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MemberOvomorphNov-25-2012 11:01 PM
3 or 4 Fleeing Engineers make it in before the Decapitee falls and earns his name. Are these the same guys we later see in the hologram calmly preparing for cryo? 3 of whom will be horribly killed during their slumber? PS If you are so inclined please include the number of times you have seen Prometheus below your post, just for kicks. You will understand why my family and friends are "joking" about an intervention when i tell you- 15 times and counting. (3 in theaters)
39 Replies

Indy John

MemberOvomorphNov-30-2012 1:45 PM
"..He also did not seem angry at first and more intrigued with the crew..." In looking back at this movie scene after knocking over Weyland he did seem curious much like a scientist wanting to discover more of the people thyat woke him up. The Last Engineer seemed more like a person who was in charge, the most knowlefgeable Engineer around so to speak. After the rage kicked in and he prepares for take-off it was curious what he didn't do. If he saw David and the crew a real threat to his world and he was in some sort of High postion in the Engineer world why didn't he destroy the Prometheus vessel or at least trigger a self destruct cycle to blow up all of the Domes and underground facilities in this area of the moon? He might have been thinking about going to Earth,,but the immediate danger was wihin a few hundred yards of his Juggernaut.
Be choicelessly aware as you move through life


MemberDeaconNov-30-2012 4:26 PM
My interpretation was he was surprised to find he was woken up by Humans. And so he was intrigued and being inquisitive, especially with the emotions Shaw was showing when she was trying to ask Questions. The Engineer would have noticed at this point and after Weyland ordered Shaw to be silenced that the old frail man was in charge of this group and that the old man was only concerned with what he wanted. Once The Engineer was told what Weyland wanted and how David was created by mankind, the Engineer then realized that this race of Humans are still a threat and are selfish and ultimately want to be as gods. And now they have found the Engineers outpost with all the secrets and power held within that Mankind can not be allowed to get hold of. The Engineer decided to carry on with the Original Mission to wipe us out... or reset the experiment.

R.I.P Sox  01/01/2006 - 11/10/2017

Indy John

MemberOvomorphDec-01-2012 8:21 AM
"..or reset the experiment.." I guess we can figure out that that this reset might make David/Shaw orphans in the known Universe. From all of what we see ir's high drama when the Last Engineer is seated in his control pod he is remarkably calm as the canopy is lowered. Is this because he realizes that he is just a passenger with all of the automated controls to get to Earth in place and there is nothing for him to personably to do but just enjoy the ride? Or is like the Sacrificial Engineer who also seemed somewhat serene before his sacrifice to kick start the human development that produced us? That original mission must have hard wired in to the Engineer's persona to cause him to wipe out the human crew and take off.
Be choicelessly aware as you move through life


MemberOvomorphDec-05-2012 9:03 PM
I still believe that we were never meant as the end result. Think about it- facehuggers need a host to impregnate to make a Xeno. Black goo even, needs a host to infect in order to achieve any results. Humans are just a stepping stone to create what the Engineers view as "The Perfect Organism" Better than using you and your Engineer comrades. (Also, this is mass production! Boom! One crashed ship full of goo- and a planet full of Xeno type deals) All they had to do was wait for us to multiply like crazy, and now they have what, almost 7 billion perfect hosts. So, IMHO it was never about resetting as much as it was about taking the next evolutionary step. And the trick is not minding that it hurts.

Indy John

MemberOvomorphDec-07-2012 11:05 AM
And the result of infecting 7 billion hosts will be a step toward "The Perfect Organism"? I still have a problem in knowing for what purpose the Engineers are going thru all of this trouble. If the perfect organism is developing on Earth and so distant from their home that tells me they may want to develop a superior being but not in their backyard. Smart move.
Be choicelessly aware as you move through life


MemberOvomorphDec-08-2012 2:51 PM
@Indy: I agree. What is the endgame? Is it as disappointingly simple as the Engineers dabbling "Because They Can?" To be honest- i hope that there is more to it than that. They must be able to control these creatures to a certain degree. (See the mural depicting an Engineer with a faithful 'pet' at his side) PS- i still don't know what the Green Crystal was! Was this where the Engineers first discovered Alien DNA?


MemberOvomorphDec-08-2012 3:24 PM
(Perhaps it is a piece of meteor or something?)

Indy John

MemberOvomorphDec-08-2012 3:33 PM
WAs there any crystal anywhere in the Engineer world other than the Green Crystal? Your meteor suggestion is quite intersesting. If it was not already on the moon then the Engineers would have brought it with them from their world. That would even add more to the storyline that the Green Crystal has special meaning to the Engineers.
Be choicelessly aware as you move through life


MemberOvomorphDec-09-2012 6:44 PM
once in theaters, twice at home, thrice overall.
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