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what ISNT canon?

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MemberNeomorphJan-31-2017 12:11 AM

we seem to be divided at times at what IS canon. as no one who is in the 'qualified' position has actually stated what is canon, I would say it is easier for us, the fans, to say what ISNT canon rather than what is. I personally, would include books and comics and just say the avp movies are not canon. what r ur thoughts?

67 Replies


MemberTrilobiteJan-31-2017 12:13 AM

Non canon is outside movies IMO.


MemberPraetorianJan-31-2017 12:17 AM

The AVP'S started of as canon,but Prometheus nullified that.I actually have considered doing a thread on the parallels between Prometheus and AVP.The things i know for sure aren't canon are the super hero cross overs.

Nothing the God of biomechanics wouldn't let you in heaven for 


MemberNeomorphJan-31-2017 12:23 AM

yeah id agree with the super hero cross overs just being for a read and not canon. forgot about them haha


MemberXenomorphJan-31-2017 12:37 AM

Every book, comic and game released since Jan 2014 (the Out of the Shadows novel) in addition to the five films is canon.

(Excluding AvPv Judge Dredd and the pinball games).  Everything else isn't canon.


MemberPraetorianJan-31-2017 12:42 AM

The super hero cross overs are pretty bad lol.

Nothing the God of biomechanics wouldn't let you in heaven for 


MemberNeomorphJan-31-2017 12:46 AM

sm would u say its only material where the writers have had some collaboration with fox or have just been given official approval?


MemberXenomorphJan-31-2017 12:49 AM

All the material released since 1988 has had collaboration with Fox and official approval.  Since 2014 however, a more concerted effort has been made at Fox to make things fit together properly across other media.


MemberTrilobiteJan-31-2017 1:49 AM


I don't think anyone knows who ultimately decides what is canonical.

Based on your latest reply, it seems like it is a fluid situation. That is understandable.

It seems that until an official word from FOX is put out, we can pretty much decide and make sh$t up based on anything.

Personally, I would defer to Scified staff to lay down the law until FOX gives further guidance.

Sounds a bit dictatorial perhaps? I think so...

...or we can mush on and continue to have an engaging and hopefully fun "dialectic".


MemberPraetorianJan-31-2017 1:53 AM

Wikipedia has a list of things that are considered canon that span way before 2014.

Nothing the God of biomechanics wouldn't let you in heaven for 


MemberXenomorphJan-31-2017 2:01 AM

"I don't think anyone knows who ultimately decides what is canonical."

I do.  He works at Fox.

It can be fluid depending on the film content being produced, and extra-film content can only do so much to conform to future film content - but it's been stable the last few years.


MemberNeomorphJan-31-2017 2:05 AM

though wiki can be edited by people in general, I get that someone has to draw a line and anything that happens following Prometheus is acceptable to me but I would love to see ideas from other sources to appear. id like a prequel to Prometheus that goes back to show the original story of the engineers and xenos, show how it all started and the consequences, even subtitled for a bit wouldn't bother me. we have some amazing movies such as, crouching tiger, to prove it can be done for English speaking fans. could also be done where the film starts out subtitled, with the engineers language spoken for a bit then it cuts to English perhaps?


MemberTrilobiteJan-31-2017 2:06 AM


"I do.  He works at Fox."

When you say "he", whom do you mean?



MemberXenomorphJan-31-2017 2:08 AM

I'm not about to broadcast his name, but there is a guy in charge of looking after the franchise licence.


MemberTrilobiteJan-31-2017 2:11 AM


With due respect, I call BS. Prove me wrong.

I can make sh!t up too.


MemberPraetorianJan-31-2017 2:14 AM

Alright S.M. are films like the AVP's regarded as canon?Or how about Colonial Marines.

Nothing the God of biomechanics wouldn't let you in heaven for 


MemberNeomorphJan-31-2017 2:17 AM

from what I heard avp WAS regarded as canon but has since been dropped


MemberXenomorphJan-31-2017 2:20 AM

AvP is a bit murky.  I'm not sure.  Colonial Marines was touted as canon, but subsequently dropped.


With due respect, I call BS. Prove me wrong.

I can make sh!t up too."

Doesn't sound like "due respect" to me.


MemberPraetorianJan-31-2017 2:21 AM

Yeah i think Prometheus pretty much replaced it.

Nothing the God of biomechanics wouldn't let you in heaven for 


MemberTrilobiteJan-31-2017 2:26 AM


Will you answer my question?


MemberXenomorphJan-31-2017 2:27 AM

What was your question?


MemberChestbursterJan-31-2017 2:33 AM

To be perfectly honest it's really up to the viewer, regardless of what anyone says. I couldn't care less about people forcing their or others beliefs as to what is or isn't canon on others.

For me personally, Prometheus isn't canon. There are such loose connections to the first film that it could easily be disregarded as expanded universe along with AC imo. I'm fine with that.

Even Ridley himself has stated that Prometheus is a "parallel/alternative universe" film. (EDIT: if I recall it correctly)

I have full respect to other people who consider Prometheus canon and/or disregard any Alien sequel as canon.


MemberXenomorphJan-31-2017 2:36 AM

When did he say it was a "parallel universe"?


MemberTrilobiteJan-31-2017 2:38 AM


You could check above but I will pose the question again. Please answer it:


"I do.  He works at Fox."

When you say "he", whom do you mean?


MemberPraetorianJan-31-2017 2:41 AM

F'ning a Neomorph.

Nothing the God of biomechanics wouldn't let you in heaven for 


MemberXenomorphJan-31-2017 2:45 AM

"When you say "he", whom do you mean?"

I mean the guy at Fox who manages the license.


MemberPraetorianJan-31-2017 2:47 AM

I believe he's asking for a name.

Nothing the God of biomechanics wouldn't let you in heaven for 


MemberChestbursterJan-31-2017 2:49 AM


I couldn't find the source, I think he said it in the BAFTA interview but I could be wrong. 

I'm absolutely certain he said it though, or I wouldn't have mentioned it.


MemberNeomorphJan-31-2017 2:49 AM

I don't think he meant parallel universe in the literal sense. and when he said that was he not talking about alien3 and AR so not to disrespect the directors of those movies or the fans of those films?


MemberTrilobiteJan-31-2017 2:51 AM


Please stop dilly dallying. The Scified world is watching to see if you have the real goods.

If you do not that is ok. Just cop to it and we will move on to more important issues like discussing vaginal similarities to the facehuggers.



MemberNeomorphJan-31-2017 2:58 AM

dk it isn't just the hugger that was designed to have similarities to that particular, amazing body part (lol meant in good spirit with no offence meant to anyone). in an interview, when giger designed the derelict, he designed the entrance to resemble the same thing

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