MemberOvomorphSep-18-2012 2:41 PMI was thinking, what if the engineers aren't the real deal, what if they were created by the space jockeys, and the Jockeys wanted to destroy them, as they thought they would be too intelligent. The engineers eventually steal the Space Jockey's technology and reversed engineered the ships to accommodate their size, as they decide to wage war against the Space Jockeys. The engineers created a military base on LV-223, as they began to create this black goo. They eventually created the perfect bio weapon against the Space Jockeys, known as the Deacon. The engineer's deacon was out of control, and killed most of the engineers in the military base. They decided to get ride of the goo by sacrificing each engineer on a different planet, one happens to be earth, as they created human life. One of the engineer decides to kill the space jockey who was heading to the engineer's homeworld, as the space jockey prepares to take flight, he is engulfed by a facehugger, the ship lost control, as the space jockey tries to control it, fails, as the two crash land on LV 426. Because if you think about it, the two pilots from either film are nothing alike, in design, and in size. This is my theory.

MemberOvomorphSep-18-2012 4:49 PMThe "space jockey" is the suit the Engineers go into to control the ship.

MemberOvomorphSep-18-2012 4:56 PMAre you sure? The two creatures show in the movies are different

Necronom 4
MemberNeomorphSep-18-2012 5:25 PMYeah, the original alien that was sat in the pilot chair, in Alien, was nicknamed the 'space jockey' which you probably know. But we never knew what was inside, we assumed that it was the skeleton of a long dead, ancient alien. So, the suit is automatically known as the space jockey and yes, the space jockey, in Alien, is bigger than the space jockies in Prometheus! But i'm sure that there is some explination for it.
The poster was good though!

MemberDeaconSep-18-2012 6:48 PMWell there is a lot of inconsistencies in the height.
Ridley used Child Actors that made the Space Jockey Larger than the Actual Prop was, the Prop height was about 13-14ft... the said height of the Space Jockey suited at that time was 15ft from some sources.
In Prometheus again the concept was for a 10ft Suited Race but this time Ridley used a 7ft2" actor in booster boots in scenes and thus in some you could calculate him to be 7.5ft so less than the 9ft Tall the race was supposed to be.
I always refer to this image for the Space Jockey as it the Prop before it has finishing touches and the only parts of this suit that look like a fossil or bone are the rib cage and to a degree the head.
But if we look at the unfinished Prometheus Space Jockey Props you will notice the two look more similar.
And if you look at this Space Jockey Suit you will notice the difference is not as much.
Remember the Suits are Bio Mech and Organic and thus look at this
Thus this could explain the reason why the Alien one looked Fossilized.
Also some parts of the Alien Chair are in same ratio size wise to the Prometheus one.
But this just implies the Chair is of different scale.
My conclusion....
Mankind can stand 4ft to 8ft tall with the average about 5.75ft so why cant the Engineers stand 7.5ft to 15ft with the average being about 10ft?
R.I.P Sox 01/01/2006 - 11/10/2017

Necronom 4
MemberNeomorphSep-18-2012 7:57 PM@BigDave. 15ft? and the rest! All we have to do is look at that first picture. Imagine if that space jockey was stood up next to that bloke. I'd be very suprised if the man even came up to his knees! He's got to be around 20ft, atleast!
The poster was good though!

MemberDeaconSep-19-2012 11:37 AMYou would be very surprised about the concept of height.
Verne is actually half the height of Noomi Rapace and is actually about 48% of the height of Ridley Scott but you get the illusion that he would be much smaller than that.
The Tall Woman is only 6ft7" the other stands 5ft1" hence only 1.5ft difference but it looks much more.
I guess we cant be 100% sure on the Space Jockey in Alien but i do remember it being billed as 15ft but then some other reports 26ft, i guess we gotta wait to see what Ridley has to say about it.
My calculations are not going to be fact as i dont know how tall that man is and i only use proportions from head to waist and then if said same proportions are the same as Space Jockey in Prometheus and if the man in the shot is between 5ft 10 and 6ft then the Space Jockey would be about the 14ft mark maybe 15ft but then the Arms are longer in proportion to a Humans i guess so we dont know how long the legs are as we dont see them.
I guess we need to find out what Giger or Ridley has to say on the size of the Space Jockey.
R.I.P Sox 01/01/2006 - 11/10/2017

MemberOvomorphSep-19-2012 11:50 AMAha!
I posted and went further with the theory posted here as initial topic in another thread, even showing how this could explain better many inconsistencies in the plot.
Anyway it could bring more to the story if that was the case (SJ species creating the Engineers and then those rebelling against their masters and creating a huge, multi-millenia conflict and all)
About size, yeah, BigDave postings are coherent, so that is not determinant to set the pilot from the first movie as a nonengineer species.
Anyway I like more the concept they were not the same...but that is just me, as I do not like that much the Engineer concept anyway...for me it took a lot off of the initial originality from the story.

Necronom 4
MemberNeomorphSep-19-2012 11:51 AMPoint taken and well made BigDave. *Smiley*
The poster was good though!

MemberDeaconSep-19-2012 11:58 AM[img]http://s.buzzfed.com/static/enhanced/terminal01/2010/1/14/11/enhanced-buzz-11109-1263488141-6.jpg[/img]
Here we have the Worlds Smallest Man and Tallest.
The difference is 3.34X which if we did that to a average man of 5ft 9" would give us 18ft 2"
So if we say that small guy is average Male Human then the Tall guy would be 19ft tall.
Now i dont think the Space Jockey was that much bigger than the crew, maybe when using the Child Actors but the close up scene its not.
Again i have done rough and i say rough calculations and if i take the production crew man to stand of average Human Height then the entire Chair Length is about 16ft.
R.I.P Sox 01/01/2006 - 11/10/2017

MemberDeaconSep-19-2012 12:11 PM@necronom 4
No Problem... ;)
I did read that on a few Wiki especially the AVP that the Prop was 26 foot long but thats like 4.4 X the Average Man Height and as the difference between the Smallest Man in World and Tallest is 3.3X its hard to believe, but unless the guy working on the Space Jockey was like really tall like 7ft. Again by me its purely a guess where i used 3 points of reference on the Jockey and assumed average Human Male and the other that the Dallas in suit was about 6ft 4" give 6 inch for Space Suit.
There are 2 heights doing the rounds and thats 26ft and 15ft for the Space Jockey, i guess only Ridley knows for sure but we can see the mess thats left from Ridley using children in one shot then adults in another and then using a 7ft1" Actor in Prometheus.... lol
Back to the Subject then yes i think something similar could be happening as Voidhawk has said. Ridley hinted the movie was a bit Blade Runner and maybe he means the Replicants.
We see David a Android created by Man to appear in likeness to mankind but who would be used for a purpose, David is not intended to replace or rule mankind but to serve and carry out tasks.
David showed signs of rebellious nature to his creators.
The Engineers are upset at us because their creation mankind is rebelious, but then we do not know about the Engineers.
And indeed if the Elders created the Engineers for the same purpose as Weyland created David, then just as David is Rebellious towards Human Creators as Humans were towards the Engineers, then indeed the Engineers could had been so with the Elders or other greater power.
I think this is where the Xeno and Derelict on LV 426 comes into play, they are the outcome of the use of a Bio Weapon in some conflict between the Engineers and some other Race.
Be that themselves, the Elders or the Elders/Engineers at war with some higher power.
R.I.P Sox 01/01/2006 - 11/10/2017

MemberOvomorphSep-19-2012 1:00 PMYes, BigDave
If we see Ridley Scott's words back when the first Alien movie has been released describing that alien ship as some kind of bomber/millitary vessel with a cargo of weapons, such numbers hint at a fierce, terrible battle being fought by the SJ race, a battle applying weapons so dangerous they at times backfire (bio weapons are dangerous tools)
Anyway a great conflict is the background to the story, and a conflict epic in nature perhaps.
The Conflict Idea is revisited powerfully in Prometheus as we see a clearly well equiped Resarch Weapon's facility (even possessing a flotilha of Juggernauts - David says to Shaw there are "many other vessels" at that base) overrun by: 1 - Weapons gone berserk or; @ 2 - A attacking force overruning the base. As we do not see from whom they were running from on that record at the base, but they were scared, and we saw the pile of corpses.
They base fell to a outbreak or from an outside attack, but that hints to an ongoing conflict, and desesperate struggle to develop weapons...
I posted my ideas previously but it might be that direction, and after seeing the deleted scenes, my, how those lines from Weyland and the Engineer and the reactions fit my posting on the other thread...Imagine the anger the Engineer would feel seeing how humans were acting like their masters / enemies if the theory is correct...
Lets see where this will lead, but the Replicant mentioning is very significant indeed, especially knowing how adept of bio-engineering they showed to be, and all the reactions we saw on the deleted scenes, and it also explain to an extent why cut those at first, as it would show a lot of what is to come...
BluRay comes later, so the initial shock was not necessary, and releasing the full feauture now will add to the ongoing fire about the sequel and what is really happening there...
I hope for a very Wild Ride from now on...

MemberDeaconSep-19-2012 6:41 PMIndeed and i dont think Shaw and David would find a race that are malevolent i mean if thats the case then how long is there meeting of the makers going to be,
How can David and Shaw stand up to angry bunch of Engineers, unless they bring some Goo with them but that would be too similar to Prometheus and lead to Xeno Goo Monsters vs Space Jockey Flick...
The same would be if they find the Engineers dead or over run with Goo Xeno Monsters or the Xeno.
Sure they may be some element shown of a War, or it could go the other way in which the Home World are not aware of LV 223 or our creation... maybe we was created without consent and thus the Engineers of LV 223 stole the FIRE from the Elders/Gods to create us. Remember the opening scene was maybe not creation of mankind but the start of true Evolution on Earth thus Mankind came Millions of years latter and that these rogue Engineers got fed up of being the Gardeners and Care Takers of Life on Earth at the order of their Masters and decided to create Mankind so that then they also have a race who would then worship them. Thus they indeed Stole from the Gods/Elders.
Maybe the Elders knew about our creation and that they had a section of Engineers who was responsible for Gardening and Care Taking after us but these Engineers then decided to go further and proclaim that they are our Gods and got us to Worship the Engineers, when the was merely there to keep a eye on us and not interfere in our Culture or Development etc....
Bit like with the...Star Trek the Prime Directive.
There is so so many ways this can go and so many ways that indeed the Elders and Engineers as Ancient Astronauts seen like Godlike beings could go.
I think Prometheus 2 will discover the Home World, who is there why did they create us and why did they want us destroyed.
These are what Shaw wants to know but they may have no answers to them as the only way they would get those would be if they find the Elders and other Engineers and they are aware of Earth and Mankind and LV 223.
Also surely Earth was not the only World the Engineers would seed?
I think Prometheus 2 will give us more insight at the very least to who the Engineers and Elders are on the Home World, how that relates to LV 223 or Earth is unknown.
But i would suggest that Prometheus 3 would deal with LV 223, detail any War and who with and why they was creating Bio Weapons in the first place and it may show the Downfall of LV 223 and answer why they wanted us destroyed and why and how the Urns was created.
Wether they would answer or show how the Xeno came to be and LV 426 is unknown but if i am correct with roughly what Prometheus 3 and LV 223 is about then that would add more clues to actually give us all we need about the Xeno and LV 426 without having to see the Xenos or go in detail about how they came to be etc.
R.I.P Sox 01/01/2006 - 11/10/2017

MemberOvomorphSep-22-2012 3:24 PMI hope they do explore the Egineer culture, or show that they are part of a bigger Galactic Culture, but it will be an ambitious project, although David's line "Big things have small beginnings" does bring hope of something possibly epic, with the xenos becoming a small sideline on whatever we are going to see.
Depicting a culture at least a billion years already around the galactic plains will be interesting and ambitious. There is enough technology to do such nowadays (something not possible back in Alien times) so we might (and I hope for that) be going to a really Wild Ride!
One step was done already, for the way they depicted what we saw from that alien tecnology is different and advanced enough to mesmerize (the Piloting of a Juggernaut, the way it was done, was really refreshing and very intersting to see)