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The Deacon's Tomb?

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MemberOvomorphJun-09-2012 10:15 PM
So, okay...I'm basing MOST of this on things seen or heard in Alien and Prometheus. When Holloway finds the Deacon/Xeno mural, and says "This is just another tomb." Well, okay. So a tomb of a dead Deacon, in a room full of black goo that genetically modifies organisms? And also contains green-glass-like bottles, like the rock on top of the tomb? Skip to the Engineer drinking the "ancient elixir," the Sacrifice Engineer. Pretty sure he knew what was up. I'm gonna assume it was Earth just because those ARE actual Earth mountains and waterfalls.... Yeah. So then he turns into (nothing or something else???) which then begins to form single-celled organisms, so on and so forth. Skip to the like, 10 A.D or whatever. Engineers are like, "Alright homies let's GTFO- time to go to Earth!" Then all hell breaks loose, and people are running with their Space-Helmets on- I'm gonna assume some must be pilots, yeah? Or maybe just ready to fly. Anyways, some get to the hyper sleep chamber, and there's one homie already in there. Cool- we're all safe! Oopsies- you can clearly see HOLES on top 3 of the 4 hyper sleep chambers in the Engineer sleepy time room. Also, at some point, seems like a ship crashes on another, possibly nearby moon later called LV-426- a ship with a single pilot (at least?? Didn't explore much Kane and D and Lamby), who's chest had a hole in it- "bent outwards," as Dallas says. Skip to ( 2093??) Fifeild and Milburn find the corpses, of dead engineers. Milburn notes, "It's blown open, like it exploded from the inside." You can all see tell-tale holes in the helmets, as if something exploded OUT- or maybe someone got some infamous skull-cracking done by a familiar Alien friend and his little inside mouth. Flash forward to a human, impregnated by someone infected with Goo, gives birth to (Trilobite??) which INPREGNATES an Engineer- who then gives birth to The Deacon. SO. This part becomes speculation, but it formed naturally in my head. The way the Last Engineer strokes David's head, before, you know, giving the SHORT hair cut, makes it seem like David must've MENTIONED, at least, "Oh by the way- in not human, I'm a robot- this old man made me- he's here cause blah blah blah..." I think that, only because, well, the Xeno itself, from Alien- looks all bio-mechanical yes? Like he's half-machine half-organic. Well, you know....yeah. EXACTLY. The Deacon looked very organic, slimy- ALIEN. The Xeno looked Slimpy, organic, alien as SHIT, but also oddly mechanical- with the inner mouth that slid out. And ACID for blood. Hm.... This where I thought, maybe these Engineers killed off, or WORSHIPPED another life form- the Deacon and crew. For some reason, there were no trilobites, and no one could make one. So maybe they thought, if we make another world, with our same DNA, and give it time to "cook," we can somehow get another actual Deacon impregnation. Maybe the "Eggs" and the "Facehugger" were actual bio-mechanical creations- some form of Trilobite/Deacon androids. A biomechanical xenomorph. But a HUMAN, impregnated and giving birth to a trilobite- welcome back to the world, Deacon. After IDK, at least 2000 years?? Probably more. Flash forward to 2153 or whatever Alien took place it- Weyland and bunch knows there's some awesome weapons onboard those derelict juggernaut ships, enter Ripley and Nostromo. That's where my thought ended- maybe the Deacon is a fully organic version, Of the bio-mechanical xenomorph.
23 Replies


AdminPraetorianJun-09-2012 10:23 PM
Keep in mind, it's just a baby. :)


MemberOvomorphJun-09-2012 10:48 PM
My friend thought that perhaps the Proto-Xeno (or Deacon, which I will correct him on in due time) could've been a "variant" of the xenomorph.....akin to how the M4 carbine (or did he mean M16?) has variants, but this was all stuff he thought up just after seeing the movie today and I guess he didn't have too much time to compile his newfound theories. For some reason I'm thinking that the Deacon is a complete version of the xenomorph. Not too mechanical-looking, but still. Definitely seems odd to assume this because Prometheus is meant to be a prequel, and for a prequel to have something in the canon that is more advanced than future episodes sounds strange....but, there are ways around it. But do keep in mind that I'm just making guesses here.


MemberOvomorphJun-09-2012 11:50 PM
Deacon cannot be a 'proto-xeno' because the xenomorph in 'Alien' is millions of years old (Ridley said) and that predates Deacon..... Deacon is new.


MemberOvomorphJun-10-2012 12:14 AM
Yeah I believe The Eggs in Lv 426 were a prototype weapon something the space jockeys found and the canisters we see in LV 233 are improved versions breaking it down to make it more widespread. So instead of one egg you have millions in one canister. Like the way weapons are made.


MemberOvomorphJun-10-2012 6:56 AM
I thought perhaps those worms had significance- first thing that happens when touched with goo, is that they get all penis-snakey- turnig into Hammerpedes. With acid for blood. Maybe the Engineers experimented on THEM to make facehuggers? They seem SIMILIAR in construct


MemberOvomorphJun-10-2012 2:30 PM
@[b]NateBlitz[/b] That's new to me. The xeno is millions of years old? Not the xeno per se in the movie, but the species? @[b]CerynJrey[/b] Maybe I'm jumping the gun here, but the creatures we saw in total in the movie were all "possibilities" with different catalysts (such as the urns' black goo). The black goo itself is substantial in its own right, yet current results have shown that using it on a developed, complex life-form would be lethal; the Engineer's whole matter was being broken down and his genetic code was being wiped, but once he fell into the river, all his biological matter spread apart to become the first form of life in the Cambrian era..... ....meanwhile, the black goo seems to have yielded "positive" results, in that a worm got in and got bigger, even taking on some new physical traits. I think it's worth detailing that Fifield's mutation could have come to be because he fell face-first into the black goo as acid burned through his helmet. However, Fifield was reduced into some primal being. Due to the circumstances, whatever potential Fifield as a primal being had will never be known. All we know is that he was driven to kill, kill, kill. But the most significant process was the black goo + alcoholic beverage (vodka?), ingested by Holloway, then he proceeds to pork morning he wakes up and becomes affected by the black goo, although it wasn't as quick as the Engineer's experience during the Cambrian era. Shaw then becomes three months pregnant, yielding a "Trilobite", some octopus-like creature that would later harbor capabilities reminiscent of the Facehugger. The Trilobite implants its seed into the Engineer, and within time, a xenomorph-like creature (Deacon) emerges from the Engineer, coupled with an umbilical cord &'s not a Chestburster, either; it looks fully-developed, but it looks different in that its cranium is triangular-ish, bladed, it lacks a tail, and it has a nascent(?) secondary jaw that looks more like some inner mouth as opposed to the familiar secondary jaws with sharp teeth.


MemberOvomorphJul-09-2012 11:19 PM
XenoGeek you are full of bad ideas, sorry but it's true! the predator never meets alien in the line of prometheus. Alien, Predator and AVP are all different. Prometheus is just part of the alien!!!!!!!!!


MemberOvomorphJul-09-2012 11:20 PM
also the deacon might be the the first form of the queen...i say this becuase traditonal xenomorphs have stages...face hugger- chest buster- drone. what got the space jockey was a this leads me to think that it the queen's stages ( becuase it was never truly revealed in the movies) might be Trilobite-Deacon-queen...............


MemberOvomorphJul-09-2012 10:57 PM
My theory is the deacon was the first xenomorph....But....I know that in AVP we figure out that not only is predator an ancient being but so are the xenomorphs. So... as we know in the movie PROMETHEUS it shows a shrine in which is dedicated to this creature....but what does this tell us. I will continue this anyways these engineers /space jockeys created us but now want to kill us WTF!!! what i am thinking is that in the movies we see how clever the xenomorphs are and how killer they what i think is..dont think im crazy but...i think the engineers created the xenomorphs before and maybe they had to wipe them out before the xenomorphs wiped them out....killing the race entirely on their own planet and others...I say this becuase the xenomorhps had already been on planet earth in which the predators hunted here is even another far fetched story... i beleive the engineers ALSO created the predator species in order to irradicate the flash forward to yhe time prometheus takes place. the engineers now for some reason wanna kill us so they recreate the order to iraddicate us from existance... so that is my theory...


MemberOvomorphJun-14-2012 8:32 PM
You guys all make good points. But you fail to understand one thing. That is, the xenomorph at the end prometheus IS NOT of the alien franchise. Consider it a cousin in a sense. HOW SO? refer back to the alien films. When an alien places a seed in a human it uses the dna of the host to adapt to the surroundings. In alien we saw like 4 different aliens. human born, dog born, predator born etc. That said, at the end of promethesus the alien attaches itself to a "engineer". Now it is true that humans are the same engineers go but i cant help butnotice the size differences, strength differences, facial etc. Therefore the xenomorph created may look like our alien buddies but it really isnt. The film is nto a direct prequel. it may in fact happen in the same universe.


MemberOvomorphJun-17-2012 3:25 PM
Lots of good theories, here is mine: I agree with Andre that the Deacon is a cousin of the Xeno. It clearly cannot be a "prototype" because there is a mural depicting the Xenomorph lifecycle in the movie and the installation is 2000 years old. Also, while I don't think AVP is considered canon, the Predators have been using xenos for hunting for 1000s of years. The black goo seems to be a biological catalyst that destroys or enhances, but there is no clear indication as to why it kills Holloway but reanimates Fifield. It could be a weaponized form of xenomorph mutation because it can spread and cause pregnancy, but the trilobyte is possibly a more advanced version of the facehugger, and the Deacon a more refined Xenomorph. Considering it burst out of the engineer at the size of a regular xeno, that could suggest it's gonna get alot bigger? I'm thinking the black goo is a sort of "xeno catalyst" and the trilobyte and Deacon are more refined versions of the original facehuggers and xenomorphs.


MemberOvomorphJul-10-2012 3:40 AM
@StopYourGrinnin: The black nanotech did not kill Holloway - Vickers did. From what I saw, Fifield and Holloway appeared to suffer similar fates after ingestion, judging by the skin appearance and rabies-like behaviour. We didn't see anything of Fifield between him being infected and his subsequent appearance outside the ship, but we did see that Holloway had at least one (and likely many more) tiny worm marauding his body prior to his tissues breaking down. Fifield was likely in a similar predicament.
The most terrifying fact about the universe is not that it is hostile but that it is indifferent


MemberOvomorphJul-10-2012 6:28 AM
Maybe the carving/mural was actually a warning? The "tomb" was where they disposed of a creature like that the first time and locked it away. Quarantined in a sense.

Indy John

MemberOvomorphJul-10-2012 6:48 AM
"....Maybe the carving/mural was actually a warning?..." And since it was pictorial display the 'warning' was presented so that a wider variety of beings,could realize it's significance.... Not everyone could be able to understand the writings...but the pictoriols might be effective..
Be choicelessly aware as you move through life


MemberOvomorphJul-10-2012 12:41 PM
i'm still sticking to my theory but i need to explain to xenohulk that the ship in alien with the space jockey had been there for eons...


MemberOvomorphJul-10-2012 11:18 PM
The stuff the engineer drinks at the start is not black goo. It's quite clear it's different stuff. The sj ship from alien is already on lv 426 while Prometheus is taking place so I am unsure why one sj craft is full of eggs and the other black goo. Or is lv 426 the alien native planet. Who knows . I don't get the movie why the black goo? Why tease us with strands of the alien? And if they wanted Prometheus to be different to alien/aliens why is it very much alien? How did weyland know so much? What was with David? Vickers? All the characters except the ship captain and his co pilots. If the wanted it to be so different why have shaw. She is just ripely in a different shell . I hate this movie I can stop questioning it . Is this what the writer and Ridley intended. If so I feel cheated. Why show us the squid? And deacon? If the sequel is going to show shaw and Dave heading to sj hq then what happens to deacon? What happened to the crew member who got the snake down his throat?


MemberOvomorphJul-10-2012 11:18 PM
The stuff the engineer drinks at the start is not black goo. It's quite clear it's different stuff. The sj ship from alien is already on lv 426 while Prometheus is taking place so I am unsure why one sj craft is full of eggs and the other black goo. Or is lv 426 the alien native planet. Who knows . I don't get the movie why the black goo? Why tease us with strands of the alien? And if they wanted Prometheus to be different to alien/aliens why is it very much alien? How did weyland know so much? What was with David? Vickers? All the characters except the ship captain and his co pilots. If the wanted it to be so different why have shaw. She is just ripely in a different shell . I hate this movie I can stop questioning it . Is this what the writer and Ridley intended. If so I feel cheated. Why show us the squid? And deacon? If the sequel is going to show shaw and Dave heading to sj hq then what happens to deacon? What happened to the crew member who got the snake down his throat?


MemberOvomorphJul-11-2012 7:43 AM
Another thought. The Deacon MUST have had some presence prior to the one we see Otherwise, how have they managed to create it's exact likeness on the carving?!


MemberOvomorphJul-23-2012 7:01 AM
the urns contain glass vials and a black goo , when the temperature raises the black goo leaks from the urns which is what mutates the worms and fifield . the stuff from the vials is what infects holloway. it would seem that the contents are kept seperate , maybe both have something to do with the dna of the xeno


MemberTrilobiteJul-23-2012 7:07 AM
@ filthyrich1975 - you might wanna read [url=]THIS[/url]


MemberOvomorphSep-25-2012 11:16 PM
@StopYourGrinnin I swear i totally think your outlook makes a hell of a lot of sense and i agree as far as it being the "better" side of the family....the Deacon was/and is the lost breed of the ALIENS/AvP multiverse.....we now know it exsists and may be the but still not a better verison of what the xenos are...." arent we the poor cousin?"..(Lost In Space) i totally agree on your logic...however.........however it sucks to see the Deacon Alien and know that this is now a species somewhere in space.....but the "ultimate" prey is the xeno...Weyland, Weyland-Yutani, "The Company", all knew of one ALIEN and one ALIEN only....."THE" in ALIEN Ressurection they only wanted to re-create the it sucks that this and mayb P2 will be the last time of seeing the Deacon.....even tho Prometheus is not a is still related to the ALIEN franchise and i think the writers and Ridley Scott eventually has to give us some Xeno action in the up coming installments...its what WE as fans want and they know it.....


MemberOvomorphSep-26-2012 12:03 AM
The warning / Quarantine idea for the mural is interesting and a sound one. The ship in Alien was there for a long time indeed, but now we know by the movie creator's themselves that we have a date for its demise, around 1800 to 2200 years back in Prometheus timeline. In a movie with concepts spanning geological eras the ship in Alien just crashed/landed there...


MemberOvomorphSep-26-2012 9:26 PM
Crash landed...or....dropping off...something went wrong and it tried to take off but chreashed back down and before it died sent the warning signal?......
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