Alien Movie Universe

Bringing the eggs home

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MemberTrilobiteJan-26-2017 2:29 PM

WY could probably easily get its specimen by simply sending an all synthetic crew, yes?

49 Replies


MemberTrilobiteJan-26-2017 6:19 PM


Yes. Prometheus and AC (prequels) gives more credibility that WY knew more than what the Alien crew knew.


MemberXenomorphJan-26-2017 6:23 PM

"The Company knew about the situation at that point."

No, they didn't.

"Now in light of the new information we all have been given to play with, I'm entertaining alternative interpretations. "

What new information? (Don't tell me if it's Covenent spoilers)



MemberTrilobiteJan-26-2017 6:33 PM

The company had to have known. They sent out a mission to find Ripley after Alien. David found out about how the goo was working in Prometheus (a sequel) and will find out more in AC (another sequel). Please explain how they didn't know by the end of Alien.


MemberXenomorphJan-26-2017 7:00 PM

What mission was sent out after Alien?

If they knew - why did they do nothing to try get a specimen for the next 57 years and only then when Ripley told them where to look?

In regards to Prometheus - they didn't encounter any Aliens, so if we assume they transmitted anything back to Earth, it didn't concern Aliens.

More may be revealed in Covenant, but we don't know how that plays out yet.


MemberTrilobiteJan-26-2017 7:07 PM

A crew found Ripley by "blind luck" according to Burke, a company man, who ensured he was trustworthy.

They did do something. They sent terraformers out with labs conveniently complete with containers to hold specimens.

Please explain my original question.


MemberChestbursterJan-26-2017 7:11 PM


"No, they didn't."

Are you suggesting that Weyland kept LV-426 between David and himself? That he took it to the grave when the engineer killed him leaving the rest of WY unaware that is was a point of interest?


What new information? (Don't tell me if it's Covenent spoilers)

Nope, no spoilers here! I was referring to the implications of the Prometheus expedition and Covenant incident. It is implied that the company was made fully aware of black goo, xenos, and neos long before the Nostromo crew embarked on their mission.


MemberXenomorphJan-26-2017 7:26 PM

"Please explain my original question."

You said a mission was sent out.  When and by whom?  The colony doesn't count because the Company partnered up with the ECA, who would've exposed any discovery of Alien specimens thus denying the Company exclusivity. And that's before we get to them being driving distance away from thousands of eggs for 20+ years and doing exactly nothing to obtain one.

"Are you suggesting that Weyland kept LV-426 between David and himself? That he took it to the grave when the engineer killed him leaving the rest of WY unaware that is was a point of interest?"

That all depends on whether David has opportunity and motive. All of which remains to be seen.  David may not even know there is such a thing as Weyland-Yutani until the Covenant shows up.

"Nope, no spoilers here! I was referring to the implications of the Prometheus expedition and Covenant incident. It is implied that the company was made fully aware of black goo, xenos, and neos long before the Nostromo crew embarked on their mission."

David or Shaw can't tell anything about the Xenomorphs post-Prometheus since they don't know what one is.  Everything else, again, depends on what happens in Covenant.


MemberOvomorphJan-26-2017 11:41 PM

oh queen....who could help you understand? the paw is JAMMED into the shoe its so simple! and you're a naughty one!


MemberPraetorianJan-26-2017 11:49 PM

How old are you?Seriously

Nothing the God of biomechanics wouldn't let you in heaven for 


MemberOvomorphJan-26-2017 11:53 PM

dont be cross ninxeno


MemberFacehuggerJan-26-2017 11:57 PM

This guy is funny lolll i lmao at his comments but he does say good stuff!


MemberPraetorianJan-27-2017 12:07 AM

Not being cross asking a simple question.

Nothing the God of biomechanics wouldn't let you in heaven for 


MemberOvomorphJan-27-2017 12:15 AM

its a trick question! but i am wise to are no S.M....he is the master baiter. his tricks impress. your tricks you learned in a parlor!


MemberPraetorianJan-27-2017 12:19 AM
No trick here i only ask legitimate questions

Nothing the God of biomechanics wouldn't let you in heaven for 


MemberOvomorphJan-27-2017 12:51 AM

oh well excuse me then sir! i didn't realize i was speaking with socrates


MemberFacehuggerJan-27-2017 1:13 AM

Dk they could if they knew and as we know its possible for androids handling eggs and even facehuggers without being in jeopardy.

The queen and newborn are the only ones that seem able to detect androids or feel the need to hurt them.


I also think after alien they know whats going on .

Ash reports reached wy 100% ..they dont know about xenomorphs but they know about the specimen and the classifications ash delivered of what he gathered.


MemberDeaconJan-27-2017 2:38 AM

Oh boy what a debate this has turned into...

I will attempt to answer the first Question in the OT... taking it as a would this be the best way to obtain a specimen.

The answer is 100% Yes,   the Face Huger would have no need for a Synthetic...  in a ideal scenario.. however.. maybe the Eggs are triggered by Movement and so obtaining the Eggs could be tricky.

But maybe there are a means to do so... it depends on how the whole Xeno Origin and related Organisms that predate it is connected and explained....  as this would imply the Engineers had a means to obtain and move Eggs...   The only way against this would be if the Derelict does not originally contain Eggs and they got there either by being laid by something... or the Urns or what ever else was in the Cargo Hold Evolved.

Gigers ideas was the Ship produced those Eggs, and the Ships were more Plantlike but also very alien and a actual living productive organism that was grown.

Oh boy hope that dont lead to a debate that takes it off Topic a Bit..

But i think if the Engineers can collect and store the Eggs, then maybe there is a way Synthetics or Humans could too....

If however its beyond WY means to safely extract Eggs... then the Logical way forwards would be to send Synthetics to obtain Face Huggers and then Store them in some kind of container.

Evidence seems to suggest a Synthetic could handle a Face Hugger, but a Adult Organism would pose a threat.. only if they see a Synthetic being in the way of its plans... otherwise they ignore a Synthetic too.

R.I.P Sox  01/01/2006 - 11/10/2017


MemberDeaconJan-27-2017 2:45 AM

My prior post was based on...

If the company detected another place or knew about the Eggs and failed attempts to obtain the specimen.  Then sending Synthetics with Containers would be the best step...

As far as the debate about what the company knew or did not know..

This is a tricky Question... SM does point out things in line with how Alien and Aliens Plots and Stories evolved... his answers are very likely IMO and he or i should say they (cant assume they are male or female) had worked close to resources.

But i think their arguments, well there side of the story revolves around Alien and Aliens as far as movies as Canon.

Prometheus and its Viral Site (if Canon)... Alien Isolation Game (if Canon) do open up this debate and means surely at some point more was known....

How much depends who was in the know..  it depends how much WY rule the World... as if they had a hidden Agenda, you think they could just Waltz in and opening obtain a Hostile Organism and bring it back to Earth or Mars? 

I am sure there is a lot of Red Tape to prevent such actions.

So its difficult to make what stance to take on the whole What the Company knew situation...

Hopefully after Alien Covenant and its Sequels.. they can clear up what the company knows or how any information is LOST, or placed away from the Company and covered up.. with only a limited few in the know....  so like more secretive than Roswell and Area 51 Conspiracy etc.

R.I.P Sox  01/01/2006 - 11/10/2017


MemberDeaconJan-27-2017 3:00 AM

As far as SM goes in regards to Alien and Aliens... if we ignore other movies, it does make sense... we have to remember at the time of Alien did Ridley and Fox have a fully fledge idea how the next movie would follow... or a explanation of Order 937 never mind any prequel ideas...   i.e LV-223 and experiments and connections and Alien Covenant was surely not in the plans at the time of Alien or Aliens.

So the company or some inside know of something about that SOS and potential for a Specimen.... but i dont think they know exactly what they would find... i.e Eggs, the Life Cycle etc.

I am sure ASH had no idea the specimens they hoped to find would lead to Chest Burster etc.....

At the time of Aliens... it appears the Derelict was covered and lost and the company in general had no knowledge of Derelict being there....  despite some in the company 57 years or so prior had some indication....  They must have considered the Specimen as not being too important or that nothing was eventually gained from the Special Order 937 mission.

Or it was deemed not worth their time and what information just brushed under the carpet...

Or as SM stated... if the company knew more and wanted the Organism badly they would have surely followed up the Nostromo and investigated what happened... and why be Coincidence it went missing after being sent to check out the signal.

The same thing can be said about Prometheus...

Logically you would think in the real world... companies would want to inspect why....

But we have to remember in the Franchise these companies are massive... they are going around mining many worlds for resources and Tera-forming many worlds....

So in real World Terms... it would be like when the East was traveling to the Americas for its Riches..... and what if there was supposed to be a small island in the Bermuda Triangle... which is not 100% found fact... but they suspect something, yet any journey to there ends up a BUST..

Would they keep trying to investigate that area of the Ocean?

Or think its not important under the grand scheme of things as far as colonizing the Americas and its Riches (Oil and Gold) etc.

Thats kind of the only way i can think such companies would pass up on their efforts for Special Order 937

its only after Aliens when the company seems to know more, and then wish to go out of there way to obtain the Organism.

Offcourse the Prequels and Viral sites may complicate things and open it up for debate and hopefully by the end of them we will find out how much and how many people knew about.

*LV-426 and Derelict and Cargo/Bio-Weapons

*LV-223 and Engineers Tech and Cargo/Bio-Weapons

*Paradise and Engineers Tech and Cargo/Bio-Weapons

As far as to then why they put limited interest on the Nostromo and not inspecting what happened... or maybe they did (i.e explore something latter as far as a answer).  and the viability and availability of anything on LV-426, LV-223 and Paradise by the time of between Alien in 2122 and Aliens in 2179/

R.I.P Sox  01/01/2006 - 11/10/2017

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