mission.


MemberOvomorphAug-23-2012 8:15 AM
Visually, the film looks great. Awesome set pieces and great cinematography. Great performance by Fassbender. That's about the only good things I can extract from the film, but hey It's just my opinion.

David 1

MemberOvomorphAug-23-2012 9:03 AM
Hi Magellan9 and welcome: yeah, the "lone girl ranger, the head and that head's body" seems awkward. lololol
[b]Ask nothing from no one. Demand nothing from no one. Expect nothing from no one.[/b]

Major Noob

MemberOvomorphAug-23-2012 10:45 AM
You are well entitled to your feelings, Magellan9, and many others feel the same. I wish you and others had gotten what they wanted, and I would have been happy with that too. I just got something different from the film, something wuire agreeably unexpected, and can't help trying to articulate it. I'm not trying to convert you... or am I? we may have to wait for my next post to find out...

Major Noob

MemberOvomorphAug-23-2012 10:47 AM
@David1: it's outrageous! Or, depending on who you are, an outrage!


MemberOvomorphAug-23-2012 10:57 AM
Magellan9, I think this movie was a masterpiece in its own. After my third viewing I realized how deep this film is and how much respect I truly have for Ridley Scott. The man poured his heart and soul into this film and it showed. I will not debate all the issues because there is enough reading in this forum to discuss that. As far as your feelings go – we all have our opinions and I respect yours as much as anyone’s on this site. I look at it this way, I have never in my life (54 yrs old) witnessed as much talk about one movie as much as I have Prometheus. This film has come so close to starting global battles it’s not funny. When the last time anyone has witnessed such discussion taking place regarding one film – honestly I can’t remember. So many questions waiting to be answered and we are going to have to wait till 2013 – 2014 to maybe even getting some of them answered. It drives me nuts thinking how many more questions RS will generate after the next movie. Don’t forget this is or likely to be a trilogy of films before we get to the end resolve. One thing I would suggest is get a copy of the “Making of Prometheus” because it has some great photos from behind the scenes and also set designs and story lines. I have so much respect for Ridley Scott and his dedication to his stories and his ability as a story teller and director. He knows what he wants going in and gets it. I look at my personal movie collection and I always keep going back to his movies to watch them over and over again and never get tired of them and find something new each viewing. The man is a genius.
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Major Noob

MemberOvomorphAug-23-2012 11:12 AM
@dopelganger: I've only seen it once in 2D and just the sensory experience of THAT has literally haunted me all this time. I've never seen a film quite like it, though of course it bows to many other films in its course. It's almost Poingnant, in fact it is. And yes the debate is like nothing I've ever seen.

David 1

MemberOvomorphAug-23-2012 12:03 PM
Major Noob Is it??? Please tell me more about it. [img][/img]
[b]Ask nothing from no one. Demand nothing from no one. Expect nothing from no one.[/b]


MemberOvomorphAug-23-2012 12:12 PM
@dopelganger Actually the story is quite conventional, a ship is dispatched to search for a solar system. I didn't find the story deep, but the several plotholes were. But please explain what you mean, much appreciated. What doesn't appeal to me is how the story is executed. Damon's and Spaits tactic was ambiguity (which is fine if you make it good IMO like Chris Nolan's Memento) but that was brought down by Janek's sudden knowledge of lv223 being a military installation, for instance. Like a bolt out the sky, Janek just sums it all up. I really liked the build-up and Ridley's attention to details, but when the film started to pick up the pace, a lot of important things were left unexplained. Why didn't Shaw mention anything about the squid she gave birth to? How did Fifield and Milburn manage to get lost? They were using the best GPS ever! Why does Milburn (-the effin biologist) attempt to cuddle with an alien serpent (obviously hostile)? He was scared moments earlier. Etc etc etc. Damn it hurts to notice these things, but It's so obvious. There were too many things going on, too many loose threads. A writer should never underestimate the audience. But of course I agree with you, we have to respect each other and we're all different. I had certain expectations, like more horror and tension, and getting to know the characters more so that I would care about their destiny.

Major Noob

MemberOvomorphAug-23-2012 1:28 PM
LOL David1 I KNEW you were Willy Wonka!      Yes, I said it, POIGNANT. Why? It's almost like RS is very aware of his own mortality and wanted to produce the wildest most out- there technicolor fist-in-the-face freakfest homage to all the influences that ever moved him/ love letter to film, the sci fi genre and the fans who launched his career while rebooting the franchise with a coupla hundred cc's of psychedelic adrenochrome. Or something like that. And he succeeded. Unfortunately, at least for some, Fox seems to think so too. I hate to say it, but you played a part in that. Doesn't that just make you want to thrash an OompaLoompa?

Necronom 4

MemberNeomorphAug-23-2012 2:55 PM
Hahaha Davy!

The poster was good though!


David 1

MemberOvomorphAug-23-2012 3:18 PM
Major Noob › ahahahah. you are funny. Yes, Sir Ridley must be thinking of his own mortality. Now that his bro died, even more those thoughts must be present in his mind. I payed my ticket for the flick, so I'm cool with it. Also, FOX and Industies like that really don't give a banana to what one thinks or not. All they care is the money they get. As for the Oompas... they scare me. But I'd hapilly slap a Munchkin silly just for the fun of it.
[b]Ask nothing from no one. Demand nothing from no one. Expect nothing from no one.[/b]

Major Noob

MemberOvomorphAug-23-2012 4:11 PM
David1- you are of course absolutely right about Fox, I'm not seeing sentiment in their decision but numbers, but I'm good with that. Believe me, I've complained many times, for instance, about popular music and can't tell you how many times I've heard " well they're rich and you're not.." for which my reply is " yeah, so is McDonald's". I stand for artistic integrity and CANT STAND shallow posing, or pandering. But I don't see that here, so I'm delighted and surprised we're gonna maybe get an answer at least to what happened to Calamity Shaw and the Headless Horseman.


AdminPraetorianAug-23-2012 4:16 PM
@dopelganger; I take it you haven't been in the Batman forums then? You think this is bad, over there people flip at the idea Bane is intellectual or Catwoman is actually nice and helps Bruce Wayne. Emotions are high on every forum, with every movie these days. Riots almost broke out with the release of the Star Wars Blu Ray because Lucas made some changes to the movies. People are passionate about what they like.

Major Noob

MemberOvomorphAug-23-2012 6:29 PM
Svanya, could there be a 2001 for this generation? The creative wellsprings of the 60s and 70s were fueled in large part by cultural conditions that don't exist today . New techniques in recording for example, both audio and visual, that seem quaint today but that heralded a sea change in the arts, and how they were consumed. A new, dangerous but far more cerebral drug culture than that which exists now. Restless youth with a new voice. Corporate decisions uninformed by what we know as corporate mentality. I maintain RS did the best he could, and did very well! The advertising was indeed misleading. But is that a surprise?

David 1

MemberOvomorphAug-23-2012 4:25 PM
M. Noob: Artistic Integrity is such a rare thing these days. Money talks, the Band walks
[b]Ask nothing from no one. Demand nothing from no one. Expect nothing from no one.[/b]


MemberOvomorphAug-23-2012 4:59 PM
@ Svanya Exactly, one of the main reasons why Prometheus was a letdown for me was because the initial trailers promised something darker and horrifying, a nod to Alien that we all know and love. The end result was something completely unexpected and that's not fan service, It's something new and different.
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