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MemberPraetorianMar-15-2017 10:52 AM

I would not claim that David in Prometheus is gay – we have no enough pieces of information concerning this question. But it is easy to see that he provides the gayest atmosphere in the movie.

This feature of the character is not a problem (for me) at all, but in the light of the new insight revealed by Scott regarding the question ”who David really is”, we can jump to the conclusion that David may have been Peter Weyland’s lover.


I had the intention to focus on a theoretical gay relationship between Weyland and David, and I think the possibility is the most important factor of this idea. I have never watched Prometheus with 'gay thoughts' in my mind - wow, that's a strange sentence - but Scott's new comment regarding the first minutes of Alien: Covenant pushed the limits in my view. Scott hints that the beginning of the movie (with more info about the relationship between Weyland and David) will be shocking.

As you know, Blade Runner (directed by Scott) reveals a scene where Tyrell (the creator) and Roy (the created replicant) have a kiss.

This is not a gay kiss - or at least it is much more than a gay kiss. It is a kiss between creator and creation. It is an act of becoming one. Can it be an act of a covenant?

Tyrell and the replicant/Weyland and the android... Creators and creations.

Blade Runner shows a kiss before the death of the creator.

Will Alien: Covenant show a kiss after the birth of the creation?

Is it possible that we should be prepared for something similar at the beginning of Alien: Covenant?

94 Replies


AdminEngineerMar-15-2017 8:53 PM

@Ati, SM is welcome to share his thoughts and opinions just as you are. I will reiterate, this topic is not to be used as fuel for negativity towards anyone, including fellow members.

Last warning, keep this discussion civil and respectful. Every single member here is welcome and valued and should not be ridiculed for offering an opinion, especially when they are judging the topic and not the individual who created it. One more sign of negativity or disrespect to another member and this topic will be locked. Please respect our guidelines and community standards.

Hyped for: Alien: Romulus | Badlands (Predator 6) | Cloverfield 4


MemberPraetorianMar-15-2017 8:58 PM

Ingeniero, thank you for comment number 60. Short summary: this useless post helped create at least one useful expression, the dildomorph. I think this is the new name of the chestburster. Please use it.



MemberPraetorianMar-15-2017 9:06 PM

Chris, this topic was not used by me against anyone. If you warn me, you must warn S.M as well for providing comments like: Aren't you all just precious delicate little petals when someone disagrees with your desperately important "opinions".

Please warn S.M as well. That would be correct.


AdminEngineerMar-15-2017 9:13 PM

It's not a warning aimed at you specifically, more so it's a reminder of community standards. There was some serious concepts which could be explored in this topic, despite the comedic manner in which it came to be created. But this isn't a he said, she said situation, nor am I placing blame here. I'm just preventing a topic derailment and suggesting you, S.M and whoever else was riled up from the discussion to take a breather and realize arguing with strangers on a forum is pointless. This place was created for fans to enjoy and have fun, not bicker. If you have a problem with another member you're welcome to message them privately (remaining respectful) and sort out any miscommunications there, but the public forum is not the place for it. It only detracts from the topic and breaks up the conversation.

Hyped for: Alien: Romulus | Badlands (Predator 6) | Cloverfield 4


MemberPraetorianMar-15-2017 9:22 PM

There was no comedic manner added to the post, at least not by me. Thank you.


MemberDeaconMar-16-2017 12:00 AM

This brings a whole new meaning and questions to the


Message Weyland gave David

I do like where you was going with this as far as the Blade Runner connection... and so who knows?


I wonder if David is given a bit of a Male Personality to fit in with his Male look or indeed if he has no Gender not only Aesthetically but in terms of Emotionally..

In the Outakes though did Fassbender not joke to Theron about his Slong! lol

I would assume in the future that however, when we create Androids nearly as Advanced then a Market would be for Anatomically Correct Parts.

R.I.P Sox  01/01/2006 - 11/10/2017


MemberDeaconMar-16-2017 12:07 AM

As far as the big secret as we find out who David is...

I really had a idea about this even as far back as when i was working on my draft, which i then had covered when we finally got some information about the Prologue Scene... basically how David has his memories transferred model to model but only to the Prototypes that are Weylands Personal Android and so this gives him his Soul and makes him Immortal and i think this is where the Prologue will touch upon...

But Alas......

Alien Covenant has Evolved... from the plans for Prometheus 2 and Ridleys Vission before John Logan did a Re-write

And Maybe Ridley Scott has lost his Marbles and come up with a new Plot that would do more injustice than AVPR did to AVP... or maybe its Logans idea.

So some of the concerns and changes now are..

*Juggernaught  = Derelict (could be another one he later gains)

*Paradise  = LV-426

*David Creates the Xenomorph (Totally)

*Covenant 2000 colonists become the Eggs.

And so indeed the theory some have about DAVID is actually Weylands Soul in Davids body could be TRUE

They could go this route, but i think its totally poor writing and does not add up with what Prometheus showed...

But then those other points dont either..... yet worryingly who can rule them out of the way they INTEND to take us.



R.I.P Sox  01/01/2006 - 11/10/2017


MemberNeomorphMar-16-2017 1:10 AM

I think the word dildomorph has to be the single greatest word ever created for the English language. I tip my hat u to good sir


MemberDeaconMar-16-2017 2:14 AM

I think HR Giger should be the one to thank for that ali81

I wont upload any relevant images as some of his work is a bit XXX lol

R.I.P Sox  01/01/2006 - 11/10/2017


MemberOvomorphMar-16-2017 3:03 AM

First of all didn't Vickers in order to prove that she wasn't a synthetic person, have sex with Captain Janek. Secondly David was born that way, it's not like he has a choice of whether he's homosynthetic or heterosynthetic. I fully support his decision.


MemberNeomorphMar-16-2017 3:55 AM

Vickers was a synthaslut, nothing more lol. yea BD ill have a shandy in honour of mr giger. he has given us some amazing things. lol dildomorph, still chuckle


MemberNeomorphMar-16-2017 4:00 AM

davids death scene makes more sense now

weyland.david ask him

david (reluctantly).yes sir

david to engineer. good to day to u kind sir. this old decrepit man has often fantasised about being hog ties and have a 3 way with a rentabot and E.T before he dies. would u be a good chap and fetch the rope? 


MemberOvomorphMar-16-2017 6:01 AM

"Maybe they meant Antarctica traffic control...?"

I think I got the same response as Ripley.  ;)  

Maybe it was just an off-hand remark that was not meant to further Ati's discussion in any meaningful way.



MemberFacehuggerMar-16-2017 6:09 AM

@Rick - I completely forgot about the dream stalking!  Ha...


MemberFacehuggerMar-16-2017 6:49 AM

This is even too bizarre for me.

Then again Weyland could have designed David to be "equipped" for every scenario...

@Neomorph. Too late..I'm taking "Dildomorph" to the patent office as we speak...


MemberPraetorianMar-16-2017 8:27 AM

ali, the descriptive phrase dildomorph was created by Neomorph. :)

Dave, thanks, I wanted to highlight the possible intimate parallel between the two movies, and this exciting creator-creation relationship, and I did not want to over-explain it since we have no much information concerning the characters - we have to wait until May.

Karstenphd, thank you for these words: homosynthetic, heterosynthetic. They look and sound in a beautiful way. (No joke, serious comment.)


MemberChestbursterMar-16-2017 9:12 AM

Damn Suwhited you beat me to it lol, but maybe you'll be more successful in your approach. 

If they asked me "so what is it?", I'd *look at the table, look at the ceiling, look out the window then look back at them* 

"'s um...."..


Needless to say I would need to bring this guy with me as support:

@Ati thanks for making this topic, great fun! Sorry to get OT but I just can't help it sometimes lol 


MemberFacehuggerMar-16-2017 9:21 AM

@Neomorph. Might work...Problem is getting him past the pat down line at security....


MemberChestbursterMar-16-2017 9:24 AM

Lol yeah his eye-catching outfits and his rebellious behaviour could be an issue.


MemberFacehuggerMar-16-2017 9:32 AM

@Neomorph. Well you are the one that created this huge Dildomorph monster...You figure it out...I just want to reap the benefits at your expense.


MemberFacehuggerMar-16-2017 9:37 AM

@Neomorph. I gotta admit, your comments have me laughing out loud here at work...


MemberChestbursterMar-16-2017 10:02 AM

Thanks :D it's equally fun to write, and some of the stuff I read kills me, like BM's Walter acronym thread where Lone amongst others delivered some pure comedy gold.

But I didn't create the Dildomorph lol I totally just observed them crawling past me! It's a sight to behold... (Oh and I've heard it's canon btw for Michael Bay's planned Alien: Mechabiomechanoid vs Giga-Giger Ghidorah which takes place before Prometheus like a pre-prequel) 


MemberFacehuggerMar-16-2017 10:11 AM

"But I didn't create the Dildomorph lol I totally just observed them crawling past me! It's a sight to behold..."

That did it. Game Over. I'm done...


MemberPraetorianMar-16-2017 3:18 PM

Neomorph, no problem, thanks for your comments.

Dildomorph is your child, you have to accept that. :)


MemberFacehuggerMar-16-2017 3:26 PM

Dildomorph needs to become canon....seriously 


MemberChestbursterMar-16-2017 3:30 PM

Ati I abandoned it like a terrible father lol *Dr.Phil and the audience freaks out*

No worries! It has a new safe home in Giger's "Land of Vag**as" (made that up) aka Heaven, what could possibly be better and who wouldn't want to visit a place such as that lol

Chad Ripley

MemberFacehuggerMar-17-2017 5:56 AM

I don't know if anyone on here remembers when I got offended by some comments about the two gay characters in AC, but think it's relevant to this discussion. I already posted my opinion about David being possibly gay in a very light hearted way because of this subject.  The one thing people have to be aware of when posting about gay topics is to be aware of other members feelings. I don't mean to sound preachy. I am not a stereotypical gay guy. I fought in Afghanistan, was a football player, and hate shopping lol.  This question about David isn't hateful at all but there are certain people in the world who are prejudice. They see GAY in all caps and lose their minds. Back when I got mad because I thought two members were making fun of two characters that are gay in AC I wasn't in a good mood and went after them, but we ended up being civil and talked it out in the long run. This whole thread is pretty tame compared to the one I went to battle about, but I did see some members getting upset. The main thing members that are not gay have to realize is being gay is tough and takes courage. If a gay man or woman sees something that appears to be degrading, they will naturally get defensive because of all the crap we have had to go through and still deal with. I've already gone through a lot and have developed a wicked sense of humor about it, that also acts as a defense mechanism. People just need to be aware that others might be more sensitive and they have earned that right. Social media is pretty cruel though, and I don't expect to reach anyone with this post. I just wanted to try and explain to everyone that everyone has issues and we should try and put ourselves in their position before reacting with malice. Sorry for the long rant. I normally like posting funny or interesting comments that tie into the Alien universe. Oh wait I just thought something. Vasquez was definitely a lesbian and was super badass. Her "who's Snow White" comment followed by Bonita pretty much confirms she's on my team. I think that's one of the reasons I liked her so much. I mean I liked Hicks too, but that was for a completely different 


MemberPraetorianMar-17-2017 9:10 AM

Chad, thank you for this comment.

Chad Ripley

MemberFacehuggerMar-17-2017 3:29 PM

@Ati   ;)


MemberOvomorphMar-18-2017 6:58 AM

Ridley Scott confirms in the Prometheus commentary that David is asexual and doesn't think about physical gratification or reproduction. Sorry if this shatters anyone's fantasy.

Also did not think he created any kind of "gay atmosphere" or whatever. Funny how anyone remotely well-spoken or who moves gracefully is seen as gay.

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