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Review of Prometheus

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MemberOvomorphOct-14-2012 11:28 AM
I found the movie overall entertaining, which is what movies are supposed to be. As a lover of Blade Runner (particularly Philip K Dick's work in total), I enjoy the Sci-Fi topics coming to life on the big screen. I have only seen the movie once, will have a go at it again soon to see what I missed. There do seem to be plot holes or 'why this' or 'why that', which has spurned much good discussion. I certainly hope the writers of the next movie are reviewing posts here and elsewhere. From a story standpoint it is interesting and engaging, however, the actions of ceratin characters don't make sense. Whether these scientists are irrational or they were chosen because they are irrational makes me wonder, but let's pretend top notch nerds were on the mission. Spaceship lands on surface of planet. Serious scientists would have investigated via probe first, sampled air, etc. But for sake of the movie they had to rush in. The discoveries come quickly, but like my kids at Disneyland, they run from one thing to another without taking the time to investigate or enjoy. They were rushing like they were on a short timeframe. The two guys that get lost are plot devices - it wasn't necessary, besides the ship didn't seem that complicated that they would have gotten lost. I was hoping for more suspense when they were crawling around the ship, but they had to run out to avoid the storm. I won't retell the whole story, but it gets a B. The acting I thought was good. The cast didn't disappoint with their acting, that's for sure, but the characters were disappointing in decisions they made or actions they took or didn't take. Acting A-. Characters C, unless they puruposely hired irrational people to do these jobs. Effects A+. I thought everything look gorgeous. Would have like to explored a bit more of the alien ship to see exactly what the layout was. But that's me. Overall this gets a B+ in my mind, only because I think it could have been better, edgier, and frantic. The only time I was on the edge of my seat was when Shaw was trying to get the alien out. Now after seeing it another time I may change my mind. Good movie, worth what I spent on it, and it will spurn discussion between all (older) members of the family.
5 Replies

Major Noob

MemberOvomorphOct-14-2012 12:02 PM
Mirror- welcome aboard, glad you liked it! Here's a thought: never in Prometheus is it said they were the best scientists money could buy. I've suggested elsewhere that Fifield may not even have been a geologist. If these were great minds, they'd have a least heard of eachother, no? I think too that their actions were a charicature of human nature, one of the story threads being how the pursuit of the unknown and the apprehension of power often yields tragic results. This is echoed by the apparent fate of the Engineers. Story as old as time.


MemberOvomorphOct-14-2012 12:30 PM
Like the classic scene from Jurassic Park:- Scientists were so preoccupied about weither or not they could, they never stopped to think if they should". Besides the human nature of rushing in, is most definitely motivated (even more) by weylands agenda of hurry up and give me more life ("you f**ker" rutger haur in Blade Runner lol)

Major Noob

MemberOvomorphOct-14-2012 1:14 PM
Yes serving Weylands needs was the actual mission, which tells you more about their hiring policies. All he really needed was a pilot, security, and David. Probably didn't even need the pilot. Anything else you want to understand about their crew selection, just pay attention to Vickers.


MemberOvomorphOct-23-2012 5:24 AM
(Decided to put this here, instead of starting a new thread, as it echoes a lot of the previous thoughts) I have now seen the film (theatrical cut) a great many of times. I guess my thoughts about it have now crystallized. I really like the first hour of the film and the last ca. 35 minutes. What I consider to be most problematic is what's between. I totally dislike the Milburn and Fifield characters, what they do in the film and the whole pseudo-science issue. This is a major problem and does not make sense to me, whatever cut, length or version you are considering. If I take into account all the films in the AvP universe, none of the films have something like this, any theme that just totally went wrong. I can't help my mind continuously bringing up the image when Shaw+Holloway and Milburn+Fifield are sitting in the vehicle heading towards "the most significant discovery in the history of mankind"... the latter two guys are totally bored and devastated. Like if they were ordered to go and clean up a blocked sewer full of shit. I also don't quite understand why Fifield has to turn into a zombie and kill off the almost entire crew. In an alien, hostile environment where possible cause of death is everywhere abundant, plus place is loaded with deadly weapons, this once again makes no sense. Bad script, poor storytelling. Once Fifield is dead, things get better and from that point on the film is pretty good. The first hour have some real brilliance sparsed with a few bad moments. Visually the film is stunning, nothing like we've seen before. The CGI is made in a way that real/model is indistinguishable from computer work. The music is not intrusive, not too catchy, but generally rather likeable. At the end, I do not know what to think. There are films in the total AvP galaxy (10) that I like better than others. I like some moments very much, others less. A couple of shorter parts in them are unwatchable, but just a few minutes between all nine other films, really. This film has a brilliant 1.5 hour and about half hour unwatchable nonsense. What was now made public about the earlier script versions, the origins were much closer to an Alien film and the final product rather departs from that. Although in the back of my mind I am curious what the film could have been according to the earlier script version, I can live with the new themes the final product delivers. There is some inconsistency created by that (why the derelict spaceship and the space jockey has to look the exact same as in the 1979 film while the new explanation is totally different and the planet is different, couldn't they have just created something different whithout struggling to explain a different content of the same externals...?), but again, this is something I can accept as an alternate preference. I kept something for last, as it is not directly referring to the film. Is it written in the future that scientists (I mean real ones, not those perverted freaks in Prometheus) are sent on a half-decade long mission without informing them what they are hired for? Or were there really the only available humans to go on this mission with their feelings, motivation being of no concern? If they are mercenaries, soldiers, I can sort of understand as they are supposed to follow orders (whatever they are) anyway... But for scientists, this is really awkward. And if things are heading in that direction, I don't want to be a scientist in 2091, well, am rather happy that I'll be long dead by then, and would do anything that my future children will not become scientists. And for discouraging them to pursue a career in science, Prometheus is an excellent film for parents to let their children watch!


MemberOvomorphOct-30-2012 9:35 PM
i just liked it..... Classic
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