MemberFacehuggerMay-06-2017 8:40 PMIf there is one thing I have learned about Sci-fi over the years, is that there are critics who either love it or loathe it. So I think I would like to open the opportunity to all out there to vent the spleen and say who they think should be exulted in the highest for their critical evaluations, or treated like the village that lost their idiot. I’m biased, so I know I will be exulting Chris from the offset. But I think the chance should be given to those who think they have spotted a wannabe critic with all the charm of a bag of vipers. Constructive criticism can be a good thing, but let’s face it, there are some out there that want to ride the crest of a putrefactional wave of self indulgence, whilst continuing to muddy the waters of serious critical acclaim by those who know what they are talking about. So let it rip and please feel free to point a finger of accusation at those who have crossed the line in the sand of valid criticism.
Come on folks, there has to be some critics out there that need weeding out as enemies of sci-fi. Critics are not free from criticism, even if they want to sit on their high horses and think they are.
Go on, name the bad critic. You will feel a whole lot better for it, and might even make some friends in the process.
MemberFacehuggerMay-06-2017 8:53 PMjust to get the ball rolling, my first carefully aimed bullet between the eyes goes to Variety for being impudent gun jumpers. Glory seeking axxewipes. At some point i will take a swipe at the Express for quoting chris as a user on early movie reactions. So much for journalistc accuracy. Let the game commence.
MemberPraetorianMay-06-2017 9:12 PMWell, I'm fairly sure you read my comments regarding 'reviewer' of the used toilet rag called Variety.
I'm so po'd with them and that reviewer I will be tracking down contact info and reading them out.
Variety has an undeserved and over-inflated sense of it's own importance and relevant, and that reviewer certainly also has such qualities to a higher level, and all that 'reviewer' is capable of are petty, small-minded, nasty little comments regarding human sexuality.
This merely shows how stunted that reviewer's mental development and intellectual capability are.