Will Neill Blomkamp still make Alien 5
Jimmy N the hood
MemberOvomorphAug-06-2016 8:17 PMThis time last year it seemed like Neill Blomkamp's proposed Alien sequel was being fast-tracked, then all of a sudden he postpones it because Ridley Scott wants to make Alien Covenant. Before Blomkamp announced his movie Prometheus 2 was going nowhere then when Blomkamp comes along Scott changes his mind. Wow thanks Ridley Scott for destroying a perfect Alien sequel instead we're getting another crappy one
MemberFacehuggerAug-09-2016 2:07 PMI think NB is genuinely enthusiastic, but yes let's forget the 'motives' of the MORBs (eye roll) and look at the motives of the players thus far.
The whole premise feels shaky and inorganic and extant only to reunite popular 1980s characters. That in itself is a massive burden for this film to overcome, and how much of it's energy will be expended establishing its legitimacy?
Maybe very little, and that would be pretty slick, but maybe a lot, and that the question even exists strains credulity. Probably the script is good, a fair amount of heavyweights seem to think so.
But a couple of those heavyweights are only so on the laurels of long past accomplishment, and that thanks to the vision and hand of the directors they worked for. You can practically smell the hunger for renewed stardom. Yes, that's pretty cynical, but not inaccurate, I don't think. And it's coloring things already.
It might just be a thrill to see Ripley make her grand entrance. But Hicks, Bishop etc. I can do without. I'm surprised more don't share this view, but I'm a misfit.
Edit- This movie might be really great, I know. I will see it. Just not convinced at this time.
MemberXenomorphAug-09-2016 3:37 PM" I also think its important (and concerning) that this came out of conversations between Blomkamp and Sigournays whilst working together as a lets do it for her rather than the wider mythos."
I don't see that as concerning in the slightest.
MemberFacehuggerAug-09-2016 4:53 PMIf you look at it from the 'this will cost me $20 and two hours of my time' angle, there's nothing to be concerned about, it will likely be as entertaining as anything else.
From the 'I want integrity in my storytelling and I'll be quite aware if it's absent' angle, it's an issue. A movie shouldn't exist because Sigourney wants it and found someone who agrees. But the probability of that is low.
I think Michelle wants more than just another MORB movie, particularly one that's dependent on nostalgia? That would go for me, too.
Alien took the Hostile Extraterrestrial Biology trope to a whole other level of sophistication, and in doing so created a need in certain people. It carved out a new space in our imagination. Then Aliens blew it up with action and excitement and some of what made Alien great was lost, never to return. It seems the majority want war movies.
I think a lot of the skepticism over Alien 5 (and to a lesser extent Covenant) is that they're more of the same. Covenant's saving grace is Ridley, and his refusal to go back any more than necessary to satisfy the zeitgeist.
MemberXenomorphAug-09-2016 5:28 PM"From the 'I want integrity in my storytelling and I'll be quite aware if it's absent' angle, it's an issue."
Sounds a tad presumptuous.
We don't have the slightest of the content of the story, nevermind the quality.
Sigourney Weaver vs Alien(s) again after a break of 20 years - even if it's some alternative continuity - sounds alright to me. She's the soul of the series anyway.
MemberPraetorianAug-10-2016 1:10 AMGreat Grandmother Ripley....yeah just what we need!
"Let The Cosmic Incubation Begin" ~ H.R. Giger
MemberFacehuggerAug-10-2016 3:41 AMS.M.-
No presumption, I'm just saying that based on what we know so far, it's possible. That's the concerning part. To put it in perspective, it's akin to being concerned about whether or not the ingredients of a sandwich are organic, though one could argue that that question is far more important than Alien 5.
My curiosity is piqued too, but so far mainly because I want to see if smooth sense can be made of such a contrived premise, which is not the best reason to be interested. Ripley, Hicks, Newt, Queen MORBS are all things I need never see again.