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The results are in: A:C Box Office Gross - Japan

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MemberFacehuggerSep-17-2017 1:43 PM

$2,6M after first weekend.

Prometheus did $3,8M.





90 Replies


MemberChestbursterSep-19-2017 2:20 AM


Art is supposed to produce emotion so a reviewer must say what he felt about it and what he understood it meant, etc. Art criticism is not objective. That works only in theory for technical stuff. 

Im Durp

MemberFacehuggerSep-19-2017 2:26 AM


How do you know a movie will leave you with nothing before you see it. Also as I said people wait because they want the movie to get better. There are plenty of movies that take about 40 minutes-1 hour to really get started then you have a great time. And with ticket prices what they are people want to see the thing all the way. As I said a movie has to be a special type of awful to actually make a decent amount of people leave.


I probably won't go out of my way to see the Mummy again, just the same as I won't go out of my way to watch A:C again. I found both of them fine, enjoyable enough to give a chance. If I see them on tv or something I might watch them.


No I didn't write a negative review because the movie didn't leave me feeling any way(negative or positive) about it that made me want to give my opinion on it. It was an average movie I saw it and I was done. Some people write reviews though. If they really like it they'll write positive reviews and if they don't it will be negative, it just so happens the reviews you read were negative.


MemberXenomorphSep-19-2017 2:29 AM you better be honest.

"He survived, he’s now in Disneyland in Orlando, and no way am I going back there. How did he end up in Disneyland? I saw him in Disneyland, Jesus Christ!"


MemberXenomorphSep-19-2017 2:38 AM

Im Durp I cannot wait 40 minutes for a movie to get better, I don't see movies based on ratings either. Even if I watch a movie I don't like until the end, I don't write a negative review about it. And AC has so many of them, just browse the first pages of the review section from Imdb if you have some time to waste.

"He survived, he’s now in Disneyland in Orlando, and no way am I going back there. How did he end up in Disneyland? I saw him in Disneyland, Jesus Christ!"

Im Durp

MemberFacehuggerSep-19-2017 2:50 AM



I'm not sure your point tbh. If you don't see a movie by its rating why do you care that some people didn't like it and wrote reviews for it? It doesn't effect how you see the movie anyway.


If you're just saying you don't think people should write bad reviews then that kind of defeats the purpose. Every movie would just have 100%'s on every site and there would be no other opinion, and that kind of defeats the purpose of discussion and creates and echochamber of positives.


I think you're throwing too much of yourself out and treating that as a standard. Even if you don't write negative reviews for movies you don't like some people do, obviously a large number, and I think it's fair to say you should take their opinions in just as much as the positive ones.


MemberXenomorphSep-19-2017 7:18 AM

Im Durp when I read a review I like to learn something about the movie, information, fair analysis like in Chris' review after the world premiere.  Or a review written by Michele Jonston, just to name two honest reviewer from this forum.

I said many times that AC is not the perfect movie and I was myself critic with some issues. But to read all that nonsense from people who hate David (?) or Ridley Scott, that I cannot do.


"He survived, he’s now in Disneyland in Orlando, and no way am I going back there. How did he end up in Disneyland? I saw him in Disneyland, Jesus Christ!"


MemberNeomorphSep-19-2017 7:54 AM

personally I love RS and I think David has been the saviour in both movies from a character stand point. id love to see RS get stuck into 2 more prequels to tie us into alien. I love alien, aliens and Prometheus. I like alien3 and AR. I have them all on dvd and I have the 9 disc quadrilogy box set that is the pride and joy of my collection. I have seen AC a couple of times now and I WONT be buying the dvd or BR. my opinion of the movie just hasn't changed. maybe in the future but for now I m sorry, but I wont be spending more money on it as I simply cant justify the cost. I don't like the film. visually stunning, Fassbender again brilliant and I loved the creatures. but the nagatives just ruin it for me too much. I hope the next instalment gets the budget it deserves to give the fans the epic we deserve so fingers crossed.

Lawrence of Arabia

MemberChestbursterSep-19-2017 9:31 AM

People hate A:C (for the most part) and the David storyline because of what it does to the lore and not so much the execution. People don't like that he created the Xenomorph and are now looking for any minor criticism to make into a mountain. 

"The trick, William Potter, is not minding that it hurts."


MemberNeomorphSep-19-2017 10:13 AM

I don't hate AC, I simply dislike the film. my issues r, to me, not minor issues but big enough issues to ruin it for me. I agree many people r simply looking for problems but id say on the whole people r maybe finding little issues to moan about just for the simple reason they are soooo disappointed in what was delivered. remember on here, the weeks if not months of theorising n everyone coming up with their own ideas. to me, that has been the best part about AC. I am only speaking for myself but taking the hype and just how much I was looking forward to the film more than any other I can remember for years, the film SUCKED. id go as far to say if I wasn't such a big alien franchise film id wash my hands of the prequel series altogether. forgetting the hype and putting it to one side, its not a film I would rush to see again for many reasons

Im Durp

MemberFacehuggerSep-19-2017 10:16 AM



Seems like you just want to read reviews you happen to agree with. As I've said everyone has different opinions(the things reviews are based on) and some could dislike David or not like the direction they see RS taking this series. 


The fact is people have problems with this movie no matter how small that may be, and they are just as justified as the people that like it and all the small details they recall back when listing its positives.


MemberXenomorphSep-19-2017 12:07 PM

Im Durp I am talking about people who don't list any positives, thay simply hate it. And they can hate it as long they are honest and not part in a campaign.

"He survived, he’s now in Disneyland in Orlando, and no way am I going back there. How did he end up in Disneyland? I saw him in Disneyland, Jesus Christ!"

G. H. (Gman)

AdminTrilobiteSep-19-2017 6:07 PM

In some sense I share daliens' frustration, but for different reasons.

In terms of criticism/reviews the existence of Rotten Tomatoes depresses me as it shows just how far American film criticism has sunk. Everyone assumes critics are here to tell us if a movie is good or bad, but the real reason they came around was to make audiences think. Just because they framed that objective with an opinion doesn't mean they didn't have a duty to open audience eyes to greater details. (Why was it made like it was? What does it mean? What's the context? If the reviewer thinks it's bad, why and what can be learned from it? If the reviewer thinks it's good, why and what can be learned from?)

I don't mind bad reviews of movies I like as long as the review is framed in a fresh way that makes me think about things I hadn't thought of before. But it's understandable most turn their nose up at critics telling them what's good/bad, because the majority of modern critics think that's the extent of their job as well--The quantifying on Rotten Tomatoes has made that an expectation. I love the reviews that don't give a final score, forcing Rotten Tomatoes to make up a score for them--Something they've received flack for. But to be fair, final scores don't really mean anything. To paraphrase Roger Ebert, "they shouldn't be looking at our scores, they should be reading our words." And their right. It's why I often don't rate or rank movies myself.

But part of it is also because some professional critics think that they're in direct competition with social media. 140 character reviews from your best friend can sometimes be seen as more trustworthy than an overview from a guy you don't know. American film criticism is in need of a great change, but with the death of people like Roger Ebert we're left with no one to lead the charge to change how we look at film. Thus, because professional critics are becoming more and more thoughtless we get more and more thoughtless user/fan reviews.

By all means, write a bad review of Alien: Covenant or Shin Godzilla, but give me more to chew on than a bash-fest. The same can be said for good reviews--I'm glad if you liked it, but why? And to what end?

Food for thought: Maybe sometimes movies aren't good or bad. Maybe they just need a little more attention. Not always, but more often than we think.

"'Nostalgic' does not equal 'good,' and 'standards' does not equal 'elitism.'" "Being offended is inevitable. Living offended is your choice."


MemberNeomorphSep-19-2017 6:33 PM

G. H. (Gman) Rotten Tomatoes was too forgiving with Alien Covenant. Critics for most part scrapped all type of criticism about the bad editing, bad dialogue, half baked cgi, etc. 

G. H. (Gman)

AdminTrilobiteSep-19-2017 7:37 PM

Okay, but whether or not RT was forgiving is not the point I'm making. The point I'm making is that RT is too busy quantifying reviews that say nothing different (good or bad) from one another and have issues justifying themselves beyond a score sheet.

Your post alone is guilty of the same stuff. Why is the editing bad? Why does it affect the film? What about the dialogue makes it bad? Is it possible it was intended to be written a specific way? And if so why? Does the weak CG ruin the film, etc. Or better yet, instead of listing the pros and cons (which way too many reviews do) what about the central themes either ruined or made the movie? What bigger concepts does the movie walk away with?

Anyone can list good or bad attributes about a film--The audience doesn't need to be told what good or bad CG  or acting is. Most can tell--So diving in to those topics usually makes for mundane reads. I don't blame many reviewers sidestepping those issues to talk about something else. What audiences usually don't understand is why a film is the way it is--That makes for a more interesting read.

"'Nostalgic' does not equal 'good,' and 'standards' does not equal 'elitism.'" "Being offended is inevitable. Living offended is your choice."


MemberNeomorphSep-19-2017 8:18 PM

G. H. (Gman) Well I was not making a review but the bad editing negative effect on the movie is obvious: that third act is totally anti climatic. And the problems start pretty early in the film, most precisely with the sleep pod accident; editing is off there too. The bad dialogue is all over the place, ranging from flat to pretentious to cringe worthy. Regarding the reviews, probably you just read the excerpts posted by Rotten Tomatoes, but you can choose to hit the "full review" link. Some critics do a very good job actually, and they conduct in depth analyses of the film. I don't think you know why a film is the way it is. It Took Ridley Scott 5 years to admit that maybe he made a mistake with Prometheus. Maybe in another 5 years he will admit that making David the center of the story was a mistake or that the damn flute scene was a mistake. Anything is possible.

G. H. (Gman)

AdminTrilobiteSep-19-2017 8:53 PM

"editing is off there too."

But how? Saying it's "off" doesn't tell me anything.

"Regarding the reviews, probably you just read the excerpts posted by Rotten Tomatoes"

That's exactly one of the issues though. If most people just read the essential fast-food version of a review, then film criticism takes a hit. It's no longer about in-depth analysis. It's about getting a strong zinger in with a score next to it.

You're right some critics do a very good job of going in depth with a film. But they are few and far between, because that's no longer the objective for many. Most publications have forced a low word count on film critics and mandated dry, sterile reviews that mimic others. (Some are even bought off by studios. It's one of the reasons I stopped writing for certain film magazines and websites.) Even though you may not "know" why a film is the way it is, that shouldn't stop more thought provoking exploration in to it. Especially if it's a film or franchise you're passionate about.

"'Nostalgic' does not equal 'good,' and 'standards' does not equal 'elitism.'" "Being offended is inevitable. Living offended is your choice."

G. H. (Gman)

AdminTrilobiteSep-19-2017 9:02 PM

The World of KJ has finally translated the weekend actuals from Kogyotsushin. While the actuals show it made more money, I was sadly way, way off in terms of attendance.

Alien: Covenant opened to #2 with $3.1M. It fell to Dunkirk, which is in its second weekend. Alien: Covenant had an attendance of 138,297 across 694 screens. That places it under Wonder Woman, Ghost in a Shell and Guardians of the Galaxy 2, but above Logan's opening.

Alien: Covenant is expected to finish its Japanese run with about $10M. That would estimate and attendance around 440,000. (Give or take, depending on the discount days.) To put that in perspective, anything lower than an attendance of 2-2.5 million is usually considered a flop.

"'Nostalgic' does not equal 'good,' and 'standards' does not equal 'elitism.'" "Being offended is inevitable. Living offended is your choice."


MemberXenomorphSep-19-2017 10:35 PM

joylitt can you detail on what do you mean by this?

The bad dialogue is all over the place, ranging from flat to pretentious to cringe worthy.

I think Covenant had by far the best dialogue of all the Alien movies.

Prometheus was a far lesser movie as dialogue, characters, but it had the Engineers and great visuals, had a happy ending, it was in many way an easier film to digest for the larger audience.

Covenant was very dark, almost unbearable sometimes and the ending left no door open for hope, David in control of so many helpless good souls, Daniels going into cryosleep with the thought that David is going to do to her what he did to Shaw... Can you feel that desperation? 

In my opinion Covenant is a better movie than Prometheus.

"He survived, he’s now in Disneyland in Orlando, and no way am I going back there. How did he end up in Disneyland? I saw him in Disneyland, Jesus Christ!"


MemberXenomorphSep-19-2017 11:10 PM

G. H. (Gman)

I think most people read the fast-food version of a review. And by writing a bad review many don't bother to detail, it's enough to say "waste off time and money", "boring", "bad", etc. And with so many of these reviews in the context of a cancelled project by Blomkamp I suspect somebody is trying to influence the decision making at Fox. There are also trolls, of course, as some really enjoy trolling.

I might be wrong, I am aware of that, but in these times of fake news / reviews it is healthier to be a little paranoid.

I am open to negative reviews and debates, but not with trolls or hit-and-runs.

I did not do much research but I am not sure if any other film recently has received so many hateful reviews (by hateful I mean expressing utter negativity, intense dislike of everything the movie is, something they don't feel the need to explain as it comes more from the guts, than from the brain).

I repeat, I never said it's the perfect movie but it's a movie I love. 

I also believe that if it did not do it better financially speaking it's because the hateful reviews did their job very well. Many viewers unfortunately take into account the rating of the movie before buying the tickets.

All this marketing around Alien Covenant really looks like an experimental study for me. I am very curious of what's next.

"He survived, he’s now in Disneyland in Orlando, and no way am I going back there. How did he end up in Disneyland? I saw him in Disneyland, Jesus Christ!"


MemberNeomorphSep-20-2017 12:18 AM

G. H. (Gman) Capt. Branson's death scene is pretty odd. It's like the scene was dubbed and is out of sync (Daniels crying). It feels rushed, confusing and is practically a repetition of Charlie's death in Prometheus.

daliens I will clarify just because you asked. I expressed my thoughts before, and I also said I came to terms with what Alien Covenant is. Regarding the dialogue, I feel the only part of the script the writers put some effort is on the David/Walter interaction. And I disagree this is a better script than that of Prometheus. I have read both scripts and I can assure you Lindeloff's work is much more engaging and it has much more detail and descriptions that allow you to visualize the action much better. Logan's scenes are very nondescript and that can be a huge burden for the production, which has to add notes and to improvise. Many characters are not even in the script, and that is why they barely have a line. There are characters like the guy killed on the wheat field that no one even talk about. I don't think there is any campaign in favor of Blomkamp. His only really good movie is District 9 and Chappie is a disaster.


MemberXenomorphSep-20-2017 12:50 AM

joylitt thanks for clarifications. Yes, the David/Walter interaction has some memorable lines. I still didn't get why was Vickers in Prometheus. So if in Covenant a guy from the security team is there just for a kill scene is not that bad. At least he exits fast from the arena, unlike Vickers who had as well a ridiculous death in my opinion. And we are not sure wether she was an android or not. But even without characters to care for, I like Prometheus. 

I am glad you came to terms with Covenant, I knew you will.

Regarding the campaign in favor of Blomkamp, as long as there are polls on the internet, on influential sites, which movie to be next, Alien 5 or Alien Awakening I bet the blomkamps don't stop with voting only and they have a campaign that aims to reduce the earnings for Alien Covenant. I don't mean that Covenant doesn't do better because of that but it is a factor that negatively affected the box office. I know people who did not see Covenant because they read the hateful reviews.

It is so easy to inflame the trolls and make them campaign against something these days...

However I know you are not a troll and you care for the future of the franchise and your negative comments only woke up the Covenant fans to stand against the wave of hate. At least on this forum.

Thank you.

"He survived, he’s now in Disneyland in Orlando, and no way am I going back there. How did he end up in Disneyland? I saw him in Disneyland, Jesus Christ!"

Im Durp

MemberFacehuggerSep-20-2017 9:58 AM

Alien 5 or Alien Awakening I bet the blomkamps don't stop with voting only and they have a campaign that aims to reduce the earnings for Alien Covenant. I don't mean that Covenant doesn't do better because of that but it is a factor that negatively affected the box office.


That doesn't make sense and probably isn't the case at all. If there is this huge anti Ripley pro Blompkamp group I've never seen them, only seen them referenced by A:C fans who act like this huge margin of people actively want to sabotage the movie because it wasn't what they wanted. Sorry to break it to you but A:C isn't in any more adverse waters than any movie that is made from existing material or is part of a franchise. Other things have gotten over this hurdle to do well not just rating wise but financially and the fact is A:C didn't at least not to the extent it was expected. There isn't some huge hatewave against this movie and only this movie and a group of people pulling strings so it doesn't do well. Even if you didn't like reviews or the way people worded it that's still how those people felt about that movie, and if you don't like the way those reviews are written I'd blame it on what people want to read and are willing to look at over the reviews themselves. They exist because they're someone's opinion and someone will read it, just as they will for the reviews you happen to agree with.


Point being and the main point, A:C had no more adverse fan reaction and marketing than any franchise movie. At this point, start looking at what the film did wrong rather than waving it away as sabotage and and this giant conspiracy that fox mishandled the timing, the marketing, the release, interfered too much, fans were mad, people just hate, ect.  


MemberNeomorphSep-22-2017 8:12 AM

Lawrence of Arabia: I don't agree that Prometheus was David's story. Yes he had an important role but there were also a lot of focus on Shaw, Weyland and so on. In no way was he as important in Prometheus compared to Covenant.


I don't think that it is too late to change focus to the human characters even though he has a God complex.

I don't  care about Lawrence of Arabia.

G. H. (Gman)

AdminTrilobiteSep-22-2017 8:54 PM

Getting back on topic.

Alien: Covenant is expected to fall to #5 in Japan this weekend. It estimated to pull in around $875K for the weekend which would bring it to a total of $5.8M. Early estimates for the weekend expected on Sunday.

"'Nostalgic' does not equal 'good,' and 'standards' does not equal 'elitism.'" "Being offended is inevitable. Living offended is your choice."

Lawrence of Arabia

MemberChestbursterSep-23-2017 9:36 AM


I think you misunderstand what these prequels are about. You don't have to agree but it's still a fact. Prometheus was David's film with Shaw as a co-lead like Daniels is with Covenant.

You don't have to care for Lawrence of Arabia but that film clearly inspires a lot in this new saga to which I'm trying to explain.

"The trick, William Potter, is not minding that it hurts."

Lawrence of Arabia

MemberChestbursterSep-23-2017 9:40 AM

G. H. (Gman)

Thank you for the updates and insightful comments. Glad Covenant is doing well in good ol' Nippon. :)

"The trick, William Potter, is not minding that it hurts."

Lawrence of Arabia

MemberChestbursterSep-23-2017 9:59 AM


I think Covenant had by far the best dialogue of all the Alien movies.

I agree, the film is so quotable and the writing is intelligent.

Covenant was very dark, almost unbearable sometimes and the ending left no door open for hope, David in control of so many helpless good souls, Daniels going into cryosleep with the thought that David is going to do to her what he did to Shaw... Can you feel that desperation? 

A big part of what I love about Covenant so much is how dark it is, the film is very anti-human and nihilistic.

"The trick, William Potter, is not minding that it hurts."


MemberPraetorianSep-23-2017 11:28 AM

'I don't agree that Prometheus was David's story.' - Ridley Scott does not agree with this statement.

'I don't care about Lawrence of Arabia.' - That's a strange opinion, considering that 'Lawrence of Arabia' - the character and the original movie - is an important background element of Prometheus.


MemberChestbursterSep-23-2017 11:33 AM


"Ridley Scott does not agree with this statement." - where did he state this? I would be interested in his exact words.


MemberPraetorianSep-23-2017 11:35 AM

Lawrence of Arabia - 'Prometheus was David's film with Shaw as a co-lead like Daniels is with Covenant.'

That's true and it should be seen!

But it's OK if there are people who don't agree with that. - If the exact words by him are so important for you, watch his AC interviews and you'll find them. There are more with this info, but I remember a video in which he is together with Waterston. Go ahead.

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