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Major Noob
MemberOvomorphOct-02-2012 12:39 PMI just read up on the Weyland Investors Cut, apparently a fan made Restoration Edit of Prometheus. Haven't seen a thread about it yet, so here it is. The release date I saw on was 10.11.12. Coincidence?
10 Replies

MemberOvomorphOct-02-2012 12:56 PMI did mention it HERE just recently [url][/url] (reply 4) but wasn't sure if there'd been a 'concensus of no support' due to the 'kinda serious' copyright issue of what's been done with it.
2013 sci-fi horror novels 'Custodian' and 'Tandem' available from Amazon, B&N, iTunes etc...

Major Noob
MemberOvomorphOct-02-2012 3:52 PMHello Custodian yes it was your post that sent me looking! I see what you mean, but I'm still surprised it hasn't been mentioned, theres been a lot of talk about fan edits and any restoration I'd think would get attention. Also, the website "looks" legit and the person doing it seems to know their business. Whole thing is weird.

MemberOvomorphOct-03-2012 12:39 AMLol I thought you were talking about the investors who Weyland influenced to invest in funding his endeavors in 2023: that they were still alive and wanted their cut :)
If Weyland's more recent endeavors with the Prometheus Project needed the support of investors to be able to go forward, then any investors to the project might end up upset that they didn't get their cut yet.
However, I think the board are too chaotic and illogical like most of the people from Earth in that time period to lead the company to any sort of gain from this failed mission. Especially with Vickers dead too after the king dies. The board will be left fighting among themselves even more. It'll take Yutani and another leader to step up to try to repeat their experiment by stealing, more directly, from the Elders.
So far David 8 and Shaw have acquired the bio-weapons without the company really knowing, although the company may know some things. What they choose to do with the urns loaded on the second Juggernaut is up to them.
Does David actually want to return them to the company? Is that why he was so eager to go home? If so why is he so accepting to then go to Paradise?

MemberOvomorphOct-03-2012 12:47 AMMajor Noob,
the site (its affiliation to Weyland) and the content-splicing look so good, I had to ask antovolk whether he was part of a marketing effort from Fox themselves.
He claims he's [b]all fan[/b], doing what he thinks is 'right'. Every edit (of the bluray extras and a brief 'four scene re-integration' cut) he's done so far has been REMOVED from everywhere it's hosted, everywhere. This tells me that Fox (and its hound dogs) really don't 'appreciate' the effort this young man's putting in.
In fact, they appear to be (activley) none too pleased, at all.
2013 sci-fi horror novels 'Custodian' and 'Tandem' available from Amazon, B&N, iTunes etc...

AdminEngineerOct-03-2012 1:13 AMCause it's pirating that's why. Of course they'll be actively looking to remove any edits online, no matter of the intentions.
Hyped for: Alien: Romulus | Badlands (Predator 6) | Cloverfield 4

MemberOvomorphOct-03-2012 1:22 way this "fan-edit" gets much circulation. Fox will definitely do everything they can to shut this down. Not that i wouldnt be interested in seeing it, but it is fundamentally wrong. As an artist myself, i can completely understand not allowing such a thing.

MemberOvomorphOct-03-2012 1:32 AMChris,
of course it is - but somehow this guy thinks it'll be worth all the HBH or Hell he Brings upon Himself.
2013 sci-fi horror novels 'Custodian' and 'Tandem' available from Amazon, B&N, iTunes etc...

MemberOvomorphOct-03-2012 1:32 AMMaybe it's because they do intend to, eventually, release an extended version of the movie themselves and want the movie the way it is for now.
Look at the unused xeno concepts and ask yourself where the gigantic aliens and some of that stuff might have fit into the plot as it currently is. The ideas for the plot are substantially different than what it became, but could give you an idea of where some of the links might be going. And the gigantic alien thing is a big indicator that they did intend to go that direction, or think about that at one point.

MemberOvomorphOct-03-2012 3:46 AMI'm also being a little bit sarcastic at times, presenting myself in certain ways to influence any reactions for now; adding in my own double meanings so that if Fox is upset by anything I may correctly guess or reveal it's obfuscated enough by everything else for no one to bother looking into how i might have acquired enough information to piece certain things together. Because anything I've revealed minus things about a certain army, had to have been read between the lines... Information passed to me from above, from a company man who's not really completely a company man and only hints at things to me too. So I emulate his ways and only hint at things because I don't know enough of the full story either and he doesn't want to give too much away. Also more of the double meaning stuff because we may believe the Engineers emulate another group.
They'll know exactly what I'm talking about/why I've done things this way... but i don't expect them to actually read this. Just want to appear chaotic, egotistical and over confident... because that makes it seem more like my theories could be way off to the average reader. In contrast and comparison with some of the ways the movie/David/Ridley & Lindelof + the actors have deceived us, but also hinted at things the whole time with their double meanings to the vague statements. The Alien DNA is actually contained within the urns in the story and a bigger part of it than they were/are letting on, making Ridley's statement about Alien DNA very true.
And there's no ability to convey emotion here, so that works to my advantage and you can't even judge the way I say words to see which parts I may truly believe/ be trying to hint at. David has to mask his emotion about his trick. He has to use the double, even triple meanings to conceal his true emotions and the fact that showing his emotions/the truth hurts his trick or plan.
"Big things have small beginnings" will be looked back upon in new, and multiples ways too. On multiple levels David knows much of what will happen and has some previous knowledge about what will happen afterwards. It can be about the actual Alien genetics/black liquid, and how they will cause massive Aliens to spawn. It could also be about some unseen plans David had in mind when in the context of how that line is used in Lawrence of Arabia. It could also be another indication of his preference for that movie, and likeness to Weyland who also quotes that movie. However, I believe it is a mixture of all these things...
Instead look at my theories as being alternate interpretations of the evidence for now. Fox would be able to clearly see that I don't have things completely right at all, and appear to think I do. Upon further inspection they could be startled to see I had predicted some things that came true and posted early on about the whole thing occurring on a moon in the same system. In my case, they may be able to see the things I've been hinting at within all of my extended and alternate theories. They would not care because I've filled their basic ideas, which I've become privy to only some of, with my own ideas. And unless you have a sense of what I'm getting at sometimes you may not get it.
To sum it up I need to look like an obsessed fan who may have one or two true things mixed in with all the theories to be able to pass on the information without being punished, and without directly revealing things. Pretending to be theorizing in the beginning, but i abandoned that for the overconfident image.
Because much of the way you craft a message can control how people take that information so that it matches your desired effect. Even more so if the true intent is hidden by fake emotions or in this case the absence of emotion.
I'm only partially right in a small way, or in some perspectives could appear to be more right than I actually am, or in others completely off. However, I do have one or two things right if plans continue the way they're going because someone else passed me the fire...
And all my understanding of the deception in/around the movie comes from my own intuition + what tiny bit I know and can't directly reveal...
I adopted their ways of deceit through telling the truth and choosing what to believe/report from the ambiguous evidence. Due to the way that I may be doing almost the same things the movie does I don't think anyone will be mad if I ever do actually say too much by accident.
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