Are Yutani Corporation Geisha Model Descendants (now Weyland-Yutani Corporation) manufacturing Walter?

MemberTrilobiteMar-11-2017 5:16 PMIt appeared to me that they were assembly line synths building a synth. That may leave humans out of the equation and possibly in the dark into what is being programmed into those chips. Sorry to be redundant- I blabbed this on a couple threads yesterday.

MemberPraetorianMar-11-2017 5:18 PMDamn,you beat me to it Ingeneiro lol.I think of them along the same lines as Alien Isolation's working Joes.A lower level model designed primarily for working.
Nothing the God of biomechanics wouldn't let you in heaven for

MemberPraetorianMar-11-2017 5:19 PMYes and it looks like they are made in this room or one like it.

MemberPraetorianMar-11-2017 5:21 PMThis room. And is this Walter or David?

MemberTrilobiteMar-11-2017 5:21 PMThe working Joe is a good comparison to the figures in black- you can always trust a working Joe!

MemberPraetorianMar-11-2017 5:22 PMNothing the God of biomechanics wouldn't let you in heaven for

MemberPraetorianMar-11-2017 5:23 PMYes, good classic point dk. A generic, no frills, technician.

MemberXenomorphMar-11-2017 5:37 PMAre Yutani Geisha a thing?
I think the video is an ad. It's marketing a product; not giving a completely accurate representation of how synthetics are actually constructed. Everything is exaggerated to look pristine and expensive; not realistic.

MemberPraetorianMar-11-2017 5:42 PMSome of these were in the topic related to DNA and the David/Walter construction methods topic and I tried to consolidate the images on this topic with new images.

MemberTrilobiteMar-11-2017 5:46 PMI will stick with the initial thought but SM makes a good point and it could look less sexy like this:

MemberPraetorianMar-11-2017 5:57 PMBigDave brought it up as a potential addition to the Prometheus 2 plot S.M a while back and we discussed it in the construction debate.
It was just theory discussion and I noticed the eye makeup that was clearly shown (behind mesh) and the movement of the technicians (in concert).
I'm ready to be schooled (sincere) if there is any depth to a Yutani Corporation product like this in the movie novelizations.

MemberTrilobiteMar-11-2017 6:00 PMThe eye make up is visible but so is the otherwise featureless face with no lip color at all. Looks not human to me.

MemberPraetorianMar-11-2017 6:01 PMA very heavy influence Geisha Lady. Thank you for that image.

MemberPraetorianMar-11-2017 6:09 PM"It's marketing a product; not giving a completely accurate representation of how synthetics are actually constructed. Everything is exaggerated to look pristine and expensive; not realistic."
I agree for the most part S.M but the similarity of the rooms where they show construction and the moment Peter Weyland talks to either David or Walter is where I disagree in regards to manufacturing.

MemberPraetorianMar-11-2017 6:15 PMAnd I'm sure they will tell these people anything they want to hear.
Take me home to run your existence and I'll tell corporate (all other Walters) everything.

MemberTrilobiteMar-11-2017 6:20 PMYep- and I can't help but be reminded of the Matrix Second Renaissance.

MemberPraetorianMar-11-2017 6:23 PMBlade Runner of course but still Ridley Scott. Tribute to Geisha Lady.
Exactly dk, I watched the animated Matrix shorts too (and that one was by far my favorite).

MemberDeaconMar-11-2017 7:56 PMThey do indeed have that Geisha look...
A few things to consider that the Weyland Industries site for Prometheus touched upon.
*Yutani is a Asian Company (Actually Japanese Based)
*Yutani have their own Synthetics but lack the realistic Patents that Weyland Synthetics have.
So we can assume their Synthetics are more like Star Trek Commander Data, and well more advanced looking than Working Joe Models.
But certainly would not fool most people that they are Human, where as the David models and following, were very much Human looking in every way.
I was working on a P2 draft Fan Made, in 2014 i abandoned it, but i did have Yutani using Geisha Androids
However we cant say for sure if indeed those Females are Synthetics at all.... they are Asian and wearing Geisha Pale Make Up.
R.I.P Sox 01/01/2006 - 11/10/2017

MemberTrilobiteMar-11-2017 8:05 PMThat seems pretty thick pale make up- and for no apparent practical purpose. If it was for sterile field purposes, fine. But then I would also expect that if they were human, then they should essentially wear equipment to prevent exhaling possible internal contaminants from their lungs.

MemberPraetorianMar-11-2017 10:29 PMIt appears that androids are assembled by other androids with really nice eye makeup for customers with lean jaw lines and good skin.
"forfeit DNA rights in perpetuity." appears to read that DNA is provided for the development of the Walter (on credit) and if you do not pay then your contributed DNA is company property to use in Weyland-Yutani Corporation interests.

MemberPraetorianMar-11-2017 11:59 PMI noticed S.M.
Nothing the God of biomechanics wouldn't let you in heaven for

MemberPraetorianMar-12-2017 8:15 AMI felt that way too S.M, especially with the music played in the room with large open white surfaces and with the shot with the customers. The well to do in the future always seem to have really great collars on their blouses and shirts.