Alien: Covenant Reviews (Go in the review section.)

G. H. (Gman)
AdminTrilobiteMay-12-2017 11:09 AMTo all fans,
Alien: Covenant reviews are coming in to the forum rather quickly. So the boards don't get flooded by the same "My Alien" Covenant review" topics over and over I will ask everyone to please review the movie in the review section:
Individual review threads will no longer be accepted. It also helps gauge a decent average from fans, which is always fun to look at. After you review the film you can post a link to your review in this thread.

MemberOvomorphMay-13-2017 6:56 AMSPOILERS ALERT
It's interesting that they completely deviated from what was shrouded in mystery in the origins of the Xenomorph from actual spores living on lv223 that some engineers encountered upon landing. Hence their warning call left not to approach the planet intercepted by the evil company behind the nostromo crew. Wish they had stuck to that plan and the horrific ovomorphing. Made total sense. The next films will make that arc complete hopefully.

MemberOvomorphMay-13-2017 8:34 AMSpoiler Alert
That's completely interesting! I mean the fact that Ash admires the Alien form. I was thinking if David and Ash interacted in some point or (based on the ending of covenant and thinking if probably David linked/interchanged memories, his programming, to walter's body) David could linked/interchanged memories with the whole weyland's operative system (through "mother"). I don't know but it's very interesting point!
Also, I don't know how to interpret Ash's last words it's kind of similar to David's phrases (like the reference to the poem of ozymandias)