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Space Jockey Size!

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MemberOvomorphAug-21-2012 9:02 AM
Im sure this must have been discussed before as cannot believe it's been missed (and appologies if it has) but there is NO WAY the space jockey we see in prometheus is the same as the one in Alien. Compare the size for yourselves. In Alien the Jockeys Head lines up with the very top of the chair for gods sake whereas the Prometheus Dude is a short arse in comparison. About 2/3 the size?? That means all the complaints about the Jockeys appearance could still turn out to be premature. Roll on Paradise.
14 Replies


MemberOvomorphAug-21-2012 2:04 PM
The "Space Jockey" is a kind of space suit used by more than one alien species. So it's logical to assume they come in different sizes.


MemberOvomorphAug-21-2012 9:53 AM
I dont think its another kind of engineer. I think the differance in size is an estetic choice made by ridley, just like the technology showed in prometheus compared to the tech in Alien and the rest of the franscise. I think ridley once said in an interview a while ago, concerning the differance in technology between the two films, that "it was a choice". Some say it may be becuase prometheus is a science ship and nostromo is a simple miningship. but most of all i belive its becuase alien was made in 1979 and prometheus, 30 years later. BUT everything is possible at this stage, we just have to wait and see. ciao


David 1

MemberOvomorphAug-21-2012 9:06 AM
Discussed before... a LOT. yup.
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MemberTrilobiteAug-21-2012 9:12 AM
As mentioned in my reply [url=]IN THIS THREAD[/url] it all depends which part of the scene you refer to for evidence, because the difference between the actual actors and the dead Engineer is about the same as that shown in Prometheus.


MemberOvomorphAug-21-2012 9:19 AM
Different movies, different space jockeys. Simple.

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David 1

MemberOvomorphAug-21-2012 9:22 AM
^^^^ what Feebs said ^^^^
[b]Ask nothing from no one. Demand nothing from no one. Expect nothing from no one.[/b]


MemberOvomorphAug-21-2012 9:33 AM
The discussion is a good one but the relative size of Jockey to Chair for me is the big anomoly here. Given that the chair is the same type then the Jockeys shoulders and head position just dont add up. Compare the big fella sittin on his arse in prometheus here - and then again in Alien here - and there just is no comparison! Just saying to all the moaners out there regaridng the spacejockeys..,, there may be a lot more to this than meets the eye.

Major Noob

MemberOvomorphAug-21-2012 9:43 AM
Yes the long shot of the Nostromo crew investigating the SJ shows it to be 2 1/2-3 times the size of an Engineer. My hope is that a much larger, creepier species will be revealed down the road. It is possible history was rewritten, though.


MemberOvomorphAug-21-2012 10:09 AM
I thought the same Kangy.....the Jockey in Alien seems to be vastly bigger than the Engineers in Prometheus. For all we know the Engineers in Prometheus were adolescent versions of their species with the Space Jockey an example of a fully matured adult although that would require specific, sized down tech for the "kids" which doesn't seem likely. How about this theory which I literally just pulled out of my a**. The Alien jockey was not mummified..., it was a shrine or a memorial....a statue representing the birth of the first Xeno. Where better place to erect this memorial than in the cargo hold containing the Xeno eggs to serve as a chilling reminder to the Engineers what they're dealing with. It at least explains the size difference.


MemberOvomorphAug-21-2012 10:15 AM
We know there are plenty of different types of Engineers: the sacrificial one, his chums that have yet to make an appearance on film, and the one that went beserk at the end of Prometheus. All different. The one in Alien is different too.
The most terrifying fact about the universe is not that it is hostile but that it is indifferent


MemberOvomorphAug-21-2012 11:13 AM
Ridley cant seem to make up his mind regarding the actual size of the engineer. Not only does the size of the engineer vary between alien and prometheus, but it also varies within alien itself. No one seemed to mind that the engineer in alien doubles in size depending upon what shot is being watched. Ridley stated that the engineer in prometheus was treated the way that he was (size wise) to cut down on CG augmentation. Frankly, if it means having less CG, im all for it! CG looks so horrible 99% of the time. Im very happy with scott's decision to scale back the size of the engineers a bit in order to keep some of the CG in the film to a minimum ( im rather impressed with when, where, and to what extent CG was used in Prometheus. Unusually impressive). I am able to get around the engineer size issues by thinking: different engineers, different traits/size etc.


MemberOvomorphAug-21-2012 11:35 AM
Well what I heard is that Bob in the movie is 7 feet.

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MemberOvomorphAug-21-2012 4:14 PM
In the original Alien, Scott wanted the Space Jockey to be very big. Children were used for some shots to accomplish exaggerating this. Now; thirty years later, a tall & large actor is required to be shown interacting with normal sized humans. Without CGI enhancement (that would make the scenes suck) the scenes are limited to whatever angle they can shoot at to make the actor look bigger & taller. It might be re-writing history, but short of CGI- (no pun intended) this is the best that Scott could do. If it had gone the other way, such as the Space Jockey species being a completely different non-human alien, Scott would have had a lot more work to do in order to reproduce the original sized creature. That could have been very interesting to find out, but being human-like worked out and made sense regarding the details of production.


MemberDeaconAug-23-2012 8:29 AM
Just as Snorky said... I have covered this over and over and over. A major difference....... Directing Error by Ridley Scott. Ok lets look at the actual Props... The Space Jockey in Alien actual size (cant see Legs) but it appears to be about 12ft Tall. The Space Jockey Props in Prometheus and thats the ones hanging on the Walls, and thus the last image Mapusoul posted are about 10ft Tall. Now the Concept work showed the Engineers to be about 9-10ft tall, some concept works differ was some appeared near 12ft tall. Ridley Scot F-UP 1... Alien As Snorky said he used Children to play the Crew walking up to the Chair and this created the illusion that the Space Jockey was about 15ft tall. Ridley Scot F-UP 2... Prometheus He made a few errors in judgement by using actors with the Engineer Actor, and especially the Shaw Scenes. Noomi Rapace is only small about 5ft 3" Ian Whyte is about 7ft 2-3" in booster boots he would be about 7ft5"-7ft6" Ridley may have thought that having Small Shaw vs Engineer would give a illusion of his size.... but then we can work out his size especially in the scene he enters the Door as we see Vickers and Holloway in the movie next to same kind of corridors and using certain points on the wall and we can work out the height etc. Using this and Shaws Height we could work out the Engineer in that scene was 7.5ft Tall and a lot smaller than the Dead Engineer. The Ghost Engineer compared to David was about 8ft tall.... I think in hindsight Ridley should have done the LOTR Trick where he played actors who stood 5ft5" to 5ft8" to play as Hobits but make them appear smaller due to Special Effects Camera Trickery as they are in up coming Hobbits. This would then show the Engineers on screen as about 9-10ft tall and not lets say 8ft tops. So when i look at the Engineers in Prometheus compared to size of Chair and assuming Chair is same 16ft one as it was in Alien then when he suits up and stands near the chair the Engineer appears to be 8.5-9ft tall. So taking all into account the Engineers when suits and not would seem to vary from 8ft-12ft Tall. The aim for Prometheus was a Race of 9-10ft Tall Humanoids. But Humans are not all about 6ft Tall, we vary from 5ft-6.5ft on Average the Average Human would be about 5ft9", so if we say the Engineers as depicted in the movies range from 7.5ft (Smallest they appear to Humans Shaw vs Bob scene) to 15ft (the largest in Nostromo Crew approaching the Pilot Chair). That is a average of 11ft 3" but if we ignore the Shaw Scene and Children Actors in Alien then we get 8-12ft which is a average of 10ft. Bottom line i would assume the Engineer race average is 10ft tall Suited. Which is bang on with the Dead Engineer body and the Space Jockey Suits on the Wall. Also the Elders appear smaller... unless they are the same height as the Engineer in Prometheus which would make the Sacrificial Engineer taller. So all in all Engineers i assume range from 8 to 12ft tall.

R.I.P Sox  01/01/2006 - 11/10/2017

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