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Final Box Office Is Now In....Not good...

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MemberOvomorphMay-22-2017 2:57 PM
59 Replies


MemberFacehuggerMay-22-2017 3:00 PM

It's still ahead of it's biggest contender, so I don't get what you're trying to say here. 

And you got it the other way around, this franchise doesn't deserve people like you!


MemberFacehuggerMay-22-2017 3:03 PM

The beast is cooked

Is there an agenda the mods are not telling us about? ;)


MemberFacehuggerMay-22-2017 3:06 PM

Haha, nah man, not by a long shot. Go marvel some more at the 'engineers'. They almost destroyed this franchise single-handedly.


MemberFacehuggerMay-22-2017 3:11 PM

@Snake I loved the engineers and Prometheus and loved Covenant so there are lots of others who also love both films too..


MemberFacehuggerMay-22-2017 3:16 PM

@Snake, the biggest contender was Guardians of The Galaxy 2 that had a two week head start at the box office.  Covenant is going to get bumped in only one week.  Bad word of mouth hindered its box office.  I do not know why this has the same percentage as Prometheus in positive critic reviews.


MemberFacehuggerMay-22-2017 3:18 PM

Jem587, I understand you liked both films, but the SJ should have been more gigeresque imo, and not just a bodybuilder in a suit... It looked too familiar to be frightened by it. But, to each their own. Glad you liked the first film. Wish I could have been more forgiving at the time...


MemberOvomorphMay-22-2017 3:23 PM






Posted May-22-2017 3:00 PM


"It's still ahead of it's biggest contender, so I don't get what you're trying to say here. "

You DID read the article correct? It vastly underperformed. Keep repeating to yourself "It did not bring in as much as ALIEN VS PREDATOR" 

"And you got it the other way around, this franchise doesn't deserve people like you!"

Is this Ridley's Mom? lol


MemberFacehuggerMay-22-2017 3:29 PM

@Snake if you hated PROMETHEUS how in the world do love ALIEN: COVENANT which is a Prometheus sequel? 


MemberOvomorphMay-22-2017 3:31 PM

At the heart of it, the movie company is most at fault. After all, they allowed the franchise to be diluted by dark nonsense like "ALIEN 3" and "4"....then allowed it further to decay into pure childishness ("ALIEN VS PREDATOR").....people had had enough.

They cared only about money so all but ruined the franchise.

When Scott came back after all this time he ...I suppose....tried to take it into a new direction. But in so doing, ruined everything. It's neither here nor there....not intellectual, not scary. Not anything. It's a 50/50 bar.

They should have gotten great writers, capable of writing memorable lines as in the first two films, and kept the shocks going. 

Because that is what made it famous, and that's what people want from it. Imagine if the James Bond movies, or Mission Impossible films, or Jurassic Park films suddenly introduced heavy philosophy and BIG MEANING into their franchise. "Lets get rid of a lot these women in this Bond film, and no more fast cars or cool weapons under his sleeve. Let's talk about Bond's childhood, and his personal religious beliefs." The audience would stay away in droves.

Now they come back, having "learned their lesson" and the moviemakers make a new Bond film, with girls back in it, and the other trademark stuff, but they STILL flashback to his youth and his religious beliefs, trying to have it both ways. They are right where Scott is now.

I respect that fact that many (though not enough) find this whole engineer thing as wonderful as can be, the truth is, on Friday night with your date, the last thing you want to see is a ten minute sequence with two guys playing flute. 

This film will tank further each weekend. But Ridley should know....survival of the fittest.


MemberFacehuggerMay-22-2017 3:40 PM

Oceantracks, please refrain from insulting me personally, it's childish and I'll tear you a new one if I have to.

Jem587, because I love the first three films. At least Covenant is trying to clean up all the mess, and I'm stunned by the fact that AC seems to be connecting all the dots. I honestly thought there was no way out after Prometheus, which is a god-awful film! Even Ridley regrets making it.


MemberOvomorphMay-22-2017 3:41 PM

"Oceantracks, please refrain from insulting me personally, it's childish and I'll tear you a new one if I have to."

No you started that, re read the thread.... and I'm shaking in my boots lol


MemberPraetorianMay-22-2017 3:44 PM

Just took a look around, and FOX seems pretty pleased with how well Covenant is doing, and that's all that matters in regards to future films being greenlit.

Keep in mind, they KNOW that ALIEN based movies are NOT for everyone, and take the long-plan in regards to viewing the earnings of it.
Thing is, it makes far more money offscreen than on, and the films are what drive that effect.






MemberNeomorphMay-22-2017 3:46 PM

@BlackGooDrinker It would be so crazy if Ridley comes forward now and say. "You see? I was right. the beast is cooked". He just failed to bring the beast back properly.


MemberOvomorphMay-22-2017 3:46 PM


Well I'm not sure you're going to find them admitting they are displeased with it not performing as predicted (45 million they thought). And with "Pirates" and others coming I'm afraid they are in for a long wait. Get that DVD Directors Cut ready!


MemberFacehuggerMay-22-2017 3:49 PM

 Then tell me how you would have done it Joylitt. Can't wait for your response.


MemberNeomorphMay-22-2017 4:03 PM

Snake I think people can tell when entertainment gets cynical. The introduction of the xenomorph is a half assed one. I would have been ok even with a washout copy of the original. But an original spin on the xenomorph race would have been better, an expanded mythology which does not include AI intervention.


MemberFacehuggerMay-22-2017 4:12 PM

I don't think so. David, an android we created to reflect our own image, turns against us and creates the deadliest weapon in the galaxy to destroy us all. We are responsible for the creation of the xeno, so ain't that a cool thought? We think we're gods but we will ultimately destroy ourselves by our own creativity and lack of respect for higher forces.


MemberOvomorphMay-22-2017 4:17 PM

It seems like Scott can't even speak intelligently about the franchise anymore:

(for those who missed it...he seems truly lost in space here:)



MemberPraetorianMay-22-2017 4:17 PM

Who's to say 'the gods' didn't wipe themselves out in the same manner mankind threatens it's own existence? ;)






MemberPraetorianMay-22-2017 4:19 PM

as for the Franchise, the real money is and has always been in Post-Theatre markets. That's where ALIEN franchise has historically always done the best and makes a considerably large and ongoing revenue stream for FOX.






MemberNeomorphMay-22-2017 4:23 PM

Snake Honestly, I don't think it is a cool idea. This concept makes the whole outer space setting rather irrelevant. Yet another sci-fi movie falling in the anthropocentric pitfall. I respect your opinion however I don't think it is shared by the majority.


MemberNeomorphMay-22-2017 4:26 PM

Blackwinter-witch Well it can always be rebooted. Resident Evil barely ended and it is being rebooted already.


MemberOvomorphMay-22-2017 4:27 PM

"Well it can always be rebooted. Resident Evil barely ended and it is being rebooted already."

Long as it isn't "David vs Predator" fine by me!


MemberNeomorphMay-22-2017 4:29 PM

oceantracks Yay! Get David out of the Alien franchise. The predators can have him lol


MemberFacehuggerMay-22-2017 4:32 PM

That's your opinion not mine. I can't see what's wrong with that. 


MemberPraetorianMay-22-2017 4:37 PM

They do a reboot, they better not screw it up.
The Star Trek reboot I stuck with until they started following the same sub-moronic nonsense they were doing before.

"Oh, gee, I'm too lazy to script out a proper space battle, so let's just have an OVER-ARCHING VILLIAN SHIP make such a battle moot and use the Sitting-Duck story element...again just like we always did in the Next Gen tv series. Yeah, the fans will love it!! Especially if we destroy the ship...again!!"

I saw ST: Beyond, and that was where I broke off and away from Star Wreck.

SO, if they do a reboot, I'll give it a chance, but only one.

NO second chances.






MemberNeomorphMay-22-2017 4:38 PM

Anyway, don't we have Terminator already?


MemberFacehuggerMay-22-2017 4:39 PM

AC has already made over $117,000,000. It has covered its budget and some. Over the next few weeks everything is just profit. I think there is some way to go yet.



MemberNeomorphMay-22-2017 4:42 PM

Blackwinter-witch I didn't like Beyond neither. I like the weird stuff, intelligent energy lifeforms, Jonathan Swift inspired social commentary, not The fast and the Furious in Space!


MemberFacehuggerMay-22-2017 4:45 PM

Terminator...I've seen that movie a 1000 times and if you are happy with a fake Schwarzenegger-head 50 min. into the movie, fine by me. It looks dated as ****. Can't believe you guys. 

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