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Prometheus DVD 2:39:09 Running Time

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Paul Littlefield

MemberOvomorphSep-21-2012 8:16 AM
I came across this screenshot on ridleygrams tumbler yesterday and spotted the running time of 2 hours and 39 minutes... [img][/img], what the !"£$? ...fake or real?
12 Replies


MemberOvomorphSep-21-2012 8:21 AM
Seems real :/ my god.

This is my forum signature.



MemberFacehuggerSep-21-2012 8:25 AM
hmmmm who knows - hope its real :D

 "It's almost as if they are making it up as they go along" :D

Paul Littlefield

MemberOvomorphSep-21-2012 8:30 AM
I hope so too... but if it's fake, it's a damn fine fake... ...and before you ask... no, not my doing, honest. :-)


MemberXenomorphSep-21-2012 8:47 AM
Find of the century !!! Could it be ? Paul Littlefield Thanks for posting .....!!!!!


MemberOvomorphSep-21-2012 12:29 PM
i think fox released a statement about the abovementioned screen cap saying that the pictured run-time is an error....sadly.


MemberOvomorphSep-21-2012 2:09 PM
I'm happier than a pig in shit at this news -- I suspect joeyjoe is right though -- Lind-error -- and I'm gonna blame David. :)
2013 sci-fi horror novels 'Custodian' and 'Tandem' available from Amazon, B&N, iTunes etc...

Paul Littlefield

MemberOvomorphSep-21-2012 2:42 PM
Well, you say that but... 124 mins "official" dvd running time + 35 mins of "deleted scenes" = 159 mins = 2:39... ...yes? ...which is what the screenshot shows... :-)


MemberOvomorphSep-21-2012 2:59 PM
is the grand total of all of the deleted and alternate scenes 35 mins (there are so many estimates out there...i cant keep them all straight)? if so...the runtime pictured above must be a mistake. You cant have BOTH of the fifield attack sequences in the film. could be a quasi-error in that 2:39 represents all of the available footage pertaining to the film that is archived on the disc etc. The counter is just factoring in the deleted scenes, but they are only available through the deleted scenes tab. i dunno. love to be wrong about this, but ridley has been consistent from the beginning about the fact that all of the formal footage shot for prometheus will be available on the blu ray, but that it will only be accessible through a deleted scenes tab. Couple that with the fact that we got the runtime clocking in at 2 hours and 4 mins on almost every retail site. Im betting that we get the theatrical release on blu ray. Having siad that, the abovementioned screen cap is very odd/interesting. Maybe we will be getting a surprise?

Paul Littlefield

MemberOvomorphSep-21-2012 4:55 PM
Yes, my hope and my vote is for the [b]surprise[/b]. It will go something like... "[i]Yeah, well... I had time to think and I changed my mind.[/i]" Sir Ridley Scott Have you keen eyed people also noticed that each dot represents a chapter on the DVD? So that'll be [b]36[/b] chapters then... yeah, count 'em... [b]36[/b]. Jesus, someone went to some serious faking to get that screenshot correct. Methinks we are in for a NICE surprise. :-) Go Ridley, go Ridley!


MemberOvomorphSep-21-2012 5:34 PM
i dont think that screenshot is a fake. I think its legit. I think its a screen cap that erroneously factors the deleted scenes into the total runtime of the film (ie: some sort of bug that got worked out when they were initially preparing the files for dvd, blu ray, digital d/l etc.). Your point about 36 chapters is interesting. However, it actually serves to bolster the argument that the film will be released as the 2hr 4 min theatrical release...not some unknown extended cut. I just checked the chp. number on my HD digital d/l (the chapters on the blu ray will surely be identical to whats on the digital d/l) and there are exactly 36 chapters on the the digital d/l of prometheus. See where im going with that? As much as i love the theatrical cut (aka: directors cut) of prometheus, id obviously like to see a few of these deleted scenes added back into the film (most of the deleted scenes were cut for a good reason imo). I really do think we are getting the theatrical cut on blu ray. we'll see though...


MemberOvomorphSep-22-2012 4:11 AM
Paul, you're a tease, but you're probably right about it showing the film-length plus the deleted-scenes-length TOTAL TIME. Ah, sigh....
2013 sci-fi horror novels 'Custodian' and 'Tandem' available from Amazon, B&N, iTunes etc...


MemberOvomorphSep-22-2012 6:31 AM
I already started a thread letting everyone know this was a mistake. Sorry, guys.
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