Alien Resurrection script recital/competition! UPDATE! 06 NOV 2017

MemberTrilobiteAug-23-2017 5:55 PMHello Scified! It is time for our second script recital. We did Alien last spring and now we will recite Alien Resurrection. There is a prizey prize for the member who delivers the last spoken line of the movie. Mods, Staff and Admin are also members. (The winner will need to PM me with shipping information).
The rules are pretty simple. You can post a line but have to wait to post another until someone else posts the next line. A caveat is if a line is only one to four words long- in that case, you may deliver two lines.
The winner will be the member whom delivers the final line of the script. Posting that line out of sequence of the script is not a win. The intent is to conduct the entire script top to bottom.
I encourage maximum participation. If I see no activity for approximately 24 hours, I will bump the thread with some random silly stuff. Some off script jocularity is allowed but we should not get too off topic. This competition will be several pages long by the time it is done.
To keep us on the same sheet of music, we will use the script provided by Black Winter Witch and AVP Galaxy.
I will give the first line to get it started and show the proper way to post.
I reserve the right to adjust if things are moving too slowly. ENJOY!
FOR NEWER MEMBERS!!! Here is a link to the last recital in case you are unfamiliar with the general flow:

I Moon Girl
MemberChestbursterOct-01-2017 12:22 PMElgyn replies to Wren with a calm, yet defensive tone, "There's no goddamn terrorists on my crew. Call, what's this about?"

MemberTrilobiteOct-01-2017 3:56 PMWren- (Oblivious to the quiet and calm Christie) I don't give a shit if you're in on this or not. You brought a subversive onto a military vessel and as far as I am concerned, you can fry with her. You hear me?

I Moon Girl
MemberChestbursterOct-01-2017 4:39 PMElgyn replies to that with his typical laid back attitude, "I do. Christie?"

I Moon Girl
MemberChestbursterOct-01-2017 4:43 PM(I LOVE the line with the guard saying, "Drop that piece of $H!T!")

MemberTrilobiteOct-01-2017 6:24 PM(Gediman observes three from the Betty crew after all hell breaks loose) Oh, man... You three! Go! Sector two.

MemberPraetorianOct-02-2017 1:38 AMBack in the Mess Hall - after the smoke has cleared there are 2 guards still standing. They point their weapons ineffectively. Johner has a gun to Wren's head and a gun on the guards, who are also covered by Hillard.
ELGYN - Nice and easy boys

MemberPraetorianOct-02-2017 1:39 AMOh crap. Sorry. Wrong franchise/universe......or is it?!

I Moon Girl
MemberChestbursterOct-02-2017 8:28 PMCall continues with her own personal mission, "I'm gonna finish this." Yet, Elgyn is quicker than ones life mission and grabs Call by the hair, roughly pulling her back...

MemberPraetorianOct-03-2017 1:42 AM
Gedimen and the female scientist enthralled watching the incident in the mess hall miss the Xenomorphs in the cell behind them...They kill the weakest of their own, and spill its acidic entrails on the gantry flooring. They escape whilst Gedimen fumbles with his liquid nitrogen spray.
GEDIMEN - Oh god!

MemberChestbursterOct-03-2017 11:25 AM*Gedimen hits the liquid nitrogen fail-safe, but is too late as it fills an empty cage.*
Gedimen - No, no, no!
*He enters the cage and looks down the hole in the floor. The blood has already eaten through two levels.
Gedimen - Christ. They could be anywhere.
Not a map, an invitation

I Moon Girl
MemberChestbursterOct-03-2017 7:16 PM(Back in the mess hall)
Call is trying to explain everything to Elgyn. "He's conducting illegal experiments. He's breeding..."

MemberChestbursterOct-03-2017 7:50 PMJohner - She's a goddamn mole! Ice the bitch --
Not a map, an invitation

MemberTrilobiteOct-03-2017 8:51 PMCall- Listen to me! He's breeding a deadly alien species in there. Beyond toxic. If they get loose it'll make the Lacerta Worm Plague look like a fucking square dance.

MemberChestbursterOct-04-2017 7:58 AM*Distephano rushes in.Johner pushes the gun in Wren's mouth*
Johner - Drop it. Now!
Not a map, an invitation

MemberTrilobiteOct-04-2017 6:14 PMChristie- Boss, we got bodies here. It doesn't matter what Call's up to, we gotta be scarce.

I Moon Girl
MemberChestbursterOct-04-2017 8:36 PMCall continues, "I have to stop them." She pleads, "If I don't we'll all die."

MemberChestbursterOct-05-2017 10:45 AM*Johner puts his gun to Call's temple*
Johner - Does anyone want me to make this simple?
Not a map, an invitation

MemberChestbursterOct-06-2017 9:25 AM*A guard fired wildly at the ceiling, connecting with an Alien going into a vent. The acidic blood falls and bruns through him*
*Ripley sits in her dark cell. She can hear the chaos going on. She is laughing*
*Perez is mostly dressed and awake. He bring sup the visual at the comman doncolse, but only sees smoke and hears screaming*
Perez - Ensign! Damage report! Ensign!
Not a map, an invitation

MemberTrilobiteOct-06-2017 12:15 PM(Perez finds a wounded lieutenant)
Perez- Status!
Lieutenant- Containment is impossible sir...I think they swept the barracks.

MemberPraetorianOct-06-2017 1:12 PMPEREZ: (To himself) A military strike... Christ Jesus...

MemberTrilobiteOct-06-2017 4:58 PM(Hell has broken loose. Father- the ship's computer calmly states and initiates evacuation protocols).
Father- Emergency. Initiate evacuation procedures immediately. All hands. This is not a drill. (It is also neither a hammer nor saw- rim shot!)

MemberPraetorianOct-06-2017 7:57 PMINT. HALLWAY BY ENGINE ROOM - CONTINUOUS
There is no sign of the unfolding disaster down here, but Father's droning voice and the emergency lighting are on.
Vriess wheels slowly into the hall, concerned. He spins slowly, checking out his surroundings.

I Moon Girl
MemberChestbursterOct-07-2017 1:35 PM(Soldiers start evacuating and some get killed by an alien in one of the escape pods.)
(Back with the Betty Crew and Wren...)
Wren screams, "NO!" then to Call, "What have you done?!"
Call replies remorsefully, "Nothing..."

MemberChestbursterOct-09-2017 7:52 AMElgyn - Alright. We make for the Betty.
Not a map, an invitation

I Moon Girl
MemberChestbursterOct-09-2017 7:14 PMHillard cries out to her friend, her only friend, "Betty's all the way across the ship! Who knows what's in between?" Hillard is in complete fear of the experiments on the ship that Call told the crew about. The main reason being that she heard, everyone heard, the screams echoing into the mess hall from who knows where. Still, she reminds herself that regardless of what it is, she's more than capable of handling some fear. If she couldn't, she wouldn't be where she is today. That's guaranteed. The problem is... what is there to fear?