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MemberOvomorphApr-26-2013 4:51 AMthis is why I liken the Prometheus film to STARGATE (with potential franchise/tv-series to come) it's an episode from season 6 of SG1 broadcast in 2002, called [url=]FROZEN[/url] she seems to predate EVERYTHING in the Stargate Universe and is like The Original Eve-as-Adam, or God.
a woman is found in the arctic ice, ALIVE after millions of years adn with amazing powers of learning and healing... and it brought me back to what David says to Holloway when asked about 'wearing the helmet', "You people like to deal with your own."
And this may be more of a reason why Prometheus is 'doing a Stargate' - the humanoid template.
In fact, this has been hammered into us by the mainstream media of late, that the Human Template might be ETERNAL even though we've 'evolved' since we 'may have been' first planted into the 'monkey' geneline by 'engineers'.
2013 sci-fi horror novels 'Custodian' and 'Tandem' available from Amazon, B&N, iTunes etc...
4 Replies

MemberOvomorphApr-26-2013 11:06 PMAs constructive criticism to Prometheus I think the Engineers should have had something to do only with the origin of man, not with the life of the entire planet. They could have aselerad the process of evolution of some primitive hominids.
On the other hand there was also the possibility of leaving aside the matter of the ancient astronauts, in this case would be totally unnecessary the humanoids wearing suits.

Major Noob
MemberOvomorphApr-26-2013 11:40 PMShambhala- you know the impression I had all along was that they were converting their DNA to influence extant life. Sort of tainting the water supply with their intentions. The bit of foliage I saw suggested to me that life was already in full swing. To what extent is the question. My take is that wasn't millions of years ago, but thousands. Maybe many hundreds of thousands, but no more than that.

MemberOvomorphApr-27-2013 4:11 AMMajor Noob you have exposed an interesting point there and the scene is so ambiguous that who knows. Could have occurred long ago, but not too long.

MemberOvomorphApr-28-2013 1:31 AMAfter much toing and froing in the potential-prequel-narrative department here on Pro-2 forum, I've plumped for [url=]THIS DETAILED SCENARIO[/url].
[quote][i]Visually, it worked. It was an iconic moment in cinema history. When mankind first met a gigantic intergalactic race of Giger's 'biomechanical humanoids'. And if the thing hadn't have been 'fossilised' i.e. from a hundred thousands years ago, it would have been a very sexual experience for the orifice-carriers of the Nostromo crew. We can even guesstimate the size of ALIEN's Space Jockey (the above hyperspace telescope driver) by saying that man's about as tall as that thing's torso. A human torso is 1/4 of the height of a human body. So, if a human is six foot, multiply by four gives us a TWENTY FOUR FOOT space jockey, that's SEVEN METERS tall were he to get up, or de-embed himself from, his big penis-chair. I'm not even convinced he could. He may not even have/need LEGS. I suspect he was BORN into are at least BLENDED WITH that chair (like a hermit crab) as part of his life-cycle. He and it are ONE, a 'perfect orgasm'.[/i]
[i]When I say, "it worked," of course, it failed very badly.[/i][/quote]
It's a bit long and weighty, so I've pub'd it on my blog rather than blocking up the Pro-2 site pages.
[url=]ALIEN PREQUEL REBOOT[/url] is the only answer, imho.
2013 sci-fi horror novels 'Custodian' and 'Tandem' available from Amazon, B&N, iTunes etc...
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