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Scientists destroy Prometheus!

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Necronom 4

MemberNeomorphDec-01-2013 7:24 AM
Came across a vid on Youtube that I hadn't seen before and thought that I would post it for some of you that also haven't seen it. I assume that some of you have though. [url=]Scientists destroy Prometheus![/url] To me, it seems like they are taking a little too much pleasure in ripping it to peaces!

The poster was good though!


153 Replies


MemberFacehuggerDec-01-2013 8:30 AM
I totally agree with you on this. I think it is a case of pearls before swine. One thing is for sure, I' ve heard of Ridley Scott, but I've no idea who these guys are and I'd like to maintain that relationship. Talk about missing the whole point of the movie, and understanding the audience it is aimed at.


AdminPraetorianDec-01-2013 11:40 AM
Skimmed through it pretty fast, seems they are simply dissecting it through a scientist's eyes. Honestly, I know plenty of people who feel the same way about the movie and who pick it apart just as badly if not worse. Like I always say, everyone is entitled to their opinion. Case in point, I really liked "Man of Steel" but many Superman fans were outraged by the movie. Go figure.


MemberOvomorphDec-01-2013 12:01 PM
Same old story. Too busy dissecting the world to smell the flowers and appreciate the beauty. Prometheus (imo) has its roots in Ancient Myths and creation Legends. It would be pretty ridiculous to start ripping those apart, wouldn't it? I mean, it's a Fantasy tale which happens to take place in space!! What's next? Science destroys Lord of the Rings?! Jesus.


Veteran MemberMemberOvomorphDec-01-2013 12:22 PM
Their criticisms aren't science! it's conjecture, first off, If we could shoot a spaceship out of a giant space gun we could reach almost half the speed of light and that would take around an 8 year journey to a star system 4 light years away. Ya it's dangerous of modern myth making using science...if the journey of the soul is the most important thing in the universe and science has no proof of the soul and doesn't consider it important WELL! science will turn us into cybermen! Dam! Quantum Cybermen! Here's a link to an interesting documentary which Hints at ideas in Prometheus:


MemberXenomorphDec-01-2013 1:54 PM
Wolverine never got a bullet through his brain until striker shot him . He went through how many wars without getting shot in the head ??? How very unscientific !!!


MemberFacehuggerDec-01-2013 3:10 PM
I find it amazing that a group of scientists have failed to grasp the most basic concept of a clue being in the title. Namely, that this is fiction. The same level of criticism can be aimed at any science fiction film where artistic licence replaces fact. On a scientific note, I’m more than happy to be pig ignorant of science facts when in the pursuit of some good old entertainment. I could recommend that fantastic documentary about a community of country dwellers with footware issues ( No Nike sponsorships here.). Where a young man likes to check on his older relative to see that his ring has’nt been abused.


MemberFacehuggerDec-01-2013 3:43 PM
I have to agree with most of what they say. The problem with prometheus is that it is supposed to be 'realistic' its set in our universe in our future. And attempts to build on things we know. It is also by a top director who achieved a near perfect level of realism in a previous film alien. X-men is not set in our future its now but a fantasy version of our universe. Lord of the rings is also removed from our reality. Anyway this is why its analysed so much.

 "It's almost as if they are making it up as they go along" :D

HICKS ( online again )

MemberOvomorphDec-01-2013 4:54 PM
Damn! Nobody notices anything!?, That's the magic, the attraction that produces Prometheus, these guys talk because reality Prometheus is able to break or violate any of Fiction (up to the most unimaginable) Not even Ridley Scott was able imagine the effect it would Prometheus (a Universe of Ideas New Ideas and Tangible) Yes these guys give their opinion to refute or contradict the idea of Prometheus, is simply because he believes what we all believe too! "Prometheus that history may be closer to reality than fiction!"


MemberPraetorianDec-01-2013 4:59 PM
I need to say this ...... FFS Haven't they got anything better to do than pick a Sci-fi movie apart??? Whoever pays their wages should be after them! ;-)


"Let The Cosmic Incubation Begin" ~ H.R. Giger


MemberOvomorphDec-01-2013 6:27 PM
scientists can kiss my ass


MemberOvomorphDec-01-2013 9:11 PM
The people in the discussion are also full of holes. Some of the points they made weren't well thought out . They stated fifield got lost and he had the map. We all know its not correct, the map was on prometheus. They mentioned the placenta for the alien during the surgical scene. Is it me or was the alien covered in a placenta bag which soon brust. there were a few other points that they made which weren;t correct....I think that they didn't get it or completely comprehend what they saw. I think people trying to explain something which they didn't understand themselves and making dicks of themselve in the process.
"how do you feel?"-" great, next stupid question"

Visionary Alpha

MemberOvomorphDec-02-2013 12:22 AM
I[quote][/quote]'d like to respond to this one point: they DO seem to be enjoying tearing the movie up too much. Some of their opinions are so bogus themselves, they can't be scientists. They are like couple bullies who made this to intimidate the writer or someone else who worked on it. Speaking to those issues they raise that are arguable, at least as valid points, why DID Ridley Scott do some of these things? The movie should have been much more realistic, and it easily could have been.


MemberOvomorphDec-02-2013 2:12 AM
@visionaryalpha I agree that it should of been more realistic and you're right, it could of easily been done. But in say that, ridley scott is a film maker and there are other factors involved (fox,style, pace etc etc). One of the factors I agree with is the charactors. Some of them weren't that good or likable for that matter.
"how do you feel?"-" great, next stupid question"

Major Noob

MemberOvomorphDec-02-2013 5:30 AM
"More realistic"does not to my mind equal "better movie", in fact quite the opposite. I just have to ask the same question I always do in these debates: why doesn't anyone apply these criticisms to Alien? Alien was filled with unlikable characters, and the science was flimsy when it wasn't just pure fantasy. Please show me where it was said that Prometheus was to be a hard science prequel with the world's finest minds and coolest heads dissecting the Alien universe to the satisfaction of one and all. Was that ever a part of the official marketing? Or was it, just like Alien, to be a bunch of fallible people in way over their heads in a lawless land hopelessly removed from reality? When Holloway says: " It's Christmas, and I want to open my presents.." That pretty much sets the tone right there. To me, nothing that happens after should come as a surprise. So if some "Scientist" ( who knows, maybe they are, I'm just indulging in the same pointless mudslinging) wants to aggrandize themselves and have their moment in the spotlight at the expense of someone else's artistic achievement, it should also come as no surprise. That's human nature, and that message is writ large throughout Prometheus. So all they've done is prove Ridley's point. Well done, scientists! You're just like the ones in the movie.

Necronom 4

MemberNeomorphDec-02-2013 8:37 AM
Yeah, they're being very disrespectful and there's no need for it! It is possible to analyse something without being a dick about it. Anyway, they're failing to get the point that it is a science FICTION film, an artistic expression and lets face it, these "scientists" probably wouldn't be able to tell the difference between a good piece of art from a fresh lump of dog turd on the pavement. Sure I have a few gripes with Prometheus but all in all it's a good, entertaining sci fi film, which, the likes I would much prefer to watch than something like Apollo 13.

The poster was good though!



MemberXenomorphDec-02-2013 8:57 AM
Major noob Very well said Because alien by and large have many of the same "flaws" if we will call it that. Listen to the noob !!! That is a very important post that . Because the circle is closing - or approaching it at the very least. Thanks major noob !!!!

Necronom 4

MemberNeomorphDec-02-2013 9:05 AM
@Odu and Noob; What "flaws" does ALIEN have?

The poster was good though!



MemberDeaconDec-02-2013 10:08 AM
I have seen this before and i would use the TERM... Scientists to describe them very loosely lol

R.I.P Sox  01/01/2006 - 11/10/2017


MemberXenomorphDec-02-2013 10:30 AM
Necronom4 You know when dallas was in the that tunnel with the iris doors ? He asked them to close all of them - and the remaining circulart openings were only large enough for a mouse to get through. How did the alien pass through those doors at the speed he did ?? How does it move thurgh the spaces it did ? It was all bare metal ? Was there holes in the surfaces it could cling to ? Does it have suckers ? How was it able to bull brett up into the air ducts ? To what was it attached ??

HICKS ( online again )

MemberOvomorphDec-02-2013 10:45 AM
@ oduodu It I remember Dallas, walked down an air duct located at a higher level which was the Alien! Having said this! I think your question is unfounded!


MemberXenomorphDec-02-2013 10:56 AM
By flaws i meant criticisms. But it has far less then prometheus. Why does wy need a hole shio to get just one alien to earth ? Why not just hijack a ship full of people and experiment in space ? Oh they did that in resurrection. Why not drive the alien into the refinery and kill it with molten metal. Oh they did that an alien 3. Why not put people on the planet and get them infected ? They did that in aliens. Why not lock themselves in the lifeboat and depressurise the entire ship ? In the earlier scroipts they didn't have enough oxygen . Now there's a plothole. But it wasn't in the the movie it doesn't count. So what was to prevent them from getting into suits and stay in the lifeboat and kill the alien by depressurisiing the ship ? Zero atmosphere like space ?? It would have diied eventially . Because no one knows exactly what their situation was . No all the facts were revealed.


MemberXenomorphDec-02-2013 10:59 AM
Hicks I a$ talking about the iris doors that dallas asked them close behind him $ how did the alien pass through them ??


MemberFacehuggerDec-02-2013 12:17 PM
The difference between alien and prometheus is like night and day! ItS really hard to falt alien - its soo realistic! Were as promethues is riddled with unrealistic inconsistent things! I am pretty sure the alien in alien was not behind him anyway in the ducts! It just comes from in front and up or down - been a while since I watched it though.

 "It's almost as if they are making it up as they go along" :D

Cerulean Blue

MemberFacehuggerDec-02-2013 12:21 PM
I guess they missed the larger point of the movie & decided to berate the details? That point being: Be ready to accept that all we think we know about our origins may not be correct! David said it best when he said, "That is why they call it a thesis." IMHO - I am not concerned with speed of space travel, or Fifield getting lost. Would you be thinking rationally after seeing what they just saw? Whatever happened to the willing suspension of disbelief, sheesh?

Necronom 4

MemberNeomorphDec-02-2013 12:31 PM
@Oduodu; HICKS is correct ^^ Dallas tells them to close all the iris's BEHIND him. The alien then moves towards his direction, but, by travelling down a duct that is running parallel to the one he's in. He then descends to the level below and the alien is already there waiting for him.

The poster was good though!



MemberFacehuggerDec-02-2013 12:33 PM
Lol u that is the main problem blue. If it breaks your suspension of disbelief it ruins the film! Suddenly your like wtf that wouldn't happen and you feel like your not there any more your watching muddled film instead. It was so easy to fix most of the problems and yes why didn't they! I wonder if this is what separates a lover from a hater - low vs high suspension. But if you have massive of disbelief why watch the film at all - you might as well just make it all up and fill in your own ideas. The opposite is spoon feeding which is not always so great. The best films are in between I reckon - just a touch of ambiguity and vagueness not tons of it!

 "It's almost as if they are making it up as they go along" :D


MemberXenomorphDec-02-2013 1:14 PM
Necronom4 Thanks for that. That makes sense . What about flushing the ship to deprive it of a breathable atmosphere ??

Major Noob

MemberOvomorphDec-02-2013 1:37 PM
What flaws are to be found in Alien?  Let's start with life forms that bleed acid, contained in eggs that are living without any visible form of nutrition for an interval of time that can fossilize dead tissue. One attaches itself to an astronaut so efficiently that he does not die when it penetrates his helmet with said acid. Aboard the ship, it becomes clear it's depositing something inside him, and can bleed acid powerful enough to penetrate a hull, but he's left alone with it. Later, while Ash examines the dead and presumably rotting hugger, no precautions are made ( like getting the thing off the ship, for example) and neither he nor Ripley wear masks. When Kane awakens, even though they saw something being deposited in him no one X-rays him,  they just invite him to dinner. When the burster escapes, they go off alone to search for it, rather than in teams.  I'm really not trying to be a jerk, I LOVE Alien, as much as anyone here. But I COULD go on...

Necronom 4

MemberNeomorphDec-02-2013 1:59 PM
@Major Noob; Quote "What flaws are to be found in Alien? Let's start with life forms that bleed acid, contained in eggs that are living without any visible form of nutrition for an interval of time that can fossilize dead tissue." It's an alien lifeform, who knows what an extratarrestrial creatures biology is like? I really don't see that as a "flaw!" " When Kane awakens, even though they saw something being deposited in him no one X-rays him, they just invite him to dinner." In the scene where ASH and Dallas are examining the X Ray, one of them says, "It looks like it's feeding him oxygen. Keeping him alive." No one else except for ASH know that it is depositing a creature inside him. They just assume it was feeding him oxygen. "When the burster escapes, they go off alone to search for it, rather than in teams." Ripley, Brett and Parker go insearch of it, a team of 3. They also don't know at that point that it is growing rapidly. They would also assume that it was the same size as when it first burst from Kane. :)

The poster was good though!


Necronom 4

MemberNeomorphDec-02-2013 2:27 PM
@Odu; I don't know whether or not they could have done that without sacrificing themselves aswell. They wouldn't have had a 10 month supply of compressed air in their space suit tanks, as they were approx. 10 months from Earth, they would have died and the lifeboat couldn't have sustained all of them. Ripley says that in the film.

The poster was good though!


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