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Bo Cherry
MemberOvomorphSep-17-2012 3:02 PMTitle says all.
The What is 10.11.12 website was updated earlier today with a deleted scene titled, "Engineers", presumably the deleted scene we heard about titled, "The Engineer Speaks".
Something I noticed, however, was that the Engineer says the line that was in the phone recording of **WEYLAND a few months ago.
So yeah...this pretty much sums up what 10.11.12 really is...just a Blu Ray promotion...and I know this was proved earlier but I gotta say...
20th Century Fox...I was hoping for an extended cut theatrical release.
38 Replies

MemberDeaconSep-18-2012 11:35 AMThe movie had lots of Ambiguity even if cut scenes was kept in.
Some of the Ambiguity was more like plot holes but the deleted scenes help fill some of these plot holes in, such as indeed Vickers knew that Shaws Baby was locked in the Med Pod Room.
I dont see what the Engineer scenes being cut would have done to change anything.
We pretty much knew that the Sacrificial Engineer had Sacrificed himself to seed life on Earth and we saw the Flying Saucer which meant others of his kind or higher beings left him behind to perform that act.
The Full scene fitted perfect and i liked the look of the Elders.
The Engineer and David scene we saw he did not seem angered until Weyland asked him to tell the Engineer why they came. And we could work out that something that was then said had upset the Engineer and it was down to ambiguity to guess what it was but the chances was that David simply told the Engineer what Weyland was looking for.
The Full scene would simply add to this and remove the ambiguity of what did David say to the Engineer that upset him.... it would simply had then let us know that David told the Engineer that Weyland came here to seek for Eternal Life.
So while we would have had to use a little guess work before most would conclude that Weyland was dieing and wanted more Life, thats what he wanted to talk to the Engineer about and so we would assume indeed this is what David had asked.
Where as the full scene would have let us know that by showing us, but as said we already kinda knew anyway.
So by leaving these scenes out and before we saw the deleted scenes and interviews and the Elder Engineer shots we all ready knew (well Strong clues was there).
1) The Engineer was ordered to Sacrifice himself by who ever was on that flying Saucer.
2) The Engineer was upset because David must have told him what Weyland wanted to achieve by coming there.
So while the deleted scenes showed what pretty much most gathered from the more Ambiguous Cut Movie, i dont think what was shown would have made a difference and indeed would had helped to explain things more.
The movie had much more Ambiguity and Mystery and so those cut scenes would not have ruined many questions.
We still do not know (even if movie was not cut)
Why we was created?
Why we was to be destroyed?
How the Urns came to be?
What the Mural stood for?
What 100% happened on LV 223 circa 2000 years ago?
What connection does the Xeno have to LV 223, the Mural or Urns?
What lead to the Derelict on LV 426?
Where do the Engineers come from and their Agenda?
Plus many more questions that was never answered so there is and was still plenty of Ambiguity left over...
The only clues we got to those above are really from what Ridley has said in interviews.
So again i dont see why the Engineer scenes was deleted...
I did think maybe Ridley wanted to keep them a Mystery as Shaw and David will go looking for them in Prometheus 2 and maybe the Dialog in both Sacrificial and David/Engineer scenes when translated may give more clues to why we was created and why we was to be destroyed.
But we have seen those scenes via images and concept work etc, so again would it really impact Prometheus 2 to keep them in.....
Maybe Ridley felt after the movie that the Elders looked smaller and frailer than the Engineers and maybe he felt they needed to look more God like and Awe Inspiring
Maybe he felt the Engineers should had been servants and basically just created for a purpose and that was to carry out tasks, from acting as a Solder class and also as Sacrifices.
Thus maybe he wanted them to be portrayed as mindless robots in a way, well lets just say a Race Created like how Weyland Created David, only with less of the freedom of David to communicate.
Maybe they felt that the Engineers never ask questions, they just perform what ever task the Elders ask of them. Thus taking away any Dialog away from these Engineers would give the impression of them being more like say the original Cylon Centurions from BSG as opposed to a Robot like David or Data from Star Trek.
If any of the above is correct then yes that makes a very valid reason for removing the scenes from the movie.....
But i liked the concept of the Elders, and i also liked the Engineers being a advanced race with a culture who have a written language who came to Earth to teach us stuff and therefore surely would have the ability to talk.
If they wanted a new powerful concept of a powerful being and order they only needed to make a further race who stand above the Elders and Engineers rather than redo the Elders and downgrade the Engineers.
I like the idea of the Elders being related to the Engineers, just a race who are very very old and indeed immortal as far as natural life expectancy goes (i.e they can be killed like Vampires can).
This Race that are many Millions of years old, then create a new Race in their image to carry out mundane and labour intensive tasks for the Elders and so they create the Engineers in their image like Clones.
This fits in more with the Anunaki and their tale of the creation of mankind and also closely to the Titans etc.
There would still be room for a God or another Race of Gods who are a higher order or even different race to the Elders and their Engineer Clone Warriors.
R.I.P Sox 01/01/2006 - 11/10/2017

MemberXenomorphSep-18-2012 6:14 PMBig Dave
My theory is that the engineers are race approaching immortality after they started out as mankind did. In full filling their duty to the elders (which was to improve the elder genome to perfection) who seeded them they got the same honour - seeding themselves to improve their own genome and receive immortality also - but this honour only applies once they have completed their duty to the elders. The elders however continue to get updates from the engineers even if they themselves are perfect (genome wise) as they themselves were also once seeded. The ones who seeded the elders have now reached the singularity- they have reached a state where they know everything knowable about their genome -they know how to manipulate their genetics to produce beings of super intelligence that allowed them to reach the real singularity knowing everything that is knowable about the physical universe their technology reached a state where they started to become pure energy and they eventually traveversed to higher plane of existence - something like Q in star trek.
The xenomorph being able to destroy disobedient children is able destroy those who do not full fill their purpose wanting to be like the ones who seeded them . Once you achieve this high energy immortality state the xenomorph is no longer needed . Then it bowes to you. As the engineers progress the ships grow until they become round but still has an open centre . As the hammerpede / facehugger joins with the deacon / xenomorph side the xenomorph morph lifecycle is no longer neccasary for those who fly the ships . Now they seed and the children wiil now obey / disobey and taste the wrath of the xeno's . The engineers then start to improve their genome and as they come closer to that high energy state the whole in the center of the ships strt to grow smaller .
When the those who seeded the elders disappeared and went to a higher plane of existence they left the center of the galaxy empty . War ensued between the available elders the and only the strongest of them survived . The engineers saw a gap and took it. Trying to use the weakened state of the elders they quickly re seeded planets with more advanced DNA (maybe elder dna) the children grew too quickly to an advanced state. An emissary was sent to warn to stop dissent but was ignored. And re seeding was neccasary . The ship sent to do so was going to use an new technology - prototype ampule that had broken the xenomorph DNA down to liquid form when things fell apart..... The reason for this was that 200 years prior to this the engineers sent a ship to destroy another faction among the engineers that remained loyal to the elders.
This ship had eggs on it - improved xenomorph eggs that was far more dangerous than eggs the engineers mormally used and also obtained from stolen elder DNA data base not knowing how exceedingly more dangerous these eggs are (as they are in a hurry to destro the loyal faction).. The facehugers in these eggs are far stronger-sensitive -they can sprey acid and they paralyze their victims (the engineers not fully understanding this yet). While in flight near lv 426 . The engineer lleft his flight chair to investigate as the computer reported there was unauthorised movement in (being only set for the senitivity of the original eggs) the containment fields. On returning back to his chair as he was unable to establish the exact nature of the movement he got facehugged just as he got back in his chair. He was paralyzed in seconds. The hugger had eatens its wat through the hull as it was extremely sensitive to heat and movement. With the suit closing around him the engineer was unable to get the hugger of his face and was paralyzed . Upon awaking he had just enough time to set a course for lv426. He knew chestburtsing was imminent so he landed the derelict just in time as the chestbursters was bcoming ready to break free. The automatic warning beacon was automatically activated and the resultant xenomorph chestbusted. The xenomorph sensing more humid nitrogen rich air below deck through the hole made b y the hugger immediatley sprays acid on the small whole thereby enlarging it and disappears through the hole. It ventually dies.
The engineer cannot remove the hugger from its face but is still able to interface with ship bio computer as the connection runs with a brain momitoring sensor that. Presses against the engineers face (part of the telchair) and takes commands from the engineer even when it is in stasis needing to maintain this in order to control the flight of the jugg .the engineers on lv 223 received the warning beacon and is able to download the holographic recording from lv223 and sees what happened. They decide to hide the telchair in a circular shaft when it is not used directly below the pilot room to prevent future instances of this happening and upgrades all other ship to this spec. .
They decide to use elder technology to create ampules that can do the job better. They however forget to upgrade their biosuits as well ....thinking any spillage o it will protect them .....WRONG. Not making
sure of this the unknowingly infected engineers(after an ampule explodes because it built up pressure to being not propey sealed and reacting with the atmosphere in the cargo hold) decide to leave for earth . The pilot to his horror find his mates being chestbursted just as his bio suit is closing around him . He tells the computer to leave the suit on before he gets out of the chair(another improvement after the events of lv 426 ) and contacts the other engineers on the other ships to warn them and ask for help. In his haste to leave he notices a srange feeling on his forehead - a few droletsof the black goo had made onto his forehead (my turn to be ambiguous - don't ask how it got there!!!!!) he rendevous
With other engineers and they decide to go to the ampule room in the hope that the atmosphere there could save the infected pilot. In the almost hour it takes them the reach the pilot they learn that he locked the chestbursters inside but that bob seemingly was not chestbusted as he was taking inventory on the other side of the cargo hold when the ampule exploded.they decise against trying to help him and seeks refuge in the ampule room where the atmosphere can help stop the spread of the infection in the pilot. The chestbursters escapes the juggernaut via a shaft supplying sunheated water to the jugg. One of them exits this heated water pipe just as the engineers happen to pass they are not far from the ampule room. The engineers fleeing the xenomorph open the door and decides to time the closing of the door . The pilot unfortunately is just too late and gets his head decapitated .
The following xenomorph gets to shed his final layer of translucent skin in the process leaving some green slime on the hologrtaph recording controls or maybe he figured he could open the door from there . The engineers run out of oxygen from their biosuits and is forced to open the door on the other side of the ampule room only finding the other two xenmorphs waiting for them just as the door closes behind them sealing
the room.. Both of the Xenomorphs made contact with the black goo prior to leaving the jugg . Their egg morhing ability has become extremely reactive. O r has been replaced with a substance turning their hosts innards into a chestburster directly. . But the reaction is so fast that the busrting happens at the place on the engineers body where the xenomorph injects the substance. The xenomorph not infected by the goo in the jugg get to infect one engineer with his egg morhing substance. They search for all the engineers in all the pyramids and eventually drag them to just outside the ampule room.
The xenos eventually dies and as all the engineers part of that specific rebellion is killed the loyal engineers receive orders from the elders to stay away and take it as a lesson as to what happens to rebellious children. Earth being left alone as well ....
Its 2039 a probe picks up a beacon in zetareticulli sytem 5 years after being launched and reultant signal is relayed back to earth wjere Davids prototype examines the signal and informs Mr Weyland of his thesis of his finding......what if Wayland can only someone that can tell him what to do. The probe is also able to relay schematics of the engine layout of the ship from it and Wayland develops the one ftl patent after the other - becoming filthy rich in the process - android manned mission a few years later is almost at he point of landing close to the derelict. But for some reason the ship mysteriously disappears and is never found again.....neccatatig a manned mission ...
Just a theory .....

MemberDeaconSep-18-2012 7:14 PM@oduodu
Some interesting ideas and yes some are similar to what i have talked about before.
There may be a few holes in the Theory given what we know about Prometheus and Alien and what Ridley said.
But indeed yes a rebellious legion of Engineers could be the deal.
Maybe and here is another theory that may be wild.... maybe the Elders created the Engineers for some purpose and then sacrificed them to create us.
Maybe the Elders wanted to stop the rebellious legion of Evil Engineers and sent down a Cargo Ship of Xeno Eggs.... This mission failed and the Engineers realized why and because the Xeno was so deadly and hard to control so they they went down collected a few samples and tried to re-engineer the Bio Weapon thinking that in Liquid Form it would be more controllable, but how wrong they was...
Maybe however there was sabotage of the mission to punish mankind and some Engineers or a Lone one Sabotaged something so that the Engineers mission to destroy Earth would fail.
Only the last one of those saboteurs changed his mind once he saw Weylands Agenda and that mankind has gone beyond being rebellious and not subservient to their creators but they now aspire to be Godlike and even created life in their own image (David).
Its hard to say exactly whats going on, and i still think maybe Mankind was not the intended idea from the opening scene and that some rogue section of Engineers were fed up of being servants to the Elders or their creators and decided to steal the FIRE that was used to seed life and use it to further tamper with life on Earth until the end result was Mankind a Race in the Engineers image who would serve them as Gods.
They was the PROMETHEUS and after the seeding of life which would be Millions of years ago, a fraction went back to Earth and created Mankind many many thousands of years ago with the Stolen Fire.
Once they realized that mankind become un-subservient just as they had to the Elders, they then realized they must wipe out their creation.
And they did this by further using the stolen FIRE on a Age old Bio Weapon in order to re-weaponize it for us on us... only this was playing with the FIRE too far and ultimately they got burnt.
Quite where this leaves the original Elders and the Home World, and which fraction was carrying the original Xeno and why or how that came to be, are all unknown.
R.I.P Sox 01/01/2006 - 11/10/2017

MemberDeaconSep-18-2012 7:22 PMLooking at that idea above it could be further than that.
We dont know about some higher being above the Elders.
But suppose Elders created Engineers to serve them in their image, Some Engineers got fed up of being subservient to the Elders and rebelled and tried to destroy their creators (or the Elders tried to destroy the Engineers but failed) but the Engineers then also created Mankind to serve the Engineers.
Further down Mankind becomes fed up and not as subservient to the Engineers as they intended and the Engineers decide that mankind needed to be wiped out. And this mission ultimately failed.
Mankind created David the latest in generation of Synthetic Androids who also seemed to rebel against his creators... and who is to know that in the future of Alien Universe that the Synthetic Androids would all rebel and want their creators destroyed.
A viscous circle of Creating Life in ones Image to then suffer at the hands of your creation.
R.I.P Sox 01/01/2006 - 11/10/2017

MemberXenomorphSep-19-2012 12:13 AMBigDave
Yes plot holes a many. !!!!
Just think there is a theory needed only for for prometheus - alien.
It seems you are speculating that mankind may have been created as a replacement for the rebellious engineers.??? Great idea ,and rebellious engineers was in fact destroying mankind to replace them(that came from th elders) with their own seed ??
And that sj was ship waging war against elders before going down on lv426 .
Nice thoughts.
I like the idea of having the engineers not only "genome " growers for the elders but also as general "workers/slaves" if you will.

MemberOvomorphSep-19-2012 1:16 PMMy interpretation on the plot:
2000 years ago, humans killed Jeesus, who was an embassador of engineers. For Engineers, this seemed blasphemy. They decided to wipe off the humanity. Last Engineer seen in the film, then decided that he doesn't want to see their own children killed. He turned on his brothers.
His ship was about to depart and black-goo-bomb earth, he was the pilot. Then as his crew members went to the cryopods, he bashed the lids and killed them there (3/4 cryopods have hole in them).
Other crews he finished somehow using the black goo, that's why they were running in the recording.
Later, he would continue visiting earth (? It was confirmed that latest pictograms were sometime After-Christ= ?). He was watching over his children.
Then, he suddenly woke up, to see plenty of his children in front of him. He was really curious. But then they spoke to him: "This man wants to be immortal".
He tells them: "Uar hmanam, ite marj' kata kar kar'ste". (My intepretation)
My predicted translation of this: "Stupid man, like all down must go"
Man = hmanam and has been verified by Dr. Biltoo himself.
Down = kata, according to ( Rest is pure theorycrafting, only Dr. Biltoo knows the truth.
You notice that Engineer pronounces hmanam bit differently from David. I think is to be expected. All in all, the way David pronounces his words, it's similar how Engineer speaks, but it's no way 1:1 the same way. It would have been really stupid if the David could speak to Engineer with exact same accent.
And for the aliens, I have no idea or explanation. Only thing is the vague resemblance of the Last Engineers suit with how the alien looks, biomechanical.
Black goo, no explanation. Maybe it just creates new life?

MemberDeaconSep-19-2012 6:21 PM@oduodu
Yes maybe, or it could be that the Elders created the Engineer as a slave race, the Engineers made in their image and if they are not merely younger Engineers (i.e a Engineer wont age to look like the Elders after countless Milena or longer).
At some point a fraction of these Engineers desired to be as Godlike and Creators like the Elders and they then decide to create Humans, maybe in one way the same as Weyland created David and thats as a slave race and tool.
But also so that the Humans would treat the Engineers like Gods.
The Humans never behaved and was not as subservient to the Engineers as they wanted us to be and so they wanted us killed off.
Imagine if David 8 and the other Androids malfunctioned and would simply not see us as their masters but they saw us as equal and wanted to be treated the same as us, like the Replicants wanted in Blade Runner and also like A.I. Artificial Intelligence.
Or maybe even further the Androids saw no need for flawed mankind to rule the earth and viewed themselves as far superior to humans.
It is at this point that the Humans would come to the conclusion that just like in I-Robot that the Androids would have to be destroyed.
I think its simply that Mankind was not only not being as subservient to the Engineers and starting to think for themselves and not worship them as Gods they was also doing a all manner of things that the Engineers was not pleased with... Just as GOD and his Holy Ten Commandments.
While they may had not wanted us to all die out, this was the only real way to deal with us.
Take Gremlins... imagine if this was real, those cutie little Mogwai, loveable and perfect little pets.... only with a few flaws.
And once a collection of them multiply and turn into Gremlins then the only way to deal with them is simply to Destroy them (Gremlins) and the Mogwai also.
But maybe our Last Engineer thought..... ohhhhh but Gizmo soooo Cute and decided against the Cull lol.
R.I.P Sox 01/01/2006 - 11/10/2017

MemberOvomorphSep-20-2012 9:09 PMslightly off topic, but i didnt want to start an entirely new thread for this little update...
I noticed that, within the last 48 hours, (US) changed the release date of the prometheus blu ray back to 10.9.12. (it had been listed as 10.11.12 for the last month or so). So...why did they change it back to 10.9.12? i would imagine that they got the official release date from fox (otherwise, why go to the trouble of changing the street date?) If thats the case, it begs the question...what is 10.11.12? maybe its not just the blu ray release afterall?
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