MemberOvomorphAug-14-2024 12:10 PMI am not impressed. Trailer 5/5. The movie 2/5. I sincerely hope you guys enjoy it more than me.
The reviews in Sweden today are mostly in the 2-2.5/5 range.

AdminEngineerAug-15-2024 8:27 AMReally?? I'm surprised by this! I've only been seeing positive reviews so far, can you elaborate on what was lacking / misleading by the trailers that led to your score?

Dark Nebula
StaffNeomorphAug-15-2024 8:35 AM
I really enjoyed the film, I wasn't expecting a masterpiece. A decent entry in the franchise.
I'm planning on seeing it again.

MemberOvomorphAug-15-2024 1:55 PMChris,
OK, Will try to eleborate. But dont read if you have not seen the movie. Trying to be spoiler free though.
did not like all throwbacks to past Alien films. Why would I want that? Even saying ”stay away from her you bitch”. Why? I can just watch the old movies. Dont need to see or hear the same thing in a new movie.
I was not scared a single time but that is OK.
Was never ever on edge or feel excited by anything I saw.
Did not like the acting in general nor the actors except for the female lead. She is really good.
The surprise ending and what showed up…no thank you. Had enough of that in Alien Res.
Too many aliens all over the place. Did not like a single action scene.
My wife laughed at the film when it was done. I Said it was OK (she knows I love the Alien movies) since I did not like it either.
I really dont want to see it again and I have watched all prior movies tons of times for the past 35 years.
But I am very happy for the fans here that enjoyed it.

MemberXenomorphAug-15-2024 6:41 PMThought it was just as good as any of them. Just a different symphony.
Less fan service and it would have been amazing!
Andy and Rain were excellent. More please.

MemberFacehuggerAug-16-2024 12:05 PMI love the film a lot. I am mostly impressed with the design, light setting. It's such a beautiful art presentation in horror genre.
Spoiler alert below:
I love the opening so much, the quietness and then the music gives me total 2001 Space Odyssey vibe. So well made.
I love the first act most. It gives me Fincher's vibe and the dystopian setting is beautifully made.
I am so glad Ash (Rook) made a comeback. This is what I wanted most since I heard this film was in pre-production stage. I am surprised how much he is involved in the movie though lol. I prefer Ash more calming, mysterious character though. Rook is a little pushy and speak too fast. Nevertheless I enjoy his comeback.
The chestburster born scene up to Kay die scene is the BEST of the film. Love the Xenomorph forming and acid killing, and then the scene Kay trying to escape with the Alien lurking. Give me 100% Alien Isolating vibe.
Gravity concept is so creative. I love how this works so well from being a joke then being one of the most creative way to kill those Aliens.
Rain + Andy relationship. Human went back and save the android is kick ass.
Third Act is a nice surprise. I love the first shot showing the human-alien after Rain was shocked in horror. An unforgettable scene to me.
I feel the movie is lacking the tempo. Every scene is greatly executed but the tension wasn't build up. The spaceship was going to crash but I did not feel the rush and care much.
The "Get Away From Her, you B" line was a little bit weird lol. It was funny and a nice homage but is it necessary? Especially given the timeline. Ripley iconic line is supposed to be her own invention lol.
After all I enjoy the film a lot. I would rank it my 4th most favourite of all. I am just so grateful we have another Alien film after 7 years. Not the most satisfying experience but it's totally not disappointed (that is important). It's not easy to revive the Alien creatures after so many films but Romulus still gives us great nostalgia plus new elements and interesting timelines. It's a dream comes true.
I'd give it a score of 85

MemberXenomorphAug-16-2024 12:37 PM"The "Get Away From Her, you B" line was a little bit weird lol. It was funny and a nice homage but is it necessary? Especially given the timeline. Ripley iconic line is supposed to be her own invention lol. "
Yeah, I didn't understand this dialogue. Did they know this xeno was female? Did I miss something? If they'd watched it laying eggs maybe the line would work? ?

Dark Nebula
StaffNeomorphAug-16-2024 2:35 PM
Andy saying "Get away from her you... Bitch" after shooting the Scorched Xeno was cheesy ngl. If only he said something like "Game over" but that's just me.

MemberChestbursterAug-16-2024 2:56 PMThe only way to justify that classic Ripley line is if Fede would mention that it was just another bad joke from Andy (in a sort of breaking the fourth wall intention) which would make sense considering how awkward he talks sometimes and how off his jokes really were delivered.
Officially one of my favorite characters in the franchise btw. Hopefully he'll return.

MemberFacehuggerAug-17-2024 12:49 AMyeah I agree GAME OVER would be a much more effective line with nice throwback

MemberXenomorphAug-17-2024 5:22 AMThe most frightening thing in the movie is Fede not allowing himself or his actors to develop their own unique slogan.