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Matrix existence the norm ?

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MemberXenomorphOct-05-2013 8:26 AM
Let's say an engineer is in hypersleep. He has 50 years before being awakened at arriving at his destination. During this time he is plugged into a matix like supercomputer. This comp emulates virtual reality like the matrix does. Let's say the engineer is living out his hyperspace time on the engineer homeworld as an holographic copy of himself via subspace frequencies. That would make the hypersleepcamber almost as good as living the real thing. This way all engineers remains in contact with their loved and knows exactly what is going on. This does not fit in entirely with my elder master to engineer slave race theory because the elders probably wouldn't allow that. Anyhow......
34 Replies

Necronom 4

MemberNeomorphOct-05-2013 8:45 AM
Yes yes. This is also a good idea. I think that there is definitely a lot more to the Prometheus story than just ancient astronaughts planning to wipe us all out, for god knows what reason. I'm also assuming at this point, that, the mural of the Giger Alien in the ampule chamber, is a depiction of Jeebus Christ on the cross. Maybe that is what he is in REALITY? He is really a Giger Alien. It's fun to speculate!

The poster was good though!


Necronom 4

MemberNeomorphOct-05-2013 9:08 AM
Lets say that the engineers are like the "Agents" in the matrix. The Agents take over the bodies of the people within the matrix. What if, the engineers can take over the bodies of the people in the Prometheus matrixy thing, but with the aid of the facehuggers.

The poster was good though!



MemberXenomorphOct-05-2013 9:09 AM
Maybe the engineers got it from the elders who got it from the super elders who are basically demi gods and part energy and therefore can tap into a collective hive mind and after xeno - ing a planet the the extracted dna is automatically incorporated into the dna structure of all connected to that hive mind so that testing the dna can begin and the good will be kept and the bad cut out - all while sleeping.


MemberXenomorphOct-05-2013 9:13 AM
Is this how bob ended up between the engineers of lv 223 without the rest knowing he was mentally kidnapped ? Necro Maybe being facehugged is like being becoming part of the borg . The hugger creates an organism that can then be used to transmit the dna back to the engineers and strenthening their genome.

Necronom 4

MemberNeomorphOct-05-2013 9:32 AM
Yeah maybe. The engineers may control the Giger Alien from their cryo chambers, assimilating/rounding up all the humanoids that Prometheus set free. "The Eternal Reaccurance." Prometheus will be back again, to set us all free. EDIT: The engineers may control the Giger Aliens like avatars.

The poster was good though!



MemberXenomorphOct-05-2013 9:49 AM
This bad news for wy because it may be that the engineers found out that the ship on lv 426 could be a possible way for humans to use this matrix ability to get hold of all the information the elders also had. That is maybe why bob even though he was from different faction wanted earth humans killed as well because they would be able to their hands on engineer / elder technology by accesing the elder sub space matrix freqencies. Maybe that's my wy eanted a xeno on earth.

Necronom 4

MemberNeomorphOct-05-2013 9:54 AM
Before writing the original screenplay for Prometheus, Spaihts wrote a sci fi story (can't remember the name of it) about terraforming engineers (not the ones from Prometheus but...) who would use avatars to do their work. Am I correct? Maybe that's why he was brought onboard to write the Prometheus screenplay? Spaihts being a self confessed Sci Fi nerd, he would have also possibly been very influenced by the Matrix. Lindelof also deals with these very strange and confusing themes, like purgatory and smoke demons. So who knows, we may be onto something here.

The poster was good though!


Necronom 4

MemberNeomorphOct-05-2013 11:02 AM
@Oduodu. Yes, Weyland may well know about it. Maybe that's why he thought the engineers could give him more life. More time in his cryo sleep on paradise? But Annunaki tore me a new...oh sorry, Bob tore Weyland a new one LOL In Prometheus, the crew (especially Shaw and Weyland) seem to be somehow showing us that there is more to their time in cryo sleep than meets the eye. A scene where Weyland was in his "Virtual Reality," never got made, (due to pacing I think.) David also intruded on Shaw's "Dreams" and then actually found is way into her virtual reality. Are these also big clues?

The poster was good though!



Veteran MemberMemberOvomorphOct-05-2013 11:37 AM
Some one say Smoke Demons? From the smoke matrix perhaps? When the engineer was in Cryo who knows what he was breathing. Plus the pace of the film changed after Fifield hit up the helmet bong. Oh then there's that green crystal in the ample room pointing towards foreshadowing Deacon crucifix, which probably was some kind of laser technology that sealed the chamber behind the Engineers who escaped further into the complex.

Necronom 4

MemberNeomorphOct-05-2013 11:43 AM
Ruh, you really don't wanna go to the smoke matrix bro! All there is to munch on is hammerpede skin and black goo gravy. Stay here and have chocolate digestives.

The poster was good though!


Necronom 4

MemberNeomorphOct-05-2013 12:13 PM
Shall we call this Prometheus matrixy thingy, something else? How about "The Smoke?" Or "The Smog?"

The poster was good though!


Necronom 4

MemberNeomorphOct-05-2013 12:18 PM
"Pandora's Box?" Or just "Pandora?"

The poster was good though!


Necronom 4

MemberNeomorphOct-05-2013 12:27 PM
Nar maybe not. "The Labrinth?"

The poster was good though!


Necronom 4

MemberNeomorphOct-05-2013 12:43 PM
Got it! "THE PURGE." The MORB is in the PURGE! The Prometheus sequel could be called "The Purge" or "Alien Purge."

The poster was good though!



MemberFacehuggerOct-05-2013 1:45 PM
I think I might have a plausible theory to as what the Deacon is about. Plus this could work in both a real or matrix type world, possibly both at the same time. There are two old sayings which most people know. 1. Knowledge is power 2. Know your enemy First of all, how can you get two computers with different operation systems to share information ,that are not directly physically attached to one another. You can either transfer information via a USB stick, or Wi-fi. If we are going down the wi-fi route then there may be a need to sync one system to another Starting with the original facehugger, suppose that wee beastie is (analogy alert!) the biological equivalent of a wi-fi USB stick. It does’nt just place an alien into its host, it has to synchronise both biological systems together to enable the transfer of data. That data being everything that the facehugger feels is relevant to the survival of the alien. It the facehugger has an ESP modem type capability on wi-fi, it would also be able to dictate the development of the Xeno/alien. For instance, if no other xenos or eggs are in range the xeno will become a queen. So, Back to the Deacon Cuddles is Shaws’ mum, so it came into existence with some of Shaws’ knowledge burnt into is biological hard drive. It would have the ability to detect Bob. Because no one really knows the mysteries of the black goo, there maybe something hidden waiting to reveal itself. Anyhow, Cuddles attacks Bob and we end up with the Deacon. The Deacon is one serous loose cannon. If the Deacon does have the collective information of Shaw and Bob and something else, Then there is a good chance it may be hot on the heels of Shaw and David. What if the Deacon is Prometheus.? What if that green crystal is part of a transmission system that is for Deacons only, or is it the real link to a hive mind of the engineers.?


MemberFacehuggerOct-05-2013 1:48 PM
Cuddles and facehuggers in general may be Epimetheus.

Necronom 4

MemberNeomorphOct-05-2013 2:07 PM
Just done a piece of artwork and it's shite so I took it down

The poster was good though!


Necronom 4

MemberNeomorphOct-05-2013 2:09 PM
BTW The Morb doesn't carry the engineer around on his back. It's just a depiction of a transformation of sorts.

The poster was good though!


Necronom 4

MemberNeomorphOct-05-2013 3:26 PM
The facehuggers as sort of hard drives. Yes, could be. Sort of like an Alien computer virus that invades our virtual selves. Rounding us all up for use by the AI. The engineer technology appears organic. Yes? So the facehuggers and Giger Aliens/Morbs are basically their version of technology. I like it!

The poster was good though!


Necronom 4

MemberNeomorphOct-05-2013 4:00 PM
We, in our virtual reality crave knowledge. The engineers in their reality crave spiritual enlightenment . Humanoids in the Purge: Require knowledge to advance/evolve. From knowledge, we create all kinds of carnage. From knowledge comes missiles, bombs, cyber warfare etc etc. Engineers on the other hand, know from their ancestors that knowledge is self destructive. They rely on spirituality to guide their way. Their technology is sort of organic. In the film The Matrix, we are all digital copies of ourselves. But in The Purge, we are more like spiritual copies of ourselves, because the engineers and their AI don't deal with Digital. Just like Virgin Broadband! LOL Don't get Virgin BTW it's rubbish!

The poster was good though!



Veteran MemberMemberOvomorphOct-06-2013 2:18 PM
@ Necronom 4 does not the Smoke Matrix already exist. Oblivion is set in motion. Chocolate digestives in your space suit when Terrorformed? In that universe you dont get the munchies...YOU ARE THE MUNCHIES. Yummy I wish the black goo was Green. That would expand some things out of this world.


MemberOvomorphOct-06-2013 6:54 PM
Wow mindblowing stuff, If Prometheus 2 does come out, I would've seen the idea here first. Great idea Batchpool about the facehuggers, the goo then would be the upgraded wi-fi.
\\\" I Want To Go Where They Come From\\\"


MemberXenomorphOct-07-2013 5:32 AM
I guess the main question I am asling here is if the lines between virtual reality and reality are beginning to bluir. Davids hair moved from wind crerated by the running engineers. Is the ablity to create holographic images from recording the movements molecules in the environment around you almost like being god ? And then replaying it. And if the replaying gets closer to the original then that would make very powerful. I cansimply transfer my consciousness to another body live there . Do I reaaly need time travel all the time or do I simply spread bodies all over the show and wake them up as required. Maybe the wars were not about power or thchnology per say but control over the subspace frequencies that allows mind control over the bodies of engineers sleeping in juggs in different parts of the galaxy. So the breakaway factions were in fact engineers who found a way to get away from the mind control of the elders and was trying to reork for their own gain. Did humans perhaps gain acess to this knowledge that they weren't suppose to have because of the breakaway factions hive mind control not functioning properly ?


MemberOvomorphOct-08-2013 2:12 AM
@ oduodo You really could be onto something here. I had to comment on your whole replaying idea. That idea fits nicely with some of the themes from Thus spoke Zarathrusta. As well, we must remember that David likes films, and the film that he likes is definitely not random. He likes to replay it, and wants to look like the actor from Lawrence of Arabia by the way he styles his hair, and could possibly act like the character from the film he likes in some ways. Movies are almost like a simulation of reality, or can be a representation of reality that is more like a fantasy. Sometimes they can be pure fantasy, a complete dream. They also reflect culture and are reflective of the cultures. The fact David likes Lawrence of Arabia reflects some of his inner desires in a way, and he associates himself with that film for some reason. David likes to watch dreams, or dreams that are also memories (as this is no ordinary dream if it's a childhood memory). There are many psychological factors that could play into it. The engineers would then sort of want to replay reality or replay history by hopping into these bodies and using the fact that data travels at light speeds to technically timetravel and be there in the past, but also in the future somewhere dreaming.... Films can be edited badly, there's speculation that David planted false memories in Shaw's dream. He did insert himself into her dream, maybe he could edit memories through the subconscious and make her behave certain ways by editing her memories, like a movie.... Perhaps David has this fascination with re-watching old movies/transmissions/simulations of reality as well... And it's not really a dream, but more like a holographic movie in which everything is semi-real and still organic. A memory. A simulation of reality encoded in the mind. And in your replaying ideas, tied into the eternal recurrance ideas, things would actually happen in the real world, so it's kinda the reverse of the matrix. Memories are recollections of reality copied/encoded into the brain. Sometimes real events inspire movies and dreams, sometimes dreams recur, and sometimes people remember things a certain way, or start to remember/edit their memories in a way that differs from reality -- when things are repressed or for a number of reasons. David watches Shaw's dream/memory like a movie. I think it's about simulated realities and all that but a lot of it still has to do with the mind,belief and freewill, control, deceit on the company's/David's behalf, the trick, and the power of the mind. Sometimes we can even engage in self-deception and remember things wrong. The Engineers realized they could live longer by uploading themselves past partially synthetic bodies to cloud storage, and live forever in the clouds. While controlling things in their sleep, through clone bodies that self-replicate, spread more versions and alternate forms, and so forth. The whole warring faction idea can be linked to the Lawrence of Arabia stuff, if David is able to somehow edit reality because he's already in Paradise and hacked his way in, then maybe he knew many things in advance and his robo form was basically just on auto pilot at that point. Maybe he knew it would be an adventure and is living in a reality that can be edited from subspace, and has to always exist/recur for all the hardware to be stored. Maybe he knew things ahead of time and has the power of foresight, like Prometheus would... The brain is like a quantum computer. The subconscious mind is still a mystery to science in some ways. People talk about precognitive dreams and things like that. There are psychological themes and brain themes coming along with the Frankenstein/modern Prometheus themes. When you look at some of the things brought up in the film it can be quite a confusing puzzle, but in some way I believe there is something to what you've mentioned with your re-playing idea, and how David likes films/likes watching dreams, and wanted to style himself after lawrence of arabia. Did he have freewill in the choice of film... or was that programming too?... Weyland quoted that film back 2023. Like father, like son?... It's all very interesting. David brings up things from psychology that might have to do with the subconscious. Maybe there are hidden drives.... Hidden reasons that people behave the way they do, in sometimes stupid or illogical ways, for no apparent reason. The subconscious is very powerful, but often the waking mind doesn't know what the other side is doing. We're told that in the scene with Weyland on his Yacht in dreamspace he has a preference of scenery... Weyland was in his Paradise on a Yacht, young again... but he left and became a nihilist. Weyland had this ability to edit his dreams. He was still looking for real immortality on the other side, the genetic side, within the spiral of the organic hologram. And the subconscious aspects, dream states interacting with virtual realities, subspace, subtle conditioning, editing and not completely planting false memories, and all that actually does make it a little different from the matrix. Replaying the past through synthetic versions of it. Possibly even the ability of the subconscious to operate free of time, some believe time is actually cyclical in nature, but the conscious mind perceives it a certain way... What if David was editing people on very deep levels and making them act the ways they were just to get Weyland out of dreamspace, and trick him into dying... Doesn't everyone want to see their parents die? Maybe David wanted to but couldn't do it himself, his programming wouldn't allow it... He imagined he would be free after Weyland died, but maybe he already knows the end to this story because he's seen this movie before, created Prometheus as a simulation of reality, an edited representation. Simulations of reality and images burned into the back of peoples' brains like film reel, through the senses, our recording devices used to subtly program the crew members... David conditioning Shaw and rewarding her with the cross for a job well done, taking it away to test her faith, running experiments within her memories and connection to our collective consciousness. Editing Shaw's memory and giving us a certain perspective by not telling us the full story. Presenting it to us, the viewers, in the way David wanted Shaw to remember the adventure. For example, certain inconsistencies may arise when you pay attention to Shaw's ring, and there could be visual clues that alternate versions of Prometheus went on and David is splicing memories together. People have brought up the liquor bottle still standing in the juggernaut after the crash, maybe this is something copied over from an earlier memory/version... Maybe David left out certain parts of Prometheus and edited himself a certain way... Cutting off our feed to make us believe certain things and make the story more ambiguous for Shaw and the audience... In the deleted scenes/ overwritten memories, Shaw is more pissed off at David at the end... David can almost understand human emotion (something the other androids couldn't). Maybe it's better if Shaw keeps repressing her thoughts about him killing Charlie... Some of her anger was starting to show in the altenate ending. A more neutral Shaw is perhaps easier to work with, and he had to condition her a certain way/make her remember things a certain way, by editing her dreams and memories. Entire groups or cultures could be completely controlled without knowing it. In some ways religion and legends could be a human system of control based around belief and ideas, and how we edited them and changed them as we went along to serve different purposes. Also, the actual control could be conducted through cultural means with humans... why movies and music and all that is important. Music flies the ships for the Engineers. Frequency control etc, and the mind can sort of generate frequencies in the form of brain waves, even without ESP. Control by a king or queen. Or being shocked back to life.


MemberOvomorphOct-08-2013 2:38 AM
Although I feel the organics are still very important to things and agree the aliens might have some sort of hive mind directed by the Queen. As well maybe something else to do with our own collective consciousness and subconscious. I think that could be why themes from psychology are important, David might sort of believe that deep down all humans are driven by subconscious and impulsive desires, not necessarily that everyone wants to kill their parents, however that's exactly how David and Vickers think/feel inside. Maybe the subconscious is the better quantum computer when it comes to human minds, and David's artificial human mind has been created a little differently than most androids to allow him to almost understand human emotion... We could have almost this genetic programming that makes some of us behave certain ways, and David dislikes being made close to us, not too close I hope... In some ways, David could be a little bit like Frankenstein's monster. I think that at least the virals found with the movie could tie into things a little bit and that there are things to do with the brain, inner desires/drives, freewill, perception and things of that nature being foreshadowed for sure by the Happy Birthday video, however I do really think David does like to emulate what he watches. Likes to re-create/act out things in a way.


MemberXenomorphOct-08-2013 4:26 PM
Hiveminded Uh well so many ideas tou have mentioned. Thanks for posting. Main point for me . If i can record and then later make and replay / recreate somewhere else and then eventually simply make something up and then replay / recreate by simply pointing a laser or some kind of device somewhere and it reforms or recreated matter to mu design - literally changing the space matter energy time continuum to my design / will THEN Wouldn't I be god ?


MemberXenomorphOct-08-2013 4:26 PM
Please remove


MemberXenomorphOct-08-2013 4:36 PM
Is the hologr aphic replay equipment not the start of that and as the elders and suoer elders reach the singularity isn't this where the technology is at xuch a level that this matter forming ability is simply a matter of will ? But then something greater then they must be controlling them because I believe there is an order to the universe . Those who won't abide by it simply won't function and disappear. How this syustem works is the real question . Who decided that and whu ?


MemberXenomorphOct-08-2013 4:36 PM
Please remove


MemberXenomorphOct-08-2013 4:36 PM
Please delete
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