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Was Our Creation An Accident?

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MemberOvomorphOct-01-2012 6:07 PM
At the beginning the Engineer voluntarily drinks a toxic substance but it is not clear why. If it was a ritual why was there no ceremony? Is it possible he was being punished? The Engineers were a close knit group living and working in close harmony and very advanced. If an Engineer committed an ultimate sin, the worst punishment would be to leave him in complete isolation as banishment, not unlike the character Prometheus who wanted equal footing with the gods. They gave him a choice to kill himself or wander aimlessly on an empty island far away from any other engineer with no possible means of travel. It looked to me like the Engineer was sad just prior to drinking the goo as he chose suicide. What if the life he spawned was not intentional? At some point the Engineers returned and interacted with the new creations but there was no sign of genocide or torture. The ancient texts and cave art depict a friendly interaction. This could have been some engineers trying to help humans who were completely inferior and served no purpose. In a different thread I speculated they were an older version of us but in this case, they are not a version of us at all. After several attempts to help they simply gave up and left. There was no sign of further attempts at interaction until after we developed the technology for space travel. Maybe some of the Engineers thought we were too big of a mistake to be let out of our earth cage and wanted to stop us before discovering other intelligent life? There is a scene that has been bugging me until now. When the engineer exits stasis and looks at everyone, it seems to be rather surprised and then when David speaks, the Engineer displays an act of remorse just before decapitating David, who he probably assumed was a human. It reminded me of George killing Lennie. The Engineer gently rubbing David's head was a sign of approval and even tenderness. Nevertheless, he had a job to do. Once he saw humans had found their outpost he immediately targeted earth without seeking what happened to his friends. thoughts?
34 Replies


MemberOvomorphOct-05-2012 10:56 AM
Ah! This time I found myself on the same track of thought. I have posted this same argument before, in an old thread. Those first scenes could be not a sacrifice, but a punishment laid to that engineer due some great act of crime against their masters. On my original posting the engineers are ptobably a bio-tool created by the real Masters to perform many tasks, one of them scouting and finally seeding new planets (then it would make sense that scenes, as why an advanced civ would sacrifice one of their own to perform an action a drone could have done splicing genes in a tank - ultimately they would be doing just that!). Those tools, gaining full sentience given their advanced design, rebelled against their masters millions of years ago, and the First Rebel would be that engineer, sentenced to Death by the Very Form they Use to Seed. That created a martyr image revered by the ones following him (thus the Big Head - his head - on the Ampule Room) . As a by-product we were created (by accident or just to use this martyr figure to do his job, not sure, could be both one or the other). After his death the conflict within the True Masters civilization began to grow, and a battle that could be raging for millions of years is presented to us. On my post, I also proposed that the xenos are the police/enforcer/soldier of these masters , used to control their creations, this creating a relation of hate/admiration among the engineers for the creatures, imprinted on them after aeons being under Master's control. They could have, on all those millenia, spread small millitary bases among the stars, to battle their masters and research better weapons to fight them, as well as call for any upstart civilization to join them when ready, so that is why the invitation, as that moon was the installation in charge of our system (and possibly many others). The derelict we saw on the first movi could be a vessel from the real masters, so the Giant Space Jockey is one of the True Masters, carrying a cargo of their enforcers, and the crashing/landing so near one of the engineers base gave them the oportunity to get and research enemy weapons loaded on that ship, crashing so near their own moon. THe invitation on Earth could be planted to gain our help when ready. That could explain many things on Prometheus. Why the scene at the beginning, a possible explanation to the derelict (as it is very near the engineer's installation for a plot reason), a possible explanation for the giant in the chair, being real Master or a Worker Model, thus being giant, of the engineers). Could explain the attack at their base, maybe by gov loyal forces, and could explain why Earth was targeted for destruction, maybe to erase at last the offspring of the original offender. This could also explain the actions of that engineer, as we saw in the recordings they were entering that ship calmly, and then preparing to leave for Earth according to David. Maybe they were part of the forces attacking that installation, infiltrators or clear aggressors, and once the job there was done they would finish the job erasing Earth, according to their orders. Before departing something went wrong (maybe someone left near their ships was able to launch an electronic attack to delay/stop their departure, as they were using the base's ships for going to Earth (infiltrators then...) This scenario could explain their respect for the xenos, being those almost demonic figures, used to control them, and could also explain why using the same tech as their masters (if the Space Jockey at the derelict is one of those) because that is what they always used. Also explain the suits, as they would be designed to immitate their masters (a way to use the ones that used them for so long...) I have posted this on an older thread, and he concept is interesting, but the restored scenes might make this not workable anyway, or not... The engineer on hte first scenes was not really happy by his face, but determined to go through it. Due honor (obeyng a rule from his masters, even though he doubted them - maybe pacifically at first, his death leading to conflict later) or due threats to his people would be not sure. The engineers on the deleted scenes might be just the group in charge of the execution, not the Real Masters (Ah, if e could see Giants in the distance...) The concept is interesting. Maybe those wishing Earth to be special will not like it, but this at least would be more logical than a species sacrificing their own to do what a simple ampule wuld do, and leaving invitations along millenia to visit a barren moon housing a somewhat discrete wepon's research base. Well, this is a summary of my old thread, but the idea is intersting and would make a good expanation of what we saw so far... Big Things Have Small Begginings: A single voice dissented from the Masters, and was sentenced to Death, leading to a Galactic conflict raging for aeons already...


MemberOvomorphOct-05-2012 6:10 PM
Lol.....almost seemed like you were disappointed we had a similar idea :-) Other than thinking the Engineer was being punished, I don't see a whole lot in common. I like the idea of the engineers being tools of another entity but after thinking about it, chances are they are autonomous for the main reason of the ghost in the machine. A civilization so advanced would probably have put in a fail safe to prevent the uprising. If they are droids, then it is possible an enemy found a bypass to the fail safe and implemented their own software to cause the uprising. Switching tracks, we may all be on the wrong track with the black goo. It is not a deadly weapon. It does not kill. It only mutates living organisms. (It was reminding me of Resident Evil but I couldn't figure that out at first.) What if each canister on the Juggs represented one planet? You put that black goo airborne and it would be enough for a continent because it would have few natural enemies, if any, that could successfully defend themselves. What if those canisters were designed to make countless Paradise planets? Back to the blue dude on earth. Honestly, when I saw what was happening I didn't think it could seed anything because it was completely destroying the DNA and not simply breaking it up for seeding.


MemberOvomorphOct-05-2012 8:32 PM
Not disappointed, no no. just a fun statement, as we are not agreeing on other threads. I will always discuss and exchange ideas when I see a good point. About failsafes, I imagine so as well, but given that there should be those on their own bioweapons and yet they failed, it is not a big step to imagine their intelligent biotools to rebe, especially with possibly millions of years for that to grow on these sentient tools. Just a small doubt could grow immensely in a long time period. So we could still have that plot going... Good take on the ampules...then we could see that installation not as a millitary one, but a seeding base...but then the millitary interpretation is still more coherent to what we know from the derelict being a millitary vessel.


MemberOvomorphOct-14-2012 10:49 AM
My guess is the Engineers were originally seeding planets with DNA. On a planet with no life except some microbes, and I don't recall seeing any plant life in teh intro, they introduce the basic building blocks of life. The black DNA soup he drinks immediately breaks his DNA apart, then once in the water, begins to form life. The water eventually will go to the sea, producing more life as it mutates and takes in nutrients. Thus the planet has life - begins to evolve. Why? Maybe because they could. Why do we grow stuff and study it? Because we can and have a thirst for knowlege.
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