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MemberOvomorphSep-21-2012 8:45 AM
Very awesome IMO...don't think it is the full scene from the blu-ray....but it looks very promising....sorry if this has been posted already....
43 Replies

MemberOvomorphSep-21-2012 2:07 PMhaha....whenever I start speaking about prometheus to my friends and family they roll their eyes and briefly glance at each other....they like...OMG Louis are you ever gonna get over that fucking
But most of them have not even seen it yet...and 2 of my friends who have seen it was pretty impressed...but I am the one most obsessed...;)

MemberOvomorphSep-21-2012 2:10 PMNone of my friends know that I like Prometheus a lot. We finns are very verbal about differences so I ain't gonna take the €&%€.
Jux be motivated, be motivated, be motivated (~- -)~
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MemberOvomorphSep-21-2012 2:21 PMFor those curious, the whole deleted scene is this:
The Engineer is woken up and he says something. David says he is asking why they are all there. Weyland asks to live forever and David relays the question to the Engineer. The Engineer angrily responds and David says he is asking why Weyland would want to live forever, but before he can finish the translation, Weyland angrily rants at the Engineer that he deserves their knowledge since he created the perfect being (pointing to David). The Engineer kills David and the scene progresses as it did in the theatrical version.

MemberXenomorphSep-21-2012 2:35 PMPslock
Thanks for posting that !
"the engineer asks why fo you want to live forever ?"
Meaning engineers don't want to live forever or lack the desire ? There goes my thesis on them trying to reach immortality !!!
It would be nice if someone started a thread describing all the deleted scenes like you did !!
Thanks again

MemberOvomorphSep-21-2012 2:41 PM@pslock
So where did you learn all this?...sure it's probably how things transpire but is their some deleted cut out their...from what i saw in the IGN cut....well it's basicly that....but is that the entire cut or is their more...i would imagine the short clip and the new IGN clip combined is all there is to that....but is their a little more to it...?

Co-AdminMemberOvomorphSep-21-2012 4:34 PMJux, PS3 will solve all those pesky Blu Ray/DVD problems for ya ;-) I use mine all the time, it's a good all-round home media system :-D and it's a game system too! What will they think of next!? ;-)
"Is it dead this time?" "I dunno, poke it with this stick and see."

MemberOvomorphSep-21-2012 4:48 PMWill have to wait till I get home to see this... Stuck in the Cederberg mountains, with a seriously bad connection. But I swear I heard the Engineer say Lekker Tekkies ; )

MemberDeaconSep-21-2012 5:28 PM@oduodu
Can you speak it.... or you using Google Translate and Bablefish ;)
Thats a joke.... i do wonder if we can get Engineer Translator on Google lol.
R.I.P Sox 01/01/2006 - 11/10/2017

MemberOvomorphSep-21-2012 5:56 PM@ Cypher
I do not even own a new digital flat screen tv...let alone an Hd screen...i watch movies on my pc...which does have a decent lcd monitor...but PS3 is expensive...and if you don't have a Tv to plug it into....then their really is no point...i must just save up i suppose...but i really suck at saving..;(
Thinking of getting a external blu-ray player for my pc ...they not that expensive...and then later one of those HD 3d LCD jobs....but I am too scared to even look what those cost!

Co-AdminMemberOvomorphSep-21-2012 10:53 PMYou can still use a ps3 on older screens, however when I got one a few years back I ended up buying a nice new flatscreen LCD tv for it, it cost a fair bit back then but I put it on lay by and paid it off over a couple months, well worth the investment I reckon ;-) keep at it work hard and be good to your mother and soon you will be able to play/watch blu ray to your hearts content, and it'll upscale dvds as well!!
"Is it dead this time?" "I dunno, poke it with this stick and see."

MemberOvomorphSep-22-2012 12:25 AM@oduodu - nice pint you got there. . . I replied in other thread that someone in YouTube said that he/she recognized the words "blood being corrupted". It's after all the immortality he asked not the human itself.
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MemberOvomorphSep-22-2012 2:59 AMI was surprised by the size of the Viking empire in 900AD
2013 sci-fi horror novels 'Custodian' and 'Tandem' available from Amazon, B&N, iTunes etc...

MemberOvomorphSep-24-2012 5:19 PMI saw the HD deleted scenes from iTunes before they were taken down. I'm surprised more people haven't been discussing this.
I'm very curious what the Engineer is saying in this scene, so I wonder if the linguist who invented the language will reveal it.
The other big deleted scene is the Engineer coming to the lifeboat and exploring a bit before discovering Shaw (who tries to hide but is exposed when David tries talking to her on her radio), who then takes after him with an axe. They fight a bit and then the scene proceeds as it did in the theatrical version, but the Engineers damaged face seems to be totally a product of the theatrical cut, as his face is not injured in the scene. I think the scene works better and does not at all lessen the Engineer's menace.
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