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10/11/12 confirmed

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MemberOvomorphOct-20-2012 2:41 PM
So its obvious now that 10/11/12 is actually the tenth of november, 2012. It adds up. I also talked to Chris all he would say is that, "Prometheus fans should be happy" So with this new info in mind, its obvious that it has nothing to do with the DVD.. So in that case what could it be?
37 Replies


MemberOvomorphOct-20-2012 2:44 PM
Something mind-blowing and awesome :D

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MemberOvomorphOct-20-2012 3:50 PM
I'm hoping/ guessing it's a teaser trailer for Paradise/ Prometheus 2


MemberOvomorphOct-20-2012 4:12 PM
I would love a teaser but surely they have not filmed anything yet ....... unless they knocked up some teaser material while filming prometheus :) that would be awsome!!


MemberOvomorphOct-20-2012 4:24 PM
could be ridleys birthday?
"how do you feel?"-" great, next stupid question"

Oneironaut 717

MemberOvomorphOct-20-2012 5:21 PM
Na uh! Ridley's birthday is on the 30th November. I'm hoping it's more info on Prometheus 2, maybe a synopsis?


MemberOvomorphOct-20-2012 5:21 PM
Feebs, do you know what it is?

Ancient Alien

MemberOvomorphOct-20-2012 6:17 PM
release of the sequel??? c'mon man!!!!

Patient Leech

MemberFacehuggerOct-20-2012 8:54 PM
When was it confirmed that it's actually November?


MemberOvomorphOct-20-2012 10:23 PM
I think whatever it was was December 11th 2010 and we missed it


MemberOvomorphOct-20-2012 11:23 PM
One of two things: A relaunch suggests an Extended Cut LTD edition, but maybe it's too close to the mainstream home video release...Perhaps it is the anouncement thereof for future release! That hidden and secretive fully filmed part 2 A La HARRY POTTER 7... I can dream :)


MemberOvomorphOct-21-2012 11:15 AM
@ ParkerN - No I don't, Chris just winks and says it's something nice.

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MemberOvomorphOct-21-2012 3:52 PM
And the rabbit hole known as our collective quest for closure and new pathways in regards to "Prometheus" and "Paradise" takes yet another twist! I can say now that despite the splinters and gypsum currently lodged in my forhead from all the times I've repeatedly banged my head against the wall as I've watched the extras on the 4 disc Blu Ray set I will of course tune into the Interweb on Saturday November 10, 2012 to see if Fox is f*cking with me/us again or if all the time and money I've/we've spent towards "Prometheus" will be rewarded with something more than a screen saver of Janek and Vickers doing the nasty in her Life Boat! :P All I can say is that Friday November 10, 2012 better bring the type of relaunch that we've all been waiting for since many months ago.


MemberOvomorphOct-21-2012 4:19 PM
some people enjoy the pursuit/journey more than reaching the destination/answers (that is the nature of the human experience isnt it?). For others, its the opposite. Personally, i have thoroughly enjoyed the experience that is Prometheus.


MemberOvomorphOct-21-2012 9:41 PM
Thats a bit confusing 10/11/12: day, month, year instead of month, day, year. Although it is kind of neat because Oct 11th is when the 4 disc collectors edition came out and now november 10th we get more.... although then again maybe we did miss out in december 11th of 2010Ha!


MemberOvomorphOct-22-2012 4:17 AM
dd/mm/yy is standard UK date format. US format is a perversion!
The most terrifying fact about the universe is not that it is hostile but that it is indifferent

Patient Leech

MemberFacehuggerOct-22-2012 8:19 AM
Again i ask: where is this confirmation? Yes, Ridley is British, but the film was made in the US, yes? Then again, the character Weyland sounds British.


MemberOvomorphOct-22-2012 2:30 PM
I love how Chris has still not posted in this thread. He's seemingly in the know about something big but has likely signed a non-disclosure agreement with Fox and thus he can say nothing until November 11, 2012 arrives. [u]joeyjoe[/u]: I agree with you about having a mindset in which one enjoys the nuances of a journey rather than being focussed on receiving black and white answers along the way or about what happens when one arrives at the (seemingly) final destination of the journey. That said, the trip to, through and beyond "Prometheus" has certainly been a doozy for me!

NCC 1701

Veteran MemberMemberOvomorphOct-22-2012 3:11 PM
has likely signed a non-disclosure agreement with Fox ,,LOL

Major Noob

MemberOvomorphOct-22-2012 6:32 PM
Joey, Syn69- +1s all around! Never has a movie commanded my attention like this one, and this has been going on since April! Whatever happens in November, it's gonna be fun. The question is HOW fun. Leech- I thought Prometheus was a UK production.


MemberOvomorphOct-22-2012 8:42 PM
@syn69: yessir! @major noob: im with you regarding the prometheus has been, and continues to be, unusual in a very pleasant and refreshing way. Also, you are correct. Prometheus was created in the UK, by a director from the UK, featuring a fictional corporation based out of the UK (suppose we should have considered November all along).

Patient Leech

MemberFacehuggerOct-25-2012 10:59 PM
Weyland uses the British date format in the film (I noticed on my latest viewing). There could be something to this...


MemberOvomorphOct-26-2012 12:47 AM
two weeks to go, will Chris hold his tongue right to the (razor) wire? :)
2013 sci-fi horror novels 'Custodian' and 'Tandem' available from Amazon, B&N, iTunes etc...


MemberOvomorphOct-26-2012 6:58 AM
So why update the URL then - especially with that crappy flash site


MemberFacehuggerOct-26-2012 9:10 AM
Yer its all a big mess as per from the very beginning. There better be something as its all been so disappointing - not bothered with the blu ray yet but from what people tell me it only reveals how un planned and changeable the making of it was only confirming the nay sayers arguments etc. etc.. But one thing that does still hold my attention is the third video has not been released yet here: [url=][/url] I am still holding on to the thought of a TV series. But after the mess so far it wouldnt surprise me if it was nothing. One very strange point is that the date for weyland industries being formed is 10th 11 (october) 2012 and there seems to be nothing from that date - the what is site even looked like it was going to reveal more info about the story line as well and its all been just pure crap. Sigh...well least james bond has good reviews hopefully it will be one film that actually lives up to the hype - please! :O ps. idris elba is in talks about being the next james bond :O !

 "It's almost as if they are making it up as they go along" :D

Oneironaut 717

MemberOvomorphOct-26-2012 10:38 AM
I wonder what secrets the CLASSIFIED module holds on the Project Prometheus site? Will it ever become clickable, viewable maybe?


MemberFacehuggerOct-26-2012 10:59 AM
That wouldn't surprise me if its another mistake :S ...

 "It's almost as if they are making it up as they go along" :D

Indy John

MemberOvomorphOct-26-2012 11:10 AM
".. I am still holding on to the thought of a TV series..." For me the last thing I want to see is TV series(in any format) based on what we know as Prometheus.. Different actors...lower level of production....less time to crank out more storylines that won't be as well researched.. Put any Prometheus energy around into the next installment ... 'Paradise.'.or whatever best serves the storyline and charactors.,,,,,,,,,,,,,,.and not dribble it away on re-cuts,,TV series,,'zines..or any other production that will detract from the next installment of our movie.. Yes Ridley is getting older,,,but he also knows that his vision of Prometheus has not been revealed to his fans' satisfaction..and will want to make it worthwhile..for all.
Be choicelessly aware as you move through life


MemberFacehuggerOct-27-2012 1:58 AM
Yes I too am not sure a tv series is good but feels like it might be coming. And there is a possibility it will be good. I would imagine it would be set away from the mission and be about weyland industries etc. . Anyway I'm still hoping on bright things for the story as a whole...

 "It's almost as if they are making it up as they go along" :D


MemberOvomorphNov-09-2012 3:26 PM
Thread bumped at 08:35:00 and counting. We're counting on you, Chris!


MemberOvomorphNov-09-2012 5:34 PM
Nothing will happen....just like oct.10 2012
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