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Remnants of Elizabeth Shaw …
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MemberFacehuggerMay-29-2017 11:55 PM

Screengrabs of what's left of Shaw + David's sketches Daniel's looked through when in his lab …



34 Replies


MemberPraetorianMay-30-2017 12:35 AM

REALLY love that poster!!






MemberFacehuggerMay-30-2017 12:44 AM

Looks like a fresh corpse. Normally it would begin to decompose after 2-3 days, even if there is no microscopic life(bacterias,etc.) on this planet.

The internal bacterias from the body are enough and would begin to decompose it from the inside and causing the skin to bloat while the skin color changes to necrotic darker colours.

If the body is fresh then Dr.Shaw lived with David on this planet for years, doing whatever she planned to do.


MemberOvomorphMay-30-2017 1:40 AM

Leaked bts image. Curiously, her eyes are open, here.


MemberOvomorphMay-30-2017 1:42 AM

Gralen, it looks like she has been plastinated like the other specimens in David's "colllection".


MemberChestbursterMay-30-2017 1:55 AM

Amazing poster !!

The subject of Shaw is a tough one.

I wonder if the set reports, which stated Shaw was held up in a "room" (unsure of exact wording) with  spacesuits - were actually correct and it was set on the Jugganaut where we see the suits as the crew are walking around.

Im just wondering if there was an edit and Shaws actions post bombing resulted in her being held captive on the ship as Davids new toy.

Resulting in what we see in Covenant.

DMX1138 - Great spot on the eyes open !!!!!!!!

Take This.... This is the blood of our lord


MemberFacehuggerMay-30-2017 2:51 AM

@ sherris: I've never heard that before re. the set report? Was that when select journos were allowed to visit the set?

Shaw's death is a touchy subject indeed as their just isn't the information on her demise before nor after, as well as the majority of fans wanting her to live on and get some closure to her personal demons. When all along she was walking with one.

It's hard to make out what has actually happened to her in those pics. Looks like her head is resting on her rib-cage … 


MemberFacehuggerMay-30-2017 3:03 AM

love the poster, brilliantly made

I myself prefer the reason of Shaw's death never be revealed. I like keeping the mystery, maybe she died of some kind of satanic ritual or self sacrifice or in David's hand whatever, just please keep the reason of death as secret. 

Capt Torgo

MemberFacehuggerMay-30-2017 5:28 AM

Wild stuff but great diy poster. I guess she had to die, really those Engineers would hate her and David just like the ones on LV223. However she appeared well enough to repair David and search for paradise using engineer maps. I still like the subliminal thought that repairing David and setting course for Paradise may ultimately sacrifice her life but releasing David on the engineers would be a powerful ally to those on earth. Thus the covenant. I'm just glad David did not threaten earth itself and only the non-astronaut MORONS that Waylen Yutani sends into space. At least there was this mystery. Very disappointed with FOX, Brandywine and Ridley for this film and lack of horror,suspense or anything close to the quality of Alien and Aliens 


MemberOvomorphMay-30-2017 5:50 AM

It pains me to think about Elizabeth Shaw, spiritual being that she was. I hope she did not suffer in dying. I prefer to imagine that David euthanized her, during cryosleep -at peace, dreaming of her God.

But....who knows?

By the way the movie was excellent!


MemberFacehuggerMay-30-2017 6:29 AM

Shaw is the queen, so she killed Bishop the android for revenge. 


MemberOvomorphMay-30-2017 6:39 AM

great poster indeed.


I think people had big expectations build up towards seeing and hearing more about Shaw.  Maybe those went to lead their own life and hopes...maybe the set repport was what we see in the movie, just a description that is maybe not so detailed so it leaves room for interpretation ?

as for my own thoughts on Shaw...I feel kinda mixed about her...on one hand she bugged and irritated me, on the other hand it was nice seeing a complex character like hers.  Think I'll go with some posters above that I'm okay with the mystery surrounding her's own imagination is very powerfull


MemberChestbursterMay-30-2017 6:39 AM

Well, in the book David says this:

"I held her in the utmost respect. But eventually that was lost to time and necessity. I kept her alive for quite a while. I like to think that was another testament to my creativity, although she might have disagreed. She was my most beautiful subject."

Eine Theorie die nicht auf Etwas solidem basiert ist für gewöhnlich nur Geschwätz.


MemberFacehuggerMay-30-2017 7:09 AM

I really did want to see more of Shaw's body and more information of tests that David did on her.  Ridley Scott did say that more than 20 minutes were cut from the film.  Hoping that we can see more?  Could it be possible that Alien Awakening will take this on?  


MemberChestbursterMay-30-2017 7:12 AM

@Tiwaz that kinda says it all, doesn't it? The imagination can run wild and free with that. She suffered greatly, I'm afraid.


MemberDeaconMay-30-2017 7:30 AM

I think they could have handled it a bit different, the whole Davids Workshop is a Hall of Plot Holes.... but thats for another day ;)

I think there was better ways to have shown the experiments, but now it seems David has been experimenting with the effects of the the Black Goo and something was created that David used to then Impregnate Shaw that maybe leads to something he removed from her but also something else growing inside that comes from her Mouth.

The Organism/contraption she is attached to it a bit confusing, as it looks like its something she is attached to.. and so we have to wonder, did this Grow from her?  Or is it something that attached to her.

The other Concept works would seem to indicate the latter.


R.I.P Sox  01/01/2006 - 11/10/2017


MemberDeaconMay-30-2017 7:31 AM


Nice poster

R.I.P Sox  01/01/2006 - 11/10/2017


MemberChestbursterMay-30-2017 7:49 AM

I'd wager that "contraption" might have kept her "alive" while David did what he did.

Eine Theorie die nicht auf Etwas solidem basiert ist für gewöhnlich nur Geschwätz.


AdminPraetorianMay-30-2017 10:17 AM

Ugh it's so horrible it almost makes me want to cry. What a terrible fate for Shaw. :(

@Tonehound Thanks for posting this, i'm going to feature it.


MemberFacehuggerMay-30-2017 5:08 PM

@ Tiwaz:

"I held her in the utmost respect. But eventually that was lost to time and necessity. I kept her alive for quite a while. She was my most beautiful subject."

That's cold and telling, right there. I wonder by "keeping her alive for a while" he meant in human form … or what we saw in the movie and in the above pics? With each new piece of information, we seem to be given a key to open another door, only to find yet another locked door :/

Yes. I think it's better to let our imagination run wild, which has been Ridley's intent from the beginning.


MemberPraetorianMay-30-2017 5:17 PM

'Ugh it's so horrible it almost makes me want to cry. What a terrible fate for Shaw. :('

Lilly, don't cry, it's just a clone. :)

Tonehound, and we know that he is lying continuously, so anything is possible...



MemberFacehuggerMay-30-2017 5:25 PM

True that, but I think Shaw has (cough) hatched her last egg ;)


MemberChestbursterMay-30-2017 5:52 PM

That was a dark one, Tonehound. XD

Looking at the pics; chest open, lungs, heart, gall bladder, liver, pancreas and stomach, all missing. Did she get chest busted? Just thinking...

Eine Theorie die nicht auf Etwas solidem basiert ist für gewöhnlich nur Geschwätz.


MemberChestbursterMay-30-2017 6:25 PM

Interesting picture, the decision to use that picture of Shaw on David's desk is a metaphor that calls the eternal dualism between Eros and Thanatos, love and death, causing, in this sense, a subliminal message to the observer.


MemberChestbursterMay-30-2017 7:10 PM


Initially I thought David removed all her organs except reproductive so he could pour the pathogen in her and grow the eggs. Then I read some theories and started to consider that he has impregnated her with a queen and she had a hard core chest bust.

These days I'm thinking Ridley left this ambiguous so that he he could gauge reactions and determine where he's want to take her fate. He doesn't seem to mind deviations between the film and book which tells me if the franchise continues, Ridley might assign her a completely different fate than what ADF includes in the prequel....or he may have left it open ended to allow ADF to make the call. He probably sent a few series of storyboards to ADF outlining the options he wanted to see the explanation limited to.

...or I could be completely wrong on all counts and merely talking out of my ass.


MemberOvomorphJun-03-2017 2:34 AM

David also said it all started with the fly that infected everything, but was that from the bombing?


MemberFacehuggerJun-03-2017 3:10 PM

I was going to say that keeping Shaw's fate horrible-but-vague is probably Ridley and co's intention, but some folks above beat me to it. ;-)

I will note this--Shaw's fate, in retrospect, is actually quite similar to Lambert's. It is horrible, but vague. We see her dissected, plastinated body on the table, and see a few of David's sketches, but we can nod in agreement with Daniels when she asks David, "What did you do to her?"

Similarly, we can only wonder the same of Lambert; "What did the alien do to her?" We hear Lambert's screams and the weird panting sounds over the intercom as Ripley is running to her and Parker's aid, but we don't KNOW what happened to Lambert. We are given clues--the sounds Ripley (and by extension, the audience) overhears, as well as the shot of Lambert's naked legs bleeding suggestively--but no definitive answer. Do we WANT to know what happened? I can think of two possibilities right off the bat, both are terrible, but one is atrocious (and more likely, in my opinion, as I have seen Giger's concept sketch for Lambert's fate).

Foster, for his part, writes in his ALIEN novelization that Parker "went a little crazy when he saw what the alien was doing" to Lambert. In an attempt to save her, Parker futilely attacks the alien, who drops Lambert, kills Parker, and returns its attention to the motionless woman. At this point Ripley overhears Lambert's dying shrieks and realizes she's alone. Again, we don't KNOW what happened to Lambert. Foster's written description gives us some details to chew over (what was the alien doing to Lambert to make Parker go "a little crazy?"), but not enough to give us the full picture. By giving us some extended dialogue from David in his COVENANT novelization, Foster again gives us details to think about, but no definitive descriptions. Very clever, if you ask me.

Personally, I think by keeping Shaw's fate undefined, it makes her demise all the more horrifying and effective. It's an extremely disturbing sequence of COVENANT, which adds to the film's overall melancholy and disquieting tone.


MemberOvomorphJun-04-2017 10:04 AM

Does anybody can ask Ridley Scott why he for God's sake killed Elizabeth Shaw? Whether he plans to use her figures in the next films? Maybe as a prequel to Alien Covenant?


MemberOvomorphJun-08-2017 12:58 PM

At this point it's safe to say that we can rehash any actor from either Prometheus or Alien: Covenant to provide continuity for the next Alien movie.  Rapace looks great!


MemberOvomorphJun-09-2017 11:09 AM

They should have shown more of her. It was hard to understand what I was looking at behind her head


MemberOvomorphJun-09-2017 11:28 AM

I don't think she was cloned or mutated or any wild stuff. She probably became really disturbed by what David was initially carrying out in secret and he incapacitated/killed her, preserved the body, and conducted experiments on the only piece of human physiology he had. The drawings were more like conceptual dry runs, stuff that he could have done but chose not to when it came down to the actual work. Needless to say, it was a very tragic outcome for her. I don't think she ever trusted him, but she needed him to get her there, and that was ultimately her undoing.

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