Alien: Covenant Engineer screenshots *Updated

Dark Nebula
StaffNeomorphJul-07-2017 3:00 PMHere are clearer screenshots of the Engineers from the flashback, and what the black goo was doing to them, some nasty stuff.
When we got the first look at them in the empire magazine we were a bit skeptical, thinking that those beings weren't the engineers because they looked different from the engineers from Prometheus, but Ridley Scott stated in an interview that they are indeed engineers.
From what I heard (I just heard) they picked up some random people from Australia to play engineers.
And yes, there are females.
Here are the screenshots (UPDATED) :
Merged image of the Engineers looking up:

Dark Nebula
StaffNeomorphSep-11-2017 2:20 PMAdded more screenshots, the black goo is literally bursting from their chests, mouths, heads, eyes, fingers etc.
Plus I made this image by merging 2 screenshots.

MemberNeomorphSep-18-2017 12:58 PMHow did I miss to reply to this thread? It as toilet humor in it! :D

Dark Nebula
StaffNeomorphSep-27-2017 9:37 AMEngineer hierarchy chart, something I created out of boredom, based on the xenomorph evolution chart. Tried to decorate it and most of the stuff I made up.