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Did you ever notice...

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MemberOvomorphSep-12-2012 10:50 PM
Figured it'd be cool to have a thread like this so people can point things out about the film like the fact that the Juggernaut has the Deacon facing the Hammerpede and things of that nature. Did you ever notice the similarities between the trilobite when he rests upon the engineer and the stasis pod from Alien? Did you ever notice that the section of the Juggernaut that the Prometheus rammed was rather unscathed after the crash? It rammed right near the 3 vaginas and Shaw and David descend from that part of the ship at the end. Seems like that part of the ship would be a total wreck. Guess not.
35 Replies


MemberOvomorphSep-13-2012 10:17 AM
@necronom...Never noticed that! I must check that out. Man, I had some more "did you notice" questions but they have flown out of my mind. I'll have to think hard to get them back lol.


MemberOvomorphSep-13-2012 10:15 AM
@oduodu...Thanks, but I know I'm good lol. I never noticed that David was eating. For some reason I thought he was coloring his hair in that scene. Guess he was doing both. That was a long post and I don't have time to go over all of them but I'll give answers for a few. Yes, Janek was smoking while decorating the christmas tree. The "glitched pup" that Janek was telling Millburn and Fifield about was no longer in the same place because David opened the door to the cockpit or whatever you want to call the area where the Engineer's stasis pods were. You'll notice in the film that whenever there is a closed door on the juggernaut that there's a pup floating outside of it and that when the door is opened the pup goes in and continues mapping. When the crew are leaving to go look for Millburn and Fifiled someone mentions the "glitched pup" and David says he can go check it out to see what's up. He has alterior motives at that point of course. I think he knows there is a lifeform present and is "trying harder" for Weyland. When the Juggernaut begins to start there is a rush of air that blows Shaw down an embankment and outside. I do however find a lot of problems in regards to "proximity" at the end of the film like where Vickers pod lands and where the juggernaut land in regards to where it was in the sky when it crashed. Yeah, there's icons above their blips. It's the first letter of their last name except for David, of course. Fiflield wasn't picking up the ship below because the pup had not gone thru the door yet. I think the pups can tell something's hollow thus they wait outside of doors. If not they would just be waiting at every wall.

Necronom 4

MemberNeomorphSep-13-2012 9:39 AM
Did you notice how in the digital displays, inside their helmets, display the numbers 666? They have numbers at the top of the displays, when being shown from their perspective (first person perspective) they have numbers like 64 62 63. (6)4 (6)2 (6)3.....666. Is it just a coincidence or does it mean something?

The poster was good though!



MemberOvomorphSep-13-2012 7:42 AM
@FreePlanet...Yeah, I noticed that but did you ever notice the 3 scratches that he has right above the tattoo? When he goes to the mirror he touches his shoulder and kind of checks them out. I've always wondered where the hell they came from and my best guess is that Shaw scratched him during cuddle's conception. It seems some of you may have missed that. Check it out and tell me what you think. @oduodu...No, I never noticed that. Wonder what it is? One of those magnetic balancing things like they have in those braclets maybe lol.


MemberXenomorphSep-13-2012 7:58 AM
Engineering Probably 2 dimensional holographs. LOL What about the way David swallows the porridge form his spoon - reminds a lot of wren when he asked ripley :"how does that make you feel ?" Or when janek says: "take us around" - reminds of when goreman says " give me a slow circle" 000000000RRRRRRRR Are you refering more to visual references ?


MemberXenomorphSep-13-2012 9:36 AM
Engineering I remember a part where while David is watching the video about the language training while he is eating and he takes the spoon(fork?) out of his mouth In a long winded way , like child would trying to irritate his parents - it reminded of the way wren (in resurrection) takes the spoon out of his mouth before after saying to Ridley "were teaching you - how does that make you feel". Engineering - I'm not being sarcastic when I say this - but you are really good - that bowl fifield is drinking from as you said is probably a reference of fifield drinking of the sacrificial bowl in the ampule room (as getting inffected probably amounts to the same thing - maybe I guess) Was that a cigarette in janeks mouth when he was at the Christmas tree ? Why was Vickers hair loose while she was watching the feed from David ? Was that post janek.....(you know what I mean !!!!) Whas she drinking tea ? Whas that a screen showing the completely mapped top view of the pyramid to the right of the screen showing the feed from david that vickers was watching ? Why was the glitched pup janek referred to way out to top right hand side of the temple. But when janek asks for the the part of the ship to be zoomed in on it doesn't seem anywhere near where the pup was that was faulty ? Why was David stopping in his little buggy halway between the pyramid and the prometheus ship as the rest of the crew continues to find milburn and fifield ? Why was Shaw getting out of the ground halfway between the pyramid and the prometheus ship after she ran away from the engineer ? Where does fifield keep his marajuana burning before it gets puffed into his helmet? Does the little icons on the pyramid holographs of the crew have little letters hanging above them ? I take it is the first letter of the person' s name it represents. I think it was turning around on top of the its icon ? Why was fifield not picking up the the ship in the ground below them as they were riding as he was picking up whether or not things are hollow ? Why was janek wearing a blanket if he is in a ship that has climate control ? Why was it necessary for a ship that is able to land vertically to move horizontally. Just before it lands - why not hover still in the air and then land just going down ? Was that 04 on the side of the ship ? The 4th of its kind ? Was it going to take any signal from prometheus 34 years to reach earth or do they use subspace frequencies like star trek that means no time delay ? would it take WEYLAND-YUTANI 34 years to learn of Prometheus"s fate ? So by 2127 WEYLAND-YUTANI will find out what happens. 5/6 years after the events of alien ? How long does it take lv 223 to turn around its own axis ? 36 hours ? Is the skullface on top of the pyramid not exactly the same as the xenomorph in alien's face? Has anyone noticed it looks like the grim reaper ?(probably has)


MemberOvomorphSep-13-2012 8:14 AM
@oduodu...Any visual references, homages or anything at all that you noticed that some may not have. Doesn't matter. What porridge did David eat with a spoon? Is it in the deleted scenes or something? And Ripley isn't in Prometheus. I'm confused lol??? When you said that it made me think of when Fifield is drinking from the bowl when Millburn tries to make friends. Reminds me of the Sacrificial Engineer and the bowl he took the goo out of. Fifield, sipping the goo just waiting to become Zombie Fifield lol.


MemberXenomorphSep-12-2012 11:39 PM
Engineering "Did you ever notice that the section of the Juggernaut that the Prometheus rammed was rather unscathed after the crash?" Good point . Dropping from the sky from that height crashing into the ground without breaking apart. I guess engineers sitting at the old age home uses the adage " they don't grow them like that anymore" LOL . I guess they grow em to last a very long time. A bio metallic alloy that doesn't rust - contract - expand - maybe nanites or viral agents keeping the maintenance up. Also the prometheus ship seemed bigger from the inside then seen from the outside. Where was all the vehicles when they were sitting in the hall ? Where exactley were they when Weylands speech ensued. When Vickers talked to Janek as he was tending the Christmas tree what do all those numbers on the wall doors mean ?


MemberOvomorphSep-13-2012 12:26 AM
Did you ever notice that Weyland wears some kind of medal dangling from the left breast pocket of his suit?
The most terrifying fact about the universe is not that it is hostile but that it is indifferent


MemberOvomorphSep-13-2012 12:38 AM
Did you ever notice Holloway's CROSS TATTOO on his right shoulder? Really, yeah, but maybe it was just in the Deleted Scenes that got deleted from the 'net - why would you wanna cloak the truth of a Fallen Angel?
2013 sci-fi horror novels 'Custodian' and 'Tandem' available from Amazon, B&N, iTunes etc...


MemberOvomorphSep-13-2012 4:22 AM
Yes, I noticed that. It's very apparent in the theatrical release in the scene where he's at the mirror.
The most terrifying fact about the universe is not that it is hostile but that it is indifferent


MemberOvomorphSep-14-2012 5:30 AM
Did you notice that the first close-up of the Prometheus was having a cheeky little dig at countless other sci-fi movies that show the sun appearing from behind a planet?
The most terrifying fact about the universe is not that it is hostile but that it is indifferent


MemberOvomorphSep-14-2012 5:58 AM
you know what i noticed, some douchebag talking to his friend, texting someone else, and making the most noise for the longest time with a paper napkin that i have ever experienced in my life. i heard this talking and texting mother-fker wipe his hands on a napkin for minutes and minutes on end each session, many sessions throughout the film. i have O.C.D and i am not even close to that annoying about cleaning my hands. FYI if you are in this forum, the napkin isnt cleaning your hands... why dont you carry a travel size bottle of hand sanitizer like the rest of us cooks, or get your lazy but up and wash your hands 50 times, weirdo. also, i would like to know how you defied the laws of physics and made a napkin make noises so loud that i could hear it over dolbi surround sound in the loudest theater i have ever been to, so loud that ever sound effect makes the theater shake like a paint can mixer and even gave me tinnitus. why did you even go to the most expensive movie theater in the entire state just to talk to your buddy, text on your phone, and turn a napkin into an auditory torture device? you weren't even watching the movie... what is wrong with you, why did you even go? *deap breath* sorry for this furious rant but i have only seen the movie once and this sumbitch ruined it for me -_- if you live in oklahoma and you went to the warren theater in the balcony seating on midnight opening day and did this.... you sir, are a douchebag, and if i have the displeasure of being near you again i am going to Papier-mâché you with napkins! ill do it too, im eccentric :P plus i always have napkins in my purse because of my allergies, so im prepared!
[img][/img] [url=]BarleysFund[/url]


MemberOvomorphSep-14-2012 10:47 AM
^ (can't stop laughing)


MemberXenomorphSep-14-2012 11:06 AM
Neither can I !!


MemberOvomorphSep-15-2012 12:24 PM
Did you notice that the Big Head Room has a shaft above it that runs to the top of the Pyramid? Did you notice that, in the Map Room, the Moon's orbit around the Earth was way off scale? In reality the Moon is much farther away than depicted in the graphic.
The most terrifying fact about the universe is not that it is hostile but that it is indifferent


MemberOvomorphSep-17-2012 6:22 AM
Did you ever notice Janek's suspicious behaviour when he talks to the lost crew members. He tells them that their signal has been dropping in and out since the storm hit but yet we see him watching a crystal clear feed from their helmets. Did you ever notice the robotic way Vickers turns to Janek when she sees him putting up a Christmas tree on the pool table....she turns her head, then turns her body to face him. I'm of the school that thinks she's an android. Did you ever notice that the hammerpede has a vagina for a mouth :) Also look at the picture of the Engineer ship at the top of this page (on the link called "talk Prometheus") - it looks like a prophecy of the deacon and hammerpede coming face to face. I can imagine a scene where the 2 species meet face to face as adults, both much bigger, the hammerpede constricts the deacon before latching on to its second jaw. It brings to mind the legend of Ouroboros, the snake eating its own tail. Apparently it represents "the idea of primordial unity related to something existing in or persisting from the beginning with such force or qualities it cannot be extinguished"......sounds like a description of a Xeno to me :)


MemberXenomorphSep-17-2012 7:13 AM
Druzilla Very interesting post Well spotted ! Isn't a snake swollowoing its own tale a sign of eternity / inifniteness ? Is the jugg with two tails approaching each other maybe a sign that the engineers are beginning to approach immortality ?is the circular ship at the start a proof maybe that the elder engineers are immortal but that there is a sub specy among them that has yet to attain it or maybe they are lesser members that must sacrifice themselves to ensure genetic diversity or attain/produce a perfect genome that will ensure immortality ? Did UN immortal members dable in technology meant for the immortal ones ? Are the Xenomorphs worshopped for their ability to provide this perfect genome ? Then when the the lessor engineers tried to tame the xenomorph after the events on lv 426 they introduced an ampule based "xenomorph". It is often the children of people who themselves are rebellious that rebels. Which why in becoming immortal themselves the people on earth failed in this regard and needed to be replaced with obedient children that will help them grow there genome to perfection. Just. A thought


MemberXenomorphSep-17-2012 7:53 AM
Maybe the perceived invitation is a test . The obedient children will continue to worship as the drawing instructs (and breed improved DNA). But the disobedient ones will look past the engineers to the "stars" and say : I want that for myself !! To be like you . Was the "incomplete" engineers once a race like mankind - they stayed true their purpose and once they succeeded in providing the elder engineers (wich seeded them ) they themselves were allowed to now start doing it for themselves ? Just another thought. Maybe that's why no help came their way . They failed. The xenomorph is the creature that eventually prevailed after countless centuries of wiping out disobedient children. Thereby being both life and death depending on whether or not you seeded the correct engineer - is his DNA going to better you ? After the successful engineer that supplied the improved genome DNA material the race is used the reseed or seed another world and probably replaced by being xenomorphed. I think bigdave made a brilliant point. Maybe the sacrificial cups was to break down engineer DNA so that it may also be dropped by ampules so that the resultant engineer seeding process is greatly hastened as well as the eventualy being xenomorphed . Is the hammerpede(facehugger DNA) approaching the xenomorph (xenomorph DNA) coming together not an image of the engineers starting to reach the singularity (genome wise) ?


MemberXenomorphSep-17-2012 7:55 AM
Sorry off topic.


MemberOvomorphSep-17-2012 8:57 AM
@Druzilla...Yeah, I noticed the Juggernaut's little secret. I mentioned it in the first post of this thread. I didn't notice it myself though. It was brought to the forum's attention quite a while ago in it's own thread. As far as Janek's behavior, I think that was actually a mistake on the part of the filmakers. From my view they were supposed to be having problems with communication and the camera feeds but we never see any of these problems on screen. Another mistake I believe the filmakers made in regards to this was Janek asking Fifiled and Millburn what their location is when it's clearly shown on the map. I'm not positive but I also seem to recall a shot of the map when Fifiled and Millburn were alone in the pyramid and the map still had the rest of the crew's icons showing as if they were still there also when they were really back on the ship.


MemberOvomorphSep-17-2012 9:53 AM
It's difficult to imagine that those were mistakes given the already mysterious nature of the film. Janek was the captain of the ship and may well have had alterior motives at that time based on instructions given to him by Vickers or Weyland? He had a change of heart at the end but I personally think he had prior knowledge of the purpose of the site hence the drastic actions taken to prevent the payload reaching earth. With this movie, anything is possible.


MemberOvomorphSep-17-2012 9:54 AM
Oduodu A snake swallowing its own head is indeed a sign of infinity - my quote came from good ol' wikipedia so it's a slightly convoluted way of making that point :) Its the "primordial unity" part that interests me. I like the idea of the Engineers being to the Elders what Androids are to humans - androids are lesser beings in our eyes but in actuality they possess more intelligence, strength, life, even compassion to an extent which makes them highly superior (David asking Shaw if she is alright after she gets knocked on her ass by the storm). So, we are the gods, the creators, but the androids are the immortals who will outlive us by hundreds if not thousands of years. I think the Engineer at the beginning might be an echo of David....a creation of the elders and, for whatever reason, they tricked him into drinking the goo, likely claiming it was a nectar of the gods and a rite of passage. Actually, thinking about it, the reverse makes more sense. The "eldars" were created by the Engineers to seek out/create something to make them immortal but instead of obeying, they rebelled. It's like a logical anomoly for a computer - "make me immortal" = "make me live forever" = "deconstruct me at a molecular level and use my DNA to seed a new generation of life." That's the danger of A.I, it can draw it's own long as logic prevails.


MemberOvomorphSep-17-2012 2:41 PM
I do think janek might have known something most didn't simply because he came up with his "military installation" theory out of nowhere. However, I do not believe that he had alterior motives or anything like that. I think he's one of the characters in the film that the audience can relate to, trust and put faith in. He cared about every person on the mission. He was not the kind of guy to put people in danger for the boss. Hell, he crashed the ship and killed himself at the end, defying Vickers orders and saving lives. No way he was up to something. But like i said, he may have discovered something that we didn't know about. I still believe that there wasn't very good communication between the effects department that did the map layouts and the filmakers. I think certain things were rushed and the map layouts were one of them. Just look at the trailers. There were all kinds of digital effects that were still being changed up until the last minute.


MemberOvomorphSep-17-2012 2:48 PM
Engineering remember, I've only seen the film once, in the cinema, so haven't gone through the DVD-fine-tooth-combing exercise yet. ;)
2013 sci-fi horror novels 'Custodian' and 'Tandem' available from Amazon, B&N, iTunes etc...


MemberOvomorphSep-17-2012 7:28 PM
@FreePlanet...It's all good. I'm sure you will once the download or dvd hits. I, however, saw it 6 times in regular theatres and twice at the dollar theatre. And you can throw in half a viewing from a time the chick I went with got sick and we had to jet. [b]Did you ever notice...[/b] On the "Vickers is an android" front...Along with her robotic movements, as Druzilla pointed out, did you ever notice her clothes? She is the only one on the crew who dresses in a very similar fashion to David. Both of their wardrobes seem "robotic" in their look. Did you ever notice the door of the Prometheus labeled L22? Perhaps a "reinforcment" reference to Leviticus 22?


MemberOvomorphSep-18-2012 5:04 AM
@Engineering Vickers' clothes, her manner, her movements, everything says "Android" to me. Certain scenes are designed to throw the audience off the scent although they can easily be looked at from another perspective - She asks for a drink, "Get me a Vodka, up." The way she asks for it is very theatrical and i suspect this is something she saw in a movie or was said by someone she admires. Like David she is merely imitating what inspires her. She calls Weyland Father (with tears in her eyes?) - Weyland called David "the closest thing to a son I've ever had." My theory is that Vickers was once Weylands right hand droid (his daughter) before the David 8, a more advanced model, replaced her. She has the same emotional issues that affected Ash hence her anger and resentment at Weyland and the apparent tears in her eyes. Bishop talked about inhibitor chips being introduced...I imagine David 8 has such a chip and that is part of what makes him superior. She screams hysterically before she is crushed by the falling ship - I actually don't have an explaination for that one although it may again tie in with the emotional instability of her model (which I believe to be a Hyperdyne 120 A/2). As for Janek, I agree that he was the 'everyman' in Prometheus and probably didn't want to harm or by omission of action, allow to be harmed, another human being. It is possible that he was briefed about the site before they left and what we were seeing during the "blip on the map" scene was the reality of the situation dawning on him. There was something about his manner that threw me though. Can't wait to see it again.


MemberOvomorphSep-18-2012 5:58 AM
Bella Donna, That’s the saddest thing I’ve read on this entire forum so far. I checked my cellphone a thousand times to make sure it was turned off. If it were me I would’ve gotten up and make him eat his napkin and his cell. Haha can you imagine? EAT THIS! *guy gets up himself, tells me to mind his own business, RUINS my experience…* That’s it! “Don’t even try it you little runt! You splash around in here! That’s it! That’s it! Here’s some mud for you… I’m gonna bury you underground, ELi…. I mean Damon * most evil laugh in history* I’m gonna bury you underground”…LOL LOL “You inconsiderate prick! Do have any idea how much that stings!”
You don\\\'t see them fucking each other over for a goddamn percentage!


MemberOvomorphSep-18-2012 7:41 AM
@Druzilla...Great points about Vickers. I totally agree and I've been a believer of her being an android since I first saw the film. Especially after Scott hinted that there was more than one android in the film before it came out. As far as Janek, I do see what you're talking about in regards to him acting "strange" or whatever. Like when he tells them to try not to bugger each other and says "Janek out" or whatever to end the conversation and act like he's gone. Yet he continues to watch them with a very concerned look on his face. But I still can't bring myself to believe that he was up to something or knew something. There's even more evidence to kinda support your theory such as the "I'm just the captain" and "I just fly the ship" comments. You could deduce that he's saying these things and acting this way to throw people off. But for some reason I just can't see him being shady. Not one bit. I doubt we'll ever know either as I'm sure he wont even be mentioned in the sequels. Shame as I think Idris is great and I loved that character.


MemberOvomorphSep-18-2012 8:26 AM
@Engineering I think you're probably right. We both recognise that he acted a little strangely during that scene but I'm in agreement that there's nothing to suggest that he's a stooge and he is an unlikely candidate for the Burke-esque "crew are expendable" characteristic. In an ideal world there will be flashbacks in the sequels to flesh out Weyland, David and Vickers' backstories. If they did take that approach at least they could utilise Guy Pearce as a young Weyland. Forgive me for offering yet another unfounded theory but I think that Weyland took over the business from his father or maybe long-trusted mentor when he was a young man. When asked by Vickers, his droid servant, why he is not saddened by this he will reply "every king has his reign, then he dies. That is the natural order of things." This will resonate with Vickers prompting her to repeat his words to him in Prometheus...hence his blank, cold response. He's likely thinking "ah, touche!"
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