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New characters in Prometheus 2?

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AdminEngineerMar-03-2015 3:24 PM

Okay, so we know Prometheus 2 will see the return of Elizabeth Shaw (Noomi Rapace) and David (Michael Fassbender), but they were the only survivors of the Prometheus incident. They're also hurtling through space on a stolen Juggernaut space craft - in search for Paradise, the Engineer homeworld. Whether or not they reach their destination has yet to be seen but I'm wondering what new characters we could possibly see come into play throughout this sequel?

Will the film have two settings; One focussing on Shaw and David's voyage through space and one back on Earth or some space station, showing Weyland discussing and trying to figure out what happened in the first film? I feel like Prometheus 2 will only focus on Shaw and David though, which would mean the casting for the film will be minimal - like Scott's original Alien. I like this approach however, as you get attached to the characters more. But what does everyone think? Do you think Prometheus 2 will or even should incoprorate new characters? (besides the Engineers obviously - assuming they find any at Paradise and not a wasteland of an ancient society)

Let me know what you think below!

Hyped for: Alien: Romulus | Badlands (Predator 6) | Cloverfield 4
18 Replies


MemberDeaconMar-03-2015 4:41 PM

Well they did say the movie was left open to explore 2 different endings..

1) David and Shaw flying off into the distance on a Engineers Ship.

2) The Deacon Chest Buster from the Engineer.


We have heard a lot of rumours in the past, from multiple Davids to others, but things now seem to be going purely where David and Shaw go, and not to follow any other event... which leaves us with a LV 223 that as we know has more than one Temple, as it had more than one Juggernaught and as David said, many more and that does not mean another one or two.

We still have the Goo, the Urns, the where abouts of Prometheus and what happened as far as back on Earth.. and dont forget the Hammerpedes and Decon, so for me LV 223 has unfinished business.

But i think the 2nd movie would be about David and Shaw, and i dont think they would set us up for them not going any other place than to try and find Paradise, and Ridley confirmed this by saying the beings they find are not benevolent.

It will make for some good dialog and interesting relationship between David and Shaw, and it looks likely they would find these Engineers or a few and maybe their creators.

But surely having them come across a few Engineers would not make for a interesting movie, well one that has little cast, and as the Engineers all look similar they could have Lebar and Whyte portray them again...

But i liked the look of the Elders, there was at least 8 actors who played Elders in Prometheus, and of them at least 4 of them had been given the Elder Engineer Make up treatment, the ones in the back ground could simply just wear the robes and be painted a grey colour.

Overall Prometheus cast 11 people as Engineers, many uncredited and of them 7 had to go through Make up process some more than others.

So i would assume they would meet more than a few Engineers, they would have to meet at least 3-5 i would think and this could call for 3-5 different cast members unless they just use 1-2 actors for all of them... i.e keeping them all looking the same (Clones)

But this would mean little cast, and im not sure if a movie would work that way, but then it could do so who knows...

I would not be suprised that we have a few flash backd (like Elder Engineers and Sacrifcial Scene) and Dreams like Shaws Father etc...  These dreams do not have to just be Shaws, they could be Davids memories, and Flash Backs do not have to be about Engineers, it could show some of Earth and Weyland Industries.

Then we have the potential for who or what is the higher bieng or Race that created the Engineers, are they shown to be like the Elder Engineers? Or something else and if so are they somewhat Humanoid too?

Then we have the potential of what else could these Engineers had created, Mankind is surely not the only inteligent life created in the Galaxy, let alone Universe at the hands of the Engineers in their image or by their creators.

So the potential is huge, from a small cast of David + Shaw, and handful of Engineers, and a few members of cast maybe for Flash Backs or Dreams..

To finding a world and universe off different Alien lifeforms like Star Wars and Star Trek.

R.I.P Sox  01/01/2006 - 11/10/2017


MemberDeaconMar-03-2015 4:46 PM

I will stick my head out and say while Rappace and Fassbender are Certs....

I also think Ian Whyte would be back to play at least one or a few Engineers, and also he may play a role in some other Organisms, or Races that they throw at us...

And so as with Bolaji Badejo playing the Man in the Xeno suit.... i am sure what ever this new Monster we would be shown, there could be the potential of it being Ian Whyte in a Suit, as Ridley likes practical effects, and with the help of Animatronics and CGI touch up, we cant rule out Whyte being used in this way..

So i would say the Prometheus Paradise Cast would comprise of at least..

Michael Fassbender, Noomi Rapace and Ian Whyte


R.I.P Sox  01/01/2006 - 11/10/2017

Major Noob

MemberOvomorphMar-03-2015 5:51 PM

Thank you for posting this, Chris, as it allows me to reiterate my PARANOOBIUS ideas!

Shaw and David travel to the home world of the Space Jockeys, the creators of the Engineers. They are seized by long dormant orbital security but David distracts a chairbound Space Jockey with a memory loop of Shaw's father's final moments in the grip of Ebola. The gruesome spectacle excites their captor long enough for David to overheat him to death, well not really death because it was never really alive, and they descend to the surface of Hell.

Meanwhile, a Yutani spacecraft lands on LV233 to investigate the remains of the Prometheus disaster. A team of agents led by a Japanese Synthetic find Meredith Vickers alive (the Juggernaut was near weightless when it crashed down) and she is taken prisoner. They are subsequently wiped out by the full grown (18 feet tall) Deacon and one goo infected survivor is brought back to the ship by the Synthetic. This survivor (a Pilot) morphs fully into a Morb organism with the Pilot's memory (ala Fifield, sort of) and it commandeers the Yutani vessel, also heading to the Space Jockey home world, to perpetuate a never ending programme of gene encoded revenge on the thieves of the Goo.

Problems ensue.


MemberOvomorphMar-03-2015 6:12 PM

Chris, I have spent a lot of time thinking about this. I think its necessary to have a cast of  human characters to carry a story, and interact on a personal level with Shaw. A cast of androids and aliens won't cut it. 

A way to fulfill this is for Shaw to encounter a human colony or another ship sometime early in the next installment. The colony could be located at or near her destination. Or perhaps another ship from Weyland or Yutani corp. David also needs more humans to interact with as a medium for his own objectives. Hopefully this will be presented in a plausible way. 

I think Ridley is done with LV 223 and LV 426, based on his comments on no more gods or monsters. The next movie, if it ever does get made by Ridley Scott, will be very different from Prometheus. Because he will only do what's interesting for him, and this means covering new ground and new concepts.  

Major Noob

MemberOvomorphMar-03-2015 6:18 PM

Oops for the Japanese Synthetic I would cast Jet Li. Yes, Jet Li.


MemberOvomorphMar-04-2015 3:52 PM

Iam hoping that once this francise takes hold that they do arrive on Paradise and they meet an Engineer who is trying to dismantle the two factions and leave humanity alone. Like an Engineer hero but helps Shaw in some way to avoid David and the Elders.

The Anunnaki were on the earth in those days--and also afterward--when the sons of God went to the daughters of humans and had children by them. They were the heroes of old, mighty men of high reno


MemberOvomorphMar-04-2015 3:54 PM

They could adopt the parallel story tlling plot device as as emplyed in telling The Empire Strikes Back. All of the characters are together at the begining only to seperate for the middle section and finally reconnect in the third act. Prometheus 2 can be a character driven piece that could ollow perhaps three sepeate plot devices simultaneously even.


MemberOvomorphMar-04-2015 7:52 PM

I think it would be a bold and interesting attempt to cast just Fassbender and Rapace.  No doubt, with their talents, they could carry a film together.  I mean, look at Tom Hanks and a volleyball.  ;)



MemberOvomorphMar-04-2015 9:30 PM

I'm thinking the story focuses primarily on David and Shaw's journey.  I'm all for new characters coming into it, though.  It would be interesting to follow Shaw & David, while still having a smaller side story that doesn't detract much.  Maybe a glimpse of the Company's perspective for a change.  My idea would be to introduce a Company man who is actually good.  This type of character learns about the wrongdoings & going ons within the Company: their secret agendas + much of what they know about the Goo/Alien etc.  Bishop once said "the Company knows everything".  The Company itself may hold some of our answers.  Such a character could act as our eyes & ears on Weyland corp's inner workings; I'll call him Lucas for discussion purposes.  For example, Lucas might be against the merger with Yutani, knows about the Prometheus mission & Paradise.  Weyland corp doesn't make it to LV-223 or Paradise because of him, except for some Davids who do. These Davids are free; they quit the company (because of how bad they treat workers).  I like the idea of multiple Davids running around.  I'd keep some version of that concept (because Fassbender can probably pull it off).  Lucas attempts to deal with a David back on Earth, before David & the board members reach an agreement to sacrifice Lucas for the good of the Company. He's expendable.  Lucas has no true value towards their overall goals. They're wasting credits paying his salary. Killing him places shares in someone else's account.  So, he's quickly disposed of once he learns how evil they are.  We learn what Weyland corp knows, as well as what they believe, before he dies in end of Act 1.  We're then able to focus on Shaw, David, and Paradise for the remainder of the film.  


MemberOvomorphMar-05-2015 5:55 AM

I loved Prometheus more than most people, especially when it was first released. Now, while I still find it to be very solid, I can more objectively see some of its glaring flaws. It was visually excellent, and conceptually and thematically interesting, but clumsily told. 


I think Prometheus 2 could be nearly as great as Alien if the cast was shaved down to just Shaw and David. While I didn't dislike Prometheus' cast as much as most people, I think the vast majority of Prometheus' shortcomigns come from its cast, especially characters like Vickers. Having 2 characters would force Scott and the writers to really focus and hone in on a simple but much more effective plot. On the plus side, I never see movies, especially recently, that have such a small cast, so it would be an interesting and potentially great "gimmick" to have. 


MemberDeaconMar-05-2015 7:36 AM

Ignoring what we want... i will adress what could potentially be on the cards to a degree.

Ridley wants to step away from Alien, he wants to step away from Gods and Dragons which i can only assume means 2 things...

1) The Engineers and reasons they came to earth and created us, and then wanted us destroyed, however how can they avoid this when this is one of the reasons Shaw is off to Paradise, she wants answers and the only real Logical Way they can avoid the Gods aspect is.

  i) These Gods are gone... or not much left.

  ii) These Gods/Beings simply dont know what Shaw is on about i.e our creation etc.

  iii) That it was a rouge sect who had came back to re-engineer us many millions of years or thousands after the Sacrifical Scene.

2) They do not want to cover the Xeno and anything related to the Xeno, no going to what becomes of the Deacon, the Hammerpedes, no seeing Xeno Eggs or answers to LV 426. But again how can they not go that route, because of these things.

  iv) There seems to be a connection between Xeno and Engineers Tech and LV 223 and we have to assume if the beings on Paradise knew of the Xeno or LV 223 Bio Weapons and the creation and purpose of these how can we avoid Dragons?

  v) They would have to show little connected to the Xeno on Paradise, but surely they would still go for a slight Giger look?

  vi) David is going to Paradise with a Cargo or Urns and while they may not be the same DNA as the Temple we saw in Prometheus, but they may also be the same.. Surely David is going to use the stuff at some point and they are to give us a Monster more Fresher but it has to be connected.

This means if he wants a fresh monster and no Dragons, then these beings on Paradise must not be aware of the Xeno, or at least anything related to the Xeno must not be evident on Paradise and when you consider Ridley felt the Hammerpedes and Deacon was too close to the Dragons, we have to assume these beings on Paradise may not be aware of or their is no longer anything that is genetically as close to the Alien on Paradise as far as how close what we saw in Prometheus was to the Alien.

R.I.P Sox  01/01/2006 - 11/10/2017


MemberDeaconMar-05-2015 7:48 AM

So while they have not ruled out going back to Earth and Weyland as far as a plot, it seems the main focus is about.. 

David and Shaw, and what ever they find on Paradise....

We know these facts about the movie....

1) David's head is re-attached, by Shaw and this would have happened we can assume before the Juggernaught flew off, so maybe we would see some scene set after She got Davids Head and Body but before they left LV 223.

This would be a interesting set of scenes as David needs Shaw, and Shaw has to known once Davids head is back on and especially if she has to go into Cryo Sleep, then basically Shaw is at the WHIM of David and he is free to go where he wants, do what he wants.

But we have to assume that he persaudes her, but their has to be something in it for Shaw to gain that trust, yet also have some distrust.

2) We know they will get to Paradise, or at least some other world connected to the Engineers and they will find some beings or organism or even Machine, they will find these Gods, only they are not Gods and they are not benevolent, and we have to then assume that surely their must be something David says or does, or some bargaining chip he has to Save Shaw and himself from instance death, because even if they find a handful of these Godlike beings.... If they do not like David and Shaw and are not Benevolent, then surely thats not going to make for a Good movie because well how do David and Shaw survive.

I would assume some of the Elders/Engineers or what ever, become very intrigged in Shaw and David or David proposes something of interest to them, something that prevents them from wanting to destroy Shaw and Mankind right away.

But David would have his own Agenda, he is the bottom of the chain of creation, now faced with the hierarchy of that chain.... surely he would want to become or prove that he can become greater than even them...

I feel he will twist these beings to his own plans... and manipulate them.

3) David is bringing Hell with him, by that the Cargo and Ridley has hinted we would see the Black Goo used and used to the Agenda of David, and it would be used on either the hierarchy or their servants or even David himself..

4) The movie would introduce a new Monster, one that is fresher form of the original Alien, for that we have to assume would be connected to the Cargo David is bringing with him and also his Agenda and plans..

This would explain and give good reason to how a David and Shaw can survive on a world with Advanced, Godlike Malevolent Race....  The Hell that David Unleashes would be the Game Changer...

These are the main things we know about the Plot and potential that they could lead to...

R.I.P Sox  01/01/2006 - 11/10/2017


MemberDeaconMar-05-2015 7:58 AM

All of the above for me would mean we have to have a cast of at least 2X Humans, and they would have to encounter at least 3+ who ever these Godlike beings are, and if they are just Engineers that would limit it maybe but if the Engineers are slave race, then we must see more Engineers than a handfull and plus at least 1 other higher being.

Then we have the monster, and i am sure Ridley as a fan of Practical effects (why Sean Harris Fifield was used over CGI and the canned Animatronic)  so surely at very least Ian Whtye would be cast to play at least some Engineers and also maybe this new Monster...

So without any flash backs or dream scenes, never mind parallel plot back at Weyland HQ.

We would have to see at least a cast of 6 Actors...


Ridley has big massive plans for how this movie and franchise will go, and thats away from the Alien connection..... maybe he sees a HUGE potential for what they find as far as the Ultimate Creators..

He seems to hint at a massive Scope and Potential and doing some really big ideas, and surely a movie about a Robot and a Human finding a Handful of Godlike beings, and seeing Horrors of a new Monster unleashed is surely not Huge....

Avatar opened a Huge would of posibilities.... and i think Ridley has equal if not greater ideas in mind for Prometheus and a Franchise that could expand beyond Earth, Weyland and Mankind and the Xeno.....

Remember Ridley did hint and say!

The Engineers did not have to had created life on Earth, that opening Scene did not have to be about Earth but shows how they created and seed life on WORLDS!

Thus the potential for Cast Members now is Huge!

R.I.P Sox  01/01/2006 - 11/10/2017


MemberOvomorphMar-05-2015 12:17 PM

Whoever/whatever we meet on Paradise is the most interesting part.  That's why I tend to agree with focusing on Shaw & David, but yeah we have no way of knowing how many characters we'll be introduced to on Paradise.  If there are lots of things happening there, then it probably means no parallel plot.  I had a crazy dream that there was like a King and a whole civilization there.  There was even an artist class, and Paradise was just the center of their Empire.  The Engineer King was mad that Earth didn't develop into a colony world. Only David could talk to him.  It turned out that there was a whole Engineer Empire out there.


MemberDeaconMar-06-2015 4:55 AM

This is possible....

The one thing Prometheus left was well gaps in the plot that lead to continuity errors.

And surely they have to fix these, and not just leave it unanswered, so there would have to be a Part 3 that will deal with LV 223 and the reprecusions of Paradise and Weyland Company.

Its interestin to find a Engineer Civilisation but Ridley said they are not a Benevolent Race, and so if they was aware of our creation never mind our intended destruction and if they agreed with it or gave the Order....  then surely seeing Mankind (Shaw) and their creation (David) turn up on Paradise is going to certainly lead to a explanation of why they dont come back to visit us or destroy after the events of Paradise.... unless Paradise is set after the events of Alien 3 etc....

But saying that David is bringing Hell with him so should put a stop to it.

like i have said before trying to cover the Engineers and Paradise plot is very very hard and tricky due to the scope and also potential ramifications of what state the Civilisation  on Paradise is and its Agenda and how it perseves Mankind after David and Shaw turn up on their Door Step.

R.I.P Sox  01/01/2006 - 11/10/2017


MemberPraetorianMar-07-2015 5:24 AM

Well Shaw and David will surely have to encounter someone or something, or else it's going to be a boring sequel! :)

I'd love to find out more about the Engineers, where do they come from, are there more outposts, were they created simply to carry out the work of others? So seeing them again even in flashback or holograms might be possible.

Having introduced the Deacon, why waste it? It's a unique creation. That last image from Prometheus The Art of The Film has always stuck in my mind. The grown Deacon, striding out across LV223, perhaps heading for another Juggernaut to chase after Shaw and David?

Or, it encounters a rescue/follow up mission, sent by Weyland Industries or the Yutani company. Who knows, this Deacon Alien may not even be hostile....think about it's lineage! 

Perhaps David is the Harbringer of Death, Destroyer of Worlds, and he wipes out the Elders or whatever race created the Engineers with the black goo? He may even inadvertantly create new monsters? More new species, I'd like that!

What about the creature with the bird-like beak, depicted in the mural and above the doorways, could we see those?

Infinite number of possibilities, I just can't wait to see what happens! 

Ridley's last comment in the book:~ "I'm thinking about what the hell I might do for a Prometheus 2!"



"Let The Cosmic Incubation Begin" ~ H.R. Giger


MemberOvomorphOct-15-2015 6:35 PM

There's a fairly obvious theory and plot-arc around Paradise that everybody is completely missing; and would completely explain the "massive Scope and Potential and doing some really big ideas", where the new characters are going to come from, what Paradise will look like, and be a major tie-in to the theme of Terraforming.

These are Engineers.  Who says they only do BioEngineering?  Maybe they also do AstroEngineering.  Maybe Paradise is a mega-engineering project.  Maybe it's a RINGWORLD.  And the engineers are so up on the bioengineering aesthetic, because they used self-assembly systems to build megastructures (ie. assembly systems that lay down tunnels, tubes, and the like).  

For those of you who haven't read Ringworld, Ringworld Engineers, Ringworld Throne, and Ringworld's Children, it's pretty obvious that Ridley Scott has read them; and Prometheus is a giant set-up for a story about Engineers who do mega-engineering.  Everybody got all sorts of excited about the Aliens.  But it's pretty obvious that LV 223 was a terraformed world, and the Engineer's Temple was actively in the process of terraforming the planet.  Having read Ringworld, the entire premise of Prometheus as a Terraforming/MegaEngineering story was pretty self-evident.  

So what if Paradise is....   colossally huge?  Or in an absolutely nightmarish planetary orbit?  A ringworld of dinosaurs and xenomorphs and genetic manipulation gone wild?  Or if it were a planet circling a truly nasty star that had gone supergiant or supernova, but was being artificially maintained by mega-engineering?  

Ringworld has pretty much the perfect plot-arc and structure for Aliens:Paradise Lost, and is likely to suffer the exact same plot problems that Ringworld was accused of... great thought experiment, but the characters were secondary to the environment.  And Scott has talked about a subsequent 2 or 3 movies.  And a quadrilogy makes perfect sense in a lot of ways...  Prometheus as setup, and basically a 3 movie adaptation of the Ringworld series (Getting to Paradise; Finding the Control Center; Dealing with the Aftermath).     

My hunch is that they the first 10% or 20% of the Aliens:Paradise Lost will be them docking at a Wayland-Yutani spaceship or research station (probably not Earth), and raiding a supply closet or two.  The Prometheus Viral Video showed that Davids are shipped and stored in bodybags in containers.

With the Juggernaut, David and Shaw will be able to commandeer a spare body from a research station or supply ship.  That's where the rumors of multiple Davids has been coming from.  There will probably be a token couple scientists, logistics folk, or whoever else is working the place that gets raided, who will get gangpressed into service for Shaw and David.

This all exactly parallels the 'gathering of the team at the spacestation' prior to Wu/Speaker/Kzin/Teela heading off to Ringworld.  

The remaining 80% of the movie is (hopefully) going to be megaengineering porn.  An abandoned ringworld or dyson sphere that's been overrun by genetically modified plants and weeds.  And nasties.  Lots of nasties.  

Scott want's to tell a story about Engineers.  That's what this trilogy/quadrilogy is about.  David and Shaw are going to have trouble even dealing with the simple physics of landing  on Paradise.  Never mind meteor-defense systems, artificial day/night cycles, and other issues of ecosystem engineering.  Remember how the ground opened up on LV 223 to reveal the Juggernaut's docking bay?  Paradise is going to be a world where the Environment is so Engineered, that ALL the rules go out the window (or airlock, as the case may be).

So, yeah, my bet is on them gangpressing at least a Life-Support Specialist and Terraforming Engineer from a Weyland-Yutani terraforming station as main human characters, as well as upwards of a half-dozen spare David's from storage.  But to follow the Ringworld arc, the half-dozen Davids would probably be left behind at the station after David gets a new body; with David and the three humans heading to Paradise.  


MemberDeaconOct-17-2015 3:13 PM

Very interesting

R.I.P Sox  01/01/2006 - 11/10/2017

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