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Bo Cherry
MemberOvomorphSep-17-2012 3:02 PMTitle says all.
The What is 10.11.12 website was updated earlier today with a deleted scene titled, "Engineers", presumably the deleted scene we heard about titled, "The Engineer Speaks".
Something I noticed, however, was that the Engineer says the line that was in the phone recording of **WEYLAND a few months ago.
So yeah...this pretty much sums up what 10.11.12 really is...just a Blu Ray promotion...and I know this was proved earlier but I gotta say...
20th Century Fox...I was hoping for an extended cut theatrical release.
38 Replies

Patient Leech
MemberFacehuggerSep-17-2012 3:12 PM[url=]Holy shit, I finally found the clip you're talking about. That's freakin' awesome... such a tease, though..[/url]
^^Click to see it.

Necronom 4
MemberNeomorphSep-17-2012 3:37 PMHoly Beeeeep! We will find out what the translation is on the Blu Ray? WOW.... I don't know who to thank for that?
The poster was good though!

Co-AdminMemberOvomorphSep-17-2012 3:37 PMEngineer doesn't sound so happy about Weyland's ego for eternal life, LOL, as we suspected!
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MemberDeaconSep-17-2012 3:39 PMWell there are supposed to be a few more bits of Dialog between David and the Engineer.
This does show the Engineer is not pleased with what David told him about Weylands Agenda.
R.I.P Sox 01/01/2006 - 11/10/2017

MemberDeaconSep-17-2012 3:44 PMI would also assume that what he is saying is something like...
who do you think you are coming here to make those kind of demands.
how dare you come here before me and demand for immortality
R.I.P Sox 01/01/2006 - 11/10/2017

MemberFacehuggerSep-17-2012 4:24 PMWell thats were the audio from the telephone call came from then. Argh I was hoping the audio in the phone call was from something new not a deleted scene - the shift is moving clser to just the blu ray release :S ....please be something more.
That scene was quiet good - should of been in the film!
"It's almost as if they are making it up as they go along" :D

AdminPraetorianSep-17-2012 4:36 PMI Really wish they would have left these bits (the deleted scenes) in the movie... I mean, these scenes fill in the missing blanks people had such a big issues with. If we keep allowing companies to serve us half baked movies in theatres just so they can sell more DVD's we really are losing out as movie goers. It isn't ok to do this to viewers.

Alien DNA
MemberOvomorphSep-17-2012 4:39 PMI think this will play out a lot better then him just ripping off David's head without saying anything, perhaps even give some more insight to what seemed to be an embrace of affection before doing so.
MemberOvomorphSep-17-2012 5:08 PM@Svanya
"I Really wish they would have left these bits in the movie..."
I have no idea why they haven't done that. It's so disappointing. That scene is so epic! The way the Engineer speaks, wow! I'm speechless.

MemberOvomorphSep-17-2012 5:18 PMOne of the best scenes not in the movie, that should have been in the movie, it would have been epic to hear an Engineer speak and he does sound and look pissed off...... I hope he stated, " Why extend life to our creations, your nothing but meat bi-product for our Gods"
I should reach the frontier in about 6 weeks. With a little luck, the network will pick me up. This is Ripley, last survivor of the Nostromo....

Patient Leech
MemberFacehuggerSep-17-2012 5:36 PM@Svanya
While I agree that this scene should have totally been in the film (just for sheer badassery), you have to understand that Ridley was trying to make things ambiguous (ala 2001: A Space Odyssey), "Ambiguous Sci-Fi." When I learned that [i]that[/i] was the method to his madness, his editing decisions made a lot more sense to me. Now, having said that, I don't always agree with the decisions that he makes. This should have totally been in the film. It would have been ambiguous enough just to leave it untranslated! Arg... granted, it's also kind of creepy/strange when the Engineer strokes David's head affectionately and then rips it off... haha, but damn, hearing him speak is f#cking EPIC. And Weyland's intense curiosity as to what he said is brilliant also... arg!!!
I can't wait to see the rest of this scene...

Necronom 4
MemberNeomorphSep-17-2012 7:28 PMThe first one's called jeebus lol, the second one (who's head explodes) is called Twitchy and the last one is Bob. No, i don't know what the first and second are called.
The poster was good though!

MemberOvomorphSep-17-2012 7:42 PM@Patient Leetch
I hope Ridley realizes these "mistakes" and will do justice to everyone by putting in this for his Dir. Cut.

Necronom 4
MemberNeomorphSep-17-2012 7:44 PMWho was it who labeled the last engineer Bob? Does anyone know?
The poster was good though!

MemberOvomorphSep-17-2012 8:07 PM[b]Quote=BigDave..."This does show the Engineer is not pleased with what David told him about Weylands Agenda."[/b]
I thought the engineer ripping David's head off and killing Weyland with it showed that just fine lol.

Major Noob
MemberOvomorphSep-17-2012 8:13 PMHah that voice ROCKS. Whole new angle on the Engineer. Fader LOL that's awesome. It's been said that Fox forced cuts which makes sense, shorter run time = more showings. In a sense I'm kinda glad as this suggests some awesomeness to come...

MemberOvomorphSep-17-2012 8:23 PMAs far as this being a scene that was deleted and should have been in the original cut, I couldn't disagree more. Yeah, it's awesome. It's badass. I don't think anyone knows how much I love the final engineer. I mean, I LOVE the engineers but Bob just takes it to another level. His look, his mannerisms, his anger. He's my favorite part of the film. The scene when he is awakened is my favorite. I'm still in awe of him and the scene. Having these feelings you would think I would be the first person to be pissed that this was left out of the film. However, I understand one thing...SUBTLETY. Alien was built on subtlety. Not knowing what the hell the SJ in Alien was and the rest of the mystery surrounding him/her and the xenos is a HUGE part of what made that film so great. The very reason people were so in awe of the xeno was because you only caught glimpses. The first Nightmare on Elm St is great because you only catch glimpses of Freddy. Not seeing a lot of the shark in Jaws was key. Ridley knows this. He knows the less you show the more people want in regards to an character like this.
I get it. I know we all love the engineers and want to see more. That was the point. Now you'll get to see more.
BTW, I'm not against to another cut. I just understand what Ridley was doing and feel he succeeded and I feel that was the best way to go theatrically.

Major Noob
MemberOvomorphSep-17-2012 8:24 PMDid he not make any noise while fighting the Trilobite? I'd have been shrieking like a spitted pig.

MemberOvomorphSep-17-2012 8:33 PMYes, he did make noise ie some grunts and whatnot while fighting the trilobite.
Furthermore on the "scene in/out" debate, I don't feel that this scene filled any "holes" in whatsoever. I don't understand why so many need everything layed out and explained 100%. It's kind of irritating. The engineer was pissed. We see that in the film. He was pissed because humans had woke him up and were asking for something they shouldn't have been. I don't understand how a few words(which haven't even been subtitled yet) can fill in these "holes" that people have problems with.
If you ask me most people find "holes" in this film because it wasn't what they expected. It wasn't a sci-fi horror film in the same sense that Alien was. This pissed people off. Therefore they find problems with it that they totally give a pass to in regards to other films.***see my "Blade Runner plot holes" thread for examples.

Major Noob
MemberOvomorphSep-17-2012 8:42 PMFor me there were zero holes. I do enjoy this clip though, and I'm glad it came later. The Engineers were mostly silent and yes spellbinding. That to me was an adrenalizing peek, can't wait to see the whole thing. The disc will be like Prometheus with many gifts attached!

Patient Leech
MemberFacehuggerSep-17-2012 8:43 PMWell put, Engineering.
Another thing: i don't really see Ridley going back to put these scenes in for a Director's Cut if the footage is released as deleted scenes. We'll have seen it already. The theatrical cut IS the director's cut.

MemberOvomorphSep-17-2012 9:52 PMholy sh, i will make my own cut using some of the deleted scenes then!

MemberOvomorphSep-17-2012 10:50 PMI'm still waiting to get thrashed for my opinion so thanks, Patient Leech! However, imo, my opinion is the correct opinion lol!
Like I said, I understand why people would want the scenes back in. I just think the film works better and keeps us pondering, dissecting and talking about the it because of it's subtleties and ambiguity. I mean, we would be talking about it regardless I know but it wouldn't have that grand mystery that pushed Alien over the top and got us hooked and interested in the SJ/Engineers in the first place.
I've compared the theatrical and yet to be made special edition cut of Prometheus to the 2 versions Alien many times in regards to deleted scenes staying deleted or being added back to the film. If you look at the 2 versions of Alien, imo, niether is a "better" film than the other. You may enjoy one better. I think I like the DC better because I don't like Cameron's direction as far as the queen goes. It's cool to see that the xeno takes it's victims and turns them into eggs. But overall they are basically the same film.
In regards to the 2 versions of Alien, it's not like the 2 versions of Kingdom of Heaven where there's actually complete and rather complex subplots inserted back into the film. And from what I've seen and read that doesn't seem to be the case with Prometheus. So far it seems that there are some cool scenes that were cut that will not really add to the overall quality of the film. They might explain certain things a little better but if you couldn't figure out the answers these deleted scenes seem to answer for yourself I doubt you're going to like it regardless of what's in these scenes.
In all, I know I will enjoy seeing the deleted scenes. I wouldn't mind seeing another version of the film simply because I can't get enough of Prometheus. But from what I've seen and read about I absolutely do not think that these deleted scenes would change the overall quality of the film. As of now, and mind you I've only seen this one deleted scene but I've read about some others, I believe the theatrical cut is the way to go.

MemberOvomorphSep-18-2012 1:40 AM"I Really wish they would have left these bits (the deleted scenes) in the movie..." Svanya, exactly my thought - however, it might turn out the Ridley Scott was right by removing ANY SCENE that showed a vulnerability/interaction on the Engineer's part. And this applies to the opening scene with the Elder Engineers.
Anything that 'seemed like a weakness or fault' (as did this outpouring from the Risen Engineer, look at his 'Adrienne' Rocky-like downturn of mouth) must be eradicated. The Engineers, in Ridley's World, must seem like alabaster sculptures of David by Michelangelo - nothing less.
I suspect he might have been right to do what he did --- only further viewings of the deletions will verify.
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MemberOvomorphSep-18-2012 7:22 AMWoW! Nobody wants to tell me I'm crazy or debate this? That's a shocker.

MemberDeaconSep-18-2012 9:36 AMI am all up for Ambiguity and the movie would have still kept that had they not removed any scenes.
I understand maybe they wanted to cut some of the scenes down, so as that maybe either the Engineer full Scene...
1) Gave to many clues or Answers in what he said if translated.
2) They may have felt it better to keep the Engineer as a Race that says little or nothing and can not speak but understands a language thus they felt having the Engineer not talk made them more menacing.
3) Maybe they are doing it because in Prometheus 2 Ridley may want to change these Engineers to being simply Androids just Biological Robots who have a set and purpose they do not ask questions they do not speak they just take commands and thats all.
But any of these raises many other problems, if they are a Advanced Race and one that understood David then they would have some kind of Language and we see a lot of evidence of some kind of Alien Written Language so why cant they not speak?
I think the tone the Engineer talked with still makes him imposing and in no way diminishes him.
If they had a change of mind they should have re-done the scenes as by going the lazy time saving and money saving route of just cut bits and pieces it does not make sense.
Its like Watching a movie that has a scratched disc and then just jumps scenes and cuts bits out, the cutting of the scenes to me made the movie not flow... as i said like watching a DVD that has scratches on it.
R.I.P Sox 01/01/2006 - 11/10/2017

MemberDeaconSep-18-2012 9:56 AMNow on to the Scene.
The Engineer did not look angry at all, he looked calm and in fact he looked very intrigued and especially with Shaw.
All through he never showed any emotional just looked perplexed by the crew, even when he placed his had on Davids head.. then if i remember the scene then shows him with his head in his hands and he rips it off and has a very pissed off look about him..
We do not see him move his hand from petting David to then him ripping it off not in one full motion. As it cuts to Weyland between.
But now after seeing the deleted part of the scene (and i think there is more deleted that just this part). It now seems that there may have been another moment between the head pet and head rip.
To me it looks now like maybe after the head pet we then go to the deleted scene when he speaks back and then Weyland says what did you ask, and David tells him "i told him you wanted to live forever"
This scene has Weylands hands raised in the same position just prior to David got his head ripped off and the Engineers face has anger on it.
I guess we will find out when the blue ray comes out but i am sure also Weyland asks David to continue and he then talks to the Engineer, which maybe means he already talked to him but was cut.
I would say that the Engineer scene in Engineer vs Weyland spot is what occurred right prior to the head ripping off.
I agree without the scene yes we could work out that David had said what Weyland had come for and we knew from the earlier Scene Weyland wanted to know if these Engineers could prolong his life.
After Prometheus Fassbender had spoken about what was said and he said what upset the Engineer was he told the Engineer what Weyland wanted from him.
With this deleted scene we know here David say "i told him you wanted to live forever"
Where as prior it was unknown, and many speculated maybe David told the Engineer something on purpose to piss him off as he did say to Shaw "does not ever one want their father dead"
R.I.P Sox 01/01/2006 - 11/10/2017

MemberXenomorphSep-18-2012 10:33 AMEngineering
Do you think that it is possible to tell the story of the sj/derelict and still keeipng the ambiguity ?
Oh you want somebody to fight with you about keeping the ambiguity ?
JEes engineering I'm struggling to read numbers on doors ........let alone spell the word ..... What was that
AmbiigguuuuitttTieEEeee ?
LOOL !!!!
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