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MemberOvomorphSep-12-2012 10:50 PMFigured it'd be cool to have a thread like this so people can point things out about the film like the fact that the Juggernaut has the Deacon facing the Hammerpede and things of that nature.
Did you ever notice the similarities between the trilobite when he rests upon the engineer and the stasis pod from Alien?
Did you ever notice that the section of the Juggernaut that the Prometheus rammed was rather unscathed after the crash? It rammed right near the 3 vaginas and Shaw and David descend from that part of the ship at the end. Seems like that part of the ship would be a total wreck. Guess not.
35 Replies

MemberOvomorphSep-18-2012 9:15 AM@facehug
omfg, after the movie i tried to confront that sumbitch but he ignored me to talk on his stupid phone like i wasn't even there!!!!
after he stuck his feet out on purpose
(made eye-contact with me and smiles like an asshole)
i tried to stomp on his feet with my crazy ass high heeled kneehigh boots but he yanked his feet away without moving his head at all.. just kept playing on his stupid ass phone, like i wasn't even there at all.. i was worth him trying to trip me but not worth making eye contact when i tried to stomp his foot and yelled at him? you are a douchebag!!!!
note to everyone here.... if you hear a huge news story about some tiny chick slapping a smart phone out of someones hand and smashing the owners face with it repeatedly in oklahoma... thats me...

MemberXenomorphOct-09-2012 6:32 PMTo all
Did you notice that when David goes into the cargo hold for the first time that some of the ampules lying in a horizontal position(roughly at chest / head height) has black gOo at their ends ? Alsmost as if they emptied themselves. Why only some and not all ?

MemberOvomorphOct-10-2012 12:14 PMI've read a couple things now about David conditioning his hair. I don't think he's conditioning his hair, just combing it. I think he's conditioning his face. It would a lot more sense to condition his face since it isn't a living organism like ours (to prevent drying, promote elasticity, etc...).

Bobby two shoes
MemberOvomorphOct-13-2012 6:15 PMDid you notice when shaw went to the emergancy medical pod for the ceserean that she wasn't wearing underware but bandages wrapped around her instead, you could see the safety pin holding the bandage together. Anyone know the explanation for this as it seems a bit bizzar.
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