Alien Movie Universe

PROMETHEUS Trailer Preview Screenshots

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MemberOvomorphMar-12-2012 10:20 AM
[img][/img] [img][/img] [img][/img] [img][/img] [img][/img] [img][/img] Our beloved Derelict flies upright after all... [img][/img] [img][/img] *Thanks Scidley for the GIF...thought I'd add it to the top of the thread....regards...craigamore*
116 Replies


MemberFacehuggerMar-12-2012 3:07 PM
In addition to my earlier post on this thread about this "mutant" having longer limbs than normal and a suit that resembles a xeno's exoskeleton, you can see from the screen capture that EGR101 got, the head (shape) looks awfully familiar. :-) [img][/img]


MemberOvomorphMar-12-2012 3:08 PM
could the guy holding the spheres be the so called "mohawk" guy?


MemberOvomorphMar-12-2012 3:21 PM


MemberOvomorphMar-12-2012 3:21 PM
A derelict in the sky, fully operational, and up to something! I read the leaked spoiler thingy =) , just watched the new teaser, and I AM PSYCHED OUT OF MY MIND!!! My imagination has got some serious equine size petrified morning wood (please forgive my vulgarity)! Another teaser that hits it right home. March 17, and June 8th can't come soon enough.


MemberOvomorphMar-12-2012 3:32 PM
i dont think he wear something strange or have a mutated frame ( but hes surely mutated is some way ) becuase i think is the same guy that in the mini-trailers was"raised" while Scott was directing he have basically a "burned" - destroyed suit but no great mutation .


MemberOvomorphMar-12-2012 3:51 PM
I dunno Franz. There's some awfully long forearms and a big noggin there. I thought the head might just be a burned helmet, but then I remembered that guy's helmet was smashed in an earlier picture. Looks like a 7-foot E.T. to me... LOL

NCC 1701

Veteran MemberMemberOvomorphMar-12-2012 4:06 PM
Good God , look what i miss when i go to work i should have phone in sick today


MemberOvomorphMar-12-2012 4:09 PM
The "mutants" head does, to me at least, looks like the head from the alien in Alien Resurrection. More human DNA with some of the alien DNA. Who knows though. Great new stuff to ponder about!


MemberOvomorphMar-12-2012 4:16 PM
I also really think that seeing the Prometheus ship, I think that the designers did a great job making it look like a earlier version of the Nostromo. Looks great. Also, the derelict really looks creepy in the sky like that.


MemberOvomorphMar-12-2012 4:25 PM


MemberOvomorphMar-12-2012 5:08 PM
Does not look like this is the same mutated man we see earlier jumping from above in the first trailer, or leaping upwards on fire in the one day trailer. [url=]One Day Trailer Leaping[/url] I'd be more inclined to say its the being from the SJ cockpit room.


MemberOvomorphMar-12-2012 5:09 PM
yeah, derelict looks really spooky in da sky, nice.. I think it will just be AWESOME and a good link to ALIEN..quality stuff. cant wait


MemberOvomorphMar-12-2012 5:15 PM
In reference to earlier posts about the "throwing mutant scene" I also saved some screenshots and an animated GIF. All I can say is, that mutant guy seems not quite human anymore.. I agree. It looks like "half Xeno - half Human". [img][/img] [url=]Larger View[/url] [img][/img] [url=]Larger View[/url] [img][/img] [url=]Larger View[/url]


MemberOvomorphMar-12-2012 5:21 PM
Yeah, he def has that Stretch Armstrong thing going for him as if his limbs grew and he is mutating into something quite horrid.


MemberOvomorphMar-12-2012 5:25 PM
I was going to say the same thing. It looks almost elastic.


MemberOvomorphMar-12-2012 5:30 PM
thanks to the ´mutant animated GIF´..much better.. yeah, looks larger than life at least. plot, When I watch the trailer now, I get the impression SOMETHING JUST GOES TERRIBLY WRONG when they come back to the P, the guy got infected ( Kane reference) and goes berserk. The scene looks like in a hangar maybe, when they return.. His suit and helmet look not very pre-Xeno, just burned whatever..


MemberOvomorphMar-12-2012 5:36 PM
Everyone else see the guy with the shattered helmet on the ground in the background?


MemberOvomorphMar-12-2012 5:47 PM
to say that i was S T U N N E D to see the new images from this teaser would be a definite understatement. so many cool (albeit too few) new images i was treated to aside from that AWESOME looking spacecraft, i noticed, that it seems that (possibly) the citadel structure they explored, seems to have exploded, (or imploded?) due to the new shot of the away vehicles and the PROMETHEUS craft being overtaken buy that dust cloud, just like Shaw was, perhaps from the exploding debris of the collapsed structure? the ringed planet that is in the back round of the PROMETHEUS as it descends downwards from the sky the red laser mapping orbs, the dead crewman, and that "thing" that is in a Weyland surface suit tossing around that other crew member like a rag doll and of course - - the derelict ship flying vertical... wow....just....WOW! aside from it being a LONG wait until June, it's now going to a be LONG wait until this new trailer hits the net aaaaaargh!


MemberOvomorphMar-12-2012 5:55 PM
That mutant things right arm in particular looks massive. Like people are saying it certainly looks like he is turning into a Xeno.


MemberOvomorphMar-12-2012 6:05 PM
right after the scene with the red balls, here can be seen a red surveillance light going off, on teh left you can clearly see an inner tunnel of the building. it seems they activated some kind of mechanism..then it explodes?


Co-AdminMemberOvomorphMar-12-2012 6:06 PM
All I can say is it's about friggen' time we got something like this :-D
[url=][img][/img][/url] "Is it dead this time?" "I dunno, poke it with this stick and see."


MemberOvomorphMar-12-2012 6:07 PM
@EGR101 "Our beloved Derelict flies upright after all..." I'll have to disagree with this, to me it looks like it's in horizontal position (and hovering in place?). If it were in vertical position, the arms should look a lot longer in my opinion. As we now see the base of the structure (We have seen the figure of structures top part in 1st trailer, when hangar door was opening), I'm quite certain to claim that the structure will resemble the Harkonnen Castle design done by Giger (and later used in Pioneer commercial) at least in general shape. The arms will most probably be missing. Prometheus being so Large too, I can't imagine it ramming the SJ ship. Or if it rams and drops the SJ ship, it must have been only cratch or something as a ship of that size would have left much bigger hole in SJ ship (which is about same size or 1/2 or 1/3 larger than Prometheus, judging from the pictures seen so far). My guess is they launch escape pod at it, or shoot it with some weapon. Can't wait for Saturday!


MemberOvomorphMar-12-2012 6:14 PM


MemberTrilobiteMar-12-2012 6:16 PM
@ Ghorgul... 1. Why would the derelict be hovering. 2. The temple and its likeness was spotted months ago by yours truly. 3. The wreckage in the background of the rolling Derelict looks identical to elements of the Prometheus.


MemberOvomorphMar-12-2012 6:22 PM
The balls are scanners, used to map the cave, so you can then have a 100 percent accurate real time holographic model of your environment. The mutant is what really has me wondering. This is obviously the same guy who jumped off the rover, but he looks taller here and his arms and legs are longer. Hes definitely got augmented strength too. Totally intrigued by this dude! Nice GIF by the way EGR 101 I love the lighting in the scene above. The colors etc. Wonder who the bloody mess on the floor is?

Ripley Clone 8

MemberOvomorphMar-12-2012 6:25 PM
God the anticipation!


MemberOvomorphMar-12-2012 6:28 PM


MemberOvomorphMar-12-2012 6:33 PM
The GIF looks awesome you can see the man with the broken/cracked helmet. Seems to be the guy we see in the other trailer shooting flames as it appears he's been killed and dropped his flamethrower. Unless the person being thrown had it, any idea who is the mutant and who's being thrown? I also agree his right arm seems to end in a had with claws or elongated fingers. I can't wait!! What is happening?!?


MemberOvomorphMar-12-2012 6:42 PM
Wasn't there a "leak" and/or verification, that there would be a "simplier" form of the classic xenomorph, perhaps making an appreance in the film?


MemberOvomorphMar-12-2012 6:45 PM
Hi guys, first post on this site, just wanted to point out one thing nobody has mentioned yet the bloody mess of a crew member left on the floor in the GIF tells me one thing that this EPIC movie will be rated R. What do you think my fellow Promethians?
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