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Future of the series - Prometheus' Sequel(s) - Ideas, Expectations & Desires

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MemberOvomorphSep-29-2012 11:08 PM
Alright, ladies and gentlemen. This has been a long time coming, and i believe it is finally about time that this thread came into existence. It has come to my attention that threads; no matter what the topic, have their topics go in a different direction completely. This topic of discussion that forms in threads is very specific. Very diverse. But is nontheless one. The reactions to Prometheus have been skewed. Whether or not you like, or dislike the film. Whether or not you were disappointed, or your feelings were the polar opposite; completely satisfied. People can't seem to help themselves, and start discussing improvements, what could have been. What should have been. And what could have generally improved Prometheus, and made it a superior film. I too was extremely disatisfied with Prometheus. But i'm still a fan! A fan of this world. This series. And i know that this is just the beginning. So, in that respect, i will be starting this thread for Prometheus, as a whole, as a series. It's a bit difficult naming the series; but that name will emerge in time. So no matter. I'm sure you all understand what this thread applies to. Every subsequent sequel that is in correlation with Prometheus. A thread where people can share their ideas. Expectations. Desires, and hopes. I strongly believe that we, as the fans. As the community that is passionate about this series, deserve to be heard by the producers, by even Ridley Scott himself. And everyone involved in production and development of the series. I have seen countless threads travel down this different path. And change their topics to this aforementioned, creative discussion. And i have heard nothing but great things. Excellent ideas from the community. From the members. Here's to all of you, and you're imagination! Here, we can compile this wonderful creativity. Let the discussion begin!
155 Replies


MemberOvomorphMay-04-2017 4:25 AM

Is anyone curious as to how the Alien franchise will end? As far as I know, the black goo changes you irrevocably and its game over. Weyland Yutani, in its corporate greed, would keep sending spaceship after spaceship and poor folks would get infected and die and of course, the alien manages to survive somehow. So my question is, how would Ridley Scott end this story in a satisfactory way? Your thoughts are welcome as this has been bugging me quite a bit.


MemberFacehuggerMay-05-2017 1:33 AM

Probably it won't end as such it will just wrap up some things. I get the feeling the end will be an overwhelming vision of just how old and big the universe is if it does it right. Possibly glimpsing some so advanced it looks apon us as specks of dust...And still it is not the universe's creator....thousands of levels of more and more intelligent or advanced life forms uncountable different types...mostly centering around who made us and who made them up to the universe's creator. God as such.


Well maybe if it's done well :) if its bad we probably won't see the end...and Ridley did seem to say he's making it up as he goes along which isn't very reassuring. :s

 "It's almost as if they are making it up as they go along" :D


MemberOvomorphMay-11-2017 6:10 PM

Honestly after watching Prometheus I was a little turned off from it because of how it was portrayed but at the same time still interested in where he was taking it. However, after seeing Covenant I'm completely uninterested in where it's going, I was expecting some kind of revelation or answer to the questions Prometheus created but there was none. I hoped for a slight hat tip and a little information on the original Xenomorphs instead of yet another film filled with them. WELP.


MemberOvomorphMay-14-2017 9:20 AM

I would like to see future installments show the inner workings of Weyland-Yutani, and show how their desire to obtain this bioweapon (the xenomorph) originated.


Surely, after Covenant, the company will know of the existence of these aliens and the accelerant.  I want to see how the company will react.  



MemberOvomorphMay-14-2017 4:39 PM

Queremos más saga de Prometeo y alienx

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