MemberOvomorphOct-04-2012 8:08 AM@Ruhan.......why do you think those cave markings mapped LV223? It was a dead rock. Is it possible someone other than engineers were the ones responsible?

MemberFacehuggerOct-04-2012 8:26 AMI reckon the deacons gotta shag the hammerpeade - the next parts gonna be pron :P ...then yutani craft turns up and takes it with them and they all have an orgy on the engineer planet - yay ...
"It's almost as if they are making it up as they go along" :D

MemberOvomorphOct-04-2012 9:36 AMI suspect the Deacon takes a black goo bath making it closer to the Xeno from 426.

MemberOvomorphOct-03-2012 9:04 AMMe, too.
My colleague at work, on the other hand, was mightily peeved by it, as are many others.
They are entitled to their opinions, but I'm never going to agree with them.
The most terrifying fact about the universe is not that it is hostile but that it is indifferent

MemberOvomorphOct-03-2012 10:01 AMThere are two different generations of viewers and both probably had their share of higher than reasonable expectations. When you do a movie like A79 you can't expect to repeat that magic for the audience as countless people dedicate their whole lives to films and never come close even once.
It also seems like some viewers are not picking up on the underlying philosophies at play. Ie. When Shaw proclaimed to Peter "We were wrong!" she made allusions to different explanations for her statement and each viewer would see it their own way.

MemberFacehuggerOct-03-2012 10:31 AMLOL - there will always be lovers no matter how crap a film is...I thought prometheus was ok but no were near alien standard - and can get allot better in the next part or so - yes standards are high but thats what happens when you are good at making films! If prometheus was almost as good as alien I think there would be not many people arguing! I just hope the blu ray clears up some of the arguments!
"It's almost as if they are making it up as they go along" :D

MemberOvomorphOct-03-2012 10:37 AMSpin Off / Prequel maybe but a Remake? Ok let see ...mmm... Nope, I don't think so :P

MemberOvomorphOct-03-2012 10:42 AM@shambs.......a remake in terms of elements outlined above and plot development. I didn't see anything in Prometheus that was different from A79. Maybe I missed something and others can point it out. But I see P2 going in the direction of Resident Evil where there are parallel stories for an overlap of sideways sequels.

MemberOvomorphOct-03-2012 10:45 AMNo one here knows exactly how is the plot of the sequel, what we do is speculate and opinions are not the same as the facts. I think that many here simply can not accept the fact that Ridley Scott preferred to move away from the original concept to create a new mythology.

MemberOvomorphOct-03-2012 10:56 AM@Uneeque,
The similarities may be due to a lack of creativity on the part of Ridley. But who knows anyway and we'll see, only the time will tell us.

MemberOvomorphOct-03-2012 11:12 AMRidley said the connection is dna attached itself to the first alien at the end of Prometheus and he made it clear more than once the space jockey on 426 was the springboard for moving forward.
Since he also stated it is essential for Shaw and David to be alive in P2 he is clearly retaining the same mythology but merely expanding on it without creating Aliens 5, 6, 7, etc.
The lack of creativity is exactly why so many were disappointed....which is why I highlighted the similar....almost mirror elements.
For P2 timeline......he may do P2 and P3 in the 30 year gap and end P3 with the lone space jockey on 426. If he has P2 end on 426 that would give more freedom for P3 so he could begin it long after Ripley has disappeared without sequal overlap. Who knows. I know he better get working on it.....he aint exactly a spring chicken.

MemberOvomorphOct-03-2012 11:23 AMBut if this was a remake then, why Ridley said it is a prequel? Would not it have been better to tell the truth from the beginning?
But as you say, the only justification for making this as a remake is to take away the other movies and establish his films as the only Canon. Well in that case bye bye Cameron's Queen XD

Patient Leech
MemberFacehuggerOct-03-2012 11:35 AMFrom the first time i saw Prometheus i saw many similarities with the original Alien. It's undeniable. So why Alien fans are disappointed i do not understand. But i think whatever happens next is going to be very different than what we're used to. So people who are pissed off now probably are going to have an aneurysm when they see P2. I, however, cannot wait.

MemberOvomorphOct-03-2012 11:44 AM@shambs....I don't think he intended it to be a remake.....I am saying that is what the finished product looks like through the eyes of many viewers.

MemberOvomorphOct-03-2012 11:49 AM@patient.....I don't think it is mostly Alien fans that are upset....mainly people who heard such awesome things about the experience of a Ridley sci-fi....really think expectations were unreasonable.
For something to surprise viewers with....I have no doubt he is focusing on that and the angst over Prometheus will fan the flames to draw in even more people for P2. He could try to pull of something like showing the space jockey on 426 was not really fossilized but only in a different kind of stasis machine designed to play possum.

MemberDeaconOct-03-2012 11:57 AMWell i am not so sure whats going to be done with the series.
Lindelof pitched a plot that was very ambitious and a good story to follow, but then as always he seems to have this idea and that as sub plots and never fully links or explains them.
This does leave a lot of areas that could be explored....
1) We know so little of the actual Engineer Culture and their Ultimate Purpose and Agenda.
2) We know they come from Paradise and not LV 223 but we know nothing of their home world.
3) The explanation for how the Urns came to be has not been answered, or any connection with the Xeno and purpose.
4) The connection between Engineers and Xeno and the purpose for their relationship and origin has not be explained.
5) The history of LV 223, why it was built what does the Head Statue Mean, what does the Xeno Mural mean, and when was it used and changed for a Bio Weapons Facility or has it always been that.
6) What in detail happened on LV 223 how did they manage to suffer a outbreak and why did one survive.
7) What becomes of LV 223 and the Deacon from the end of Prometheus to Alien/Aliens.
8 ) What now becomes of Weyland Industries and how does Yutani get involved.
9) Does anyone discover Shaws SOS.
10) What becomes of David and Shaw do they find Paradise and what happens when they do.
11) Why did the Derelict end up on LV 426 what was its mission.
These are just a few questions left behind and not really answered and thus thats a whole lot of scope for many things they could do with Prometheus.
R.I.P Sox 01/01/2006 - 11/10/2017

MemberOvomorphOct-03-2012 12:13 PMParadise is going to be anything but....paradise.
Lv223 was probably earth like when the Engineers interacted with humans and then their bioweapons turned on them.
It appears the Engineers were all male or all female and the head statue was on the ship.....wasn't it? If so, it may have been used for cult control and/or a portal between ships.
The helmets the engineers were wearing seem to be designed specifically against the bioweapon and that is why they put them on while flying the ship even thought the air was breathable.

MemberOvomorphOct-03-2012 12:45 PMRidley would never want to make a remake, for the same reason he didn't want to make an Alien 5. Yes, there are similar plot lines and ideas, but it's already been well established it's a prequel. It's a prequel by definition. We're in the same universe and 28 years prior to A79. Prometheus doesn't end where A79 starts, but it's still temporally a prequel.
I think there's a large contingent of people who were upset by the movie simply because it didn't explain enough; it left too much open. People like this don't want to interpret things or have to think through too much, or they don't pay attention to detail where many of the answers lie. Just as an example, there was/is a good number of folks he continue to complain about the geologist getting lost, when there actually a logical explanation and details that explain it. You just have to pay attention and make sense of it.
Others went in with expectations that weren't met, and when it didn't match they complained.
Prometheus never played in our area (didn't want to travel an hour to go see it where it was actually playing). Before seeing the movie, I saw all the trailers, saw and read Youtube opinions of it, read through many complaints and disappointments, etc. I was prepared to be very disappointed myself, with all these "flaws" glaring me in the face. But that didn't turn out to be the case. No, not everything works in the movie, some of the actors were miscast (Logan Green and Charlize Theron weren't convincing enough and wrong for the parts), but overall I was impressed. It was a thumbs up for me.

MemberOvomorphOct-03-2012 12:50 PMDude... Movie is whoopty. Period.
Scenes likes Janek crashing into the juggernaut were flat out RETARDED.
They happened so fast, and in such a sudden manner, that it made them ridiculous.
It almost reminds me of the first AVP.
They tried to do something good with that movie. But failed miserably, because something deep, and detailed was supposed to be told in such a short amount of time.
I was expecting Avatar-equivalent run-time and overall epic scale/feel with Prometheus.
Stupid scenes, like Shaw crying. Holloway taking off his helmet. Holloway being in the movie.
The scene with Fifield and Millburn... Oh, my, ****ing God...
You know those typical slasher/horror film, where you get frustrated at the person trying to get away, because they are dumb, clumbsy, or a combination of both?
Well, yeah. You could very well compare that to the Fifield/Millburn scene.
Just frustrating to watch. Not off-putting. Just extremely frustrating. Watching the retardation unfold.
It made me wish Fifield burned even more, and was so high to the point that he didn't give a shit about the thing on Millburn's arm.
Completely retarded.
Again, going back to the sporadic, out-of-nowhere scenes.
The Engineer waking up.
Dummying everyone in the room. Controlling the ship (best part of the movie by the way). Then the momentum of that EPIC scene gets ruined by Janek's subsequent handjob crash scene.
The Engineer actually dying. Which felt like nothing more than to brush the Engineer aside, to get him out of the movie. Just so we don't have to worry about him anymore. Lazy pricks...
And all for what? To cater to the Alien fanboys? "Oh, the XENOMORPH"... I remember some Alien closet-dork saying that out loud at the end. I nearly punched him in the back of the head...
Instead, they could have taken us on an epic adventure. A movie with amazing levels of immersion. And discovery.
Not... finding the place where they need to be. As soon as they land on the moon.
And if you're satisfied with the instant scene-changing nature of the movie. The sporadic actions that take place, that change the scenario, or overall situation in the movie.
You need to get your BRAIN examined.
Because they just killed the movie.

MemberOvomorphOct-03-2012 1:04 PMhey Pren, it's pretty anonymous here so feel free to loosen up and be honest in your assessment. No need to soften it up or be ambiguous :-)
I agree with some of the criticisms though they are generally exaggerated.
Your beef about the engineer being killed is missing a serious plot point. That needed to be shown for the intelligent Deacons sure to appear in P2. Keep in mind Holloway was not infected by the goo because David used a pure specimen of the bioweapon that Holloway injected into Shaw within 2 hours, producing the cleanest DNA transition to the amalgamation of the Engineer.

MemberOvomorphOct-03-2012 1:07 PM@Moonman.......Ridley said it was a very loose prequel which is LA for.....crap I can't fill in all the holes so just go with it anyways
I know he didn't "want" to do a remake but that is what Prometheus ended up being. It was just too similar in development and execution. I suspect the formula was partially based on the idea new generations are seeing this and since A79 worked so well for the younger crowd, let's roll the dice again.

MemberDeaconOct-03-2012 2:11 PM@Prenihility
lol yeah i agree some things could have and should have been done much better but i guess maybe your a bit over critical but then again thats your own opinion and some may think the movie is instead the best thing since sliced bread.
I dont have a major problem with a lot of the things you dont agree with, i dont think they was as bad. For me the main thing was the movie had a massive potential.
1) The movie was going to find it hard to re-invent the Alien Franchise, and while they was trying to make a movie that was not about the Xeno, the movie would still be compared with the Classic 1979 Alien and thats one massive BAR to get over.
2) They tried to cover too many plot elements which in order to do needed more time and depth on certain areas including some better use of Characters and Pace of the movie.
3) While Ambiguity is all very well, sometimes with Lindelof he comes up with so many ideas that he seems to think "hey this would be great" and do it, then "what about this" and "hey this would be cool" but while doing that he basically does not think of how these different elements would combine to fit together.
There are other flaws, but mainly above says most of it.
But you know what when you consider the deleted and alternative scenes, these seem to add to some of the gaps and plot holes in the movie, some things that sounded well out of character and a bit silly and odd made sense with the deleted scenes.
Vickers and Janek is one, where he would rather hit on Vickers than worry about the two crew still lost in the Temple but hey you cant blame Janek and i dont think its that bad a character use, but for Vickers the cold and calculating corperate member who has no interest in the mission sucess only that she gets the company off her father. I found it totally out of the Character we was being shown her as portrayed of, to answer to Janeks "are you a robot" with "my room 10 mins" I would rather her said, well i am off to bed and i guess you wont find out"
But the Janek fills Vickers in Scene adds to that and when seen it makes the previous scene not look bad, as it shows Vickers is actually lonely and human. This scene and the King has its Rein really add to Vickers Character. That scene and the extended Engineer and David Scene really add to Weylands.
Bottom line this was a decent movie, that needed more depth and time it needed 3 hours to pace the movie, but the main thing was..... IT WAS BUTCHERED IN THE EDITING ROOM SIMPLE AS ;)
R.I.P Sox 01/01/2006 - 11/10/2017

MemberDeaconOct-03-2012 2:28 PM[b][i]Janek crashing into the juggernaut[/i][/b]
Well it was a bit cheesy yes and especially Ravel and Chances actions, but then this kind of thing happens in a lot of movies, in particular regarding the Captain. As the saying goes the Captain always goes down with the Ship. And Janek did have a good idea of whats going on and what the Engineers was cooking up....
Thus he knew he would have to stop the ship or else there would not be a home to go back to.
[b][i]Stupid scenes, like Shaw crying. Holloway taking off his helmet. Holloway being in the movie[/i][/b]
Well this was a traumatic event for Shaw, was she supposed to be the tough as old boots Ripley? I mean David had more emotion than Ripley did at times lol. Shaw went through a rough ride and in the end she toughened up and the alternative ending shows that.
As for Holloway taking his helmet off, and his character well he is a cocky arrogant character well we get them in real life, i know 3 people who make Holloway someone you want to snuggle up with like Gizmo rather than punch lol. End of the day they did detect that the atmosphere was clean and better than Earths and that was by sensors on highly advanced Equipment.
[b][i]The scene with Fifield and Millburn.[/i][/b]
Yeah this did have some problems, i think Fifield was fine and well done, the problem i had was how the hell did he get lost when surely he must have been used to caves and he also had his pups and should have communicated with the ship to find a way out better.
Milburn well he was just a very over excited Biologist he never had much caution and was a bit silly, but hey i have seen Steve Irwin behave that way many times and most of those he knew he was dealing with something deadly, and still did a Milburn lol....
Also some people would get so excited, let take those who really would love to see a real Alien, if a Grey came down in their back garden some would get so excited as opposed to run away and that excitement would override their natural fear response. Trust me some people are like that.
Ultimately i think they should have explored the Hammerpede more, i mean how did it kill Milburn, the Hammerpede seemed to just jump out of his mouth as if all it did was just suffocate him just as if you was forced to swallow a sock.
I think Fifield killed too many crew in a short space on his rampage the same with the Engineer, and it would have been nice to done more with the Hammerpede and see the one that jumped out of Milburn attack someone else etc.
[b][i]The Engineer actually dying[/i].[/b]
This had to happen to show the end result of the plot well sub plot and that was ultimately the end product from Shaws Xeno DNA Hyrbid Fetus that resembled a Face Hugger.
Also just because the Engineer died does not mean thats the end of their race.
R.I.P Sox 01/01/2006 - 11/10/2017

MemberOvomorphOct-03-2012 2:59 PMGiven the mix of life forms going into the Xeno it might work to give them the water bear ability to survive in open space, which could tie in the Xeno Ripley tossed and show why it didn't really die. Don't know....might be cheesy.
I'm still confused on the Xeno/Deacon connection. Since the Xeno on 426 was not the result of the interstellar orgy on 223 the Deacon must have a different end result. Ridley said the ship on 426 was the brother of the ship on 223 so regardless of A79 saying the 426 ship was there for a long time, he might try to show 426 came from 223 after the orgy ended.

MemberOvomorphOct-03-2012 6:10 PMThe only change I would have made to the appearance of the engineers would to make their body color fluid. It would show an advanced DNA system of automated assimilation to the atmosphere and would have avoided the avatarish 9 foot blue humanoid imitation.

Patient Leech
MemberFacehuggerOct-03-2012 6:18 PM@Uneeque
How dare you compare the Engineers to the atrocity that is the blue cat-people in Avatar!

MemberOvomorphOct-03-2012 6:40 PMI'm sorry.....but I wonder if Cameron called Ridley after the screening and said "Good call on the Engineer's design. Good way to remind people of Avatar 2!"
The title to this sequel should be:
"Prometheus In Paradise"

MemberDeaconOct-03-2012 6:47 PM@@Uneeque
Ridley comment was to let us know that the ships are one and the same kind.
Here is a 1965 Mustang... Derelict and Neglected
Same Car in Pristine condition, well not same Car but is... as one is looked after and in a different US State to the other left to rot.
Oh thats just to show they are the same kind of craft and yes they can be different internally...
Both are the same plane on the outside a Boeing 747-200
Oh one more difference to explain cargo bay in Alien..
Maybe the other Derelict had a extended Cargo Hold under it to cater for the Eggs?
R.I.P Sox 01/01/2006 - 11/10/2017

MemberDeaconOct-03-2012 7:01 PM[b][i]I'm still confused on the Xeno/Deacon connection. Since the Xeno on 426 was not the result of the interstellar orgy on 223 the Deacon must have a different end result[/i].[/b]
Well here is my theory and i will try and explain it as easy as i can...
Xeno Organism = Broken down like Sacrificial Engineer to make new substance in the Urns.
This substance was passed on to Holloway who passed on infected sperm that some how infected one of Shaws Eggs and Fertilized it.
A Embryo at the basic stage 1, in most creatures on Earth all look the same.
Look at the above and notice that the top row all look similar as if genetically they all look the same, as they grow they take on DNA of the Parent in the Womb and as they develop they resemble more of their Parents, the Organism starts as a basic Embryo and grows/evolves in the womb until at latter stages it resembles the Organism it would be born as.
Thus at Stage 1 the Embryo has far less DNA to rewrite and thus the Black Substance will mutate the embryo to a Organism that contains less Human DNA compared to Xeno.
We can thus assume if Shaw as already pregnant and say half way through, and then David injected the goo into her 4.5 month old Fetus then it would not turn out the same as the Squid, it would turn out maybe more like the one Fifield Concept or like Ripleys Baby in Alien Resurrection, because the 4.5 month old Fetus would all ready had started to evolve into a Human Fetus and thus more DNA needed to be rewritten.
This is why i believe the Baby Squid Shaw had, contained the most Xeno DNA of all the Organisms we saw in the movie, despite looking a little different we could see similarities to a Face Hugger and it behaved in the same manner, i basically attached to the Host and then produced a Chest Buster... only the Deacon was much larger than the normal Xeno one, well because the Face Hugger Squid was larger than the normal Xeno one.
The Deacon being born from a Hybrid Face Hugger Squid that has Human DNA, means it also has Human DNA compared to the 100% Xeno Face Huggers from the Egg.
Hence no Tail, and the more Humanoid look to it, and also the teeth and jaw.
I therefore assume that the traditional Face Hugger attached to a Engineer may produce a larger Xeno than the normal ones we see in Alien/Aliens but it would not look like the Deacon, it would grow to have a tail just be more bigger than the Xeno..... And ultimately the hole in the Space Jockeys chest in Alien supports that as the hole was no where near big enough for a Deacon sized Chest Buster.
R.I.P Sox 01/01/2006 - 11/10/2017

MemberOvomorphOct-03-2012 7:28 PM@david.....so are you going on the theory the Xeno far predates Shaw?
For the DNA explanation, she was not impregnated by a human. I didn't see you cover that part. Otherwise, good attempt to explain it.