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David and Walter
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MemberPraetorianMar-14-2017 4:12 AM

I've been thinking about this one for a while.It seems likely that a mission was sent to Paradise sometime prior to the Covenant mission.Obviously this mission potentially failed,but what if someone survived long enough to send a message to Weyland-Yutani(Or more likely still Weyland Corporation)to inform them that they made contact with David.So what if Walter's true purpose on the Covenant is to make contact with David,and perhaps bring him back along with his knowledge of creation.It would possibly be safer than trying to bring a live specimen like they usually attempt.Walter also apparently has a chip of some kind,what if that allows him to find David easier?Could Walter even have been specifically designed for these reasons?

Nothing the God of biomechanics wouldn't let you in heaven for 

27 Replies


MemberFacehuggerMar-14-2017 6:07 AM

'Mornig, ninXeno!

That's an interesting thought... assuming this point of view, the 2000 colonists could have been sent to serve the purposes of experimentation?


"This mighty city shows the wonders of my hand."


MemberDeaconMar-14-2017 8:07 AM

Who really knows i guess a lot is down to where Ridley and Fox want to go with this and how good the writing team is, as they obviously have to avoid any potential Plot Holes/Lose Ends as such.

The Covenant Crew are supposed to not be aware of the Prometheus mission at all, and they are supposed to be off to a different location when they intercept a signal of Human Origin (could mean its in English transmitted by a Human/Synthetic)  This signal will maybe be some kind of SOS saying they are stranded on a very Earth like World

I have a sneaky feeling something may not be all there with Walter, but latest Press Release seem to indicate David took Oram (Crudup) around his Lab and not Walter.... have to wonder where David got those clothes from as he was not wearing them in Prometheus but maybe this is lazy writing.

The fact Oram (means Serpent/Dragon) and they was touching on the Paradise Lost theme, makes me wonder is this just a Red Herring?  Or does Oram have some hidden Agenda and is he actually privy to some inside information?


R.I.P Sox  01/01/2006 - 11/10/2017


MemberFacehuggerMar-14-2017 8:14 AM

Are synthetics capable of lying to humans. David told Oram that the eggs where perfectly safe and bam.


Unless Walter was posing as David. 

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MemberDeaconMar-14-2017 9:16 AM

I have to post this here...

What do you guys think?



R.I.P Sox  01/01/2006 - 11/10/2017

Grinning & Dropping Linen

MemberFacehuggerMar-14-2017 10:02 AM

@BigDave  thats a great video, nice find lol



MemberDeaconMar-14-2017 10:18 AM

Credit has to go to AVPGalaxy in a way... i had a nose on their site as i have started to now and again... and i saw someone post this and had to post it here.....

I think its only a matter of time before we find out whats going on in Alien Covenant and i cant wait for the debates come after May ;)

R.I.P Sox  01/01/2006 - 11/10/2017


MemberPraetorianMar-14-2017 4:07 PM

ninXeno426, that is really good.

"Obviously this mission potentially failed,but what if someone survived long enough to send a message to Weyland-Yutani(Or more likely still Weyland Corporation)to inform them that they made contact with David.So what if Walter's true purpose on the Covenant is to make contact with David,and perhaps bring him back along with his knowledge of creation.It would possibly be safer than trying to bring a live specimen like they usually attempt."

This could be where the collection of eggs (who knows) came from ready for the Covenant crew. David could have cultivated a queen from his available biology and produced these eggs.

Weyland-Yutani Corporation, yes, could have gotten word about what was happening on Paradise. Walter could then be tailored for the task.

Weyland-Yutani Corporation could then have told any story to the Covenant crew in the message they sent regarding diverting their mission to go investigate the signal on Paradise.


MemberFacehuggerMar-14-2017 4:45 PM

Hmmm... That's interesting. That part of the trailer, where Walter is sitting in the pilots chair and the ship is experiencing some rough air, and he seems to be looking back at the crew... I allways thought it looks like he is hiding something, like he is thinking "You have no idea what awaits you" or something like that. Could be totaly wrong, but it is a feeling I get.


          "Bees have hives, man " 

              "Bees have hives, man" 


MemberPraetorianMar-14-2017 4:58 PM

Parkerparrot -- But that man is Crudup/Oram, the captain, not Walter...


MemberPraetorianMar-14-2017 9:07 PM

Thank you Ingeniero.Regarding the cultivation of the eggs,I can't help but think Dr.Elizabeth Shaw has possibly become queen Elizabeth Shaw.It would one:explain why the eggs appear to be different.Two:Shaw's ultimate fate.I think back to her giving birth to the trilobite and that umbilical cord.We already know Black goo byproducts have a tremendous healing rate,so i can't help but think that something began to grow inside her,or,more likely change her.

Nothing the God of biomechanics wouldn't let you in heaven for 


MemberPraetorianMar-14-2017 9:48 PM

As for David/Walter lying,yes i think it's possible if it's part of their programming.While it may not have been lying,But Ash did hide his objective very well.There had to be a little lying in there somewhere.


Nothing the God of biomechanics wouldn't let you in heaven for 


MemberTrilobiteMar-14-2017 9:55 PM

Lying is a fairly complex concept. It encompases knowing what is true, self preservation, applying whatever moral or ethics were learned, and deception that conflicts what was learned vs an alternate agenda......or some psycho babble crap like that.


MemberPraetorianMar-14-2017 10:06 PM

Indeed.I certainly believe David is capable of it.The recent reveal of the David prologue in Covenant certainly suggests he's more human than we initially believed.

Nothing the God of biomechanics wouldn't let you in heaven for 


MemberFacehuggerMar-15-2017 1:42 AM

Ati... You're right. It's Crudup. My bad. Allways thought it to be Walter... Had do watch the scene severel times again before I got that. Should start to wear my glasses again, maybe...

              "Bees have hives, man" 

Grinning & Dropping Linen

MemberFacehuggerMar-15-2017 6:13 AM

I do think David will have either used Shaw for experiments or he just went along with it because she started to mutate due to her "pregnancy" but i am almost certain that Ridley Scott will not use the queen in his movies, call it a hunch, but i feel that since it is not his own creation he will steer clear of it. While the Queen is cool looking and mean its only surface level stuff and there is nothing much to her and it makes the xenomorph just an insect. I believe he will play with the goo and the mutating concept to explain the eggs as that is more in line with his ideas and the idea of mutating and not relying on a queen makes the xenomorph or protomorph much scarier and the idea of mutation is terrifying because its harder to understand and come to grips with for the movie characters, if there is a queen they quickly just become insects and it removes that ancient cosmic horror element rather quickly


MemberPraetorianMar-15-2017 9:16 AM

I agree Grinning & Dropping Linen in regards to the queen introduced and mutation. I think we are underestimating how excited (projected emotion) David 8 was on Paradise to get to work.

What if David 8 was able to harvest this Weyland-Yutani Corporation tech from another crew he invited to Paradise?

I believe David 8 could impress us with a hack on the Bio-Replicator Pod above.

With a little ingenuity, I'm sure David 8 could cut up millions of examples of DNA and produce a biological tool he needed or maybe something more impressive.

Grinning & Dropping Linen

MemberFacehuggerMar-15-2017 9:51 AM

Good catch Ingeniero...i think David could do all sorts or ghastly things with creation using something like those Bio-replicator pods in your attached photo


MemberFacehuggerMar-15-2017 10:25 AM

What if Walter's only purpose is to let David advance his experiments by letting  him use him as a guinea pig. It seems Walter was made different from that viral video. Maybe this is the purpose. The 2k colonists are also guinea pigs that WY sent to David to further his knowledge.

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MemberFacehuggerMar-15-2017 9:23 PM

If the colonists turn out just to be Company-provided lab rats the movie would be so much darker.


MemberPraetorianMar-16-2017 1:02 AM

Auximenes:Indeed,it wouldn't be the First time(or in this case possibly the first time)that Weyland-Yutani considered a crew expendable.Though you'd truly have to be sadistic to send 2000 to their deaths intentionally.

Nothing the God of biomechanics wouldn't let you in heaven for 


MemberNeomorphMar-16-2017 1:19 AM

what if the company was now run by synthetics? I doubt it but possible now that weyland and Vickers r dead. I for one believe the colonists r screwed. someone made a connection to ripley saying in aliens at the ICC hearing that kane saw thousands of eggs and there being a Cpl thousand colonists on the covenant. possible tie in though I absolutely hate it..


MemberPraetorianMar-16-2017 1:51 AM

Some one did run a theory that The Company could be ran by synthetics, i didn't read into to it to much though.Also it's been discussed that maybe the Covenant colonists could be the eggs in the Derelict,but i'd say it's highly unlikely.Way that many holes in that theory.One:how did the colonists end up being the cargo of an engineer.Two:How did the engineer end up with a chestburster,he most likely birthed a queen that layed the eggs.Three:Why/did they end up on LV-426(I don't bye the Paradise is LV-426 theories.)Fourth and most of all:Why does the Derelict seem so ancient if it's only been there for twenty ought years(maybe even less.)Plus there's the Peter Weyland files to consider.Those of course state both Peter Weyland and David knew of the signal broadcasting from LV-426 prior to the launch of the Prometheus mission.

Nothing the God of biomechanics wouldn't let you in heaven for 


MemberNeomorphMar-16-2017 2:32 AM

I agree with all that xeno. im 60-40 the original idea given that the derelict has been there thousands of years is the way itl go but u never know. that's the way I want it to be and imo its the scenario that gives alien the best backstory. all the evidence points to this being the case but im fearful it turns out differently


MemberPraetorianMar-16-2017 3:14 AM

I wouldn't fear to much,well Maybe a little.But I think Ridley had a specific vision with the original Alien,one i don't think he'll betray.

Nothing the God of biomechanics wouldn't let you in heaven for 

Grinning & Dropping Linen

MemberFacehuggerMar-17-2017 3:37 PM

Even if David and his "experiments" somehow end up on LV426 and he discovers the original derelict i hope they leave that ship as ancient,some things are better with a bit of mystery. Most people these days want every little detail spelled out for them, no imagination....what they dont realize is they are ruining so much for themselves. That sense of wonder and mystery is what made this franchise so amazing for all these years...if he does answer some of those questions i hope Sir Ridley has the decency to at least create some new equally amazing mysteries with these new movies.

He has hinted at a species of beings higher than the Engineers, perhaps they are an ancient cosmic evil behind it all...and somehow David's actions and his tampering wakes them up and they intervene in this or the next movie, that would introduce new hopefully unimaginable cosmic terrors for David and the survivors, while still keeping the familiar horrors at play...just an idea 


MemberDeaconMar-17-2017 5:38 PM

Very interesting points...

First of all, maybe its a bit to much of a stretch that the Company knows what David is up to and sent those 2000 Colonists on purpose to be used as experiments and Guinea Pigs... we cant rule his out, but i am not sure on this.  It would prove who is at the Top of the Company has 0 Moral Compass.  But it cant be ruled out..

I think for sure there will be Twists, but to also be aware of Misdirection's...  The Last Supper Viral did seem to set up a whole Christ and the Last Supper vibe... where we can not look at Franco as Christ, but maybe that he would perform a Sacrifice or at the very least this viral could seem to point out that their could be a JUDAS... right now fingers could be pointing at Walter or Oram (Crudup) but who knows.. it could be a misdirection and there is actually no Judas Element at play.

As far as the Company being run my Synthetics, indeed this was mentioned a few times here in the past, and its something we maybe cant 100% rule out too.


R.I.P Sox  01/01/2006 - 11/10/2017


MemberDeaconMar-17-2017 5:48 PM

As far as Shaw's fate, i dont think she went down well as a Character in Prometheus, and if she is to be taken out of the Franchise in this movie or prior...  i think they would have to give it justice and having her just simply DIE would be a waste really...

David is experimenting and in the scene with Oram (Crudup) he did say he has been experimenting with the creatures from Prometheus.

There was only 3 Creatures in Prometheus....

1) Hammerpedes, which would require Worms and we can assume Hammerpedes like Worms are Egg Layers.. the result of this could provide a starting point for experiments. ==> EGGS

2) Trilobite (Deacon), which would require a infection of a Females Ovaries and Eggs, Shaws Trilobite was the result of one of these 3 Scenarios

*Infected Holoways Sperm, Fertilized Shaws Egg to create a Hybrid Fetus. (This would require Black Goo and a Humanoid Males Sperm)

*The Top of the ampoule contained Parasitic Worm like Organisms that traveled to Shaw via Sex like a Sexually Transmitted Disease. And infected her Egg, causing a Hybrid

*As above but the Parasite does not infect any Eggs, it simply grows in Shaws Womb, fools her body to thing it is a Embryo.

3) Hybrid Organism via Black Goo aka Fifield... we have to wonder how far would the Black Goo had evolved him and what happens if the infection is more serve and what if the infected was Female?

These are the only 3 options as far as Creatures from Prometheus, the only 4th Option is the Black Goo itself and David being aware of the aim for this substance (Mural maybe) but again its logical to assume to get to the Mural Organism then something similar to a Face Hugger/Trilobite would be needed and also a Humanoid Host.

So the BIGGEST Question is... for all of those options, how does David achieve this?

A branch of these ideas could lead us with David having the option to EXTRACT Shaws Eggs and experiment on them but then we have to wonder does David have the kind of Set Up to be able to grow Test Tube Baby type experiments?

Then again maybe the Black Goo is so powerful that extracted Eggs and Black Goo would evolve into something very interesting that would grow without the need for a Womb, or Incubating Technology.

R.I.P Sox  01/01/2006 - 11/10/2017

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