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There is no way David could escape from Walter
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MemberOvomorphJul-20-2017 5:39 AM

Walter is new and much more advanced than David.He even beats him in the fight but they dont show what happens.

In this gif we see David Tries to get a knife but just then Walter seems to get angry and hits.

David still isnt holding the knife properly.

57 Replies


MemberOvomorphJul-20-2017 6:47 AM

but he did, or else he wouldn't have boarded the Covenant.


MemberChestbursterJul-20-2017 6:53 AM

I watched it last night and there is around a 14 second gap from the shot were we see David (Walter) looking back towards Walter (straight after the fight) to when David as Walter appears into the shot were Daniels and Lope are trying to head for the Cargo ship.

I am wondering what David done in those seconds off screeen ? Possibly swallowed the embryos ?

I think David has a plan so intricate that he had the Embryos on him already. I think he caused the shock burst knowing Covenant was in that part of space.  Everything else was just his plan coming together.

EDIT: Dont forget Walter had only one hand and Davids human qualities may of helped him just that tiny bit to overcome Walter in the fight. Plus David had the advantage of knowing he would be in combat that day and could of prepped .

Also there is a tiny tiny chance David and Walter teamed up together ? lol but it is Fox so who can be sure. Ambiguity hey.

Take This.... This is the blood of our lord


MemberChestbursterJul-20-2017 8:05 AM

Walter may be newer, but he's also missing a hand and the ability to think creatively.

Both put him at a disadvantage in a fight.


MemberNeomorphJul-20-2017 8:24 AM

RS has worked this superbly. we have walter on top in the fight but david is reaching for a knife. we don't see the conclusion so either ending is possible. he may have downloaded into walter after convincing him to turn on humanity, he may have gotten the drop on walter and taken his place. the bit that gets me is that davids voice is damaged the last time we see him but as walter its perfectly fine. taking into account the time it would take to deal with walter, change clothes, chop off his arm AND repair his voice box, all while the crew r running for the ship and yet he catches up with them? I know he will be quicker than the humans but still, hed have about 5 mins to accomplish all the things with walter to give him time to catch up with the crew even at his pace


MemberFacehuggerJul-20-2017 10:00 AM

I think the only plausible (if anything is actually plausible) is some sort of emergency mega-download or harddrive swap....or something like that.  It has to be Walter's body


MemberNeomorphJul-20-2017 10:05 AM

I think RS has intended it to be david but AC has more holes in it than Prometheus. the ship isn't more than 0.5-0.75 of a mile away and while the fight is taking place the survivors r running for the ship so this gives david only a matter of minutes to deal with walter. and tbh if david blind sides him for a second time then he deserves to be scrap lol


MemberPraetorianJul-20-2017 10:24 AM

'but he did, or else he wouldn't have boarded the Covenant'

Ha, Engineer77, I think I like you... :)


MemberNeomorphJul-20-2017 10:35 AM

hahaha 'coz he just did right, end of'


MemberFacehuggerJul-20-2017 1:39 PM

David grabbed the knife right when Walter made his punch.

Remember one punch to David's face probably did nothing spectacular damage wise (he is a sturdy android nonetheless), while a precise hit with a sharp knife (combined with android strength) is another story.


MemberDeaconJul-20-2017 4:27 PM

Its been since May since i saw the movie, and as far as i remember, there was a shot where Walters Face Goes Funny, cant find a image on internet and i think its in one of the trailers/TV spots..

But i cant be bothered to find it, but its where his face goes a bit like this LOL

I am sure this was the indication of when David Stabbed Walter from behind in a way that disabled him....

Indeed the Pacing is off, but then the whole movie took 2 hours if we look at it that way, but indeed that last Scene was a bit off Pace...  David can Run Faster, but still i am sure he would have been 5 Minutes behind.

But their was intended and i think shot other Scenes where Daniels and Lope were under attack from the other Neomorph and then the Xenomorph appeared, and these would have taken up some of the time as far as what Daniels and Lope were up to while David and Walter were together.

But these scenes are not in the movie...

If we look at how would David Upload himself into Walter, we need to ask how does he do this?  Wireless Technology? Then how come Walter could not just uploaded himself into David?

So if David had to somehow open up Walter and Change a Setting then Proceed with a Upload, how long would it take to Perform this considering the Data that David had stored?

So maybe swapping clothes, then cutting his hand off etc could have been quicker?  Regardless RS has said this is what happened.

Walter is Advanced, but i dont think this means Walter is Vastly Quicker and Stronger, it appears some of the Construction Materials are different, some of the Self Maintenance maybe?  But the biggest upgrade is indeed limits on the Emotion and Free-will of the Walter Model

R.I.P Sox  01/01/2006 - 11/10/2017


MemberFacehuggerJul-20-2017 8:31 PM

sherris, David I think could have had the embryos in him the whole time; he was their incubator.


MemberFacehuggerJul-20-2017 9:16 PM

The notion that David 'uploaded' himself into Walter's body is entirely fanciful and completely unnecessary. David simply beat him in the fight, with a sneaky use of the knife, that's all. He already took the time to cut and dye his hair some time earlier so that he resembled Walter more closely. All part of a contingency plan in his twisted mind.


MemberOvomorphJul-21-2017 4:19 AM

Walter stabs and cuts David multiple times and noting.I dont think David can reach his neck or take Walter down, because Walter is faster thats how he beats David.

Capt Torgo

MemberFacehuggerJul-21-2017 7:22 AM

I agree with Sherris. I don see how he stripped Walters clothes and put them on fast enough to make the escape. However, everything else in the film uses magic time leaps so I assume he had more time to change clothes and he already had his embryos swallowed so he just needed to wack his wrist. What does bother me is Ridley does not show us the wound on his chin so that Daniels can notice it's David before closing her pod. Also, she really should have quizzed the Android to confirm which one she was dealing with but whatever. Most people would check if dealing with identical twins and one is bat shit crazy and your life depends on knowing which twin is which.  There is no way that David replaces or steals Walters microchip imbedded inside his Android cranium.


MemberFacehuggerJul-22-2017 2:01 AM

Maybe another theory for the collection.

It could also be that David "prepared" Walter to share his mindset.

This would involve the esoteric discussion about art,history,love,creation even the two fights between them to some degree.

We also dont know which kind of influence that rippeod off part from Walter had on his cybertronic brain.

Could also be a step to give Walter his free-will , considering the fact that Walter waited before he landed his final punch to David.

Here we see the first signs of Walter's uncertainty.

David used this brief moment for his advantage and did a system-restart of Walter , hitting another vital part.

After Walter rebooted again he has now it's free will like David but abviously he lost some kind of memory regarding Daniels cabin in the woods.


MemberFacehuggerJul-25-2017 1:46 PM

I'm honestly surprised that people keep having this conversation, despite the fact that RS himself has stated that it is David on the Covenant, and the time lapse between the fighting androids, and David running after Lope and Daniels is about 15-20 mins. Plenty of time for David to surprise Walter and shut him down again, nick his clothes, and cut off his own hand.

Nox - The notion that David 'uploaded' himself into Walter's body is entirely fanciful and completely unnecessary. David simply beat him in the fight, with a sneaky use of the knife, that's all. He already took the time to cut and dye his hair some time earlier so that he resembled Walter more closely. All part of a contingency plan in his twisted mind.


Dr. Curt Connors

MemberChestbursterJul-25-2017 3:39 PM

It's just another dumb thing in a movie full of dumb things and dumb people made by dumb people, hahahahaha. To quote Christian Bale from Harsh Times, I see dumb people.


MemberFacehuggerJul-26-2017 3:02 AM

Curt, you do seem to have a habit of saying things are dumb or stupid when they are not. You do realise how that makes you sound, don't you?

I have seen the movie several times. It's not filmed in real-time. David can be stupendously fast, and he had it all worked our beforehand. It's really very very simple to understand. I'm surprised you're having comprehension issues.


MemberNeomorphJul-26-2017 3:53 AM

hox, it doesn't matter how it makes him seem, he is entitled to his opinion and the beauty of this site is he can air his thoughts. just because it doesn't fall into ur own line of thought doesn't mean he isn't entitled to his view or share it. on the subject tho, u r starting to come across as another single minded insufferable know it all that used to comment and drag others down when their views didn't agree with theirs, ur not he reincarnated are you?

as far as the pace of the movie, I don't think its a lot to ask from the paying public for a little authenticity


MemberFacehuggerJul-26-2017 5:27 AM

@ali81, everyone is indeed entitled to an opinion. But when those opinions extend to declaring that a body of work is dumb and stupid when it clearly isn't should be challenged. By the same token, I expect any assertion I make to be challenged if it is in error.

I'm a recent poster to this site, so I don't know of the reincarnated know it all you mention.


MemberNeomorphJul-26-2017 5:44 AM

his point is as valid as anyone elses about the timeline when david is meant to switch with walter. the ship isn't that far from the survivors, at most about 10 minutes away when they start running, while they r running, david and walter r still fighting so they have a head start. so david has to stab walter, change his clothes which isn't easy as walter will weight more than a human and be a dead weight and that includes dressing walter in case he is discovered, chop his arm off, obtain the relevant codes from walter required to access the various areas of the ship and no doubt access the computer/ MUTHUR AND repair his voice? AND catch up with the survivors before they get to the ship. and u don't see a hole in this? Ridley has stated david takes walters place which is fine but there is a serious over sight in authenticity here. its not much to ask for some believability after all its the paying public who pay their wages at the end of the day.


MemberNeomorphJul-26-2017 5:58 AM

challenging is one thing, its part of what makes the site great. everyone giving their opinions and debating different ideas. but ur challenging in a different manner in ur response to his opinion. by all means u may disagree and have the right to voice that, hell we cant all agree on everything. but at least challenge in a respectful way and give everyone the respect ud like to be shown urself. im not looking for an argument, iv just seen several, and it is only a very very small minority, people being condescending in their tone and get quite personal in their replies towards others views and opinions and that's not what this site is for imo.

Dr. Curt Connors

MemberChestbursterJul-26-2017 7:38 AM

@ali81  Thanks   @hox   I thought the hahahaha's would've made it known that I was making a joke and yes I am serious about my dislike for this movie but I also like to joke around. Some people take things way too seriously on here, if you like the movie great the thing is everybody doesn't and I am one of those who doesn't. I have taken my dislike and turned it into humor which was not the case when I initially saw Covenant I was furious but I got over it pretty fast and turned anger into laughter. In my opinion this "work is dumb and stupid", it's an opinion.


MemberChestbursterJul-26-2017 12:18 PM

@Seph7 "despite the fact that RS himself has stated that it is David on the Covenant, and the time lapse between the fighting androids, and David running after Lope and Daniels is about 15-20 mins. "

The cuts between the David/Walter fight and Lope and Daniels running from the inside the temple to the outside plaza takes them about 3 minutes on screen - and all that appears to be shown in real time, as opposed to elapsed time.

The time from the last shot of the David/Walter fight to seeing David in Walter's clothes on the plaza, looking at Lope and Daniels, is just under 30 seconds in the movie, not 15-20 minutes. It's an impossibility in real time, but Ridley has admitted he cheated and made something that should have taken 20 minutes take no time at all on screen.

"...I am a very logical person. So I'm thinking, wait a minute, you mean he cut his hand off, changed his clothes, cut his face open before going out there? So I was thinking, if I just do it, it'll fly it's about 20 minutes that I cheated with…" - Ridley Scott.






MemberNeomorphJul-26-2017 11:24 PM

kethol. I can accept that if Ridley says he cheated then im absolutely fine with it. I just feel at times that the fans are taken for granted a bit. this sequence was always going to be debated for the very reasons I and others have pointed out for me, I can accept it is david at the end and he did all those things but in my mind, its just hard to fully believe but that's the beauty of sci fi. I think the neomorph scene then the neomorph/ protomorph scene would have been a good 'they got delayed getting back to the ship' fill in which would have easily explained how david was able to accomplish this feat but its not there so it makes it harder for people thinking logically to believe


MemberOvomorphJul-27-2017 6:57 AM

I think one thing that is not being taken into account is the fact that David could have stored a copy of himself into Walter immediately after he disabled him with the flute. We don't know how much time took place between that scene and David attacking Daniels. I firmly believe it is David in Walter's body via transfer of some sort while Walter was disabled. Making a copy of himself planted in Walter is brilliant just in case his plan failed. Honestly, Walter f****d him up and I doubt he got taken out by the knife David was reaching for.


MemberChestbursterJul-27-2017 10:25 AM

@ ali81

I agree. With everything else going on in the movie, I did not notice this problem the first time I saw it, and Ridley expected that which is why he thought the cheat would be OK. It CLEARLY stood out the second time though, and will every time I see it now.

Regardless of what Ridley said, it is impossible for it to be David in David's body based on what was shown in the movie. All the evidence (no chin scar, clothing, face scar) point to this being Walter's body with David's mind, so if or until something in a future movie contradicts it, that's what I am going with.


MemberOvomorphJul-27-2017 11:12 AM

Can you guys give link to this interview?


MemberChestbursterJul-27-2017 9:04 PM

I believe that quote was from the Empire Online podcast with Ridley Scott back in May. You can google it.


MemberFacehuggerAug-03-2017 10:43 AM

Answer this question then, if you intend to disregard what RS said about David being David: How did he get the embryos into Walter's body?

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