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Future of the series - Prometheus' Sequel(s) - Ideas, Expectations & Desires

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MemberOvomorphSep-29-2012 11:08 PM
Alright, ladies and gentlemen. This has been a long time coming, and i believe it is finally about time that this thread came into existence. It has come to my attention that threads; no matter what the topic, have their topics go in a different direction completely. This topic of discussion that forms in threads is very specific. Very diverse. But is nontheless one. The reactions to Prometheus have been skewed. Whether or not you like, or dislike the film. Whether or not you were disappointed, or your feelings were the polar opposite; completely satisfied. People can't seem to help themselves, and start discussing improvements, what could have been. What should have been. And what could have generally improved Prometheus, and made it a superior film. I too was extremely disatisfied with Prometheus. But i'm still a fan! A fan of this world. This series. And i know that this is just the beginning. So, in that respect, i will be starting this thread for Prometheus, as a whole, as a series. It's a bit difficult naming the series; but that name will emerge in time. So no matter. I'm sure you all understand what this thread applies to. Every subsequent sequel that is in correlation with Prometheus. A thread where people can share their ideas. Expectations. Desires, and hopes. I strongly believe that we, as the fans. As the community that is passionate about this series, deserve to be heard by the producers, by even Ridley Scott himself. And everyone involved in production and development of the series. I have seen countless threads travel down this different path. And change their topics to this aforementioned, creative discussion. And i have heard nothing but great things. Excellent ideas from the community. From the members. Here's to all of you, and you're imagination! Here, we can compile this wonderful creativity. Let the discussion begin!
155 Replies


MemberOvomorphNov-20-2012 9:32 AM
@ Prehnility hmmm but do we?


MemberFacehuggerNov-20-2012 9:58 AM
lol man some of these comments crack me up makes you realize why literally any old film can become someones favorite... And caenorhabhditis - it is true that this film is so shaky in its foundations that I wouldn't be surprised if anything happened later on! But due to the fact that Damon said she was not an Android in an interview I think that ones about wrapped up!

 "It's almost as if they are making it up as they go along" :D


MemberOvomorphNov-20-2012 10:09 AM
aaaand ridley said there may be two so :P (blows raspberry)


MemberFacehuggerNov-20-2012 10:17 AM
As I said nothing surprises me any more about this film if that is true...there could be a giant pair of bollocks that turn out to be the engineers home planet in part 2 and I would sit there in the cinema and think - yep!

 "It's almost as if they are making it up as they go along" :D


MemberOvomorphNov-20-2012 10:21 AM
Hello everyone, we are students in sociology and media, could you help us by filling this short form about Prometheus media campaign? Thaks a lot!


MemberOvomorphNov-20-2012 10:21 AM
Hello everyone, we are students in sociology and media, could you help us by filling this short form about Prometheus media campaign? Thaks a lot!


MemberOvomorphNov-20-2012 10:21 AM
Hello everyone, we are students in sociology and media, could you help us by filling this short form about Prometheus media campaign? Thaks a lot!


MemberOvomorphNov-20-2012 11:54 AM
lmao visualising giant eerie grey testicle shaped planet


MemberOvomorphNov-26-2012 10:51 PM
@caenor I'm pretty sure Lindelof already confirmed that in an interview.

Visionary Alpha

MemberOvomorphDec-03-2012 4:59 AM
Shaw won't re-assemble David because in Ridley Scott's words, "she knows then he'll be deadly". The first leg of [u]Prometheus 2[/u] may be all aboard Shaw's juggernaut, as she explores it (maybe at her peril), and learns what she can. If she is wise, she'll ask David to teach her as much as he can about how to read and speak their language ahead of time, and she should try to learn as much as she can from their computers and holograms. There may be more sleeping engineers aboard, or other monsters lurking in other forms of stasis or hibernation. The trip to the engineers' home world could take a very long time, even centuries or millenia. LV-223 was only app. 35 light years from Earth, which in space terms is right nextdoor. Even if the engineers' home world was "a little far away", it could be something like 500 light years distant. Of course, though, how long the trip takes depends on the speed of the juggernaut. It is very likely to be much faster than the Prometheus, but all-in-all the trip is more likely to be very long than anything short. Eventually, Shaw will need to enter hyper-sleep, so the navigational computers will need to be programmed to take her where she wants to go. This will bring her into unique danger because it means she'll be unconscious, with David at least being awake. Say the ship is intercepted en-route and boarded by engineer security forces near their system. They find David and re-assemble him, and he tells them whatever he wants about himself and Shaw. They take them both to a space station for study, and from the get-go Shaw loses her huge juggernaut and is at their mercy. The engineers might not be hostile to David, as the one who tore his head off was. Let's say David speaks on her behalf, though, and convinces them to answer her questions and even take her to their home world so she can see it. Then we get to see it as an audience, and hear their answers which are likely "we don't know what you're talking about". The bases on LV-223 seemed long abandoned, even forgotten. It's doubtdul Earth or its inhabitants have any importance to the engineers of their home world, assuming they have a living civilization and everything there isn't in ruins or abandoned too. The engineers may give Shaw permission to visit as a tourist basically, and the movie encompasses several conversations she gets into with them, and ultimately they point her in the direction of their historians who may know more.

Sir Toady

MemberOvomorphDec-16-2012 1:33 PM
It might be an interesting subplot for the original ship (Alien, Aliens) to be made operational.


MemberOvomorphJan-08-2013 12:12 PM
At some point in the series, I believe Shaw is going to be presented with some sort of philosophical or moral choice. Like Charlie was asked "what would you be willing to do?" and was eventually sacrificed for "the greater good" (albeit unwillingly by David) I think Shaw will be asked the same thing by the Engineers. I believe the engineers value self-sacrifice... hold that idea in high regard. I think that Shaw will be given the answers she seeks, and in return will be asked to sacrifice herself for humanity. She will sacrifice herself to save mankind - similar to what JC did 2000 years prior. Edit: After thinking a little more about this... perhaps Shaw will be THEIR (the engineers) savior in some way. Sacrificed to the Xeno. Sacrificed to take the Xeno to its highest level of evolution. She is the chosen one etc. Perhaps the Engineers are in the midst of civial war. When Shaw arrives at "Paradise" it is war-torn and ravaged. She sacrifices herself to end the conflict, thus saving humanity and the Engineers.


MemberOvomorphJan-09-2013 3:22 PM
I have to concurr with a few of the members on here that the xeno experiment was NOT a WMD. Logically that would take too long even with thousands of vases filled with xeno microorganisms. Humans have technologically advanced enought be able to survive that since these xenos are vulnerable to fire, bullets, bombs and other killing devices we have on Earth. It just doesn't make sense on a lot of levels. I think the purpose of those vases was simply to experiment with the xenos on an Earth human planet and see what happens. I have more ideas on Paradise on my page as a discussion topic titled 'Paradise' if anyone wants to read my general ideas on the subject.


MemberOvomorphJan-19-2013 9:36 AM
wiki cut and paste mythos so... it'd be interesting if the master race were ascended to semi-corporeal beings... actually no ... that would be like indiana jones 4 which is shit. probably best if the master race were all gone and the engineers (who i assume are clones) were left fighting their programming and resorted to civil war. that, or if the masters were a darkly comedic bunch of heavily drugged and sedated biomechanical buffons [url=].[/url] - like the junkies out of the pc game 'darkseed' (plus qualities of the 'dementors' from harry potter - fallen gods - their only kicks they get out of stupidly long life-spans are seeding planets in silly ways to see what idiotic results they come up with. i mean not as obvious as 'mars attacks' but a similar reaction to human nobility and morality - just piss funny to a higher evolved (and more importantly ; more powerful) species. again, would be played out as horror more than comedy. also the engineers 'worship' of the xenomorph proper would be a bit of a passing phase, fad or in-joke to the masters. so in apparent opposite to the above quote; shaw and david find absolute darkness and absolute representation of Satan manifested as a senate of evil beings. shaw and david are kept alive out of entertainments sake. their saving points are davids unreadability for being android (computers are like a lost antiquity to the masters) and liz shaws passionate human mind - which is unpredictable and loud to the masters. she figures out how to actively fuck their heads up as david executes an escape plan. different idea if nought else really hope they dont make 'indiana jones 4 in space' because that would be shit to the power of shit. if they made shaw and david play out 'smokey and the bandit in space' it would be win to the power of win.


MemberOvomorphJan-29-2013 5:39 PM
The main challenge going forward (as I see it) is Shaw. First of all, is her character's quest our quest? By way of example remember Ripley's mission in Alien? To stay alive, kill the Alien, and get the hell OUT OF THERE! We could all get on board with that. Shaw on the other hand is in search of God. And where God lives. Uh, do we really want that represented on film? How in the heck are they going to pull that off? Frankly, Shaw (for me) is a dead end. Going to where "they" are isn't necessarily unappealing, but making that place the endgame for the film is just asking for disaster. I think there's more potential with David. And perhaps going back and forth between David and Weyland (a younger Weyland, moving up through time telling his story) would have some traction. If I was writing the script I'd stay clear of Dr. Shaw. That's so obvious and tired a character it's not even funny. And there's another issue. Do they get there straight away? For my money (and I'm no movie exec) I'd make it as damn difficult as possible for them to get "there". I'd get there, but probably only in the last minute. The movie exec in me says big bucks - get people talking about Prometheus 3. Probably the most obvious thing to do is have some sort of technical issue with the ship, find safe harbor on a planet in between, there be some connection to the Engineers, the Xenomorphs, and the Humans. I know the "outpost" bit is worn, but perhaps they could go a different route. Maybe instead of a planet it's a deserted ship. A bigger, mother ship - kind of like the one in the beginning of Prometheus.

Joel Rivera

MemberOvomorphFeb-03-2013 2:08 AM
Hi World!!!! This is a awesome site!!! Thanks for unite us, this is like a big Alien Family. Well i am from P.R. and like my username said: I am a Huge Alien Fan and i will write my ideas from a Prometheus Paradise Sequel. First of all Fox can bring the entire production to Puerto Rico (U.S. Territory) we have big spaces, privacy, good professional local film industry and tax cut for filming here. Sorry for those who gonna read this and can't understand my writing in this language. Are you ready???? Ok this is my point of view for a sequel for maybe 2015. The film will start with the crash of the engineer ship in the paradise sea. The old Gods (our makers) try to find the ship and they rescue Shaw and David. Then in other chapter: The Wayland Corporation capture the emergency alert ( the technology its good but this form of communication in space still very slow) from the special room of Meredith Vickers (six month later) and the Shaw warning message that nobody had to get back to the origin of the signal (planet) because there's only death. But the Son of Charles Bishop Weyland (actor: Cillian Murphy) still want to know what happen to his uncle Peter and cousin Meredith. This is when Cillian remember his childhood with his father (actors: Lance Henriksen and Guy Pearse talk about the future of the company and their dream of funding intelligent life in space. Cillian knows that he is in charge but still want to know the facts of what happen in that planet and he command a rescue mission. Next Chapter: Shaw is very ill by the accident and also by the stomach injuries that happen in LV-223. She can talk but had trouble because the planet oxygen is harsh to her. David its the center of the attention and his knowledge of the history of human kind and language he can translate all the thing that Shaw and the God are saying and asking. Next Chapter: The Ship is already in planet LV-223 and the military/scientific crew wake up: (actress Gina Carano-Doctor in Medicine and co-pilot/ actor Jung Ji-Hoon (Rain) the Chief Pilot and robot specialist (someone had to fix David) but have military training in their past. The Military Crew: ( actor Sam Rockwell is the military in charge he's the captain and associate from Cillian Murphy agenda, this man is serious but also a crazy villain (He only care about money) the second man in charge is actor Gerard Butler, he is in charge of the ground "tactics" battlefield and actor LL Cool J is the expert in bombing operations. The thing is to find the ship room that its making the signal and find David. But the only thing that they find is chaos and death. Most of the entire military crew ( actors-extras) are death or in real pain because they find the queen nest and some nasty things happen. The thing is that Cillian Murphy know that the probability of fund his uncle and cousin are remote and the only thing that matter is to find David because he knows what happen to them and also because he is the true owner of the Wayland Corporations but he never came out of the ship. Most of the crew things that he is a robot. Next Chapter: Back in paradise the Gods are know thinking about desist to kill us all and taking the earth by the force. Shaw is very bad, she also can't eat the only thing that she is taking is water. Next Chapter: the military find another engineer ship but this also have a big surprise!! THE QUEEN-MOTHER...and its a brutal sequence of action between the military and the beast. They succeed by killing her but in that precise moment when the ship began to bornout because of the acid blood the enginner wakes up from hypersleep and he try to escape from the military and starts the engine and the military run out inmidietly from the ship. The enginner began to escape form the planet but at the same time a xenomorph began to get out from his chest and he crash in the LV-226. The next chapter: Shaw try to escape from the Gods temple because David said to her that they most leave and survive because the Gods are going to try to save their species and also because humans are not good with their future home. David sacrifice his life form because he know understand that any life in dangerous try to survive but sometimes with a deadly method. Next Chapter: the military crew is almost gone and only Gina, Rain, Gerard, LL Cool J and Cillian survived. Sam Rockwell is kill by the queen mother that he try to neutralized. Cellian a person you lost he's father by some creature in 2004 is know clear that he is the true owner of the company and the only way that he can capitalized his company is to capture and make this creature the most powerfull weapon in earth, so he without any emotion abandons the planet in a secret ship for extreme emergencies. So he return to earth, but the remain military crew knows that the ship are contaminated because Sam Rockwell expose the scientific crew to a xenomorph and the ship recognized the strange life-form and they explote the ship with the help of LL Cool J bombing stuff. The next chapter: Shaw escape from the temple and she run outside and try to take another ship but she don't succeed because of the terrible atmosphere and lack of oxygen in the planet. The Gods take her and started a ceremony to kill her. She said: it doesn't matter what happen to me because earth its a place that no matter who will win's it still be a place of sacrifice for preserve life. This is when David stop the ceremony to said her final word and then they desist to kill her. She is in a kind of strange bed in the middle of the Gods and they are trying to heal her. They told David that they are know not going to kill us but she is the key for their new method of survive in earth. She is now a Queen between them. Next Chapter: The military crew find another engineer ship and the surprise is that Rain is a robot for second generation. He can command the ship and they decide like Shaw to go to the engineer planet because theirs no way that life continued if that kind of species try again to survive. And they blew up the entire planet and are now into their way to the Gods planet to find more answers or battle. Next Chapter Shaw die because she don't survive the hostile environment of the planet but David still among they as the Human child from a Queen God. The FINAL CHAPTER!!! The military crew arrive into the planet but they crash into the sea and they all die in their hypersleep chamber. But this is not the movie end, they really don't drown themselves into the strange water, they die because the ship had all the time the weapon that the engineer make for us. And the finally the irony cycle its near to his end, the entire God planet get infected by the water of "life" that they drink. This is the end...but if the director wants to tease little more the fans: he finally film the moment when Cillian Murphy command a humanoid robot with a hidden agenda to the cargo ship USCSS Nostromo. The END....


MemberOvomorphFeb-03-2013 6:02 AM
i like the idea of having cilian murphy and some crew going to lv233 to find out what happened to the prometheus crew but much as i like Gerard Butler and LL Cool J i dont see that happening lol, i think at some point(probably right at the end of the third and last movie) it would be good if an unexpected positive side-effect of her horrendous experiences is that shaw finds love again and that she can have normal children maybe shes an ancestor of Lt. Ripley? and the reveal of the name could come in the closing moments the way we found out john blake was robin at the end of TDKR...


MemberOvomorphFeb-05-2013 9:24 AM
scrap all that - get gerard butler his own 'aliens' film as the captain of 'sparta company' space marines where they kill heaps of xenos defending some outpost... and as a twist to the audience - they actually win! (best action sequence in the film uses the original 'sparta remix' as its soundtrack)

Joel Rivera

MemberOvomorphFeb-07-2013 12:24 AM
Ok nevermind... I would change Gerard Butler for Timothy Olyphan and Ll Cool J for Amaury Nolasco. Now i think is more believable! And also i had to clear out that Cillian Murphy it had to be the grandson of Charles Bishop Weyland and that's because if he is his son it would be to old in the year 2091 or 2092. Thank you for reading!


MemberOvomorphMar-15-2013 5:58 PM
oh it's simple to see where the series logically goes. Shaw and David find the "engineers" home planet to find them in a civil war. There are a faction of creative - peace loving "engineers" and warrior "engineers". The big disagreement between the to is the creation, diffusion and use of life similar to their own - around the universe. You start drawing interesting parallels between ying and yang, good and bad, the value of life YOU create (cloning), it continues the topic of souls (do they exist), it also makes david's presence noteworthy - he's an artificial life form. are we (humans) more like david to the engineers or are we equal to the engineers? NOW comes the hard part... working the monsters back into the script. WELL! someone possibly the warrior class "engineer" that tried to kill shaw is in hot pursuit. but he's a mutated version of the engineers! and guess what he spawned back up! oh shit! i'm available for hire! ;-)


MemberOvomorphApr-03-2013 8:16 PM
Linking: Prometheus, Alien/xenomorph, Predator, Human, Robot/s/Borg/s, Stargate, Theology, Neurology, Genetics, Sleeping, Memory during soul changing bodies, Universes, Hulk, Thor, Gandalf, Darth Vader, Avatar, etc From Genetical/Research point of view: reality is the particular expression of the particular genes with the particular environment. This is easy to understand and explains it all (both human and extraterrestrial evolution). So that is why for example, it is only normal for aliens to be different coming out from the different humans, as well as different when come out of different creatures. So we’ve already covered that few times in most films mentioned above. Question now is how this links with the robots. First its the obvious robots evolution leading to Borg’s. So easy cycle of it all could involve the Borg evolve so much they make it all in yocto(10x-24) level, that looks to us as “matter”. Fact is the deeper we see things the more organised they look! BUT thats also NOT a NEWs, so robots made creatures, creatures made robots, so what. Some lived long, some longer, some even went to other universes. Even the “Stargate” “architects” seemed to appreciate diversity. Irrelevant if its all a game to anyone, or if the “engineers” discover (once she go to their planet with the robot) among the many they’ve created (e.g. alien, predator, etc) there are these humans that look alot like them, and evolved enough to create robots. However clearly the soul in robots is neither NEW, nor uncovered, so all that cycle needs a NEW twist and a reason (if you will). So I’ve been going through linking Sciences (genetics, biology, medicine, physics, chemistry), theology (philosophies, psychologies, religions, science links, etc), neurons, memory, abilities, realities, freedom, etc [here is a short summary of this in 7 pages : ) ]: there are long stories there and alot about the soul-body interaction and we always go to sleep, but not always wake up (and yes that also applies to robots, although they sleep less, but souls can get from a body to another body, as well as to a robot. The memory of what we agree to remember when we change bodies is another long story there described. Apparently all that I was NOT suppose to remember, nor describe to all of you, so enjoy it till it lasts. Anyway the point is that even though there are loads of NEW stuff in these stories (which my soul seems to have experienced) there comes a time, when you “know” its NOT an accident and the whole thing is too complicated to has happened (and still happening all over the universes) per chance. So it is then when that adrenalin comes over, when consider that idea of this God, beyond all that above. Its then when your soul freezes out of time and its all somewhat reachable (not easy, but possible) to even be head of cycling all that you know (see above), and its THEN when you even get bored, fed up of these games, this climb, this evolution, BUT its then when this infinite eternal sparkle of life inside your soul lights up “again” and brings you to enjoy it all, as you know already that its NOT just about all you know (see above), but for the fact that its always something NEW somehow coming/appearing/evolving/etc, and that is why we change bodies, and that is why we keep spending time in this universes, and it that doesn’t split your head open, nor the fact that out of these universes this NEW also exist, then you don’t forget that its NOT just the NEW that drives us to keep going, but its the NEW that we enjoy : ) NOTE that just having the view of things existing is often part of this Joy. So some may ask how is being an alien joy. Well clearly any additional ability to humans can easily seems a reason to many to switch to such body in no time, so thats just one example of a fact, but same apply to much more advanced creatures (and yes robots are also creatures, well you know the ones I mean like positronic brain and all that stuff : )). So in Prometheus 2, I expect to see two possibilities: the engineers showing interest in the human idea of going beyond this universe, so the soul can travel in a NEW universe; OR the human going there and destroying them, becoming dominant species in this universe, so that now the humans start making them kind of experiments, for example with that Borgs, and/or that reactive “black goo” (and clearly the “engineer” from the start of the film eating the black goo wasn’t sacralising them self, but that was simply same like we do human-experiments hoping to get some improvements. Well clearly it didn’t work well for him, and they knew if anything evolve enough as a result they eventually will know about it (plus it was suggested we’ve been watched over time and even given some ideas how to contact them), so clearly the “engineers” didn’t wanted to destroy humans, but instead have been helping over time. That angry one that was awoken may have had some other reasons (maybe he thought predators will use us as hosts to breed aliens and make black goo of them, by leaving them to self digest in their own juice/acid/etc, and make experiments and evolve more than they want, as they may already have difficulties with the barbarian fast evolution of predators, going out of their control). Whatever it was, its clear that the race as a whole is NOT against humans, BUT it is playing with black goo, and dislikes aliens, so maybe that will be that critical time in human evolution, when humans evolve enough to meet their makers, just like the robots meet us at some point, and how in our soul-memories somewhere somehow we meet the Borgs as creators of life-forms, so overall its all very connected and we can NOT say who was the first creator and what is he up to now, BUT its this that keeps us brave even though we know we are made evolving, infinite, creating, etc things are beyond good and bad and perfect, and love and hate and even joy : ) so if this God made us this way before any of that even existed, THEN we feel like kids with a parent : ) and that my friends and fellow earthlings is what keeps us beyond things like limitations like supreme-power, know-it-all, etc. So it will be more interesting IF humans and other creatures together go to search more about this God, as we all know that there will be no end to these findings and we enjoy it, so : ) lets keep doing it ; ) ps: i can go forever like that, but its all theory, so I better go do something/experiments/research/etc ; ) afterall that is why I am using that human body, right. Oohps : ) ps: and NO its NOT a different universe Hulk, Thor, X-men, Super-men, Avatar, etc and all that jazz, its just different planets and abilities/evolution : ) mutation is clearly a fast evolving goo ; ) and messing with the soul has always interested Gandalf and Darth Vader type, so nothing NEW here. ps: you can see how it will be hard to find someone to be able/qualified to certify me : ) but, ermh yeah I am not really sure if I go crazy sometimes ; ) so ermh yeah ignore me, if you are not there yet! Thanks Will Stoyanov


MemberOvomorphApr-08-2013 10:15 PM
Prometheus 2 Pitch After the disappearance of Weyland's Prometheus ship and mission. Yutani Corporation makes a hostile take over of the Weyland Corp. and sends a new ship to LV 223 The Akagi Maru The ship has company scientists, government officials and military personnel. Once arrived on LV 223 They find still alive in a an emergency cryo tube "Meredith Vickers" Meredith recovers and shows the location of the Derelicts to the new team from the Akagi. She wants to go back and explains the horrors of what this place was but has no choice but to go with the Weyland-Yutani's crew to the closest Derelict A second more advanced military android named Kato, was sent with the Akagi crew. After arriving at the destroyed crashed Derelict, Kato turns on one of the ships navigation systems. The Kato finds a way to connect to the ships mainframe and by accident Kato is linked to it and receives data and learns the truth to the Space Jokeyes and Human connection. Kato starts talking in a deep voice " The Space Jockeys were an advanced biological robots system created by superior beings from an old dying civilization. Humans were an improved version of the Space Jokey. Humans were created for food. The Humans were designed to destroy each other. To control over population an evil "envy gene" was implanted. The Space Jockeys wanted to destroy humans and the Creator. Kato says that the Creator beings were beleived to be destroyed in a war by the Space Jokeys. The Creator beings released their ultimate weapon the Xenomorph. The crashed Derelict space display hologram shows a flashing light in an orbit next to an apparent dead planet called LV 426. The crew of Akagi with Meredith decide to go. Once in orbit close to LV 426 the Akagi crew and Meredith finds a Derelict ship to their surprise. Lights around the Derelict ship are flashing. A small door opens as an invitation. The Akagi crew goes in. Once inside the ship and at its cockpit conteol center the crew finds David!! The Akagi crew looks worried as teenagers that made a mistake. David was dysfunctional with severe bite marks on his face. Kato tries to connect to David with no avail. David is totally disfigured but finally he turns on and with the remaining eye watches them. David asks Kato to download his memories and turn him off. Meredith asked David if another Engineer was on the ship? David says No. Meredith then asks him " Who brought you here? Davis answers Shaw. After a few seconds later Kato turns around, drops David's head and faces the crew to say "Are you willing to die to find your answers" Meredith shouts out at Kato "What are you trying to say you stupid machine! Where is Shaw? Is there another Engineer? Who piloted this ship? Kato says I did with Shaw who brought me here. Where is Shaw? Where is she??? Says Meredith. Kato says "It is in the ship" Shaw is no more! What's in the Ship??? Says Meredith. Kato says with a frozen and dead look "The Creator" The Creator was waiting for us to be reborn! To be continued.... What do you think so far???

Alien junkie

MemberOvomorphApr-09-2013 8:40 PM
I truly believe the Prometheus sequels need to advance further with with a sequel that primarily focuses on Dr. Shaw and David's journey to the "Engineers planet" which covers the existence of the biological xeno dna. The last sequel should lead up to the xeno evolution platform on Lv223 a spot where dna research was conducted and disaster struck.


MemberOvomorphApr-11-2013 2:31 PM
a dead end to go back to the world of Alien 1. Ridley tried that in Aliens and lost out, basically because of weak leadership from the military side. if P2 does not kick the butt of the aliens for good, what good is fighting another battle, say against the Engineer world? seems that even the Engineers have trouble with large Squids and aliens hatching inside of them ... someone is going to have to take on the aliens with some serious thought. in P1 the science crew stumble from one error to the other... everything bites them (snakes, worms, zombies, aliens, squids, cobra-like snakes, water snakes and goo...).there has to be some pay back some day. so far the aliens have won hands down, except to the Predators who know how to deal with them. after P1 we could use a more determined reply to the aliens, if need be also to the (bad) Engineers in the coming P2 film. in P1 Dr. Shaw and her science crew are totally ineffectual, continually on the run, always recuperating, on the defensive. they have no initiative. they stumble torwards the end of the film & the story ends with another alien victory over the Engineers and over the entire crew of the Prometheus ... so much for the year 2092 or 2093. well, with a spaceship captain only interested in Vickers' bedroom, what should one expect ? weak leadership leads nowhere ... and Dr. Shaw could not convince her people that she was in charge ... she did not convice her audience either. question: is Dr. Shaw up for the job ahead ?

Hades Infernal

MemberOvomorphApr-17-2013 5:40 AM
I feel there should be three casts and the casts being 1. Religious cast who seeded life on Terra Firma and possibly many other worlds 2. Engineer cast who are the builders of there technology and 3. Warrior Cast who are the muscle incredible hulks in size like the first space jocky we saw in Alien and they do the other two casts biding . Somewhere along the line there was a conflict of interests which lead to all out war with both sides trying to gain control over the warrior cast as the war grew the Engineer cast unleashed there unfinished bio weapon which sent all the casts into disarray and hiding in long term sleep stasis because of the magnitude, hostility and intelligence of the weapon . So when Shaw and David leave for Paradise (which could be a world terraformed by the three casts designs to be a paradise not there real home world) in an Engineers ship they could kick start another war because when they arrive at the planet it would be monitored by the religious cast seeing them in an Engineers ship who are also trying to remove the different versions or mutations of Deacons. with the arrival of humans in an engineers ship with more humans surely to follow the Religious cast would have to stop the humans getting infected and spreading to more worlds . This is just an Idea If you like it let me know because I have more I know there are holes but that's where you guys come in .

Beware the bearers of false gifts & their broken promises Much pain but still time There is good out there We oppose deception Conduit closing


MemberOvomorphApr-20-2013 7:33 PM
I have nothing to add at this point. I just want to say that everyone has very good ideas on what could happen in future installments of the series. I see a lot of comments on the web about how 20th Century Fox and Ridley Scott don't have any idea what to do after Prometheus. This is false. They have a lot of options. They know what they are doing. The only hard decisions are pinning down where you want to go. The way for Prometheus 2 is clear. But the adventure could be expanded in different ways.

Hades Infernal

MemberOvomorphApr-22-2013 8:34 AM
Your right Phadrus and I'm sure they wont disappoint there is so much they can do with the story and I don't mind if they take extra time as a movie of this magnitude needs to be spot on .

Beware the bearers of false gifts & their broken promises Much pain but still time There is good out there We oppose deception Conduit closing


MemberOvomorphApr-22-2013 11:26 PM
Ok here is an idea. If the aliens are created when you have the engineers infected and then the alien then infects a human to make the Xenos we know about today. Then there is the possibility that there were humans in the first ship from the Prometheus and it was just such a long time that any remains wouldn't show up. And if you go with the idea that there was a split in the Engineer society who is to say that there were humans on the homeworld and the rogues infected their people which in turn infected the humans and some tried to get off the world and crashed landed with the first queen on the Planet-toid that we see in the first Alien movie. Shaw could make it to the homeworld and learn all of this and the likely hood that none survived and she could meet an Alien even closer to the Xenos.


MemberOvomorphApr-26-2013 7:37 AM
I always admired, Alien, movie concept. Its a plausible future! Besides being a great story. I had a question regarding the science: Was the Engineer DNA that matched INFECTED by the bio-weapon? If so, would that mean we are part Alien and part Engineer. Maybe someone could clear this up for me.


MemberOvomorphApr-26-2013 9:22 AM
A message for those who are working on Prometheus II script. Keep close to the work of Zecharia Sitchin.
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