MemberOvomorphSep-21-2012 9:22 AMYes, it's been posted but the video got deleted so in other word ty :D
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MemberOvomorphSep-21-2012 9:38 AMpleasure feebs!.....i want it on you-tube where i can download it....I mean fox apparently made this available to IGN...so why can't someone just put it on youtube....
Looks like i will have to save up for a blu-ray player....i will probably end up buying the dvd and blu-ray (seeing as the blu-ray will come with all the deleted scenes and extra goodies)....can watch the blu-ray in 3d at a friends place and the dvd i can watch at home whenever I like....it's so unfair that a poor boy like myself should suffer so....;(

MemberOvomorphSep-21-2012 10:15 AMThis is in Youtube [url=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JLrVC2FKLh8]The Engineer Speaks[/url]. Sadly no Weyland part :(
Hope this helps :)
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MemberOvomorphSep-21-2012 10:42 AMThanks Feebs....but no it does'nt help....I already got that one....i want the extended version from IGN ....I have a pay as you go internet....one of those usb modems and I pay R280 for 1 gig ( "R"....rand is our currency in South Africa)....dollar to the rand is about ....well a dollar is equal to about R7...so watching clips over and over on the net really eats my cap...thats why I normally download them from youtube with my YTD video downloader....
But i don't wanne spoil myself with watching too many of these deleted scenes....I don't mind discussing them tho and hearing what others thought of them...but the IGN clip shows Weyland chatting to the engineer and he has the audacity to call himself a god and to say something like.."we both gods...me and you....we create"...so it's no wonder the engineer bashed in his scull with David's head .... the engineer is a true God (IMO)....weyland is just some rich guy with a massive godlike ego.....he got what he deserved....
How very dare he compare himself to the engineer?....thats why the dude got so pissed of...and they did not even bring him coffee after waking him from a 2000 year sleep....DUH!!!...i would also kill them just for that...;)

MemberOvomorphSep-21-2012 11:09 AMWeyland deserved that. . .
I love prometheus spoilers :P
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MemberOvomorphSep-21-2012 11:18 AM...i wanne be overwhelmed by the blu-ray....all the deleted stuff and all the extra features and interviews and ridley /lindelof commentary....so I have to be carefull not to watch to many of those scenes on-line....but i don't know if I have the discipline either...;)...I seriously am counting the days...only saw the movie once on release day in a 3d theater....so just seeing the cinematic cut on dvd is already gonna be a big treat....so many scenes i cannot wait to see again!!!....I am also very curious about 10/11/12....but not building up to much expectation about that announcement....maybe it's already old news?

MemberOvomorphSep-21-2012 11:32 AMI dont know that :P
Sadly no BR here :c put I always find a way to watch the extras. . . he he he :D. Prometheus obsession is one of the most best since I had my alien obsession :P.
Oh and Jux I love love love your avatar :D
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MemberXenomorphSep-21-2012 11:51 AMJuxtapose
Nice van n suid afrikaner te hoor - praat jy afrikaans ?
Nice to hear from a south African - do you speak Afrikaans ?
You people have no idea how shitty the internet situatiion is in south Africa is !!!!
Vat hom flaffie !!!!!
You wouldnt understand .....

MemberOvomorphSep-21-2012 11:53 AM...i don't think i have ever obsessed this much over a movie...the alien franchise is my favorite...something i grew up with...so when i heard about prometheus almost 2 years ago i became obsessed....and i still am ...maybe it's sad and unhealthy...i don't really give a shit....
Anyway if they asked me to awaken a god that was asleep for 2 thousand years...well i would have cooked him up a nice breakfast meal....scrambled eggs and some English sausages, a big portion of bacon....a few slices of toast and plenty of butter on the side....and a big mug of coffee....plus I would give him a nice foot message ...(would'nt just stop at the feet actually)........and he would have not ripped of my head...we would be like space buddies after that...
OOh and i would bring a stereo and play him "Knights in white satin - The Moody Blues"....their is that nice little flute section in the middle of that song.....which he would have appreciated while wolfing down his breakfast...;)

MemberOvomorphSep-21-2012 11:53 AMvery interesting. i cant wait to see all of the deleted scenes especially the ones with the engineers!

MemberOvomorphSep-21-2012 11:55 AM@oduodu
Ja....ek praat afrikaans...dit is my eerste taal en ja die internet is baie kak in hierdie voken land...ha ha....

MemberOvomorphSep-21-2012 12:07 PMI didn't mean it in bad way. If someone talks finnish in here I'll [b]faint totally[/b]!!! Kinda understand afrikaans, sounds swedish mixed with german :D
Lol, you're so sweet for doing that to him. Maybe he'll give you some black goo or the suit :D
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MemberOvomorphSep-21-2012 12:29 PM@ Feebs
Yeah Afrikaans is a Germanic language...it's also very similar to Dutch...
Yeah i loved the engineers...I am a gay male so obviously the big boys with their buff pale body's will excite me a bit....that bio suit is very cool...but not something i would wanne lay next too...so sorry big boy...take that shit off..
.i always find it weird that the engineer in the beginning scene is naked...other than his little throw around the hips...does he even have anything beneath that?....and if he does'nt ...whats the point?....how do they populate if they don't have reproductive organs?....so i am just gonna assume they do...
so how does these suits work...they seem like they infused with the body...i would love to see a scene where they get into that contraption...

MemberOvomorphSep-21-2012 12:42 PMWell I think they reproduce the same way we do, maybe even more boring way than we do and he wasn't 'naked', he had his underwear. man do I like the way they look too.
Maybe Ridley wanted female audience more than when alien was released because it's been tested that most of the women in certain time like those kind of features :D
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MemberXenomorphSep-21-2012 12:55 PMJuxtapose
I can't stop laughing - you have to stay in SA to appreciate what you just said.
Weet wat jy bedoel.
No SA is a beautiful country beatiful people - but somehow I haven't met a lot of people who are interested in things like prometheus over here - as I am guessing you could say the same about a lot of countries !!
Nee huis taal afrikaans !!!
Just nice to know I am not the only south African on this forum !
And how long wil we be waiting for the DVD to be released on this side ?
Ook nie gedink ek sal afrikaans ooit op hierdie blog hoor nei.
Feebs when I was in Israel at kibbutz kinneret there were two swedish girls . Somehow they were able to understand afrikaans to a degree !!
Finish and Swedish related ?

MemberOvomorphSep-21-2012 1:03 PMWell as a daughter of a man who is finn-swedish, I should master these two and yes they are related because swedish had a foot on developing the finnish language. I understand afrikaans through german and swedish but it's not close to finnish, sadly. Anything else you would like to ask? :)
I can't help it but to pin point that this thread is driving away from the topic :P
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MemberOvomorphSep-21-2012 1:04 PM...well it is natural that anybody that feels even remotely attracted to males are gonna be even more fascinated by the engineers than those who don't... the sacrificial engineer is the pinnacle of male perfection...but at the same time his big black eyes and exaggerated features makes him scary....his paler than a corpse and completely hairless and i have the engineer on my desktop and my sister saw it the first time and she actually paused and gasped.... and said OMG WTF is that thing!!!? ... that was her first reaction!!...lol....
So I was not very excited when i first heard that they were gonna use a very humanoid type alien in Prometheus...but now that i have seen the movie...i must say they extremely fascinating....you look into those eyes and you always wonder....whats going on inside that head....what is he thinking ...I love that they so sinister!

MemberOvomorphSep-21-2012 1:10 PMThe eyes are mysterious, still can't figure out the way they look. . . My mom saw me drawing one of them and asked who is that old grandpa?!?!. Guess the opinion varies between people, lol
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MemberOvomorphSep-21-2012 1:15 PM...at the guy from SA....you not the first afrikaans dude i have met on these forums.......
daar is nog n paar ander mense op die forum wat ook van hieraf kom en hier bly en afrikaans praat ....en Charlize Theron is ook van hier en ons is die enigstes wat haar voken van kan korek uitspreek...lol
Anyway I don't want to move of the topic too much....i thought the scene with weyland and the engineer was awesome....the bits and pieces I have seen from all the deleted scenes is quite amazing....I want a directors cut....but i know their will be fan edits in the meanwhile....looking forward to those !!!
And @ feebs...translate that middle paragraph....don't worry if you get some stuff wrong...I am just curious to see how much you do understand?

MemberXenomorphSep-21-2012 1:15 PMFeebs
Sorry !!!

MemberOvomorphSep-21-2012 1:17 PM@oduodu - What? Did you do something oduodu? Explain!!!
**EDIT**@Jux - i'm SORRY I didn't notice first but here we go:
"There are few others in this forum that come and speak afrikaans - and Theron is also from here (?) who can also speak this (?)"
What does it really say Jux?
Now you try: Suomessa ei sinänsä olla avomaisia lempi elokuva tyyleistä mutta tunnen poikia jotka todella pitävät Alien sarjasta ja harmiksi he pitävät enemmän AvPstä kuin itse alienista, olivat otettu kun heidän tyttö kaveri tykkää H.R.Gigerin luomista hirviöistä :)
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MemberXenomorphSep-21-2012 1:26 PMFeebs
Just apologising for going off topic !!!
LOL !!
These deleted scenes are showing that answers are available from them - but now ! Will they be considered canon as they are not part of the theatrical release ?
" I had to say it !! I haad too saay iit !!!!!

MemberOvomorphSep-21-2012 1:31 PMI think you should say that Jux not to me, he started the thread, SORRY !!!
I don't really care about is it canon or not, main is that Alien lives in it and keep growing :D
btw, I edited the my translation up there ^^v
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MemberXenomorphSep-21-2012 1:40 PMFeebs
Very good with the translating !!!
I haven't the foggiest what you wrote .
Did you find the scene you. Were looking for ?
Just hope it will reach SA before end of yesr. Weet jy wat dit sal kos om een te bestel ?

MemberOvomorphSep-21-2012 1:43 PMOMG feebs!....i cannot translate one word in that last paragraph...I think david could...lol
You where quite close in your translation of my paragraph tho...
Here is exactly what i said translated:
their is a few other people on this forum thats is also from here and that stays here and that speaks afrikaans...and Charlize theron is also from here and it's only we that can pronounce her fucking surname correctly.... (voken is fucking...BTW)....ha ha
But you did very well.....
Ok just to return to the topic....weyland speaks to the engineer like he thinks it understands him....do you think i does understand english?

MemberOvomorphSep-21-2012 1:44 PMSo I could be in place where they speak Afrikaans? w00t!! ^^V
Sorry too lazy to translate it now, google it *shame shame*
Weyland wasn't even close to the engineer!!! And I gotta admit, Engineer didn't really like David cause maybe he understood that when Weyland pointed at him he was like "So you wanna be this". So sad.
Ok: In Finland we don't show our film tastes but I have few man friends (lol) who actually like Alien franchise, but unfortunately they like Avp more than Alien. They were taken when their girl friend liked H.R.Gigers monsters.
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MemberOvomorphSep-21-2012 1:49 PM@ adoudu
we not that far behind in this country...we got the movie on the 8th of june in cinemas and i have already seen the poster at the local video store....with a tag line.."Prometheus...discover it soon!"....so i think between the 8th and 11th of September....i am buying it tho...not renting....i almost never buy movies because so few are really worthwhile....but Prometheus is special...
..sorry i am chatting in English...i myself find it very annoying when people start chatting in foreign tongue on these forums
But it is always cool when i meet people from my own country on these forums....feel free to PM me whenever you like...then we can speak afrikaans...

MemberXenomorphSep-21-2012 1:58 PMJuxtapose
Glad to hear about the release date.
Not many people here either who likes talking about prometheus.

MemberOvomorphSep-21-2012 2:00 PM...and as far as the extended cut from IGN is concerned...nah i have not seen it on you-tube only the very short version where the engineer speaks....it's ok tho....i can wait....just another 3 weeks....crap!

MemberOvomorphSep-21-2012 2:06 PMKeep it up Jux!!! be motivated be motivated, be motivated (~- -)~
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