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The Engineers on Paradise are not going to be happy to see Shaw and David

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MemberOvomorphSep-28-2012 2:46 PM
This is in regards to Paradise, the up and coming sequel to Prometheus. The link on Prometheus 2 on this site is broken so I am placing this comment here. When Shaw and David arrive on Paradise, the Engineers are going to be really and arrogantly hostile toward them. Their response is going to be "How dare these monkeys we created come in one of our ships to find us." And if the reaction of the first Engineer they woke up from hypersleep is any clue, they will react violently to this incursion on their home world. I think Shaw and David are headed for extreme danger and she should have simply gone home out of self preservation because its not like the surviving Engineers are going to deign to answer Shaw's interrogations, which they are going to take as insults. Yes, Shaw is playing with fire now like the original titan Prometheus and the results are going to be a hair raising adventure. It should be a thrilling ride for us viewers!!
19 Replies

Indy John

MemberOvomorphOct-25-2012 7:08 AM
".... Thus the set of Engineers who created us did so with out knowledge or consent of those on Paradise and in effect STOLE THE FIRE t create us..." The Rebel Engineers are at it again.....and i like this line of thinking... And with Shaw/David.packing a ship load of Ampules(I assume that the Juggernauts were similar in cargo)...AND PISSED OFF.. now let the find out who are the real Gods and answer Shaw's questions!
Be choicelessly aware as you move through life


MemberOvomorphSep-28-2012 3:15 PM
agreed...and i cant wait!


MemberFacehuggerSep-28-2012 4:31 PM
I kind of think there wont be many engineers left or none - possibly this god like being has taken there empire out - maybe only a few elders live or something. One reason would be that the engineers were on there way with the black goo 2000 years ago - and shaws notes show the last engineer came 1000 years ago - a long time to not visit no? Also Ridley already let slip that paradise will be the opposite - possibly a very nasty place. But I know it speculation...

 "It's almost as if they are making it up as they go along" :D


MemberOvomorphSep-28-2012 5:15 PM
Where is said the last visit was1000 years ago? And thruthfully I hope this "Offended Higher Beings" never comes to pass Done to exhaustion already. Too " Goaul'd" for me, and Stargate is over already. Also the " long dead" civilization is done to exhaustion as well. I hope thwy are really daring and creative and show a bristling, flowrishing civilization. Cheap ideas like " humans come and boom, run from the monster that want to kill the and then these humans destroy a whole, ancient, powerfull civilization that has been around for ages..." Cheap. Can make " thrilling" matinee movies, but for that we already have Avengers and all Marvel Movies. Lets hope for something with substance and real mind provoking elements. It will be expensive and will need a lot of work, but it might become trully epic instead of one more matinee, adventure movie...


MemberFacehuggerSep-28-2012 5:29 PM
I think it can be great if done correctly...I am just speculating on what I have learnt...the 1000 years bit was in shaws notes in the genesis project site...well its the last one in the notes that shes found and you would think with recording of events getting more detailed etc. it would get easier to find evidence nearer our time...

 "It's almost as if they are making it up as they go along" :D

Patient Leech

MemberFacehuggerSep-28-2012 6:02 PM
There might be people (Engineers) who will be willing to hear her (Shaw/David) out. I think when they are greeted, they will be thrown off by David's ability to speak their language, and will probably listen. And then since they are violent fuckers, they will probably capture them and incorporate them into some sort of ritualistic, sacrificial ceremony. That's my guess, anyway.. Omg, I can't wait. I don't think I've ever looked forward to a movie so much in my life... 8)


MemberOvomorphSep-28-2012 6:42 PM
@Void & everyone Absolutely agree. The Engineer hostility should begin, and end with the Engineer in Prometheus... We need an epic sense of discovery. Knowledge, and immersion. Something seen in Avatar. While it was basically a Sci Fi Pocahontas, it completely destroyed Promethues in that department. Avatar lacked complexity. Prometheus lacked substance in terms of immersion. Discovery, and overall epic values. Both movies have their flaws. And both could use the other's advantages for themselves. And if Prometheus had Avatar's advantages... it wouldn't have been the disappointment it is. Wouldn't it have been great, for example, if they actually worked their way to the temple, and found it. Instead of landing on the moon, and finding it literally right away? Perhaps a lone, dead Engineer could have led them there, through clues? Just an idea off the top of my head. We need to experience the Engineers' world. To the fullest. In a manner similar to Avatar. Shaw and David have to spend time with the Engineers, and learn what they are all about. If the movie ends up being a pure 'running from Engineers fest' then.. the movies will tread a similar path as the Alien movies. Shaw and David. Running from Engineers. Shaw axing them questions. While distracting them with chandeliers. What would you rather have. That, or epic experiences Shaw and David behold, while amongst the Engineers? Incredible discovery. Incredible knowledge gained from the Engineers? Unbelievable answers for questions they have for them. And of course. I'm not saying the whole movie should be a freakin' INTERVIEW... I'm sure they'll think of something else that will happen during the movie. Some sort of...conflict.


MemberOvomorphSep-28-2012 7:00 PM
Bump. Bump. Bump. Bump.


MemberOvomorphSep-28-2012 7:17 PM
Yeah, I agree, that is such a narrow minded outlook, of the last or few of them left scenario. I'm not going for that.


MemberDeaconSep-28-2012 7:23 PM
I think the biggest thing to think about is canon.... This movie will be at the very least canon to Alien... and i dont think Ridley will try and sabotage the Alien Franchise by doing stuff that basically tries to indicate Aliens to Alien Resurrection time line and events are well nonsense. There are right now some potential PLOT HOLES that may need to be covered before we get to Alien..... One of those being LV 223 and Shaws Message as surely if the company picked up the LV 426 Space Jockey Message then on their way they would surely get Shaws? Anyway thats for another thread... We have to remember that Alien is set some 30 years after Prometheus and Aliens well some near 90 years.... Now if Shaw and David find this Paradise which i think they would, we have to look at what they would find and its potential impact on the Alien-Aliens Timeline or latter. You see if Shaw and David find these Elders etc and they want us wiped out, and was aware of the orginal mission but thought it was completed.. Well how long would Shaw last vs the Elders and Engineers, how long would she be in the movie...? Then what? Surely the Engineers would then set off to finish the job? Maybe after the failing of the mission, they deemed that it was too much hassle as the Xeno Bio Weapon proved to be a risk and failure and the re-weaponized goo likewise... so maybe they thought "sod it, let them rot to their own devices" and ultimately their arrogance makes them believe that without their help Mankind would be stuck on that rock we call Earth. If this is true, well once Shaw turns up they would surely know that Mankind can traverse the Stars and knows where LV 223 and its caseload of Bio Weapons and that then they must surely stop Mankind. But surely this cant be the case as in Alien and Aliens and latter, well Mankind has not been paid any visits from the Engineers and it looks like we will not. So why not? And not a case of why they never visited us since 2000 years ago but also why not after Prometheus 2 and 3, thats if they are going canon to Aliens onwards... Well that leaves a few things... 1) The Engineers/Elders are either all gone or only a hand full are left who want to keep themselves to themselves. 2) As above but what ever wiped them out is on the lose... but surely this would be another Aliens flick. 3) The Engineers knew there mission failed and cant be bothered with us, we are not worth the hassle... but surely finding out Mankind can now travel space and get to LV 223 would change that. 4) The Elders/Engineers do not have any idea about Mankind or maybe also LV 223, simply put the Engineers who seeded Earth, or more likely Millions of years after, further tampered with life to create us. Thus the set of Engineers who created us did so with out knowledge or consent of those on Paradise and in effect STOLE THE FIRE t create us.

R.I.P Sox  01/01/2006 - 11/10/2017

Cry Havoc

MemberOvomorphSep-28-2012 7:27 PM
[quote][i]When Shaw and David arrive on Paradise, the Engineers are going to be really and arrogantly hostile toward them. Their response is going to be "How dare these monkeys we created come in one of our ships to find us."[/i][/quote] You mean the same civilization that didn't go looking for what happened to their outpost on LV_223 and left it there for for 2,000 years? I doubt there's much civilization left. Overrun by their own bioweapon, most likely. Or off fighting other races if Lovecraft's (and other following authors) writings are what Ridley Scott is basing it on. How many people escaped LV_426?


MemberOvomorphSep-28-2012 7:44 PM
There are many ways that the movie can go and exactly, present the sense of immesion and awe indeed Avatar had. I liked the scenario that something (ruins, a dead body in a desert, anything with a more thrilling sense) would have led them to discovery. This reminded me of the Giants novels... The book depicted alien interference creating humans starting 20 millions years in the past. The story conveyed a civilization millions of years old, and yet understandable (and the author even explained why they have not developed even further despite the age of their civilization) The story had the search for immortality and what that could entail if achieved. The book had a lot of action and a lot of drama/thrill The book was pure and very good Science Fiction! We can have all that, everything, and yet with originality and a sense of newness, of awe and immersion. Hard to achieve in 2h and a half, fine! Do a quadrilogy then! But do not loose the opportunity and waste this chance to do it right, for there are already matinee movies out there making success but they are just to relax your mind and laugh, and I miss movies with more depth and attention to details. Damn, Avatar had some really stretching concepts (those flying rocks...pretty but hard) but the movie has more cohesion and science fiction to it than most productions from the last 10 years...) and Prometheus (with proper restoration fromwhat was cut) and care with the sequel can become a landmark, like ALIEN was, like LotR was... Or can fail epically, becoming another (and this time FINAL) attempt on a dead Monster Movie franchise that almost even killed a very good concept like Predator...


MemberDeaconSep-28-2012 8:12 PM
I dont think Paradise would show them being overrun by Xenos etc... If it was then it would have to be a case of they was overun but no longer, as in the case of Prometheus in that nothing remained of what wiped the Engineers out 2000 years ago. Or else we are going to be left with another Alien movie and Ridley said he wants to distance himself from that. I do think he would have to cover the Xeno etc at some point before he finishes this project as leaving any unanswered questions would leave the door open for Fox to explore and thus could end up being anything and something that Ridley would not have wanted but he would not have any control over. I think Paradise should capture just that, it should show a World or what was once a World that was Paradise...... i dont think Shaw and the Elders should be at end with other and i believe they should have the same curiosity and intrigue with her that we saw from the Last Engineer. I dont think things would go all rosy mind..... and thats where i think David will come in to it, i think he would be the antagonist in Paradise.

R.I.P Sox  01/01/2006 - 11/10/2017


MemberOvomorphSep-28-2012 8:52 PM
Maybe he will play the Serpent here...Loki...whatever. One hint might be their orientation towards biotechnology. Think that, by any given reasons (not counting the terminator reasoning-cliche) they have abandoned conventional tech (cultural, pratical or religious reasons) and thus went totally biotech, then we could have; Explanation for instance about the look of that sterile room. (maybe the floor was some kind of polyp that indeed died and became like dirt, but was once functional and sterile) The look of their tech overall A possible point of atrition to happen soon as Shaw arrives at their word. Ah, imagine this, David uses one of the towering biosuits we saw in the corridor leading to the bridge as a vehicle to his head, so he would walk like a suited engineer...and not one of them...spooky and could create a real problem as soon as Shaw tries to contact their flight control center near Homeworld space... There is a lot of room for interesting scenarios...


MemberOvomorphOct-01-2012 9:40 AM
I don't think the engineers are angry with us, but maybe they see us as a failed experiment and want to rewrite everything on Earth. The purpose of the goo, as evidenced by Charlie's demise, is not to create bio-weapons, but to re-engineer humans altogether. All they'd have to do is drop that goo in the water supply and bam, everything and everyone is affected. To them, it's just business as usual. They've obviously had time to terraform other planets and create new life. I'm sure Earth is not the only one. Ridley Scott did admit that part of the reason for the engineer's decision was that humans were out of control. The Roman Empire was brutal, inhumane. Throughout human history there have been wars upon wars. Just maybe, the engineers didn't see any hope for us, so it was time to destroy and start over. From what Scott says and what happens in the movie I think this has to be close to the truth.


MemberOvomorphOct-01-2012 10:48 AM
It is a possible scenario, as it is implied they have been visiting Earth for millenia... Maybe they ended up deciding that the tutoring was not working and deemed everything a failure. They were already fighting a conflict, so why add another wild card in the galactic yeas, it is a plausible scenario, and one Ridley Scott seems to agree by his pwn comment.


MemberDeaconOct-01-2012 11:44 AM
Well we have to look at some of the things going on... Is it purely coincidence that all those Ancient Cultured depicted Giant Godlike Beings who left similar Star Maps? Ridley had said that the Engineers had visited Earth many times over History to teach us stuff and upgrade us. But they stopped 2000 years ago. Now the Water Fall Scene is assumed to be at very least hundreds of Millions of Years ago... Thats a long wait for Evolution to create us, so its possible at a latter time they came back and tinkered with life on Earth to bring about Mankind. Maybe that hints that the final act was some how combining their Genetics with that of a Primate and thus creates us. So i am not sure we was created by pure accident, there must had been some purpose but then again we cant say if that purpose was to be a Host for the Bio Weapon. Thus its better to assume that at one point they was fond of us, and we served them but then we started to stop serving and worshiping them and become rogue and thats when they decided they wanted us gone.. I guess we shall get the answer to that in Paradise.

R.I.P Sox  01/01/2006 - 11/10/2017


MemberOvomorphOct-02-2012 12:55 PM
The likelihood of Shaw and David finding a bustling civilization is remote. Any screen writer will have to take into account the fact that the engineers never returned to LV223. So, there are a number of scenarios one could construct with that fact. But, in general, my crystal ball says that what they will find will be, not a bustling society, but a busted one. Very few left. They may know of the base at LV223 but somehow can't get there. I certainly don't think that they aren't interested. The commodities on that base are too dangerous and valuable to allow them to get into an antagonist's hands. And given that the idea is true about the engineers looking at us as a failed race, allowing US to get the ampules would be a nightmare to them. I think Ridley is going to give us answers, but only some. If he's wise, he won't spoon feed them, and leave many open to interpretation. THAT'S what makes things interesting.


MemberOvomorphOct-03-2012 4:32 PM
I somewhat agree (sadly) that they will find a busted civ, but not due the reasoning of not visiting us anymore, but a rather more practical one: budget and depth/time consuming of creating a whole galactic civilization. Their seemingly uninterest on that base and our destruction would be a bit expected on a civilization spanning thousands of star systems, having fared through the Galaxy for at least 2 million years. They could have remained in one planet and died there, but then again we already know that they were in a conflict (maybe with another species, maybe among themselves) and that Earth was seeded by them, so why only Earth? Probalby (and it would be more interesting) they would have seeded thousands of planets in the last 2 million years, and that base we see is just one among thousands monitoring not only one planet, but maybe a whole group of systems. So Earth would be a project, maybe deemed lost to the ongoing War, and not interesting enough for a revisiting, especially if we see that Zeta II Reticulli was a place of at least two blunders and one signal left by the millitary to not be visited due weapons failure/attack/outbreak. A small loss not warranting any new attention as they had their hands full with a galactic conflict Also at first we could assume that, given the time they had to develop their tech, what we saw on that base was not that important an anyway. could even be outdated material on a low budget millitary outpost, hence lack of proper care in dealing with the material there. Everything could be ready for decomission by what we know. Or it wasa rogue installation, and their doings would not have anything to do with their main government/civilization. Shaw could find out she was right, and they created us but then we were left to fend for ourlselves and were almost wiped out due internal conflict/terrorist actions or simply dissention among their own civilization as how to deal with old experiments. But then again is cheaper to depict a dead civ...cheaper but very disappointin as well...and there is hope for they seem intent on not following the monster movie franchise anymore, and epic movies are to be unexpected and grand in scope
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