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Alien Resurrection script recital/competition! UPDATE! 06 NOV 2017
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MemberTrilobiteAug-23-2017 5:55 PM

Hello Scified! It is time for our second script recital. We did Alien last spring and now we will recite Alien Resurrection. There is a prizey prize for the member who delivers the last spoken line of the movie. Mods, Staff and Admin are also members. (The winner will need to PM me with shipping information).

The rules are pretty simple. You can post a line but have to wait to post another until someone else posts the next line. A caveat is if a line is only one to four words long- in that case, you may deliver two lines.

The winner will be the member whom delivers the final line of the script. Posting that line out of sequence of the script is not a win. The intent is to conduct the entire script top to bottom.

I encourage maximum participation. If I see no activity for approximately 24 hours, I will bump the thread with some random silly stuff. Some off script jocularity is allowed but we should not get too off topic. This competition will be several pages long by the time it is done.

To keep us on the same sheet of music, we will use the script provided by Black Winter Witch and AVP Galaxy.

I will give the first line to get it started and show the proper way to post.


I reserve the right to adjust if things are moving too slowly. ENJOY!

FOR NEWER MEMBERS!!! Here is a link to the last recital in case you are unfamiliar with the general flow:


280 Replies

I Moon Girl

MemberChestbursterSep-18-2017 7:22 PM

Call answers with frank and urgent confidence, "You're a thing.  A construct.  They grew you in a fucking lab."  Ripley starts staring at Call without blinking much.  She's confused.  It's like her purpose to live was just ripped out of her that there was no time to fight it. 


MemberTrilobiteSep-19-2017 6:59 PM

Ripley- But only God can make a tree.

I Moon Girl

MemberChestbursterSep-20-2017 7:31 PM

Call replies, "And now they've brought the beast out of you."


MemberPraetorianSep-20-2017 9:53 PM

RIPLEY (Smiling): Not all the way out.






MemberChestbursterSep-21-2017 1:05 PM

Call - What?

Ripley - It's in my head. Behind my eyes. I can hear it moving.

Not a map, an invitation


MemberPraetorianSep-21-2017 2:00 PM

CALL: Help me. If there's anything human in you at all, help me stop them before this thing gets loose.





I Moon Girl

MemberChestbursterSep-23-2017 11:01 AM

Ripley: It's already loose.

(dk isn't managing this thread like he said he was.  I wonder what's up?)


MemberTrilobiteSep-24-2017 9:43 AM

Ripley- Once the thought...the hope for it...grows here...but it's found its way. It will come, because...they will bring it. Bring it forth.

(been busy I Moon Girl- sorry).


MemberTrilobiteSep-24-2017 8:11 PM

dk isn't managing this thread like he said he was.  I wonder what's up?

Nothing is up but it is nice to know that someone seems to care.



MemberPraetorianSep-25-2017 2:25 AM

CALL - You want that. 

RIPLEY - I've come to terms with the fact of it. It's inevitable. 

(we are all family here, we care dk :) we've missed you 


I Moon Girl

MemberChestbursterSep-25-2017 7:45 PM

Call replies firmly, "Not so long as there's a breath in me."

We're like neighbors dk in some futuristic, highly computerized and technologically advanced world analogy that we kind of live in.  I was just hoping you weren't falling out of interest of this thread.  It would hurt my feelings :(    I guess the problem with it, though, is that people can move faster than you can say, "Xenomorph.")


MemberTrilobiteSep-25-2017 9:06 PM

Ripley- You'll never get out of here alive.

I Moon Girl

MemberChestbursterSep-26-2017 5:28 PM

Call replies, "I don't care."  (Ripley's not convinced.)

(@IRaptus picture to dk... Awww.... it thinks your it's mother @dk)


MemberTrilobiteSep-26-2017 6:02 PM

Ripley- Don't you? (grabs Call by the throat and turns the table) I can make it stop.

(Unfortunately the Newborn had a face no mother could love, and how would one feed and potty train something like that?)


MemberPraetorianSep-26-2017 9:55 PM

Call eyes are pleading, terrified. Ripley finally lets go and she drops to ground gasping for air.

RIPLEY - Go. they are coming for you.

(Distefano tried to potty train the Newborn once. Didn't end well....)



MemberTrilobiteSep-26-2017 9:58 PM

(I poops where I want!)

I Moon Girl

MemberChestbursterSep-27-2017 4:29 PM

(Call leaves Ripley's cell and...)

Military personal surround Call and one hits her on the head.  Wren is with them and speaks like he's just been violated, his teeth are grinding out the words, "I think you're gonna find that this was ill-advised."  

Things get serious and Wren continues, "Where are her friends?"


MemberTrilobiteSep-27-2017 4:43 PM

Guard- Mess hall, most of them. (Mostly).


MemberChestbursterSep-27-2017 8:55 PM

Wren - Sound the alarm. I want them rounded up. Now!

Not a map, an invitation


MemberTrilobiteSep-27-2017 9:00 PM

Elgyn- What the fuck is going on here?


MemberChestbursterSep-28-2017 4:02 PM

Chrisite - Looks like a double-cross, boss.

Not a map, an invitation


MemberTrilobiteSep-28-2017 8:50 PM

Wren- Where's the other one- with the chair?


MemberPraetorianSep-29-2017 2:25 AM

JOHNER (to a soldier) - Get your Fu*king hands off me!


MemberChestbursterSep-29-2017 9:25 AM

Elgyn - Doctor, talk to me. What's going on?

Not a map, an invitation


MemberTrilobiteSep-29-2017 5:44 PM

Wren- You're gonna tell me who you're working for right now or you'll be screaming it come sunrise. (It should be for whom you are working but that is the Grammar Gestapo in me).


MemberChestbursterSep-30-2017 9:30 AM

Call - Wren, they go nothing to do with this.

Not a map, an invitation


MemberTrilobiteSep-30-2017 3:31 PM

Hillard- To do with what?


MemberPraetorianSep-30-2017 4:35 PM

ELGYN - Everybody calm down, we can work this out. There's no need to get emotional....

(Christie is silent, hands behind his back)

I Moon Girl

MemberChestbursterSep-30-2017 5:13 PM

Wren talks with complete confidence that he can handle the situation.  His voice is raised, "Do you know what the penalties for terrorist activity are?"


MemberTrilobiteSep-30-2017 5:32 PM

Johner- Terrorists?

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